Chapter 542

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
These twelve flying swords are obviously not a complete set of magic weapons, but the real twelve flying swords. Flying in the air, they are constantly changing their directions, and in an instant they come from all directions to Weisuo's body.

This kind of flying sword control method should be the sword array control method of some ancient sects. It is more powerful than the double flying sword method of controlling two flying swords.

The red robed Friar's dress is the standard dress of a monk in the northern part of Tianxuan. Weisuo had always heard that the monks in the northern part of Tianxuan, where the living environment was the worst, were generally one grade higher than those in other places. Now it seems that they are.

It is a rare method to control flying sword when a friar comes at random.

Moreover, the power of each black flying sword has at least the inferior power of spirit level. It is also equivalent to twelve spirit weapons with one hand. It is very amazing.

But this kind of power, for the present Weisuo, of course, is nothing at all.


Weisuo just stretched out his hand, and a blue and black crystal like light gushed out. Under the grasp of xuansha ghost's claw, all twelve black flying swords were directly pressed to kill the power and caught Weisuo in front of him.


At the sight of such a scene, the red monk, who was ready to kill Weisuo, knew that he had kicked him to the iron plate, and his face was filled with horror.

"He is so magical that he has the power above the Dao level just by his skills. He must be a great monk of the golden elixir who hides his breath." The two monks in the rear who had been closely following the friars in the red robe, saw that Weisuo grabbed them casually and forcibly took up all the twelve flying swords. All of them felt a pang in their hearts, changed their faces, and immediately did not dare to move forward.

"Give up your treasure bag and the control method of flying sword, and spare your life." He put the twelve flying swords into the nabao bag, and Weisuo looked at the monk in red without expression.

"Are you dreaming?" Hearing what Weisuo said, a green aura appeared outside the unknown monk in red robe. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and lifted his hand to release some magic weapon.

But his hand had just been lifted up. "Hiss", a dark golden sword light had easily broken through his aura, and directly cut off his arm.


The red robed monk screamed, his body shook violently, and the blood gushed from his broken arm.

"I'll say it again for the last time. I'll give you your purse and the flying sword control method you just used to spare your life." Weisuo looked at the red monk without expression and said coldly.

Weisuo had no sympathy for such a friar who wanted to kill himself.

"My method of flying sword control is also in nabao bag." At the moment, the red robed friar had completely understood that he had not only kicked the iron plate, but also the iron mountain. In the extreme fear, he did not dare to deal with the injured arm first, and immediately threw a nabao bag to Weisuo.

With a glance of Weisuo's divine sense and a little finger, a piece of black ancient talisman immediately appeared in this ordinary nabao bag.

After the divine consciousness was swept away again, Weisuo, regardless of the monk in red robe, collected the black ancient Rune and nabao bag and swept it directly over the red monk's head.

Just in front of him, more than 900 Zhang, a section of the mountain fell into the swamp.

On the top of the mountain, there are all kinds of animal bones. However, among the bones and remains of the white bone jungle, there are some lights flashing in many places. It seems that the most suitable parts of the monster are not the demon beast, but the demon pill and magic beads.

Wei Suo remembered that when he had just entered the outskirts of Qingcheng ruins, he saw a mountain peak on the periphery, which seemed to be covered with white bones. Now it seems that the chaotic prohibition actually cut off the mountain peak and rolled it here.

He now has the method of refining the black bone Ming king, and the refining of the black bone Mingjun of the Yin corpse sect is not difficult. What he lacks is only materials.

Maybe there are materials suitable for refining black bone Ming Jun on the mountain top covered with white bones.

Seeing Weisuo without looking at himself, the red monk who had broken his arm glanced at him bitterly. He did not dare to stop at all. He went directly to the swamp which had become a huge battlefield.

"If you want to go, stay!"

But just at the edge of the swamp, two blue lights suddenly shot out of a cloud above, and twisted the severely damaged monk in two.

Immediately, a grey monk with an unknown blue paint on his face, which could prevent divine sense exploration, flew down from the dark clouds and wrapped the red monk with Zhenyuan.

After a quick look at it, the grey monk was furious and threw the red monk's body into the swamp below. Obviously, the reason why the grey monk was so furious was that he found that there was nothing valuable in the monk who he killed by sneaking attack.

"Immortal Guangling, I know your identity, but you don't know my identity. You'd better hand in the demon pill of the ancient white crane! You don't have to fall here today. ""I can't see your identity, but do you think I'll give it to you with just a few words?"

Around the bottom of the mountain covered with white bones, dozens of monks were fighting with the poisonous insects coming up from the swamp. In several places, several monks were also fighting for things. But above the mountainside, there were only two monks in confrontation.

These two friars are obviously golden elixir monks, who exude a strong prestige. One of the monks was wearing an ancient bronze Taoist robe. The Taoist dressed up, but his aura was condensed into a Taoist text, with the words "heaven, man, unity, one".

Another monk, however, was wrapped in a green and yellow fog, and could not see the specific scene.

Seeing such a scene from a distance, Wei Suo looked a little moved, reached out a little, and offered up the magic lamp which had not been used for a long time from Dong Qingyi. It also directly turned into a cloud of white fog and covered the whole body.

With this magic weapon, it is not easy for Weisuo to be recognized when he casts the magic weapon.

After sacrificing this magic weapon, Weisuo patted on the slave animal bag, but he also released the Yangzhi bird.

Judging from previous experience, this kind of mountain fracture has been rolled over and smashed here. However, some strange ancient prohibitions within it may not all fail, which is also very dangerous.

"Ah! boss! What's the matter? Is the sky completely broken

As soon as Yang Zhi bird was released, when he saw that countless friars and monsters were fighting in a scuffle around him, he immediately cried out.

"If you and I fight fiercely, you may let others take advantage. It's better to be like this. The demon pill of the ancient white crane belongs to you. I'll take another demon pill of similar level. How about sharing the rest of the rest

"Well, I can accept such a proposal."

Previously, the two golden elixir monks who were facing each other over a group of weathered white bones on the hillside seemed to be about to fight. However, when the phone of the friars in the green and yellow fog changed, the two men cooperated to occupy the place equally.

"Is that?"

At this point, weissou was close to the mountain. At a glance, he saw that near the top of the mountain, there was a large crack created by the collapse of the mountain, with a intact skeleton of a monster stuck.

The skeleton of the demon beast looks like a dog's shape, but the whole skeleton is like sapphire, emitting a distinctive arrogant and violent atmosphere, and in its head, a cloud of silver light is flickering faintly, which should be the demon pill.

"Ah! Weisuo, grab this skeleton. This is Kongtong dog! It is said that this kind of spirit beast is a ancient ancestral gate named Kongtong. It was specially cultivated to protect the mountain. The heaven and earth broke and the ancient clan gate fell down before it was spread out. The strength of this kind of spirit beast can be ranked as high as eight levels. Moreover, it seems that the bones of this monster are also very tough, otherwise, it is impossible for all the bones around to be nearly weathered, and this skeleton is still so intact Weisuo noticed the skeleton at the same time, the old man in green robe also had his eyes on it, and cried out.

"Kongtong dog, this name is so local?"

The level 8 monster is the highest level monster Weisuo has ever seen. According to the refining method of the Black Ghost king, it is reduced to three times than the original body. As long as the skeleton is very tough and refined into the Black Ghost king, its magic power can be equivalent to that of the seven level high-level monster. Seven level high level monster, general gold elixir one or two heavy monks, if there is no powerful magic weapon in hand, it may not be able to deal with.

Without hesitation, he murmured about the name of the monster, and at the same time, Weisuo fired at the skeleton.

"What man! The two of us are here. Who dares to rob us of our things? "

The mist wrapped in Weisuo was just close to the top of the mountain. The two golden friars who were originally on the top of the mountain immediately felt it, and at the same time, they gave out a loud drink.

"I dare to be arrogant in front of me. Can you stop me if I want something?"

Wei Suo had already seen that the Guangling immortal was the cultivation of the golden elixir. Although the monk wrapped in the green and yellow fog could not see his accomplishments with the Qi watching technique, he was only a little higher than the Guangling immortal in terms of seeking cooperation. He could not even achieve the double cultivation of the Golden elixir.

Under a cold hum, Weisuo directly offered his huge golden elixir.

At the moment, if you cast a powerful% magic weapon, you may expose your identity. If you use the magic method, you may not be able to frighten these two monks. These two monks still have to resist and sacrifice the golden elixir, which has the most deterrent power. Moreover, compared with the gold elixir of the ordinary triple gold elixir, Weisuo's gold elixir is even more terrifying and bulky. Therefore, although some golden elixir might be consumed, Weisuo still sacrificed his golden elixir immediately.

"So big!"

"Ah! At least the great monk of Jindan triple! Such a monk can't be his opponent at allSure enough, seeing the huge purple gold elixir rising from the fog, seeing such a volume, and seeing the centipede lying on the surface of the golden elixir, the two golden elixirs immediately turned pale and Gulu, swallowing their saliva and plunging back.


Weisuo seized the skeleton and put it into the nabao bag.

"That was..." As soon as the skeleton was collected, Weisuo glanced at it, and his eyes suddenly solidified completely. His face was shocked and fanatical! , the fastest update of the webnovel!