Chapter 544

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Jindan quadruple!" Wei Suo can see at a glance that this young man in xuanfengtian hall, who is broad and bright, exudes a powerful and powerful view over the world, is the terrible cultivation of the golden elixir.

"Lin Taixu, he is Lin Taixu

"Lin Taixu is the eldest elder martial brother of xuanfengmen. He is the most respected person in xuanfengmen's generation. He is the first successor of the next generation patriarch of xuanfengmen! How could he be here. "

"Zhou Tiandao palm, that is the famous Xuanbao of yutianzong! That young man in green shirt has a special status. He must be from yutianzong! "

"There is no ordinary identity. He is the eldest disciple of yutianzong, fengwucang!"

"It's windy! After the first attack on the golden elixir, he practiced the nine death Xuanyuan formula and refined the golden elixir again? This man is the most persevering character of yutianzong, and his future is limitless... "

“… .。”

"Lin Taixu? The wind and the sky

The exclamation of the monks around made Weisuo and the old man in green robe know the identity of the two friars immediately.

This young man in bright yellow robe is actually the first successor of xuanfengmen's next generation patriarch. Lin Taixu, the great master of xuanfengmen's true biography, is actually the first successor!

No wonder he naturally exudes such a powerful dignity.

In addition, the identity of this Qingshan friar is also extremely noble, and he is actually the eldest disciple of yutianzong, fengwucang.

Yutianzong is not only the door of refining Tianjing Didan, but also one of the top ten major gates in Tianxuan continent.

The identity of these two people in the sect can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people. In the whole monastic world, they can also be said to be one step closer to heaven.

"The wind is strong, and you are all right."

Lin Taixu, wearing a bright yellow robe, made such a sound, as if to say hello to fengwucang, who was wearing an ordinary blue shirt below.


However, his action was extremely domineering. Almost at the moment when his figure appeared at the gate of the grand hall, a terrible blue and vigorous wind had already rolled down, and in an instant, it condensed into a mountain which was bigger than the windy Zhou tiandaozhang, and pressed down towards sanzufenghuang town. At the same time, a purple light, toward the Qingxu rattan roll.

Lin Taixu's action is to take away the three legged Phoenix and Qingxu vine in one fell swoop!

Weisuo's heart beat violently.

"Lin Taixu, others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you. If you want to rob Qingxu vine in front of me, I'm afraid it's not so easy!"

With a loud bang, the windy Zhou Tiandao palm once again sent out a terrible pressure. One hand bombarded Lin Taixu's purple light, and the whole sky shook violently and burst into a huge shock wave.

Lin Taixu got this purple light and was photographed flying backwards.

However, the three legged Phoenix is a blue peak transformed by Lin Taixu, which is going to sink into the swamp below.

"Brother Feng, there are so many other miraculous medicines here. You'd better collect other miracles to avoid hurting everyone's harmony."

At the same time, there was a voice that did not allow people to disobey, which was issued from the Xuanfeng temple.

With the sound of the sound, a young man in a white gilded robe, elegant, as if wandering around the court, came out of the xuanfengtian hall and stood beside Lin Taixu.

At the same time, a magic weapon like an oval shaped red goldfish bowl appeared in front of the Pianpian childe. A bright red crystal light was emitted from the magic weapon and covered the body of the three legged Phoenix.


The red fireworks above the head of the three legged Phoenix were more compressed, and the three legged Phoenix made a more urgent call.

"He and Lin Taixu are here."

Seeing the monk show his figure, Weisuo finally sprouted the idea of retreat.

Because this pianpianpian young master is Xu Qianhuan, the young master of zhenwuzong!

Xu Qianhuan has no aura on his body, and he doesn't know what kind of technique he has practiced. After sweeping Wei Suo's Qi skill, he can't see the depth of his cultivation. But Wei Suo is very clear, this zhenwuzong's little master, in fact, will never be under the Panlong immortal.

"Xu Qianhuan, I didn't expect you to be with Lin Taixu, but even if you were, what would happen?"

But the wind Wu Cang's body, is out of a strong will, an indomitable spirit, straight into the sky.

At the same time, a golden light gushed out from his mouth and rolled to Qingxu vine less than 100 Zhang away from him.

"Brother Feng, in this case, no wonder we."

Xu Qianhuan shook his head, and an icy light gushed out of his hand. At the same time, Lin Taixu also pressed down into the void. A blue light, together with Xu Qianhuan's ice light and his purple light, bombarded Zhou Tiandao's palm in the sky."Crash!"

At the bottom of Zhou Tiandao palm, hundreds of vigorous winds formed in an instant. Then, the whole Zhou Tiandao palm and fengwucang all flew backward.


The wind Wu Cang's mouth, the blood spurts wildly. A face-to-face, under the joint efforts of Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan, fengwucang suffered a heavy blow.

"Wei Suo, don't get close to him. I'm afraid there are four golden elixirs in Xu Qianhuan's cultivation. Neither of Xu Qianhuan and Lin Taixu can be provoked. If you get close to the past and let Xu Qianhuan discover your identity, you can't even walk away. I can't take this vine. " At the sight of such a sight, the green robed old man was shocked.

"Lin Taixu! Xu Qianhuan, do you dare to fight with me alone? "

But, in the mouth blood spurts the wind Wu Cang, actually issued the earth shaking roar sound.

His figure suddenly stopped in the air, but stepped out step by step towards the Xuanfeng temple.

With his step out, under his feet, formed the seven big dipper stars, the sky, also dropped down seven dazzling star light column!

All the friars and monsters in this huge battlefield were looking at it with a totally different, huge pressure and star energy.

"How could he draw so many stars down?" Weisuo's heart, beating violently again.

His technique of quenching the body with heavenly dragons is to simulate the orifices of ancient heavenly dragons to induce the vitality of the stars and refine the body. The more stars are drawn down, the better the effect is.

But the star quenching technique of Tianlong Group can't induce so many stars to come down. At present, the skill of the wind and the sky, and the star energy, have formed seven visible light columns to the naked eye. At one time, the number of star energy triggered by it should be at least 1000 times more than that of Tianlong Group!

Although fengwucang's Taoist technique is obviously an aggressive one, Wei Suo can feel the star energy that is drawn down. If he uses the technique of quenching body with heavenly dragons and stars, it can be absorbed.

Now, if he uses Tianlong Group Star quenching technique to cultivate here, he will surely be able to absorb an amazing number of stars.

If you can get this Taoist technique and use it to cooperate with Tianlong Group Star quenching technique, the cultivation of Tianlong Qun star quenching technique will be thousands of times faster! At that time, how amazing will it be to refine the body and enhance the golden elixir power?

Originally, Wei Suo's figure had been stopped and retreated, but when he saw fengwucang's Taoist technique, he could not move for a moment.

"In the northern Ming Dynasty, you can burn the big% method! Fengwucang, are you crazy At the sight of seven dazzling stars, piercing the clouds above and falling down, Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan changed their faces slightly.


But a burst of earth shaking explosion immediately suppressed the voice of Lin Taixu.

The seven starlight pillars falling from the endless void instantly condensed into a shining daozun, which exploded together with several brilliance emitted by Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan.


Fengwucang's body, like a broken kite, flies back and forth again. The light of the Big Dipper, which had been constantly flooding under his feet, was all broken. In the sky behind him, there were several friars and some monsters who could not dodge. At the touch of the broken light around him, he was immediately torn to pieces.

"It's windy and windy!"

But Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan are also uncomfortable. The whole Xuanfeng tiandian is blown up and flies out. Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan's bodies are shining with a lot of silver filaments, like a long silver needle in their skin.

Moreover, on the silver filaments, there are flame lights and smoke rising, as if burning, burning the Qi and blood and true yuan of Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan.

The magic weapon of Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan seems to be of no use to such silver filaments. They can only use the power of Zhenyuan to offset these silver filaments.

"If I'm afraid of you today, if I meet you in the future, I'll be in a bad mood and afraid!"

"Although I am defeated in your hands today, I will be able to fight back when you are afraid." The wind Wu Cang's figure, after flying backward, did not stay, with a blood light, disappeared in the sky behind.

"Madman! What a madman

Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan's faces were ugly. The silver light on their bodies slowly disappeared. However, there was not much killing intention on them. It seems that both of them feel that it would be very unwise for them to work hard with people like Feng wucang.

"Qingxu vine!"

But a torrent of killing intention, but immediately from Lin Taixu's body exploded, a moment, his face, there was a look of rage, for example, just in the hands of fengwucang suffered a loss, but also angry!

Under the blow just now, the huge stone was blown into pieces, and the one with Qingxu vine flew out to one side.At the moment, the flying boulder hasn't landed yet, but the Qingxu vine on the steamed bread like mound has disappeared!

"It's him again!"

Xu Qianhuan's face is also slightly distorted. In his sight, a transparent figure was running away from the swamp crazily.

"Looking for death!"

Lin Taixu's murderous spirit surges wildly. He steps out in the direction that Xu Qianhuan sees, just like a God's residence! , the fastest update of the webnovel!