Chapter 546

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
A monk in a yellow shirt and pockmarked face was quietly hiding under several big trees.

The nun's face was full of melancholy. It was the beautiful female monk who had just succeeded in making pills. After she had succeeded in making pills in Fanying mountain, she immediately fled to the wild wasteland at the left back of Fanying mountain. Judging from the situation at that time, this gorgeous nun wanted to escape from Fanying mountain as soon as possible and became a chaotic battlefield because of her involvement in some fragments of lingmiao Valley and Qingcheng ruins As far away as possible.

But now she is only in the area where she has just left Fanying mountain, not far from the edge of Fanying mountain.

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she is just afraid of being found, dare not fly to run away, has been hiding here.

Now, after looking in the direction of Fanying mountain, the nun can't see the original nun from her appearance and breath. She murmured softly and was ready to run out again.

But her figure just started to move, and before she could reach five feet, her face suddenly showed a very nervous look.

"A" sound, in front of her left 200 Zhang place, suddenly face-to-face rushed out of a pale monk, under the feet of a lotus petal like flying magic weapon.


It was obvious that this sallow faced monk had used some hidden breath technique, and there was no sound when he was flying. Therefore, it was not until both sides saw that the nun found that there was such a monk 200 Zhang away from her. But just with a flash of her eyes, the nun was immediately stunned and recognized who the friar was.

This friar, whose face was sallow and ran away in great distress, was, of course, Weisuo.

At first, Wei Suo was running for his life, and it seemed that the nun's hidden breath was still above him. With Wei Suo's divinity, he found that there was a monk on his escape route. Suddenly, at the sight of a pockmarked monk coming out, Weisuo of course was also shocked. He almost opened his mouth and even put out his tongue.

But this nun looked at him, stayed for a while, but did not escape Weisuo's sight, which made Wei Suo feel cold.

The key point of Wei Suo's method of sweeping Qi technique was to find that the numb faced monk on the opposite side was like a cage under the light of water, and he could not see his accomplishments at all. Obviously, he also used some techniques to hide his real accomplishments, which was far less simple than the monk's seemingly simple practice of dividing mind states.

"Who are you! Do you know me Weisuo stopped at once, and demanded sharply.

Whenever there's anything wrong with it, weissel will do it right away.

"He was forbidden to take pictures of flying flames! Did he fight with the elder martial brother? How could he escape from the hands of the elder martial brother? "

"He was hurt a lot. What kind of technique was used to seal the wound."

Just as Weisuo asked, the nun glanced at her, and a look of shock flashed through her eyes.

"By the way, I know him, and he can't recognize me. He must think that I look strange and malicious now. If I'm not right, he will fight with me."

At the moment, as soon as Weisuo's voice was heard, the nun was shocked. She suddenly recognized Wei Suo's shock and recovered from the shock.

"Don't do it. I don't mean anything."

It seems that the nun usually doesn't deal with people. When she was in Wanshou City, she was not very eloquent. Now in a hurry, the nun didn't know what to say. She just said this.

After saying this, the nun felt that she didn't speak well. Her face was slightly red, and she immediately added in a low voice, "I just saw that you were forbidden by xuanfengmen, so I was a little surprised."

"Was it forbidden by xuanfengmen?" Wei Suo didn't know that this nun was Zhang Fengyi who he met in Wanshou city. When he heard this nun say this, Wei Suo Dun was shocked. However, the circulation of Zhenyuan, including the careful scanning of divine consciousness, did not find any difference.

"Did you just fight with xuanfengmen? And the other side is a monk above the golden elixir period, who attacked you with magic weapons. " However, the nun had long expected that Weisuo could not detect something unusual. Without waiting for Weisuo to say anything, she quickly looked at Weisuo and said, "this prohibition is a unique technique, which makes you take a trace of his magic weapon in your breath, which is impossible for you to notice."

"How can I believe you? How can you know, since I don't know it myself? " Weisuo's brow immediately wrinkled up, looking at the nun, he also did not have the slightest nonsense to say.

"Believe it or not, let me cast a spell to help you lift the ban." The nun looked into Weisuo's eyes and said, "the reason I know is that I have a problem with xuanfengmen. I'm hiding here, and I'm also hiding from xuanfengmen."

"Let you cast a spell to lift my ban?" Weisuo's eyes flashed, as if hesitating."Be quick, or you will not be able to run away if you are caught up." The nun was a little anxious. She threw her hand out and directly threw a treasure bag on the ground. "I've thrown the purse out now. If you suspect that I'm cheating you, if you find out what magic weapon I want to use, you can directly do it. I only use this skill now. I think you can judge that this is the way to lift the prohibition based on your accomplishments, Are you still attacking your skills? "

"Well, you can cast." Weisuo's brow jumped, and he made a decision immediately.


I saw the nun's hands a circle, her hands suddenly showed dozens of blue silk, shot to Weisuo's head. Almost at the same time, Weisuo's body suddenly rose a trace of golden flame, which first condensed into a very small talisman, and then was involved in the dozens of blue silk.

Dozens of blue silk lights twined on the looming gold amulet, and the gold amulet immediately changed into a small golden gun. The shape as like as two peas of a gun is exactly the same as that of Lin Tai Xu.


Just in the blink of an eye, the light and shadow of this small golden gun was smashed by dozens of blue mercerizing.

"Big Lin Taixu's magic weapon But when he saw the shape of the small golden gun, the nun's face suddenly turned white. "Did Lin Taixu use this magic weapon to deal with you?"

"Yes, the power of his magic weapon is really terrible. I managed to escape. Thank you for your help. I don't know your name. I will repay you if you have a chance in the future. "

Such a scene, even if Weisuo is a fool, can see that the other side is indeed helping himself to lift the ban, but he is still a little bit surprised, do not know why the other side will help him.

"My name is..." When Weisuo asked this question, the gorgeous woman corrected her mind and flashed through her mind. Thinking of Weisuo's appearance that she said "you must be very constipated as a gemstone earthworm", she suddenly got a little mischievous. She couldn't help saying, "my name is Zhang Fengyi", and then she saw what Weisuo was doing. However, she was embarrassed to joke with Weisuo Generally, he hesitated for a moment and said, "my surname is blue."

"Randolph?" Seeing the nun's hesitation, Weisuo's heart was full of doubts.

"Friend LAN Daoyou, this is too dangerous. I have to leave first." In addition, this place was too close to the swamp, and Weisuo didn't want to have any more accidents. After saying this to the nun, he wanted to leave immediately.

"It's too late. If you fly away now, you will be overtaken by him." But the nun stopped Weisuo with a wry smile. "Now if you dig out a cave as deep as a hundred feet, we can avoid his pursuit."

"A cave a hundred feet deep?" Weisuo's figure stopped and looked at the nun incomprehensibly.

"The prohibition of flying Shadow Photography just now is not just based on Lin Taixu's technique, you can feel your breath." The nun clenched her fingers and quickly explained, "there is also a magic array in the flying magic weapon of Xuanfeng tiandian. Using this array, he can determine the escape direction of the monk who has been forbidden. We can only use this method to determine the position

"But it's not the same if you try to run away. With this array in xuanfengtian hall, we can see how many monks are flying away in this direction. It's easy to catch up with you. In terms of our own hidden breath techniques, as long as we stay still and stay a hundred feet underground, even if the xuanfengtian hall flies over our mountain forest, it should not be able to sense it. "

"Xuanfengmen this super large door, the means is too cruel, Weisuo, dig the hole quickly!" As soon as the nun said this, the old man in green suddenly called out.

The more this kind of super large door, the more afraid the old man in green robe would fall into their hands with the ghost pot. For this super large door, there might be some technique of soul searching and recognition, which would directly scrape out all the things in his head. Even if the spirit collected by this method did not disappear, it would be directly made an idiot.

Without the call of the old man in green robe, Weisuo immediately reached out his hand and sacrificed the flying sword of the door panel. Under a big tree, he dug fiercely towards the bottom.

"So big? Is this a flying sword As soon as she saw Wei Suo's flying sword, she was a little silly.

But then, the beautiful nun also had some common experience. She quickly cooperated with Weisuo and filled the soil excavated by Weisuo with a nabao bag, and from time to time sent out a stream of water spirit, which was extremely rich in Zhenyuan, and patted the wall of Weisuo's cave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!