Chapter 550

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The vines cut by Weisuo are only an inch long.

After cutting such a small section, Weisuo immediately observed the change of Qingxu vine.

There was no change in the overall aura of Qingxu vine, and there was no sign of decay. However, a drop of green juice was poured out from the cut place, and immediately it condensed, like a blue crystal bead.

But this blue crystal bead is also emitting a light purple glow, very strange.

At the sight of such a scene, weisoton breathed a sigh of relief, and with a click, cut a small piece of golden thunder wood.

The golden thunder wood is the same as the inside and outside. It's golden and full of thunder spirit.

Looking at the heavy golden thunder wood, Weisuo not only shook his head. If the old man in green robe didn't tell him, he would never have thought that it was like wood, like pure gold, and such strange things with thunder Gang breath could still be eaten.

But shake your head and shake your head. Of course, you should eat immediately.

"Gulu" once, the real yuan wrapped, Weisuo immediately swallowed this small piece of golden thunder wood and a small section of Qingxu vine.


Weisuo immediately felt that under the infiltration of his own real yuan, this small piece of golden thunder divine wood and this small section of Qingxu vine quickly exhaled a trace of aura.

Under the internal view, the aura refined from the golden thunder wood is blue with golden color, and one by one, like the shape of lightning.

The aura refined from Qingxu vine is purplish red, like small purple clouds.

However, as soon as these two kinds of auras were fused together, they immediately changed into two kinds of auras: blue and gold.

The green aura is light, floating on top of the golden aura, with distinct layers.

These two kinds of aura are extremely pure. Once the green aura is melted into Weisuo's true yuan, Wei Suo only feels fresh and fresh, as if he is in the boundless wilderness and the land is rejuvenated. His mouth and nose are full of fresh and fresh grass fragrance. As soon as the golden aura was transformed into Zhenyuan, Weisuo felt the whole body numb, as if in a cloud full of lightning, countless lightning, drilling into his body.

Soon, Weisuo felt that the aura emanating from Jinlei Shenmu or Qingxu vine was not violent in nature and did not hinder the monk's body.



A piece of golden thunder wood and a section of Qingxu vine were cut off by Weisuo and swallowed into the stomach.

Weisuo kept refining these two kinds of miracles.

Four days later, Jinlei was only half the size of a palm, and Qingxu vine was cut to the root, less than half a foot.

"Boom! Boom

There was a great vibration and roar from above, which was still the sound of xuanfengtian hall flying at low altitude.

Lin Taixu still did not give up and was still searching in the wilderness.

But also at this time, Weisuo's body, also issued a slight roar.

The sound, not even out of the quiet room, but it is like a far away from the wilderness, making people feel very grand, like a rainstorm falling, something is sprouting and sprouting.

Then, Weisuo's eyes opened, his body, immediately revealed five root whisker like brilliance.

A white, a red, a cyan, a golden yellow, there is a faint, not clear.

Binglinggen, huolinggen, mulinggen, leilinggen, and half shuilinggen!

The speed of refining Jinlei Shenmu and Qingxu vine was slightly faster than the old man in green robe expected.

Just four days, through the golden thunder wood and Qingxu vine, Weisuo built two spiritual roots of thunder and wood at one stroke!

At the moment, Lin Taixu is still searching for his trace, but he is under Lin Taixu's eyes and becomes a half monk of four spirit roots.

The shadow of four half spirit roots disappeared quickly, and Weisuo closed his eyes again.

This is his own change after realizing that he has cultivated two more spiritual roots.

"Good fellow!"

Soon, Weisuo's body slightly shocked, opened his eyes, eyes full of surprise.

After breaking through to the golden elixir cultivation, his body opened up more than 10000 orifices, like more than 10000 Shenhai.

These more than 10000 orifices are originally like a world.

At the moment, the small world seems to have begun to have weather changes, with vitality, as if there is rain and lightning, in the breeding out.

This kind of feeling, very strange, is like feeling the beginning of the world, all kinds of vitality, how to generate, how to change.

Everything in the world, mountains and rivers, sun, moon and stars, as small as a drop of water, a drop of dust, are all composed of various subtle elements.At the beginning of heaven and earth, the process of generation and change of all kinds of vitality is the process of creation.

To feel this process is to feel the most fundamental source, which can make the monks have a clearer sense of the vitality they need to use in their daily practice.

It has a clearer sense of the vitality of cultivating skills and invoking, and the speed of absorbing vitality is naturally faster.

Now Weisuo has felt that the speed of cultivating the two systems of thunder and wood is more than 20% faster than before. And the next constant perception of this feeling will certainly speed up his cultivation.

The semi friar of four spiritual roots has been infinitely close to the most gifted friar in the world of cultivation.

Now Weisuo finally understood why the gifted friars of the heavenly spirit root often achieved such amazing achievements.

Think of a monk who has been refining aura more than twice as fast as an ordinary monk since he was young. In addition, he has such a subtle feeling of the vitality of heaven and earth. Compared with ordinary monks, one is looking for gold wires mixed in a pile of copper wires, and the other is facing all the gold wires. Just take it.

The difference is too big. It's just that the starting point of one is in the sky. The other is standing on the ground. No wonder it's called the spiritual root friar.

Weisuo can be sure that even if he can't get the holy fruit, it will be of great benefit to cultivate another spiritual root.

"There is only such a small piece of golden thunder wood left, which is not of great use for the time being. However, the Qingxu vine is very useful for breaking through the Shenxuan realm, and it must be well preserved."

At this time, it was just after evening, and it was not yet nightfall. After Weisuo successfully repaired the two spiritual roots of thunder and wood, he did not rush to call out the old man in green robe. He reached out and collected the remaining small piece of golden thunder divine wood. After that, his eyes remained on the remaining Qingxu vine.

Whether judged by the naked eye or the divine sense, the Qingxu vine, which is less than half a foot away, still shows no signs of decay. However, this Qingxu vine is very important. Naturally, Weisuo did not dare to be slighted. After patting the nabao bag containing important things, Weisuo took out the Baoyuan jade box.

Then, Wei Suo's real yuan one package, but the Qingxu vine root of the sapphire crushed to pieces, will be the Qingxu vine with the root whiskers carefully taken out.

The whole Baoyuan jade box is only a foot long, and there is a seedling of miexianteng released by Wei Suo.

The Qingxu vine is about a foot and a half in length. However, it is found that the root of the vine is very soft. Weisuo does not cut it again. Instead, he bends it slightly and puts it into the Baoyuan jade box.

But in this way, the Baoyuan jade box containing miexian Teng and Qingxu vine is almost full, and there is no way to put other things.

Put Qingxu vine into Baoyuan jade box. After seeing that Qingxu vine has no change, Wei Suo breathes a sigh of relief and puts Baoyuan jade box away.

At this time, the roar of xuanfengtian hall had completely disappeared. After Weisuo had a little meditation, he patted on the two slave animal bags, but he released the Yang Zhi bird and the heart eating insect.

"Boss, you should have let me out." As soon as Yang Zhi bird appeared in the light of the mouth of the slave animal's bag, he said such a word immediately.


But Weisuo's eyes did not first see the spirit of the bird's body, but fell on the body of the heart eating insect.

He is a heart eater, but now he has woken up!

When the heart biting insect wakes up, it means that the progress has been completed. This is a great surprise to Weisuo, because according to the previous experience, although the progress of the heart eating insect is not necessarily every molting, it has to sleep for about ten days before.

This heart eating insect still has no change in size.

"I don't know what kind of ability this heart eater has developed this time." In Weisuo's mind, of course, the first time such an idea came to mind.

And almost in Weisuo's mind showed such a feeling of the moment, the heart eating insect's body suddenly slightly moved, a layer of vitality.

This layer of vitality is also completely transparent and can not be seen by the naked eye.

"Eh?" Yang Zhi bird also immediately blinked in surprise.

At such a close distance, although Yang Zhi bird can't see the heart eater, it can feel the breath of heart eater slightly. At least, it can feel that there is an invisible monster here. However, as soon as this layer of transparent vitality came out, in the Yang Zhi bird's feeling, it felt that the heart eating insect had suddenly turned into a water vapor, and it was not a monster at all.

"That's what it's advanced into?" Weisuo's divine sense swept away, and he was a little stunned.

With his present divine sense, it is almost impossible for him to feel the evil spirit in the heart eating insect. If it is not for his mind and spirit communication with the heart eating insect, let him feel it, that is, there is a mass of water gas there.That is to say, he is a heart eater who has advanced the ability to hide his breath better.

"Is it better to get up

Wei Suo doesn't have to try. It can be sure that if this heart eating insect escapes again at this time, it is estimated that even the friars of the golden elixir may not be able to feel that the heart eating insect has fallen to his feet. Because of its general underground is some moisture.

And now the heart eater obviously has a lot of intelligence. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand that if you want to see its advanced powers, it will immediately display them for him to see.

According to the present situation, this heart eating insect's ability to perform this kind of similar skills should be water system, but the wild ancient white Ze should not be the monster of water system, right? Is it the aura of Panlong immortal that has produced any variation?

What's going on, weissou is not sure.

"If I could fly, wouldn't it be sharp?" Weisuo didn't think about it at all. He thought of this immediately.

"Grandma, next we must try to make it advanced out of the flying evasion method." Weisuo muttered at once.

"Well, it's so insidious that I'm scared to death." Hearing Wei Suo's murmur, Yang Zhi bird suddenly shuddered.

Yunyu technique, Yunyu Rune and so on are not high-level things. They are easy to get. Even without this, it is easy to rain.

Just imagine, when the heavy rain, suddenly there is a water, no, a heart eating insect fell on the head, that is how terrible, what a sinister thing, really think about all over the cold, goose bumps. , the fastest update of the webnovel!