Chapter 611

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Li freehand has obviously reached the end of the state, although it is still moving in the air, but the speed and prestige, has not been as terrible as before.

When it appears, it seems that the mountains will collapse.

Although Wei Suo and others are just ordinary magic weapons for flying away, they can all keep up with Li freehand. It's only because Li's power of liekuo xuanyue is too terrible, and no one knows whether the crazy Li freehand will suddenly turn to work, so Wei Suo and others don't dare to get too close.

Li's freehand brushwork seems aimless, just moving towards a direction.

A moment later, Li freehand fell into a disordered stone mountain forest below, but only after half a stick of incense, he rose from the sky and crossed the sky again.

It was only after less than a stick of incense, Li freehand fell down again and stayed for a while, but he rose again and continued to cross the sky as before.

"Wei Suo, there are so many golden elixir monks in xuanfengmen. Even Lin Taixu can't trap him. Maybe someone from xuanfengmen will come after him. It's too dangerous to follow him. Otherwise, we should not chase him." Looking at Li freehand two ups and downs, Han Weiwei can't help but be very worried about looking at Weisuo.

"This person's sky level top level attack technique is short of xuanyue, which is extremely terrifying. If you can get this kind of skill, you will have a good grasp of Xu Qianhuan at this moment." But Weisuo immediately shook his head. "He should not last long. For this skill, it's worth taking a risk."

"Yinlihua, if we don't leave now, there should be no big accident if you go through the sky." Immediately, Wei Suo, who was still following closely, said to Yin Lihua.

"Even if I want to go, I will help you refine the Dan Tai of the seven leaf immortal into dansha sword before leaving." Yin Li flower looked at the front of Li freehand, said calmly.

Weisuo took a look at yinlihua and saw the look in her eyes. She didn't say much. She just nodded to her. At the same time, he also remembered something. He stretched out his hand, but he took out the corpse of the seven leaf immortal who had just been put away, and took out the blood eating knife at the same time.

With a sound of "hissing", Weisuo is directly facing the sky behind, which stimulates the power of blood eating sabre, and a red light shoots into the clouds above the back. Then, Weisuo reached out a little and inserted the blood eating knife into the seven leaf immortal's chest.

The reason is that this blood eating Sabre originally extracts the blood of Jinyao immortal, while Qiye Zhenren is a double cultivation of Jindan, which is higher than that of Jinyao immortal. By absorbing Qi and blood of Qiye immortal, the power of blood eating Sabre will be stronger and more horizontal than before.

Li freehand suddenly appeared just now. Wei Suo and the old man in green robe were shocked and forgot this point. Now, while talking with Yin Lihua, Wei Suo reflected on this point again. Fortunately, the time is still short, and Qi and blood in Qi Ye Zhen's human body has not solidified.

"Visso, he stopped." But at this time, kya suddenly let out a low voice exclamation.

Li Shuyi in the distance ahead suddenly stops and looks at the corpses of Weisuo and Qiye Zhenren.

"Can't it be the power of blood eating sword that angered him?" Han Weiwei said nervously.

At the moment, I can't see Li's face from a distance. I can only see that Li's clothes seem to be very shabby, full of holes, rags and bloodstains.

But just a few breathing time, Li freehand turned his head again, and after crossing a few steps in the void, he fell down to a desolate mountain below.

After falling down, the monk, who was obviously completely insane, did not rise from the sky as quickly as he had twice before. After two sticks of incense, he did not snatch it out.

After another incense burning time, a round of sunrise from the eastern sky spurted out, sprinkled with thousands of clear brightness.

"I'll go and have a look. This man is too dangerous. You stay here first and don't follow." See Li freehand still don't come out, Wei Suo can't help, to the side of Ji Ya and water Ling ER and others said.

"Weisuo, be careful." Hearing Wei Suo say so, Ji Ya and Han Weiwei and others are very worried.

"This fire sparrow demon mirror will be returned to you first. If you do it, it should also offset many powers of this person's skill." Yin Li flower is to reach out a little, will fire bird demon mirror first point to Wei Suo's hand.

Weisuo nodded, without saying much. He directly grasped the fire sparrow demon mirror in his hand, and in the other hand, he also held the blood eating sword directly, and flew to the place where Li freehand had fallen.

Li freehand left this mountain, very desolate, long is one or two people high small trees, the ground litter everywhere.

When he reached the top of the mountain, he was stunned.

Next to a big stone in the mountains, Li freehand is leaning against this big stone, facing the rising sun.

At the moment, Li's freehand brushwork is actually white haired, even his eyebrows have become snow-white, and there are many wrinkles on his face. He seems to be a full-fledged old man.The robe on his body has completely become a piece of implicated fragments. There was a penetrating wound on his chest, and his internal organs could be seen. There were also two wounds in his left rib that seemed to have been cut by sharp tools, and even the bones inside seemed to have been cut off.

When Weisuo saw him, he was looking at the rising sun in the distance. He didn't know what he was saying. There were two lines of tears in his turbid eyes. He looked pitiful and dying.

Suddenly saw Weisuo flying in the air above, this crazy friar curled up on the big stone, and was startled. But when he saw Weisuo's appearance, the crazy friar didn't get up, just looked at Weisuo and muttered: "good man..." Looking at the blood eating knife in Weisuo's left hand, he mumbled: "bad man..."

Wei Suo slightly a Leng, can't help but look to his own hand of blood eating knife.

"Bad guys..." Li freehand saw Wei Suo's eyes turn to the black blood eating knife in his hand, and immediately nodded more definitely.

"Bad man? Do you mean the friar I killed Weisuo's eyes flashed for a moment, looking at the friar who was completely crazy and asked.

"Bad guys..." With snow-white hair and a desolate look, Li Shuyi nodded again. His fingers also opened a ragged piece of clothes on his arm. Under the clothes, there was a burnt scar.

"Is this the man who wounded you?" Weisuo's heart moved again.

"Bad guys I can't fight. I hide, and the bad guys are still chasing... " Li freehand again nodded, afraid of pain in general, covered the ragged corner.

"Is it he who chased you here? Are there any other bad guys chasing you? "

"Is there a monk with a magic weapon in the sky chasing you?"

Wei Suo already knew why the seven leaf immortal appeared here. It turned out that the seven leaf immortal certainly did not know where he was. He tracked down the trace of Li's brushwork all the way to this place. Moreover, Li freehand seemed to have run out of oil and was not his opponent. He must have fought with each other before. Li freehand had escaped, but Qiye Zhenren was right Fortunately, in this area, I met them and wanted to kill people and steal goods. As a result, they met iron plates.

“… ..。”

At present, Li Shuyi was so crazy that he didn't know Wei Suo. He probably saw that Wei Suo had stabbed the body of Qiye immortal with a blood eating knife. Li freehand seemed to have no hostility to Wei Suo. However, Wei Suo asked questions again and again, but this crazy monk did not answer.

A moment later, the crazy friar squatted up, pulled a handful of grass beside him, stuffed some grass in his mouth, and curled his hands in his chest, looking very strange.

Weisuo really didn't understand what this crazy monk meant. After reading for a long time, Weisuo couldn't help falling down, trying to fall near Li's freehand, and then talk to him.

But when he saw Weisuo fall, the crazy friar, whose body was ragged to the extreme, immediately showed a look of extreme vigilance and fierce light in his eyes. It seemed that if Weisuo was to approach again, he would start at once.

Seeing this, Weisuo could only stop, and did not dare to approach. He just looked at the crazy friar suspiciously.

The crazy monk suddenly squatted forward and took a step forward. He pulled some grass and put it into his mouth. His hands were still curled up in his chest.

"What exactly does that mean?" Weisuo wanted to understand the meaning of this crazy Friar's action, so he could not help but squat down like this crazy friar, pulled two grass from the side and put it into his mouth.

Seeing Weisuo's action, the crazy friar was slightly stunned. He looked at Weisuo suspiciously and put a root of grass in his mouth.

Weisuo imitated him and put a root of grass in his mouth.

"Is it . you Are you a rabbit, too Li brushyi, a crazy friar, saw Wei Suo's action. Finally, he couldn't help it, and asked in some hesitation.

“… ..!!!” Weissar almost fell to the ground.

It turns out that this crazy friar is so strange that his mind has been confused to a certain extent, and he has already felt that he is a rabbit! And now he's treating weissou like a rabbit.

"Yes, why, can't you see that I'm a rabbit?" Wei Suoqiang resisted the impulse of spitting blood and looked at the madness overhaul scholar's way quietly.

"I didn't see it. Now I can see it. No wonder you helped me kill that bad man." Li freehand's extremely vigilant look in the eyes of a sudden disappeared, is very happy to say this sentence, stood up, but walked toward Weisuo.

Can rabbits walk like this?

Weisuo again speechless, still quietly looking at Li freehand into, asked: "I think you are very hurt, how are you?"

"I'm so hurt that I don't have any strength. Maybe I'll die. But before I die, I can still meet a rabbit. It's good." The mad friar looked at weissou and , the fastest update of the webnovel!