Chapter 624

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

A mass of yellow flame with a destructive smell exploded on the gate, and the air within tens of miles was like being trampled on by an invisible King's foot, and it jumped violently.

Safe and sound!

The elixir that Wei Suo offered directly at the moment was refined from the golden elixir of Panlong immortal. After the triple cultivation of Panlong immortal's golden elixir, how powerful is the power of this extinct golden elixir, but it explodes directly on this huge gate. The huge gate with brilliant stars is safe and sound without any damage.

"This is .。” Behind this huge door, Xu Qianhuan's body is still, as if fixed in a static picture. This huge door is from one of his orifices. At the moment, it seems to be connected with him. It also needs to draw a lot of real yuan from his body, so that he can't move as if he is carrying a huge monument. But his face was once again ironic, and he opened his mouth.


but he just said two words, Weisuo's face was unshaken, without a trace of stay, and another elixir exploded on the gate of starlight.


In the gate of starlight, several dazzling bands of light have broken.

"The gate of Zhenwu is going to be broken!"

"This is the breath of Panlong immortal and ancient crocodile cave master. He knows how to refine the elixir of extinction! The gold elixir of Panlong immortal and ancient crocodile cave master has been refined into extinction elixir by him

Baiyu Zhenren has been completely shocked by Wei Suo's confrontation with the Xingwu gate.

Wei Suo and others don't know about it, but the immortal Baiyu, who is extremely high in the Zhenwu sect, is very clear. This gate of Zhenwu is one of the supreme secrets of Zhenwu sect. Only the friars with more than two levels of shenxuanjing can refine and use it.

At the moment, the door of Zhenwu sect is opened. It is like an incarnation of the master of Zhenwu sect. Its power is the same as that of the master himself. It's equivalent to a double monk of Shenxuan realm, who is practicing his skills face to face!

But at the moment, the door of Zhenwu seems to be broken by Weisuo!

"How could it be!"

Xu Qianhuan, who thought he had taken control of everything, yelled.

He knows the power of Zhenwu gate better than anyone else. If he comes to face the gate of Zhenwu, he has already been entangled in the entrance of Zhenwu gate by the amazing power of Shenxuan power and twisted into flying ash. However, at the moment, the door of Zhenwu is actually under the resistance of the other side, making a broken voice.

"There's another fight!"

Li freehand's eyes lit up in an instant.

He stepped out of the topaz tripod, and the huge aura of the distant mountains outside him collapsed in an instant.

At the same time, a round of grey and black crescent moon will block the power in front of him, all of which will be smashed.

The white feather immortal changed color in horror. While still inspiring the power of the magic weapon of his life, he stroked his hands, and the two white lights flowed toward Li freehand.

The gate of Zhenwu has already made a sound of breaking. If Li freehand is not stopped and the incomplete moon of the ten ancient attacking methods is bombarded up, the gate of Zhenwu will really collapse.


Another round of grey and black crescent moon flashed in the sky, smashing the two white lights and the magic weapon of white feather immortal. But at the same time, both white feather immortal and Li freehand vomited a mouthful of blood. On their skin, there were many cracks, and a lot of Qi and blood and Zhenyuan gushed from the wound.

In this instant, the casting speed of both of them is completely beyond the limit that the body can bear. When the flow of Zhenyuan is too intense, the channels and collaterals of the body can not bear it.



The three legged Topaz tripod is also twining with all kinds of brilliance at the moment, which is revealed from the starlight of the tide. In fact, from the beginning of Weisuo's fight with Xu Qianhuan, until now the gate of Zhenwu is revealed, it is only a matter of a few fingers, and both sides have only had time to cast a few spells. At the moment, as soon as the tripod Topaz tripod comes out, Ji Ya and Nangong Yuqing, shuiling'er and Han Weiwei, however, send out a cry of surprise at the same time.

"Ha ha! Can you stop the supernatural power? " At the same time, Xu Qianhuan is also issued a very proud laugh.

Because the huge gate of Zhenwu standing in the void at this time, although it made a sound of breaking, it did not really collapse. The incomparable power still absorbed Weisuo and the huge golden elixir in front of him.

The glow of his golden elixir, the dark gold sword light and the black fire light in front of him all disappeared in an instant, which could not compete with the divine monk's amazing power.

On Weisuo's body, there was silver light shining on his skin. It was also because his body was extremely strong. Otherwise, the other ordinary monks' bodies would have been broken at the moment.

At the moment, his golden elixir and body left a trail of silver light in the air, which was less than tens of Zhang away from the gate of Zhenwu!

At this distance, even if there is a more powerful elixir in Weisuo's hands, once it is aroused, Weisuo is sure that he will not be able to resist the power of the explosion and will be blown into fly ash.But at this time, with a sound of "crack", Weisuo's whole person was suddenly included in a layer of unspeakable holy glory. The breath on his body was instantly several times larger, as if all his potential had been completely stimulated and turned into a dazzling meteor. The gold elixir in front of him was actually directly broken into countless unimaginable vitality.

"What is this! Self exploding elixir? It's not self exploding! All the magic weapons of my life are safe and sound, not the self exploding gold elixir! " A mouthful of blood vomited out, and the white feather real man was shocked completely.

It seems that the huge golden elixir is even bigger than the human body. What kind of scene is this?

The impact on any friar is no less than that of the gate of Zhenwu.

At the moment, after the unimaginable golden elixir of Weisuo collapsed, countless vitality was not lost at all, including the long river torrential scroll inside, and there was no damage at all. In an instant, along countless unimaginable mysterious tracks, Wei Suo's heart vein was placed in the orifices.


The void in front of weisseau seemed to collapse in an instant.

All his vitality seemed to be emptied in an instant, and his accomplishments seemed to degenerate in an instant, but in his mouth, there was a transparent brilliance.


Xu Qianhuan's eyes widened instantly, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from his mouth uncontrollably.

At the moment, he is still behind the gate of Zhenwu. The gate of Zhenwu in front of him is still like a huge shield in front of him. However, the power of oppressing space on the transparent light emitted from Weisuo's mouth has already crushed him to a serious injury.


This transparent light hits the door of Zhenwu.

Then, the gate of Zhenwu fell apart, collapsed and scattered into countless streamers.

It was like the gate of Zhenwu, which was visited by a great monk in Shenxuan realm, and turned into dust like this!


Like a piece of charcoal that has been completely burned, Xu Qianhuan's eyes just showed a look of despair. His whole body, connected with the magic weapon in his hand, immediately turned into fly ash, which was completely blown away by the amazing power that was coming out from the front Wang without any trace.

Super big gate, the little master of zhenwuzong, a big man with four golden elixirs, was killed directly from the world.

At the same time, we don't know how many miles away from here in a bronze hall. A monk in bright yellow robe, full of divine radiance, skin like white jade, still stretched out in the void.

But he was originally very plain, like the king of God, no surprise and no joy on his face, but was suddenly full of surprise and anger abnormal look.

The palm of his hand was full of small pits, as if it had been burned by countless sparks.

With him as the center, the whole huge blue hall, almost all the ground is broken, it is actually around him, forming a crater like pit!

"What happened?"

This huge bronze hall is surrounded by several hills, covered with dense temples, like several cities gathered together. At the moment, the monks in almost all the temples on these mountains are pouring out. It makes several hills seem to be covered with pulling ants in an instant.

All the monks looked at the top of the bronze hall in horror.

In the air above the bronze hall, there is a ghost like ghost with a long shield and an ancient dagger in bronze armor.

At the moment, the shadow of the ancient gods and Demons seems to be roaring in all directions, making the sky above, like the end of the world.


"He killed the young master

In the sky outside the Moyu mountain, every pore of white feather immortal's hair is showing cold air.

At the moment, there was no intention of war in his heart. The whole person turned into a white streamer and rushed out towards the outside of the Moyu mountain.


All of a sudden, the white feather immortal bounced back.

Glass pure land!

Xu Qianhuan was afraid of Wei Suo's escape in his previous life, and inspired the ancient talisman which was comparable to the supernatural power!


Bai Yu's face changed dramatically.

Weisuo's eyes settled on him from afar. But he and Weisuo's eyes looked at each other, and he was shocked by Weisuo's incomparable momentum. He did not have time to cast a spell.

"Bullying our rabbits is the end

A grey and black crescent moon was suppressed on him at this time.

With the collapse of Li Shuyi's huge mountain spirit, the body of white feather immortal collapsed in an instant and turned into fly ash!

Another zhenwuzong Jingtian friar has fallen!

"Xu Qianhuan and Baiyu immortal were all killed by him!" Meng Fengyu, who was crouching in a corner, sat down on the ground with a puff.Vissault's eyes immediately rested on him.

"Forgive me! I'm not from zhenwuzong! " Meng Fengyu knelt down directly on the ground, imploring in a trembling voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!