Chapter 651

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Lin Taixu's body glitters with blue light, which is 50 Zhang away.

Within fifty feet, all the monsters who came into contact with the blue light turned into fly ash.

The two lights in front of him, one of which was golden, instantly sent out a flame tail as long as two or three hundred Zhang long, just like a comet, which broke the earth.

Another blue streamer, like a green lotus leaf, but the countless kinds of green light surging, it seems that thousands of green vigorous wind condensed.

The blue light on Lin Taixu's body and the fluctuation of vitality on these two splendors are like a vast ocean surging through the sky and underground in an instant, making the whole Beiling city seem to be trampled by the giant feet of an ancient god king.

This sudden explosion of terror made countless monsters above the ancient teleportation array scream violently, their bodies trembled, and they all wanted to flee for their lives.

However, almost all the monsters in Lin Taixu's forward direction were directly suppressed by incomparable powers and could not move at all. One monster was directly suspended in the air as if it were fixed in a picture. When the two towering lights in front of Lin Taixu were still a hundred feet away from these monsters, the first monster had already exploded and turned into a group Blood fog, then fly ash.

Incomparable power, like the divine punishment of the king of God, like the torrent of years, unstoppable!

"What's the matter, vesuo?"

"Lin Taixu!"

There was no sign at all. Weisuo suddenly withdrew from the fire boat and let Jiya and others land on the ancient teleportation array. Jiya and others did not respond at all. However, when they saw two terrible lights in front of them and a group of blue lights behind them, they all suddenly changed their faces.

"Activate the array quickly!" At the same time, Ji Ya and other monks, who were stunned by Lin Taixu's sudden appearance, gave a sharp drink. At the same time, Ji Ya and others were all full of aura. All of them launched the strongest attack, and all of them rushed towards Lin Taixu who was suppressed from above.

"Lin Taixu! He turned out to be here. He wants to destroy the teleportation array directly! "

When Weisuo landed the teleportation array, he stretched out his hand and pulled Han Tianmo and Chen Anyuan on the edge of the ancient teleportation array into the teleportation array.

At the moment, looking at the upper part as if the divine king came, the cave heaven split the ground like Lin Taixu, his heart was speechless.

Just now, he didn't realize the arrival of Lin Taixu, but felt that there was an amazing and powerful evil spirit coming towards the northern spirit city. That amazing and powerful evil spirit made him feel a little familiar, but at the same time, it made him feel that the approaching evil spirit was not inferior to that ancient giant claw.

Before that, his eyes stayed on the two masters of the dark bones, because as a group of monks left through the transmission array, it became more and more difficult for the remaining monks to resist, and the monks fell faster. For Weisuo, no matter how many friars will eventually fall, the more friars can escape, the better. Therefore, Weisuo had planned in his mind, and even gave up the two emperors of the dark bones in exchange for more monks to leave.

When it comes to selfishness, weissou didn't hide his selfishness at first.

At the beginning of his explanation that he must stick to this ancient teleportation array, he already said that if there are monsters that they can't deal with, they must leave first. For Weisuo, the life of a monk who had no friendship with him was not as important as that of him and Jiya.

However, with thousands of lives in front of him, he would unconsciously make a trade-off, even willing to give up some costs to save more monks.

At the moment, whether he or shuilinger and others, have suffered a lot of damage, and then there are no less than the monsters of the ancient giant claws coming, they are certainly unable to deal with it, so he resolutely fled for his life. Han Tianmo and Chen Anyuan are also included in the ancient teleportation array, because he has also considered that the experience of Han Tianmo and Chen Anyuan, who have experienced several animal surges, is very useful. In the future, they may have great use in guarding other cities and resisting the beast tide. Because according to the situation of the sky of the Xuan continent on that day, even if you escape to Yunling land, it will be several decades at most before the sky of Yunling continent will begin to crack.

Now, for weisseau, he had done his best and had to run for his life. However, he did not think that Lin Taixu was also in the North spirit city at this moment.

What's more, Lin Taixu is suppressing with the breath of destroying the heaven and the earth. He clearly wants to destroy the ancient transmission array with one blow!

To defeat this ancient transmission array is equivalent to completely breaking down Wei Suo and others. Lin Taixu's idea is not hard to guess. But at the moment, Lin Taixu's amazing magic power, under such circumstances, is to directly defeat the ancient transmission array and kill them. This method is really too spicy!

"This man is going to destroy the ancient teleportation array!"

"This man is so magical that he doesn't stop monsters for us, regardless of our life and death."

"This man is too vicious. Let's join hands to stop him together with your predecessors!"Around the ancient teleportation array, many monks also gave out angry roars, and a bright light rushed to Lin Taixu.

"The Pearl of rice, dare to shine

However, for ordinary monks, their accomplishments and supernatural powers are far from that of Lin Taixu, and their divine sense and reaction are not much worse than those of the golden elixir.

The brilliance they sent out had not been shot out for many Zhang. In the cold hum of Lin Taixu, the brilliance of Ji Ya and others had already impacted with Lin Taixu's two glows.


"Click!" In the sound of earth shaking explosion, in the struggle with the ancient giant claws, a cracked black gold giant crocodile appeared, which began from the head and broke into pieces.


Around the ancient teleportation array, the brilliance of other friars was almost shocked by the two brilliances of Ji Ya and Lin Taixu, and the scattered power was completely destroyed. Many of the population spurted blood, staggered back, and almost fell to the ground.

The magic power of the four great monks of the golden elixir, together with the amazing power of destroying the magic spear, is not the one under the golden elixir that can compete.

In the ancient transmission array, there have been columns of light, incomparably bright and holy.

This ancient teleportation array has been inspired. With a flick of one's fingers, Weisuo and others can escape to the edge of Yunling continent through this teleportation array.

But Lin Taixu did not have the slightest stay, still in no hurry to move forward.

Under his huge divine consciousness, the passage of time seems to become extremely slow, as if stagnant, a snap of time, it seems that can be broken down into dozens of moments.

It seems that he has enough time to leave Weisuo and others in this time.



But at this time, two black flames, one left and one right, were attacking Lin Tai.

Black Ghost king!

Wei Suo's divine sense is not under Lin Taixu at all. His calculation and reaction are also extremely accurate. The two black emperor of the netherworld rose up before, but they didn't attack Lin Taixu with Ji Ya and others at the first time. At this moment, Lin Taixu's attack was just launched, and it was just the time to fight with Ji Ya and others.

It's like Lin Taixu's fist, and before he can shrink back, a fist is already in front of him.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

But such an attack did not even give Lin Taixu half a point of hindrance!

Lin Taixu didn't do any action at all. His body still didn't stay at all. Just like a blue meteor, he drew a track in the sky. When he touched the blue light from his body, the black light from the two black Ming bone masters turned into fly ash.

"Broken stars and broken articles! The master passed on this book to him Seeing this scene, shuilinger's face was as white as transparent, and her hand could not help holding Weisuo's hand.

At the same time, Lin Taixu held out his right index finger and ordered a little toward the ancient transmission array which was already flowing with white light.

His right index finger points out at the same time, flying out of his body countless cyan starlight, and a slightly cyan transparent light stripe, instantly emerged from his fingertip.

This transparent light pattern, emitting a very mysterious breath, and as if beyond the time in general, Jiya and others did not even have time to coagulate the golden elixir, this transparent light pattern has already impacted on Weisuo.


Jiya and others immediately sent out a shocking cry.

Shuiling'er's face was completely white. At this time, she subconsciously wanted to hold on to Weisuo's hand, but when the blue and transparent light was impacting on Weisuo, Weisuo threw away her hand instead.

At the same time, a huge column of light suddenly enveloped the entire ancient transmission array. The figures of Ji Ya and others disappeared in the ancient transmission array and were sent out.

But Weisuo was excited out of the ancient teleportation array by this transparent cyan light which was beyond time.

Lin Taixu's mouth gave out a kind of profound sneer. He just took a look at the direction of Weisuo's flying backward. Without stopping, Lin Taixu's body gave out a dazzling blue light, which disappeared directly above the ancient transmission array. A little blue light was looming out of the demons on one side, and a fluffy of fly ash was behind him. In this moment, Lin Taixu had already crossed I don't know how many Zhang.

At the same time that Lin Taixu's figure disappeared above the ancient transmission array, a more terrifying atmosphere was heard, which severely suppressed Lin Taixu's position just now.

A cloud of black clouds fell down and suppressed the ancient teleportation array. The ground where the ancient teleportation array was located was all cracked. Countless broken crystal stones, like wailing, jumped up.

This ancient teleportation array is completely destroyed!"Pa!"

A terrifying monster claw with white bone spines and black skin. Peeping out from the black cloud, Wei Suo's two black Ming bone masters, inspired by the brilliance of impact on this giant claw, is of no use at all. Between a bang, these two black ghost kings are directly caught into flying fragments! , the fastest update of the webnovel!