Chapter 653

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

Weisuo kept telling himself to be calm.

Now the whole Beiling city has completely become a place for monster to eat. If there was no such purple flame beetle, he might have been killed by the monster now.

Although no monster has found the abnormality of the giant purple flame beetle he is hiding in, he can't use Zhenyuan at all now, and he can't even use the hidden formula. He can't guarantee that some high-level monsters won't find his breath.

As soon as he is discovered, he will surely die.

His unique connection with the heart eating insect made him feel that at the moment, the four heart eating insects occupied four directions in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Beiling city. Obviously, this kind of demon beast with intelligence quotient no less than friars doesn't want to let go of any monk in Beiling city.

Forced to calm down, Weisuo immediately let the heart eater control the purple flame beetle to flee southeast.

Now, only to escape to the south is the best chance to escape.

Because to the north is the dome of heaven. Now the cracks in the sky can't be blocked in a short time. The monsters outside the sky will gather towards these cracks. Therefore, from the northern spirit city to the sky and beyond the sky, the number of monsters within tens of thousands of miles must be very dense, and there must be other high-level monsters. I want to get out of the sky from here and escape It must be impossible to leave.

Only by going to the south, to the depth of the northern part of the Tianxuan continent, and to the places where there are many monks in the city, when there are many monks in charge, those cities may still be able to survive, so that he can have a chance to breathe.

Under such circumstances, he can be sure that the main gates in the northern part of Tianxuan continent must have been completely shaken. Except for a few great friars who have reached the critical point of cultivation, all the high-level friars will be sent out, and the powerful monks of other sects in the rest of Tianxuan continent will also come.

The strength of the spirit eater is amazing, and the intelligence quotient is similar to that of the friars, so Weisuo makes the heart eater control the purple flame giant beetle, trying to stay away from the spirit eater, and pass through the middle of the spirit eater staying in the East and south.

Not found!

Under the control of the heart eating insects, the purple flame beetle desperately escaped to the outside of the city. From the middle of the two heart eating insects, it passed through the demons and escaped to the outer wall which was almost completely collapsed.


But at this time, an imperceptible light sound came out of Weisuo's body. In the blood of purple flame giant beetle, Weisuo's body was shocked violently, and a chill suddenly rose from his heart, which made his whole person seem to be frozen at once.

After performing the true magic sealing technique, and after several times of heavy blows from the demon beast, the power of the real magic sealing skill in his body collapsed at this moment.

A tear like pain and a feeling of extreme weakness pervaded weisseau's body in an instant.

At this moment, Weisuo could even clearly feel that his original blocked Qi and blood gushed out from his broken meridians and internal organs, just like a devastating storm, raging in his body.

Then his consciousness began to blur.

"You need to heal now! If we delay for a moment, we will surely fall! "

This thought first came to weisseau's mind.

This idea is just like a mortal who can't swim. When he is about to drown after falling into the water, he has to take a breath of fresh air.

In this case, if there is a breath of fresh air to breathe, the drowning man must have exhausted all his strength to breathe recklessly.

But at this time, Weisuo is hard to suppress the idea, and forced to have no action!

Because at the moment when the power of the real magic sealing skill collapsed in his body, the spirit eating beast, located in the south of Beiling city and thousands of Zhangs away from the red flame giant beetle, seemed to feel the weak aura fluctuation here, and looked at it with some doubts.

At this moment, if you force Zhenyuan to take out the healing pill from nabao bracelet, it is likely that the spirit eater will be found directly.

Without any action, Weisuo just tried to keep himself calm and not let his consciousness go completely.

The purple flame beetle continued to flee outside Beiling city.

The spirit eater didn't notice it, and then it flew towards a monk. Soon, the monk was beaten into a cloud of blood in a desperate scream.

In the whole Beiling City, countless monsters were fighting for the body of monks.

Just a moment later, at the beginning, thousands of monks left when the ancient teleportation array was broken were already dead.

"No way!"

After escaping for nearly a thousand feet, Weisuo felt that his body had completely begun to chill, his vitality began to run away, and his consciousness seemed to leave his body.

"Spell itIf you don't use Zhenyuan at the moment, you will definitely fall down and you can't use Zhenyuan at all. So Wei Suo also no longer want to think about in the end will be found by the monster, fighting for the last trace of consciousness, strong Yun Zhenyuan.

As a circle of Zhenyuan forced the blood and flesh of the giant purple flame beetle around him, he took out a pill and blood crystal stone from nabao's bracelet.

He poured a stream of Zhenyuan into the blood crystal stone, dripping out a liquid medicine and swallowing it with the pill. After Wei Suo just put the blood crystal away, he felt that there were countless damages in his body, and he called Zhenyuan again to make more cracks. Then, his consciousness is vague, as deep as the night, and then the body cold, nothing to know.

When Wei Suo paid his attention to the blood crystal stone, dozens of monsters around the purple flame beetle seemed to notice something and gathered around the giant purple flame beetle.

But these monsters immediately seemed to feel something on the giant purple flame beetle, and they stepped back in fear.

And this giant purple flame beetle did not stop, and kept moving forward, far away from the ruins of Beiling city in the rear.


I don't know how long it took.

As if there was some special vibration, Weisuo suddenly woke up.

It was dark, cold and quiet.

"This is What's going on? "

A moment later, Weisuo slightly reacted, but his head was still a little inflexible, and for a while he was a little blank, unable to determine what the situation was.

First of all, he remembered that after the ancient transmission array of Beiling city was defeated by the inexplicable monster in the black cloud, he could not escape. He just saw a giant purple flame beetle nearby, so he fought hard. He dug a hole under the back shell of the giant beetle and hid in it. Fortunately, he was able to escape from the city to the north for the sake of the great spirit.

After that, the power of his body sealing skill collapsed, and his wound burst out. Before he finally fell into a coma, he desperately called Zhenyuan, took a healing pill and a drop of blood crystal liquid.

Now weissou is at least certain that he is not dead.

So, at that time, he finally called Zhenyuan, but he was not found by other monsters. He escaped from Beiling city successfully.

If you escape from Beiling city successfully, you should still be in the body of purple flame giant beetle?

The giant purple flame beetle is dead?!

After the word "purple flame beetle" appeared in his mind, Weisuo's mind became sober again. Then he found that he was still in the body of the giant purple flame beetle. However, this giant purple flame beetle has been dead for a long time, and the blood in his body has solidified. So at the beginning, Weisuo didn't feel trapped in flesh and blood, but buried in hard soil.

"Can't move..."

Because the mind is still not clear enough, the brain is still in a mess, can not think normally, so Wei Suo sex does not want anything, quietly waiting for a moment.

A moment later, Weisuo's head was finally fully awake.

First of all, he found that his body could not move now.

Looking inside, Weisuo's heart immediately rose to a bitter feeling. The pill that I had swallowed almost didn't move in the body at the moment. The medicinal power of the blood crystal stone liquid was probably refined to a half. In some parts of the body, it is slightly better, but in some places, it is worse. The condition of the whole body belongs to the state of being in a state of stagnation, not dying, but not getting better at the moment.

It turned out that there was no refining of Zhenyuan. Only a small part of the miraculous medicine he swallowed had played a role. This was because his body was extremely strong and his vitality was extremely strong. Otherwise, he would have fallen.

After feeling clear about the situation in his body, Weisuo carefully tried to use a trace of true yuan and began to refine the medicine.

When Zhenyuan flowed, Weisuo's body was more damaged. Some newly grown cracks in his body's meridians and internal organs broke open again, and some deteriorated places were even worse. The places where Zhenyuan flowed were like countless knives cutting blood and flesh, which made Weisuo feel a little relieved. After Zhenyuan urged the medicine to flow open, However, the repairing effect of the medicine on the body is more than the damage of the body when it flows. In this way, if there is no accident, he will not die.

Heart eater!

After confirming that his injury was ok, Weisuo was shocked that he immediately felt that his heart eater was not nearby.

After a little chilly and careful induction, Weisuo felt that the heart eater was not dead, but it was very far away from him at the moment. It seemed to be located in the east of him at the moment, but maybe it was because of the distance that he was unable to control the heart eater to come back.

"What the hell is this place? Which city is it? "

"How could a heart eater run so far away?"After calming down for a while, Weisuo's divinity was released.

He found himself in the ruins of a city.

It seems that this city is also built along the hillside. Now it has been completely damaged. There are deep pits, broken walls, broken stones and many corpses of monsters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!