Chapter 655

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The setting sun is gradually setting, and there is only a red sunset in the sky.

The old man in green might have known the green phosphorescent trees, the purple flowers the size of washbasins, and the exotic trees with red berries.

But just after killing three rotting otters, Wei Suoqiang used Zhenyuan to break many of the recovered meridians and internal organs in his body again. It can be said that most of his healing efforts have been wasted. Now Wei Suo is basically consistent, and he can't even take out the ghost jar with a Zhenyuan inspired nabao Bracelet. In the end, the otter pulled him out and put his arm into it. Although he pulled out the throat of the otter and killed it, many parts of his body were cracked seriously. Now, half of his body was unable to move.

He can even clearly feel that many newly connected broken bones in this half of his body are broken again, and many broken places of meridians and internal organs are beginning to bleed again.

"I can't believe that I will fall here in the end." Sitting on the purple flame giant beetle, looking at the last red sunset in the sky, Weisuo's face appeared a trace of extremely bitter look and issued a sigh.

Not long after his sighing, two pairs of green eyes appeared from the ruins on the left side of Weisuo, and they were heading for Weisuo's position.

It's another two headed scavenger Rex.

Although Weisuo escaped from Beiling city with the help of the purple flame beetle, the purple flame giant beetle seemed to be a rare delicacy for the rotting Rex, who was attracted by it when it passed by.

This four level monster can be easily killed by Weisuo at ordinary times, but now he is so injured that half of his body can't move. He can't even leave the purple flame beetle. These two monsters are definitely not what he can deal with.


But between Weisuo's eyebrow suddenly jumps fiercely, then reluctantly takes off the nabao bracelet on the hand, fills to the bosom.

At the moment, he even felt that two friars had entered the scope of his divine perception, and they were coming from the right back side of his body. It seemed that he had heard his sigh.

Is there a monk in this lifeless city like a huge mass grave?

In this moment, one of the two scavenger otters had reached the bottom of the purple flame beetle, and the smell of the smell came to his face.

"Rotting Rex!" As expected, there are still surviving Taoist friends! He's not dead yet

But just at this moment, a little jar of sound sounded. At the same time, "hiss" a burst of sound, a green flame hit the purple flame giant beetle under the head of the scavenger Rex body.

The rotting Rex was knocked over two somersaults, and the scales of its head were cracked, but it seemed that he was not seriously injured. He yelled and the other Rex, regardless of Weisuo, flew to the rear of Weisuo.

At this time, Weisuo has some difficulty to turn around.

There were two monks in his rear.

One of the two monks, an old man in his fifties, was wearing a black leather robe. He looked a little thin and his hair was a little shriveled. The other monk was a stout young man in yellow, who looked simple and honest.

While Weisuo looked at the two men, the two men also looked at Weisuo and saw that Weisuo was covered with blood all over his body. Their eyes were a little suspicious, but they felt that Wei Suo's breath was not strong at all, and the two monks' expressions were also slightly relaxed.

"Pa!" At the sound of the sound, a thin old man in black robes, who was more than 50 years old, presented a glittering square seal, and smashed one of them on the body of one of the rotting otters, which made the otter plunge into the ground and did not move.

Where do you come from? Have you been badly hurt? " At the same time, the thin old man in black asked in a voice to Weisuo.

"I'm from beilingcheng." Weisuo's eyes flashed and he said with a bitter smile, "I'm so injured that I can hardly move."

"Beiling city?"

The body of the lean old man in the black robe was slightly shaken, but he did not stop at all. He sacrificed the glittering square seal again. With one blow, another rotting otter, which was beaten upside down by a simple and honest young monk, completely lost his breath.


After killing the two carvings, the thin old man in black robe and the honest young monk did not stop at all. They swept to Weisuo and made a careful silence to Weisuo. Then the simple and honest young friar immediately put Weisuo on his back, and then flew out towards the direction when they came.

After shuttling through the ruins for more than a thousand feet, the thin old man in black robe and the simple and honest young monk stopped in front of a pile of stone ruins. Then, the thin old man in black robe opened one of the big stones, but there was a passage which looked like an artificial excavation. Then the thin old man in black robe and the simple young monk with Weisuo on his back immediately went in And covered the big stone above again.

Under the ruins of this pile of stones, there is actually a small simple stone chamber, and there is a small array on the ground, which emits a light golden glow and a strong smell of gold and iron.Once swept into this simple stone chamber, the thin old man in black robe and the simple and honest young friar just breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know what to call a friend. What's your injury? What healing pills do you need Then the thin old man in the black robe and the honest young friar put Weisuo down carefully, and at the same time looked at Weisuo and asked.

"In the next season, Li was hit by a brute force monster, and half of his body was seriously damaged, so he could not move for the time being. But I have already taken pills. As long as there are no more demons attacking me and I can heal my wounds quietly, I won't have any problems. Thank you for your help. I don't know what the two Taoists call them. Are they monks from Guanshan city? " Weisuo looked at the appearance of the thin old man in black robe and the simple and honest young friar, and secretly he was also completely relieved. Now it seems that the thin old man in black robe and the simple and honest young friar are not the kind of cruel and cruel friars who will kill and rob treasure.

"It turned out to be Ji Daoyou." The thin old man in black looked at Wei Suo and pointed to the simple and honest youth beside him and said, "my surname Kong was originally the shopkeeper of the jade shop in gukuangcheng. This is Liu Cheng, my little apprentice."

"Are you from the valley mining city?" On Weisuo's face, there was a wry smile. Although he can't even use the skill of looking at Qi, judging from the practice of the thin old man in black robe and the simple and honest young man, the cultivation of the old man in black robe is no more than the triple cultivation of zhoutianjing, and the simple and honest young man has only one practice of zhoutianjing at most. What's more, these two people were just shopkeepers and clerks of a shop. They were all great monks of golden elixir. They were rescued by a shopkeeper and a clerk. Their situation was too miserable.

"We got here from the valley mine. I didn't expect to meet a Taoist friend of Beiling city here. " The black robed and thin old man, manager Kong, took a deep breath and looked at Wei Suo with complicated eyes. "I don't know what's going on in Beiling city?"

"Beiling city has been completely destroyed. I'm afraid that there are not a few monks who have escaped from the upper and lower ranks except for a few monks who have helped to escape Wei Suo called Zhenyuan as slowly as possible to cure the wound, while looking at manager Kong and honest young Liu Cheng, he asked, "manager Kong, how is the situation in gukuangcheng?"

"The valley mining city has been completely destroyed in the tide of animals." Manager Kong and Liu Cheng's face darkened instantly, "I'm afraid not many people have escaped."

"Manager Kong, Liu Daoyou, how did you escape and run to Guanshan city?" The answer of manager Kong and Liu Cheng is not unexpected. The distance between gukuangcheng and Beiling city is about 20000 li away from tianchu city. It is impossible to survive in such an animal tide. Now Wei Suo just wants to know how much shopkeeper Kong and Liu Cheng know about the situation in the northern part of Tianxuan continent. After all, he was in a coma for about ten days and knew nothing about the current situation around him. Moreover, just looking at the Guanshan City, Weisuo felt extremely strange. What's more, Wei Suo also thinks that it's incredible to be able to cross 70, 000 Li and run to Guanshan city with the accomplishments of manager Kong and Liu Cheng.

"It was just a fluke that we were able to escape here. It mainly depends on this array and my two friends. " A wry smile also appeared on the face of shopkeeper Kong. He pointed to the small array arranged on the ground, and explained a little: "when the animal tide broke out, Xiaotu and I happened to go to TIANYAO city together with a good friend of mine, money manager of a shop in our valley mining city, to participate in a small auction. He was on his way to TIANYAO city

"Later, when we found out that the animal tide broke out, shopkeeper Qian and I immediately hid in one place. My array can make monsters mistakenly think that there is a gold ore belt around us, so we hide in the ground, and the demons who are hiding in the earth do not pass by our hiding places, so they survive by chance. If we were not in the wilderness of TIANYAO city at that time, but in the vicinity of Gukuang city and TIANYAO City, even if we hid in this way, it would certainly be of no use and certainly would not survive. Because the monsters around the city are too dense. The underground of the city is full of holes. I'm afraid that when we attack the city, even if we think it's a gold ore belt, we'll have to arch through it, and we'll certainly not be able to hide. "

"We hid for three days in an underground place in the central wasteland of gukuangcheng and TIANYAO city. When we felt that the number of monsters passing by had become scarce, we drove to Qingluo City, and then went to Guanshan city."

At this point, manager Kong's eyes unconsciously showed a look of fear. "We expect that there are several Jindan monks in the damizong of Qingluo City, and there are many powerful monks. We should be able to defend the town. When we get to Qingluo City, it is relatively safe, but we did not expect that when we arrived at Qingluo City, it was already a piece of waste land. The whole city of Qingluo no longer exists. We haven't even seen a living friar. "

"Is Qingluo city similar to Guanshan city?" Weisuo's eyebrows were slightly frowned. What he is most concerned about now is the extent to which the current animal tide has reached and whether it has been suppressed. If not, where are so many monsters? How can the surrounding area of Guanshan city be so dead? There are not many monsters. , the fastest update of the webnovel!