Chapter 666

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What, you are not afraid of xuanfengmen! I tell you, if you let me heal at this moment, recover as before, and work for our donghuangzong and xuanfengmen, I can protect you. And joining our Donghuang sect will bring endless benefits Wearing a white robe, the man's face suddenly turned pale and shrieked.

"Forget it, you are such a small role. You will not know what disputes I have with xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong." Seeing that the young man also wanted to use the xuanfengmen to suppress himself, Weisuo seemed to be unable to help coming up with his own name, but after thinking about it, he still resisted. He kicked the young man and threw two big black wooden boxes beside the young man. "Go and help us collect that kind of fruit. If you can pick two back, I will let you leave by yourself."

"You The young man was so angry that he almost vomited all his blood. "You I go to collect this kind of fruit, still can live! You let me go by myself You How shameless you are

"No way." Weisuo took a look at the young friar, who was about to be mad with anger and was eager to bite his foot. "Didn't you say when you asked me to go just now, you can still survive as long as you move faster and cut off a layer of flesh and blood from your body."

"Go and pick it up!"

Weissou kicked the young friar again.


the young monk couldn't help biting Weisuo's foot in front of him, but then he screamed, and his teeth were broken. However, Weisuo's foot was like a piece of iron and did not move.

"Go and pick them up. I've said that as long as you can get two back, I'll let you go." Weisuo, who seemed to have no feeling at all, continued to urge the young friar.

"You..." The young monk led by donghuangzong was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood. "I was so hurt that I couldn't even use my real yuan. I couldn't even climb. How can I collect it?"

"That's OK. I can cure you pretty much."

Wei Suo looked very good to discuss. He took out the blood crystal stone and slowly focused on Zhenyuan. He dropped a drop of blood red medicine on the young monk's wound.

Now anyway, the corpses of monsters are extremely rich, and the medicinal liquid in his blood crystal stone is almost inexhaustible, so it is not painful to use it at all.

"Blood crystal!"

The young monk, who led the donghuangzong, was shocked and recognized Wei Suo's strange crystal with red light.

Just a moment later, several wounds on the young monk healed at an amazing speed, and Zhenyuan could also restore flow in his body.

As soon as the real yuan in the young monk's body could flow, he was ready to cast the spell and Weisuo to fight hard. But suddenly, he felt cold on his forehead, as if he was wearing a cold, wet and heavy hat. A cold to the bones of the cold, suddenly unconsciously diffuse to his whole body.

"Heart eater! You are a heart eater The young monk suddenly thought of something, and cried out in horror.

"Don't talk nonsense. Go and pick that fruit." Weisuo kicked the young friar again, "or let the heart eater absorb your brain immediately."

"You You're so damn shameless The young monk's wound was at least 50% better, but now he was so angry that he spat out blood. After curing his wounds, he was allowed to pick that kind of fruit, which was no different from fattening and killing pigs. "You have searched all our nabao bags. There is no panacea for healing. If I go to pick that kind of fruit, how can I live?"

"Well, that's reasonable. Du Daoyou, give them some bottles of Baicao Shengji powder." Weisuo nodded and said this to Dewey behind him.

Several bottles of Baicao Shengji powder in the Jasper bottle were immediately thrown in front of the young monk. At the thought that these monks of donghuangzong robbed the surviving friars' things and forced them to collect the fruits, Du Wei and others were speechless with anger and had no sympathy for the young monk.

"You You... " The young friar, who had been severely injured and was extremely arrogant, pressed Weisuo with the xuanfengmen. He could not even say a word, "poof". After spitting out a mouthful of blood, the young monk grabbed several bottles of Baicao Shengji powder and yelled, "give me a knife!"

The young monk wanted to bite and swallow Weisuo's heart, but the key was that he was not Weisuo's opponent at all. There was a heart eating insect lying on his forehead. What's more, Weisuo couldn't bite at all .

if you don't pick the red fruit, you'll be sucked into your brain immediately and die. If you go to pick the red fruit, you can still fight and maybe live.

Under such circumstances, the young monk, who had already been completely insane, decided to pick the red fruit.

"Give him the knife." Weisuo was still and nodded to duvet and others.

A silver white sharp knife, which was the most common and could not reach the half spirit level, was thrown in front of the young monk again.


The young monk of donghuangzong took the knife in his hand and let out a crazy cry. He did not return his head at will. He ran as fast as he could towards the tree bearing red fruit that Wei suoxian had pointed out before.When it was about 20 Zhang away from the big tree, Wei Suo ordered the heart eating insect to leave the young monk of donghuangzong. The young monk of donghuangzong didn't stop at all. He rushed to the tree, and then with his fastest speed, he grabbed two red fruits and put them into a black iron wood box.

After he quickly got out of the tree's ten Zhang range, the young monk of donghuangzong screamed, but he cut his own flesh and blood with great speed.

Just a moment later, the young monk had completely turned into a bloody man. The flesh and blood he had cut from his body had become gray and stiff, like rotten wood.

Weisuo's heart did not fluctuate, his eyes were calm and his eyes were still.

Because he knew very well that if he was not as good as these monks of donghuangzong today, he might be himself who was cutting meat like this.

"Since you first begged me to spare your life, I won't kill you. Go and take the two wooden iron boxes." Wei Suo stretched out his hand a little and shot out a few thin blue lights to seal the remaining Zhen Yuan of the monk donghuangzong, who was shivering all over the body, and said at the same time.

Hearing Wei Suo's words, the monk of donghuangzong, if granted amnesty, ran to the young friar in front of him and took the two black iron wooden boxes.

"What do you know about this kind of fruit?" Wei Suo asked, looking at the remaining monk of donghuangzong. At the same time, his divine sense penetrated into two black iron wood wooden boxes. He only felt that the two strange fruits were emitting dense vitality and rolling like fire, but they were blocked by the black iron wood box and could not be seen through.

"I don't know." The monk of donghuangzong said this, and then his whole body was shaking again. He added in fear, "but our Lord should know the specific usage of this fruit."

"Where is the gate of your donghuangzong? Have you ever collected this kind of fruit Weisuo did not put away the two black wooden boxes, his eyes flickered slightly, and then asked.

"The gate of our donghuangzong is at Jilong mountain. We don't know how much of this kind of fruit has been received. However, we have sent eight groups of friars out with us, and we should not have collected many of them." The monk of donghuangzong said with trepidation.

At the moment, the young monk who took the lead screamed incessantly, which was mixed with the voice of cursing and cursing. He had almost cut off a layer of his own flesh and blood.

"Where is Jilong mountain?" Weisseau then asked.

"Jilong mountain is in the middle of Zhenming city and Youming city. It is an unknown low mountain range. There are some poisonous miasma grass growing on it, and many valleys are filled with poisonous miasma. " At this time, it was Zhou Yuge behind Weisuo who explained directly.

"Do monks from xuanfengmen stay in Jilong mountain? Is there a monk of xuanfengmen around Zhenming city? " Vissault nodded and went on.

"When we left, there were no monks of xuanfengmen staying. There should be no monks around Zhenming city within tens of thousands of miles. I'm afraid that only a lot of monks can know what the great event is


At this time, the young monk let out a shrill cry and let go of his knife. Unexpectedly, he had cut off all the flesh and blood on his body, just like a skeleton frame with a layer of red membrane. He had begun to apply Baicao Shengji powder to his body.

The young monk was so vigorous that he seemed unable to die for a while.

But Weisuo did not care about the young monk, but his eyes were swept towards another place. Even if the young monk is not dead, he will not be able to make his way. It will take at least a month to recover. There is no possibility of survival in the ruins of such monsters.

In the ruins that his eyes swept away at the moment, however, the figures of a group of monks appeared.

Manager Zhang and manager Qian are back at this time.

"Ji Daoyou, Du Daoyou What's going on here? "

"Phoenix scale Green Eagle, is the donghuangzong people?"

Just at a glance to see the situation around Weisuo and others, manager Zhang and others all immediately changed their faces, and their eyes were full of horror.

"These monks of Donghuang sect want to rob our things and kill us. But they can't defeat Ji Daoyou's magic power... "


A moment later, shopkeeper Zhang and others went to Wei Suo's side and heard Du Wei's explanation. They were all shocked and looked at Wei Suo with an unbelievable look.

"Master Ji, you must be a great power with amazing powers. What is your identity?" At this time, Xia Yubing also really can't help, mustering up courage, looking at Wei Suo asked such a sentence.

"My real name is vesuo." Wei Suo at the moment does not hide anything, looking at Xia Yubing and others said.

"Weisuo You're the real man Weisuo? It's the young master of Zhenwu sect... " Xia Yubing's voice stopped suddenly, and she couldn't believe it."You've heard that, too. I was caught by Xu Qianhuan. It was just a rumor that he spread out to deal with me. " Weisuo gave a faint smile.

"Season Master Wei You... " Shopkeeper Qian and manager Kong are also completely in a daze. They open their mouths for a moment and don't know what to say.

"I was seriously injured and my magic power has not recovered. In addition, I have hatred with xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong, so I dare not reveal my identity easily. Please forgive me. And I still want to thank you for your help, otherwise I will fall down. " Wei Suo Qian and looked at the money manager and other Humanitarianism: "we do not have to be polite, just call me Daoyou, take me as the previous Ji Daoyou."

"This "After a group of people pause for a moment, the shopkeeper Qian is the first to open his mouth and say with a bitter smile," Wei Daoyou, you have changed from a friar of zhoutianjing to a monk of golden elixir. This is really hard for people to adapt to at this time. "

"I'm afraid you'll have to get used to one thing if I tell you something." Wei Suo shook his head and said: "the whole northern part of Tianxuan continent, I'm afraid it's all monster territory now."

"What!" Shopkeeper Qian and others were suddenly shocked and even stopped breathing completely.

"Wei Daoyou, do you really believe what they said is true?" Xia Yubing took a deep breath: "the Youming palace, Youdi and other people and the shenxuanda Neng of beimingzong all fell down. It's really unbelievable. Before that, there was no news of the supernatural power, not to mention the supernatural power of Shenxuan power. Who can block it, and who can destroy it? "

"It's true. As long as you go to donghuangzong to have a look, you should know about it." Wei Suo looked at Xia Yu Bing and nodded.

"You're going to donghuangzong..." Xia Yubing's breath was also fierce, "you go to the trouble of donghuangzong. It's very likely that the monk of xuanfengmen will come."

"The monk of xuanfengmen Lin Taixu, I just can't help but want to see him again. " Weisuo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the far back of Zhenming city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!