Chapter 683

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"When you die, you have to talk nonsense. My younger martial sister shuiling'er has been betrothed to the young master Xu Qianhuan of zhenwuzong." Lin Taixu's face changed, but he returned to calm again. He took a look at Wei Suo, "if you hand over Li freehand, kneel down obediently and wait for the fall, I may still be able to let you live."

"A dead ghost, can you still be a companion?" Weisuo smile, "brother-in-law, you don't have to joke, OK?"

"What are you talking about again?" When Wei Suo called his brother-in-law again, Lin Taixu took a step forward. The clouds above his head formed a huge tornado. It seemed that he didn't want to talk to Weisuo any more nonsense. He was about to take a step forward.

"Xu Qianhuan and Baiyu immortal have been killed by me." Wei Suo's face did not have the slightest nervous look, is to smile again, said.

Now it seems that zhenwuzong suppressed the news that Xu Qianhuan was killed. However, Wei Suo had already fallen into the eyes of the leader of Zhenwu sect when he was in front of the gate of Zhenwu. The leader of Zhenwu sect already knew that he killed Xu Qianhuan. In addition, Weisuo could do whatever he wanted to shake. So Wei Suo had nothing to hide. He directly took Xu Qianhuan and Bai Yuzhen The man was told what he had killed.

"What, Xu Qianhuan and immortal Baiyu were killed by him?"

"Xu Qianhuan is the young master of Zhenwu sect. Compared with ordinary friars, immortal Baiyu is more powerful than Kunpeng

"It's not necessarily true. He killed two old xuanfengmen antiques. With his magic power, he could not kill Xu Qianhuan and Baiyu immortal."

"But Xu Qianhuan is the real master of Wuzong! How can he dare to do it with the blood of Shenxuan's great power! "

As soon as Weisuo's words were uttered, many friars immediately took a breath of cold air.

"You can also kill Xu Qianhuan?" Lin Taixu's eyes narrowed slightly, but there was no change in his face.

"Uncle, if you don't believe it, you can try it." Wei Suo laughed, his eyes fell on Lin Taixu, "do you dare to fight with me alone?"


In Lin Taixu's eyes, he shot a kind of divine light, and a sneer appeared on his face. "Do you dare to challenge me with a bloody sword?"

"I'm not kidding." Weisuo waved his hand and said solemnly, "it's so-called beauty with hero. If you're not my opponent today, don't hide it, you'll admit that Shuiling son has become my Taoist partner, how about it?"

"If you can survive today, it is not impossible for me to betroth shuilinger to you." Lin Taixu's tone was light, and he was not caught by Weisuo's words. At the same time, with a stroke, a blue tornado fell directly from the air and fell toward Weisuo's head.

"Brother in law, you are too anxious. In your capacity, you should let me do it first."

Facing the blue tornado which was hundreds of times bigger than his own, Wei Suo shook his head, sighed and reached out a little. The black light was flying on the demon tower in Donghuang town in front of him. He rushed up to the sky and directly smashed the blue tornado falling from above.

"Tianxuan road pattern, thousands of years. It depends on how your blood eating sword and elixir can be used. "

Wei Suo broke the blue tornado. Lin Taixu had no sorrow or joy on his face, his full forehead was bright, and his fingertips shot out countless blue light lines, just like gods.

Countless cyan light patterns suddenly covered thousands of square meters. These light patterns did not seem to have any power. The vigorous wind formed by the broken blue tornado was also cut directly from these light lines. These blue light patterns are like illusions and illusions.

However, as soon as these blue light patterns are excited, all the vitality in the circle of thousands of meters will vibrate violently. The vibration of these vitality has the power of spirit level. If the magic weapons below the spirit level enter into this range, they will be shattered instantly.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Weisuo seems to be in a world of violent shock, and the aura outside his body keeps popping.

"This is our rabbit technique." At the sight of Lin Taixu inspiring the Taoist technique, Li freehand couldn't help crying out.

"It's a pity that the foundation of Youming palace has been destroyed for thousands of years. Even the leader's successor, a generation of heroes, even thought he was a rabbit. This mysterious pattern of heaven and the fleeting years of thousands of years are what I got from the ruins outside the dense ground of Youming palace. It's better to deal with you. "

In the cold laughter, Lin Taixu stood still in the void, and a burning golden flame appeared in front of him, instantly rippling with the most terrifying power and the amazing breath of antiquity, breaking through the heaven and earth, dragging out a long flame tail in the air and hitting Weisuo.

Smash the magic gun!

Lin Taixu's power to destroy the magic gun is extremely terrifying. Moreover, his Taoist technique shakes all the space around Weisuo. Once the blood eating sword is sacrificed, I'm afraid it will be shattered immediately, and the extinction golden elixir will be detonated immediately.

Moreover, just from the demon Pagoda in Donghuang Town, Lin Taixu can see that Wei Suo came from Donghuang sect. Now his technique makes Wei Suo unable to sacrifice that kind of fruit at all. Instead, he directly explodes around his body and suffers greatly."Poof!"

A huge white spine shaped magic weapon appeared in front of Weisuo. This magic weapon refined by the backbone of the ancient white Ze is very tough. The power of ordinary spirit level can't be damaged at all. Under the stimulation of Weisuo, the rolling white miasma gushed out and instantly filled a hundred Zhang square.

"What magic weapon is this?"

"What's the use of this magic weapon?" All the monks watching, including the remaining antiques of xuanfengmen, could not see the origin of this magic weapon at all, and there was a strange light in their eyes.


I saw the light of the spear burst into the sky, unstoppable. From the top of Weisuo, the demon tower of Donghuang town was directly defeated.


One day, the white ancient dragon poured out in the white miasma sect. After the demon tower in Donghuang town was shot and flew, it blocked Lin Taixu's destroying magic gun.

"Pa!" A daozun made of green and vigorous wind coagulates from Lin Taixu's body, and instantly strikes Wei Suo's body, smashing a dark golden sword Qi aroused by Wei Suo.

"When!" The broken spear that flies back to Lin Taixu's body is fired again, and the demon tower in Donghuang town captured by Wei Suo is shot back again.



Lin Taixu's breath and pressure were as turbulent as the ocean, and his whole body seemed to shine with light, just like the arrival of the God King. He and Weisuo in the middle, a continuous impact of the light, as if formed a dazzling channel. He is constantly moving forward in the void, while Weisuo is constantly shaken back.

"When! Ha... "

The demon tower of Donghuang town was beaten out again and made a broken sound.

"The power to destroy the magic spear is too terrible. The demon tower in Donghuang town has cracked and is about to be stopped!"

"The casting speed of the two is so fast that they can burst out so many attacks in a moment."

"Lin Taixu has restrained the opponent's proud magic weapon. The casting speed and golden elixir power are almost the same as those of the other party. However, the power to destroy the magic weapon is too large. If he falls below, he will soon fall down!"

Many of the friars' eyes twinkled and felt that Weisuo was in a bad and precarious situation.


At this time, the whole world was shaking violently again. A huge holy stove with golden flame wrapped around it was sacrificed by Lin Taixu. The top cover of the furnace was opened directly, and a group of amazing golden fire was emitted, which was directly suppressed against Weisuo.

"Burn God's furnace!"

"This magic weapon is in the hands of Lin Taixu. Lin Taixu still has the spare power to sacrifice this magic weapon. Once this magic weapon is offered, he will surely be unable to resist it and will soon fall down! "

" when! " Many people's eyes were startled, and the idea just flashed in their minds. The demon tower in Donghuang town was once again hit from Wei Suo's body, burning the celestial God furnace like the sun, and kept suppressing Wei Suo to pieces and burning into fly ash.

"What's going on?"

But at this time, all the friars saw that Lin Taixu's face changed suddenly, his body shook violently, his aura trembled and scattered, and his casting stopped. Those blue light lines covering thousands of feet were also broken because of the disordered breath of Lin Taixu.

"The miasma Barren ancient white Ze! This is a magic weapon refined with the ancient white Ze! The miasma has been contaminated on the broken magic gun and penetrated into the body At the same time, Lin Taixu's body trembled violently, and the light in his mind flashed, and he immediately responded.

I saw his body trembling, a trace of white gas, also do not know what he used, all forced out.


But at this time, Wei Suo's black light flashed in front of him, and the blood eating Sabre was aroused by him again. A red light with an unimaginable power, cut through the sky.

Between the whole heaven and earth, there suddenly appeared a terrible evil spirit, which made people shudder physically and mentally.

"The power It's more terrifying than destroying the magic gun... " Many monks can't breathe.

"This is equivalent to the most Qi and blood of Kunpeng ancestor and the power of heaven and earth triggered by Zhenyuan." Many monks who know the blood eating method are shocked.

Lin Taixu's eyes, fierce stare!

Body backward fly out, hands at the same time forward empty space press!

The golden burning God furnace is first blocked in front.


A hole was made directly on the burning God furnace, flying upside down!

"Ha The golden streamer of the broken spear was also sent to the sky.


Lin Taixu's golden elixir also emerged, blocking in front.

The irresistible blood light finally broke, but all the surrounding rays of Lin Taixu's golden elixir were also shattered. The whole golden elixir was also very huge. I don't know how many times it was shaken, and Lin Taixu was rushed back and forth together.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Lin Taixu's mouth.Like the king of God, Lin Taixu was beaten to vomit blood! , the fastest update of the webnovel!