Chapter 691

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Jingnian Begonia! This is the treasure of jingnianzong in ancient times. He actually got it As soon as fengwucang's silver crabapple shaped magic weapon was sacrificed, the old man in green robe immediately called out, "boy, no wonder he is sitting on an even footing in front of you. The defense power of this magic weapon can not only reach the top grade of xuanjie level! What's more, this magic weapon can't grasp the specific position of the opposing divine consciousness, and it's hard to lock it in. "

"Xuanjie top grade? It turns out that he has such a treasure. " Vissault's eyes moved.

Last time Feng wucang did not have this magic weapon against his enemies Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan. In other words, this magic weapon may have been acquired by Feng wucang recently.

With such a magic weapon, it's difficult for Lin Taixu to smash him with his magic weapon and other skills. It seems that Feng wucang is really prepared to appear in front of Lin Taixu this time. If the two sides really fight and have this magic weapon in hand, Lin Taixu may really be defeated by Feng wucang.


Although such thoughts appeared in his heart, Weisuo's action did not stop at all, and countless water spirits gushed out from him. Then Wei Suo did not take out the water candle demon elixir, but took out many other low-level water demon elixir. Then a huge and extremely powerful pressure shook, and Zhentian FA Xiang, which was full of terror, stood between heaven and earth again.


Almost when Wei Suo was violently exhaling vitality and Zhentian FA Xiang was standing between the heaven and the earth again, under the clap of fengwucang's giant palm, the ice spirit chalcedony immediately made a broken sound.

A sudden burst of white cold air, which was condensed like a sharp sword.


It was as fast as going beyond the time limit. Just after a burst of cold air, the huge palm of Zhentian Dharma Master had already brought out strips of light and penetrated into the basement completely carved with ice jade spirit marrow.


The whole basement immediately burst open, "pa!" In front of fengwucang's body, the crystal like transparent light shield formed by the brilliant light from jingnian Begonia in front of fengwucang could not resist, and cracks appeared one after another.

But at this time, Wei Suo's "Zhentian FA Xiang" showed a mysterious and extremely light pattern. Feng wucang and the astonishing cold air in front of Li Shuyi's body were all blocked and blown to pieces.

Just in a flash, the whole basement made of ice jade spirit pulp turned into dust. However, taking this chamber as the center, it condensed into a huge icicle with a height of more than 100 Zhang and a width of more than 10 Zhang.

"Such an astonishing cold air would have been hard to stop if Wei Daoyou hadn't done it, just with my magic weapon." Feng Wu Cang looked at a huge icicle standing in front of him between breathing and breathing. He could not help but take a deep breath.

"Brother rabbit, have you got anything in it?" Li freehand can't help but ask, and then put away the Zhen Tian FA Xiang Wei Suo.

Weisuo nodded, did not speak, but stretched out his right hand and opened his palm.

"Is this?"

Feng wucang and Li freehand brushwork saw Wei Suo lying quietly in the palm of his hand a Bodhi shaped bead. However, the bead was transparent, just like an ice bead, and there were many tiny light lines flickering in it, which was mysterious.

"What the hell is it?" Because of the presence of fengwucang, the old man in green robe did not dare to show his consciousness to explore. Suddenly, he cried in Weisuo's ear.

"Xijing glass, which records a classic." Weisuo's eyes flashed and he said the words at the same time.

"Xijing glass?" Feng wucang frowned. It seems that he has never heard of this classic.

"Xijing glass! In this thing, it actually records the skill of Xijing glass! " As soon as the old man in green robe heard Wei Suo's words, he exclaimed, "Xijing glass, this is the skill of the ancient god Xuan Da Neng Xi Jing Xuan Nu! This is not the skill of Youming Palace at all! "

Weisuo's face didn't change much. His eyes flashed for a while, as if he had written down all the contents of this Bodhi shaped ice bead. He reached out a little and put it in front of fengwucang.

"Heaven level top level skill!"

Fengwucang didn't stop at all. The divine consciousness just penetrated into it, but his eyes were immediately irresistible, showing a look of shock.

In this thing, it records a piece of ice system skill at the top of heaven level!

Feng wucang immediately remembered with great effort that the Scriptures in this Bodhi shaped ice bead were extremely abstruse, and seemed to have some strange magic power. Even when they were chanted in their hearts, they seemed to be able to vibrate with inexplicable vitality.

"Binglinggen Only a woman can practice... "

But then, Feng wucang quickly found out that this skill can only be practiced by a nun with ice spirit root.

"It's a skill that only a nun of Bing Linggen can practice."

After finding this, Feng wucang's heart is not disappointed. Because even if the male practitioners could not practice, it was not difficult for them to find a female monk of Bing Linggen. For yutianzong, this ancient Scripture is still the most precious treasure. Such a complete ancient Scripture alone is enough to be worthy of the method that he passed on to Wei Suo.Now Feng wucang can be sure that just by bringing back this Taoist technique, yutianzong will not blame him for his private preaching of Weisuo's technique. On the contrary, he will have a great reward. But what he didn't understand at the moment was why there was such a skill in the nether world palace, but he had never heard of any woman practicing this skill in the nether world palace before. In principle, it is not extremely difficult to find a nun disciple of Bing Linggen for a large gate of the nether world palace.


In his meditation, Feng wucang was suddenly surprised, because the Bodhi shaped ice bead in his hand had slowly melted away, and the light lines in it had disappeared automatically before it began to melt.

"You've broken this thing?" Seeing such a scene, Li freehand couldn't help but say a word.

"It's not that he broke it. It's an ordinary ice bead, and it's used by a kind of magical power that we can't understand. As soon as I took it out, I could feel that the power was beginning to disappear Fengwucang didn't open his mouth, but Wei Suo explained such a sentence to Li freehand. Then Wei Suo looked at Feng wucang and said, "Fengdao friend, have you written down this ancient Scripture? If there is something I can't remember clearly, I can repeat it to you. "

"It's nice to work with you." Fengwucang didn't want to think about it. He let all the ice beads in his hand melt open and smile, "I have already remembered all the ancient classics in this, so don't bother you."

"Rabbit thing, is it useful?" Li freehand looks at the ice bead that the wind Wu Cang hand turns open, but can't help looking at Wei Suo to ask.

"Of course it works." Weisuo nodded solemnly. Although he hasn't realized this skill carefully, and he doesn't know how many amazing mysteries there are, but the beginning of this skill indicates that it is the supreme skill which ranks at the top of the heaven level. Moreover, the old man in green robe has just said that this skill is the skill of a supernatural and powerful power in ancient times. Just these points, this skill must be very amazing, and Han Weiwei It happens to be the nun of binglinggen. This skill is extremely suitable for her. In Wei Suo's opinion, even if she abandons the cultivation as he does, it is worth it. After all, Han Weiwei is only cultivating in the state of mind, which is a long way from hitting the golden elixir.

"It's really useful. I remember there's another place where there's something good." Li freehand heard Wei Suo say so, immediately greatly inspired, elated and toward a point in the direction of a point, "let's go to have a look."

"The secret place of the netherworld palace!"

According to Li's instructions, the three people passed through dozens of ruins formed by the huge temple group and stopped at a place behind the mountain top. At the sight of this place, Weisuo and fengwucang are both in the heart.

In front of me, the periphery of this place is full of fragments of various jade temples, piled up like a circular hill.

Inside the circular hill formed by various fragments, there is a flat carpet floor more than ten miles round. There are no holes and fighting marks on the ground, but there are all kinds of broken bones of monsters.

The broken bones of all kinds of monsters seem to have been crushed by some kind of huge force, and after a long period of time, there is no blood, flesh and demon pill. There are only fine bone fragments, but these fine bone fragments look very new in color, and it is obvious that they were crushed in this animal tide.

In the center of this area, there is a hazy blue Shenhui, which seems to have an ordinary stone chamber in the innermost part. However, it is not clear that the specific situation is shrouded by the inexplicable blue color of God.

In the whole ghost city, almost all the buildings have been completely damaged, but this place is safe and sound, and there is an inexplicably strong and vast atmosphere on the blue sky, which makes Weisuo and fengwucang slightly suffocate.

Although at the moment, the figure of the spirit eating beast has disappeared in the blue sky, but Weisuo and fengwucang can be sure at a glance. This must be the secret place of Youming palace to store the incomplete moon, which is the place where Lin Taixu and xuanfengmen's strong men want to force Li to come!

"This?" Fengwucang's divine sense first went into the blue God's light, but his face turned white immediately. The power of the blue God was beyond his imagination. One of his inexplicable powers was that he wanted to roll all his divine consciousness out of his body and be involved in it to smash. So that he would not dare to use his divine sense to explore it.

"You Ming Palace secretly..."

At the same time, Weisuo didn't try out the blue color in advance. In this area, in addition to the center of the blue Shenhui, there are also five or six jade tablets, which seem to have hidden some talisman patterns.

Before the enemy, Lin Taixu's skill covering a wide range was also obtained in the netherworld palace. At the moment, the jade tablet here made him wonder whether Lin Taixu's technique was obtained here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!