Chapter 707

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Only two people wanted to attack the evil veins guarded by thousands of friars of Tianjian sect and five great friars of Jindan. Among them, the supreme elder of Tianjian sect controlled the magic weapons of shocking the heaven, and several severe prohibitions were made.

This for Ma Kong Qun and Meng Yu, of course, is simply unimaginable.

"I have a good friend named Li Yu..." But looking at Wei Suo is very firm face, Meng Yu is a bite teeth, first said such a sentence.

"You want me to save him?" Wei Suo seemed to understand Meng Yu's meaning, looked at Meng Yu and nodded, "I can't guarantee that I can save him, but if you enter with us, I will try my best to rescue all the monks forced here by the Tianjian sect."

"Well, I'll go in with you!" Hear Wei Suo say so, Meng Yu hot blood gushes up, nodded forcefully to say.

"Since you can come out with a swagger, you must have a good understanding of which route is safer to enter. Bring us into the evil vein of the magical pattern, and I can let you live. " According to the ancient earth mother Scripture, within 500 li of the evil vein with magical patterns, it is the forbidden area of the ancient wasteland, which is extremely dangerous. Here, the ground fissure of the evil vein with magical patterns is about 1500 Li. Adding up, the land of great ferocity has a total area of 2000 Li. In this place, Wei Suo did not dare to make a mistake easily. After nodding to Meng Yu, he said to Ma Kong Qun.

"I'll take you in!" Ma Kong Qun immediately agreed. For him, this is what he can't hope for. He doesn't believe that Weisuo can deal with the friars of tianjianzong in the whole evil vein of magical patterns. In his opinion, taking Weisuo and others into the evil veins of magical patterns can make him survive.

Wei Suo didn't say much, but Shenzhi swept all the nabao bags found on the two tianjianzong disciples.

The contents of the two tianjianzong disciples' nabao bags are very simple. There are only a few magic weapons, some spirit stones and pills that are not available in the Taoist level. Nothing special.

Then, Wei Suo didn't stop. He put out his hand a little, but he sacrificed a red pure gold flying away magic weapon in the shape of carp, which was just given by Ma kongqun's imperial envoy. At the same time, he extended his hand a little, and restored Ma Kong Qun's ability to move his limbs. However, he still used the method of Zhenyuan imprisonment obtained by donghuangzong to seal the Zhenyuan of Makong Qun.

"Boy, don't be careless. Don't be reluctant to use the remaining water candle demon pill. If you find that it's not right, I will sacrifice Zhentian FA Xiang as soon as possible. However, I haven't seen a naked big chest for tens of thousands of years. I don't want to fall down with you in this fierce place. Maybe there is something pressing the bottom of the box for these super monks in this kind of place. Please ask more." As Weisuo began to follow the direction of Ma Kong Group, the old man in green robe called.

"Is there any way for you, monk, to threaten the heaven?" Weisuo followed the advice of the old man in green robe and continued to ask when the imperial envoy made the magic weapon of flying away.

"On weekdays, we are only responsible for guarding these monks. We also know some of the arrangements in the ancestral gate. As for the details, we don't know that clearly. Only a few elders and the supreme elder can understand." Ma Kong Qun now saw the vitality, more dare not offend Weisuo, quick answer.

"Boy, if you don't go inside, you should find a chance to control a Jindan friar of Tianjian sect first." Said the old man in green in weissou's ear.

Weisuo's eyes flashed a few times. He didn't speak and didn't know what he was thinking.

Aware of Weisuo's appearance, the green robed old man did not say much, he knew that Weisuo's mind would certainly have a plan.

"What is that?" But just according to Ma Kong Qun's direction, the green robed old man couldn't help but let out a cry.

In the sky ahead, there are countless palm sized shadows flying in the sky, just like some kind of creature, which looks very strange. It seems that there were many black shadows in the sky before when the blood was flowing like tide.

"It's just a dark shadow formed by the strange vitality in the night among the evil veins and evil veins. It has no power and can be passed safely." Ma kongqun also saw the color on Weisuo's face and actively explained.

"It's just the shadow of some strange breath emanating from the evil veins?" Wei SuoYu made feidun magic weapon continue to move forward, see this piece of black shadow shape like goose feather size ashes, but there are only some small dust, no substance.

"This kind of shadow often appears at night in the center of the evil veins and above the ground fissures. Moreover, if the ground fire under a certain ground fissure is turbulent and brings a lot of dust, the condensed black shadow will form the shape of gray black wood chips." Meng Yu added.

Walking through the sky and dark shadow is like walking through the black goose feather snow. After a moment, there seems to be a large area of water in front of you. The starlight seems to reflect the starry sky. Ma Kong Group also immediately went to the left point of that area, "don't enter that area, bypass from the left side."

"What's so weird about that?" The old man in green can't help crying again.

This place, which looks like a large area of water, is not a water area at all, but a lot of light and little bits of light appear on the ground. From a distance, it looks like the reflection of stars on the water surface. If you get closer, it looks like fireflies are scattered on the ground."Ghost firefly landform!" Seeing such a scene, Weisuo was moved in his heart.

There are records in the ancient book of earth mother that he has read. This kind of landform is called ghost firefly landform. It can't be seen that there is any abnormality in the daytime. If you enter at night, even if you dig the ground, you can't see why there is any brilliance. When you enter this kind of landform at first, you won't feel any different at all. However, as time goes on, no matter how strong a monk's divine sense is, he still has to be at Among them, they lost their way and couldn't distinguish the direction at all.

"In this area, as long as you enter this area, you will lose your direction and turn around in a moment." As expected, the explanation of the Makong group is the same as that of the relevant introduction in the Gemu classic.

"Is it that the closer you are to the center of the evil vein, the more affected is divine consciousness?" Suddenly, he asked again. Because even he felt that the more he moved forward, his sight seemed to be more blurred, and his divine sense was more and more like walking through the water, greatly hindered.

"Yes." Ma kongqun nodded honestly, "in the central area of the interior, the scope that the divine consciousness can reach is only half of that of ordinary times. And the sight line is also affected by blood light and strange smell, and it's hard to see clearly from dozens of miles away. "

"Ancient ghost wind! Be careful not to touch the black gas At this time, suddenly Meng Yu and Ma Kong Qun are a cry of horror, in front of a barren Valley, suddenly rolled out a gust of black wind.

"Eh?" when Meng Yu and Ma Kong Qun screamed in horror, Weisuo had already felt that the black wind that was spreading out from the valley was very strange. The divine sense touched it, as if it had fallen into a black hole and could not be extended at all.

"What is the ancient ghost wind?" Weisuo did not dare to be careless. He retreated directly to the rear until the black wind no longer flowed out of the valley and dissipated slowly.

Ma Kong Qun was still in a state of fear, and quickly replied: "emperor Pu said that this kind of black wind may have accumulated for tens of thousands of years. There is almost no record in the ancient books. The ancient ghost wind was named by us later. This kind of black wind can seriously damage the spiritual consciousness of monks. Even if the monks of Fen minding state fall into the black wind, they will be severely damaged and become idiots."

"Direct damage to divine consciousness?" Weisuo and the old man in green robe were surprised. There is no record of this kind of thing in the ancient earth mother Scripture.

"Sometimes the black wind comes out of the earth fissure with evil veins. There were dozens of Taoist friends who were swallowed up. Later, all of them went crazy. Even the miraculous medicine for warming up the mind and consciousness didn't work. After crying and laughing for several days, all of them died." Meng Yu is also pale face added.

"It's really an evil sect. There was only a small area in this area before this ancient ghost wind, but today there are so many Is it because of the ancient creatures? " Ma Kong Qun also can't help saying.

"Why, there are not so many ghost wind in ancient times?" Weisuo's brow was wrinkled.

"There are not so many. Originally, there are only more than 100 Zhangs of this valley where there are such ghost winds." Ma Kong Qun shook his head, looking at the valley, very nervous.

"Someone..." At this time, Li freehand suddenly pulled Weisuo's clothes and said.

"Someone How could anyone be there! " Ma Kong Qun and Meng Yu are also immediately all over a stiff, scared out of a voice.

At this moment, Wei Suo continued to move forward with the magic weapon of feidun. Ma kongqun and Meng Yu also saw two figures standing in the valley where the ancient ghost wind appeared.

"It's a monk's body, but it's not a monk who just fell." Weisuo didn't stop and went on. When Li freehand made a sound, he already felt that the two figures were motionless, without flesh and blood. They should be the skeletons of two friars.

"My God! It's ancient phosphorous corpse! We have seen such an ominous thing In a moment, Ma Kong Qun's face was so white that he almost stood up.

The two skeletons actually burned themselves, emitting thick white green smoke and phosphorous light. It was clear that the two skeletons were indeed two skeletons, but the skeletons were gray and black, and they seemed to be covered with a thick layer of grease. When they were burned, they would look like they would not go out.

"What the hell is that?" The old man in green felt that he could not bear it any more, and he could not help shouting.

"What is this ancient phosphorous corpse?" Weisuo couldn't help asking.

"It's a very ominous thing. I don't know when it will come out of the cracks. Sometimes they also appear in the veins. No one knows why there are such strange bones, but these bones are very old, and most of the friars we see will be killed Ma Kong Qun's face was about to cry. It's even worse than when you're under weissou's control.

"I know that there are many friars who probe into the evil pulse of the magical pattern. After seeing this kind of thing, they really died." Meng Yu also looked at Wei Suo and said.

"Boy, shall we leave?" The old man in green could not help but say in Weisuo's ear.

Weisuo took a deep breath, but he did not stop and went on.

There are too many strange things in the evil veins here. If you retreat if you encounter some unknown things today, you may not dare to go in if you come back.Seeing that Wei Suo's mind was determined, the old man in green robe gave two gloomy and strange cries, but he did not say anything more. It was about his own life. Ma Kong Qun, who had no blood on his face, pointed out that he was more careful. However, he did not encounter any strange things.

"This is the evil pulse of magic pattern!"

Less than half an hour later, Weisuo and others were safely in the area with evil veins and evil veins, and looked inside in the outer air. Although they could not see the specific scene, a dozen blood red cracks were shocking. From the high altitude, it was like the gray and black earth was a huge ancient monster, and these straight and sharp blood red fields were just like the black and gray earth It's like a cut from a sharp claw.

These "wounds" seem to be flowing with blood and all kinds of evil spirits rolling. Beside many ground fissures, there are many high platforms and blast furnaces, which are flashing with all kinds of brilliance and flame. In the blood light full of heaven and earth, it is an unimaginable scene!

Any friar, in the face of such a scene, must tremble! , the fastest update of the webnovel!