Chapter 711

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Samsara Sutra wheel is comparable to the xuanjie top-level magic weapon to destroy the magic gun!"

When the old man of the nine people on the platform grasped the gray Bracelet in his hand, Weisuo had sealed all the Zhenyuan of Ma kongqun, landed it in the ground, and then plundered it directly towards the platform. Even Wei Suo had taken the Zhentian FA Xiang in his hand. This gray Bracelet magic weapon gives him a very amazing feeling. He is ready to attack at any time. He can't let this thing fall into Xue Chaoran's hands. At the moment, the breath on the blue wheel that Xue Chaoran sacrificed shakes the world. This magic weapon is obviously the reincarnation Sutra wheel.

After the blue wheel appeared in front of Xue Chaoran, Xue Chaoran immediately entered the blue wheel with a real Yuan Dynasty.


The blue wheel immediately whirled violently, sending out a blue light.


but Wei Suo's eyes were shocked. Xue Chaoran's face changed a lot. The blue wheel suddenly vibrated and gave out trills. At the same time, a piece of green light was diffused out, forming the light and shadow of a blue buddha statue outside the blue wheel, but then it broke up again, and countless blue color fragments scattered.


Almost at the same time, as if echoing, the nine monks who had just escaped to the ground beside the ground fissure were shocked by the gray Bracelet in the hands of the old man.


The nine monks were all soft and fell to the ground. The old man couldn't hold the gray bracelet, which flashed brilliantly from the old man's hands and floated in the air.

"What's the matter? Is there something like a spirit in this magic weapon?" The old man in green also sensed the scene and let out an unbelievable cry in Weisuo's ears.

"This..." Weisuo's figure can not help but get a meal.

He found that the nine monks were not dead, just as if they had lost their strength and were too frightened to move. This gray bracelet is so weird that I don't know what will happen next.


In front of Xue Chaoran's reincarnation Sutra, there was a bell like trill on the wheel again, shaking out countless blue broken light lines.

At the same time, as if guided by the general, just suspended in the air of the gray Bracelet aura, toward the reincarnation of the wheel.

"The ancient creatures suppressed in the samsara Sutra are not dead? Is it the one who wields this magic weapon On the brass ship, Zhao ruling, who was full of aura and formed into a head of blue bat, first uttered a frightful cry. An ice blue sword light burst out of his hand and chopped at the gray bracelet.

The light of ice blue sword is like a meteorite. It makes a violent explosive sound in the air. When it cuts through the sky, there are also blue ice blades around, dense and powerful.

However, when the blue ice blades were still three feet away from the gray bracelet, they were all broken and disappeared. The light of the ice blue sword was also completely disappeared. It was out of control and fell directly from the air. It was a three foot long ice blue flying sword as thin as a cicada's wing.

"Hiss!" A burst of air-conditioning sound sounded around the seventh ground fissure. Zhao ruling's face was very white, and he had seen a ghost.

"How could it be!"

Liu Xiangcheng and Wan Jiansan were also pale, and their own brilliance burst into pieces and disappeared three feet outside the gray bracelet.

"The power of this thing is so weird Even the three golden alchemy friars can't stop it. " The old man in green puffed.


Xue Chaoran's hair fluttered in an instant. The whole person stood in the air like a king of gods. Countless blue light patterns suddenly appeared in front of him. In an instant, he condensed into a lightsaber with a length of tens of Zhang. Under the flash of his eyes, the lightsaber was like cutting through the void and directly cut to the front of the gray bracelet.

"This is at least the middle level skill of heaven level, and its power is still above the dark emperor's sword Qi and ancient fierce fire!" Weisuo's brow jumped violently. Xue Chaoran's Taoist technique is extremely amazing in rank and extremely fast in speed.


However, this huge lightsaber, which is made up of countless mysterious light patterns, is also directly cracked and scattered.


At the same time, there is a tremor on the blue wheel!


A huge golden glow gushed from Xue Chaoran's right hand. It also formed a long Xiaguang sword and chopped at the grey bracelet which was close to his body.

"The golden and Danxia light can't resist it. Is this really a legendary immortal tool?" The old man in green is almost speechless.

This long sword, which is obviously shaped like a golden red glow, smashed in front of the gray bracelet, and scattered in all directions.

Xue Chaoran's face changed again. He reached out and tried to hold down the reincarnation Jinglun town and put it into the treasure bag. However, Zhenyuan wrapped it up. The reincarnation wheel could not be controlled and rotated in the air.

As the grey Bracelet continued to approach, the elder of tianjianzong, whose hair was dancing in the void and his whole body was full of supreme power, completely changed his face. He even gave up the reincarnation Sutra wheel and withdrew from the circle of reincarnation!This situation was completely beyond Weisuo's expectation, which surprised him and stopped in the air.

At the moment, he had passed hundreds of monks of tianjianzong guarding the ground fissure, only a few miles away from the cracked black platform. Almost all the monks' eyes were shocked to gather on the gray bracelet, and no one found his existence at all.


The gray Bracelet directly impacted on the samsara Sutra wheel, giving out a kind of suffocating feeling.

All the blue light on the samsara Sutra disappeared in an instant, leaving only the luster of its own matrix metal.


The light was lost, and the lost control of the samsara wheel fell out of the air, and suddenly there was a broken sound inside.

"Samsara, sutra!"

Xue Chaoran's face was filled with an unbelievable look in an instant, while the other three golden elixir monks of Tianjian sect all cried out.

"The Archaean creatures in it are not dead! It's coming out! " A friar of tianjianzong suddenly screamed in horror.

"Click!" At the same time, the sound of fragmentation came from the samsara Sutra again. On the samsara Sutra wheel, there was a small crack, a purple light, gushing out with a large group of vitality!

Xue Chaoran's mind was shocked, and his whole body seemed to have been hit by an invisible hammer, which made him tremble violently.

"This kind of powerful magic weapon of suppression type of space array What was suppressed in it didn't die Weisuo also can't help but take a cold breath, his eyes are full of unbelievable light.

The top powerful magic weapon of xuanjie. The material of the body of the magic weapon is extremely amazing no matter how it is. Even if it is out of control, if it is not the magic weapon above the xuanjie level, it is hard to break it, but at the moment, the matrix is directly broken!

What is this purple light dug out of the spirit stone vein?!

"This .! "

and in the next moment, Weisuo's breath stopped, and his mind was shocked! The old man in green was obviously too shocked to say anything.

As soon as that purple light gushed out, it was a human figure!

Her whole body exudes a light purple light, and seems to be a little dizzy. The figure in the air, ancient creatures, is actually a little girl about the size of Han Weiwei's Hunyuan yinwa and looks like seven or eight years old!

This little girl is still wearing a white robe. This robe looks like jade and pure gold. It looks very thick and has no material at all.

Seeing this scene, Weisuo almost lost the ability to think, this kind of scene, is beyond his cognitive scope.

It seems that Xue Chaoran did not see what the ancient creature was before suppressing the ancient creature. He did not see what the ancient creature was until now. When he saw that he was like a little girl and was still wearing a robe, he was shocked and stepped back in the air unconsciously.


The little girl, who seemed to be confused, suddenly saw the gray aura of the bracelet in front of her body, but she let out a surprise low cry. She grabbed the gray Bracelet in her hand, and then, like a familiar thing, directly put the ordinary round gray bracelet on her right wrist.

Then, the "little girl" is to reach out and grab the wheel of samsara which falls down beside her.


All the people's eyes suddenly stagnated again!

The little girl's teeth were even stronger than the carcass of the samsara meridians. She bit off a piece of it and ate it.

"Swallow the magic weapon It must not be an ancient monk, it's an ancient demon! "

Xue Chaoran's eyes were terrified. There were countless blue light lines around his body. In an instant, a bigger lightsaber appeared. He was gnawing at the carcass of the samsara Sutra wheel, like a little girl who enjoyed himself.

"No use! It's the grey bracelet that it wields

But what made all the friars on the scene feel chilly. Xue Chaoran's blue light sword disintegrated and disappeared in the three Zhang area in front of the little girl.

But this move seems to annoy this extremely strange "little girl", and the "little girl" also recognized that Xue Chaoran was a monk who suppressed himself. She was extremely angry and showed her teeth and grinded her teeth.

"Little girl" tiger teeth are very sharp, not like the Friar's teeth, chilling.


The little girl held the reincarnation wheel which was bitten out by her and turned into a purple streamer with amazing speed. Xue Chaoran and the three great monks behind him all broke up in front of this purple streamer, and the purple streamer immediately approached Xue Chaoran.


When the "little girl" bullies Xue Chaoran, the aura on Xue Chaoran's body is suddenly extinguished. Xue Chaoran's face looks extremely shocked, as if he has no resistance at all, but a blue sword light is emitted from his mouth. But this sword light was also directly hit by the "little girl", and then the little girl beat Xue Chaoran backward and flew out with one hand. Most of her sternum was broken, and the blood gushed in her mouth."It found us!"

The green robed old hair made a convulsive cry. Because after the little girl hit Xue Chaoran, she turned around and looked at Weisuo's position. , the fastest update of the webnovel!