Chapter 718

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What is the origin of this broken arm? Is it useful? " Asked vissault at once.

"Let me have a look at the other section of ancient incense first." The little girl with long horns frowned. "The two have to be linked together so I can be sure."

Weisuo looked at the little girl with a frown, and without saying anything, took out the strange amber fragrance.

The delicate three inch long ancient fragrance exudes a mysterious breath that makes people look up, which makes people feel even bigger than the indigo blue broken arm.

"Unexpectedly..." The little girl was obviously extremely surprised to see this section of antique incense, which was bigger than the vibration of her broken arm. Her eyes flashed with gold and approached, "let me see more clearly."

"Well, with your eyesight, what's the difference between 20 and 30 Zhang. You want to grab it. " Weisuo snorted coldly.

"I'm not going to rob." The little girl curled her mouth, her eyes glittering with gold, and she didn't know what she was thinking. "I can't use this thing. I just want to see if it's that thing. Is this thing shining in the light of the sun, moon and stars, in which there are countless flashes of light, as if there are countless handwriting? "

"Yes, that's it. It seems that you can see the origin of this ancient fragrance? " Weisuo was silent, but he was very surprised.

"I see." The little girl nodded and did not care, "that broken arm is the broken arm of a guy in ancient times, and this section of ancient incense is something left by a monk in ancient times."

"What do you mean? Is that the end? You have given us the origin of these two things? " Weisuo a Leng, see the little girl some proud look, suddenly wake up some cheated, can't help but cry.

"Isn't that the origin? Besides, I don't know much." The little girl saw the color change on Weisuo's face and became more proud.

"If you lie, you'll be cut to death." Said vissault, with a gloomy face.

“…。” Just also proud of the little girl immediately hit a shiver, immediately changed her mouth, "anyway, you did not say clearly how to calculate the origin."

"You just said that the two must be linked together to be sure. Are you not afraid to be cut to death Weisuo said without expression. He can see that the little girl is very taboo to the word "Tianjie", and he can see that the little girl is absolutely aware of the origin of these two things.

"Well, the owner of this broken arm and the owner of this antique incense are enemies. It's all right now. " The little girl with a long horn on her head seems to be extremely afraid of the natural calamity, and immediately said so.

"What kind of thing is this ancient incense? Is it a magic weapon?" Asked vissault at once.

"Unless you give me that lump of fine gold, or the black tower, or give me that golden stove, I will tell you." The little girl grinded her teeth, and some proud, "and the golden gun and the little black man also do."

"Idiot! How far is it? Get out of my way. " Weisuo was impatient and didn't want to pester the little girl any more.

"Then I'll go." The little girl's eyes turned into a purple streamer and swept out.

Wei Suo Leng Leng Leng, did not expect the little girl this time unexpectedly so straightforward, but he immediately reacted to come over, "damn!" After a very ugly cry, Weisuo put away the indigo blue giant broken arm and the ancient fragrance, and then photographed Liu Xiangcheng plundering out.

Wei Suo Gang just swept out of the copper Hall of Tianjian. When she heard the "click" sound, she saw that the little girl had directly broken through a copper Hall of Tianjian which looked like a storehouse. Then she immediately plundered it in, and then kept her hands and feet. She did not know what she had caught and hid it in her sleeve.

By the time Weisuo's ugly face swept past, the little girl had been triumphantly swept out of it. Inside, there are ordinary refined gold such as dark iron essence, and many jade and crystal stones. It seems that it is indeed a storehouse for refining utensils.

"What's the best gold in this?" Wei Suo's face was ugly, and he directly pressed Liu Xiangcheng, who was captured by him.

Liu Xiangcheng wanted to die hard, but under Wei Suo's strong pressure and extremely cold eyes, he had no courage and unconsciously replied, "there is a piece of black copper which has been mined out for a long time."

"Black copper?" Weisuo's face suddenly became more ugly and could not help growling at the little girl, "you want to eat even this kind of thing? Are you not afraid to eat as black as black copper

It's no wonder Wei Suo couldn't resist his anger. The name of black copper sounds ordinary, but it's the best refined gold of the same level as Hengyu Jingjin. Moreover, the magic weapon refined by this refined gold has a unique effect of swallowing light and divine consciousness. It can make opponents fall into the night in the daytime, and the divine sense is extremely difficult to lock. If you can add this kind of refined gold in the flying sword, then The flying sword made by waiting for refining must appear and disappear, and its power is even more amazing. But Weisuo is not careful, unexpectedly is on the head of the long horn of the little girl's when, let the little girl first snatch this fine gold in hand.

"Liar I'm not going to be black. I think your face is quite dark now The little girl with long horns on her head was very proud of her golden eyes."Do you have any treasures in the copper Hall of Tianjian?" Wei Suo was so angry that he asked Liu Xiangcheng. The little girl's eyes are so strange that she seems to be able to see through. If there is any treasure, she will take it away if she is slow.

"There are no other treasures. All the high-quality treasures mined are transported back to the gate of tianjianzong every day. This black copper is just mined out and has not been sent back to the gate yet." Liu Xiangcheng replied.

"Ha ha." The little girl laughed triumphantly.

"Can you hear it in the soundproof hood? What a freak Weisuo's face is really a little dark. Just after asking questions, he also immediately activated a sound insulation mask. But now, looking at the little girl's appearance, it seems that even his voice can be heard. What eyes and ears does this little girl have.

However, the more eccentric the little girl was, the less he wanted to get entangled with the little girl. After taking a deep breath, Wei Suo took Liu Xiangcheng and ran out toward the copper Hall of Tianjian.

"Who else, with you and Wan Jiansan, forced my parents to come here?" From now on, if you tell a lie, I will let you not live, but not die. Torment you for decades and never let you die

"And Cao Yi and Du Wei." Liu Xiangcheng felt that Wei Suo could say and do it. He felt a violent tremor all over his body. He did not dare not say anything.

"What are they now, and where are they?" Weisuo's tone was extremely cold, as if there were nine days of overcast wind.

"They are both in the gate of tianjianzong. Du Wei is still an ordinary disciple, and Cao Yi is already the double cultivation of the golden elixir and the true disciple of the patriarch. "

Wei Suo looks cold and doesn't stop at all. He flies all the way to Xue Chaoran, the elder of tianjianzong, who was killed by the little girl. He takes out the blood eating Sabre and inserts it into Xue Chaoran's heart. Then the blood eating sword and Xue Chaoran's body were also collected.

It seems that the little girl is only interested in some unique refined gold, but not the monk's body at all. Therefore, the bodies of Xue Chaoran and others who were killed previously are all on the ground without moving.

"My parents, where did they fall?" After all the bodies of Xue Chaoran and others were put away, Weisuo continued to ask.

"They At that time, they were divided into several groups, and I'm not sure where they fell. " Liu Xiangcheng's frightened reply.

"When you were exploring the direction of the dry Reiki, there was a big collapse, and my parents should be there." Weissou took a deep breath. "Where is the collapse?"

"It's in the seventh fissure." Liu Xiangcheng is a bit dazed, I don't know how Wei Suo was so clear about what happened at that time.

"In this seventh fissure?" Weisuo's body shook slightly, and his hands trembled slightly.

Although he knew that his parents had already fallen, he still couldn't control his mind when he heard that his parents had fallen into the fissure in front of him.

He would like to tear the ground fissure apart He would like to fight the Tianjian sect now, tear down all the Lords and elders of Tianjian sect from their throne and smash them into flying ash!

"Do you know where they fell in the fissure?" Looking at the fissure in front of you, Weisuo took a deep breath again a moment later, and then he asked, "you have found a relic of an ancient ancestral sect. You want to enter through the dry spirit and spirit vein. What kind of relic is that? What is the situation of your pulse detection now? "

"At that time, the collapse happened at five miles from the entrance of the dried spirit Qi and spirit pulse." Liu Xiangcheng's face was even whiter. "The relics of the ancient ancestral clan were investigated by the emperor and the ancestor himself, but we could not break through the external restrictions. We didn't know what was inside, only knew that it was deep underground. Now we follow the direction of the dry spiritual pulse, which is about 1000 miles away from the site. However, the dry spiritual pulse breaks, and the situation inside is extremely complex. Sometimes there are many strange things that we can't understand. There is hardly any way to find any trace of progress in the past year or so. "

"Collapse happened in the five li place of the aura and spirit pulse Have my parents and their monks survived? "

"No At that time, the whole place collapsed and sank into the fire pulse of the abyss Give me a good time Liu Xiangcheng hesitated, but Wei Suo's look and breath let him suffocate, and finally he said it, just for quick death.

"Liar I'm really looking for revenge... " At the moment, Weisuo was powerless than ever before. He seemed to feel that his parents were here, but he could not touch them. He really wanted to cry bitterly. At the moment, he didn't even feel that the little girl was approaching him again. At the moment, the little girl was shining with gold in her eyes and sipping her mouth. She didn't know what she was thinking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!