Chapter 720

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What is the origin of the ancient incense on my hand? Is it a magic weapon or a book recording the art?" Weisuo had too much to ask. After a little meditation, he asked the most important question.

From the little girl's actions before, we can see that this section of ancient incense is extraordinary. If this is a magic weapon or records the amazing sky skill, Weisuo's strength will increase rapidly.

"I don't know."

"I don't know?" Weisuo couldn't help but hit the little girl with a trick. He thought he had said it for a long time. Instead, he was the big profiteer who had been cheated by the little girl. The little girl was deliberately teasing him.

"Don't worry." The little girl was obviously intentional, proud in her eyes, grinding her teeth and saying, "this piece of ancient incense was left by a great power in ancient times. I said I don't know, because it was only spread out at that time, and the person who got this piece of thing could get the inheritance of that great power. However, at that time, it didn't know where it was, and where it had fallen from the power's hand, so there was no one at all Know whether it's a magic weapon or a book that records the skills. "

"In ancient times, when was Da Neng and what was its name? If you don't say so, it's also a question?" Weisuo looked at the little girl and sneered, "if so, you don't have to ask me questions."

"All right. The owner of this piece is called the master of Tongtian sect. He was a super power 60000 years ago and a character who survived the natural calamity. Is that all right? " Although the little girl with long horns on her head was excavated from the spirit stone vein, it seems that she knows the age very well.

"Master Tongtian? Through the disaster Is that the cultivation above the true immortal? " Weisseau was taken aback.

He may not know about other continents, but Tianxuan has never been out of heaven for thousands of years. It is hard to imagine the supernatural power, which is the most top-notch existence in the world of cultivation, the unique existence, and the cultivation of true fairyland. What kind of supernatural power is it above the true fairyland?

"That's the second question." The little girl with long horns on her head grinded her teeth and looked at Weisuo like a covetous eye. "Now it's my turn to ask you."

"Good." Weisuo didn't talk nonsense and nodded.

"Whose hand did you get that broken arm, and what's the origin of that man?" Asked the little girl, who had long horns on her head.

"I got it from a mysterious young monk named Lin Fenghua, who had almost complete inheritance of the three emperors' sect in ancient times. I met him when I was traveling in Yunling land and was later killed by me. I found this broken arm in his nabao bracelet." Weisuo did not conceal, observing the expression of the little girl with long horns on her head. He knew that at this time, the little girl would be the first to ask the most important question. Now her first question is about the origin of the broken arm. This broken arm must be extraordinary, at least it has a lot to do with the little girl.

"The inheritance of the ancient sanhuangzong? What are the ancient sanhuangzong's skills and techniques? Is it the same as your skill? Do you get it from that person The little girl's expression was extremely dignified, and the golden light in her eyes flashed violently. She was obviously thinking hard.

"That's the second question. Now it's my turn." Weisuo kept on heading for the direction of Beimang ruins, and said so quietly.

"All right." The little girl's bitterness was interrupted, extremely unhappy, and she let out her white teeth at Wei Suolu, and called out angrily.

"What is your origin and what monster are you?" But whether the little girl with long horns was angry or not, he asked.

"Blind your dog's eyes, no sense, you are the monster!" The little girl with long horns on her head was even more angry and yelled.

"What do you mean? Are you not a monster? " Weisuo frowned, with a look of wonder in his eyes.

"I am a spiritual family, and I am higher than your people." The little girl with long horns on her head looked at weissou and cried.

"What is the spirit clan?" Wei Suo was stunned. He had never heard of the name of lingzu, and the old man with green robe had never mentioned it. It is estimated that the old man with green robe had never heard of it.

"The spirit clan is not something, you are what thing, moreover, this is the second question, now I ask you!" The little girl exclaimed, "what are the skills and techniques of the ancient sanhuangzong? Are you practicing the skills and techniques of the sanhuangzong? "

"I learned the ancient sanhuangzong skill from that man, but I didn't get any skills." Wei Suo looked at the little girl strangely. I didn't know what she was asking about the skills and techniques of sanhuangzong.

"Can you directly swallow the water demon Dan The little girl's expression suddenly became extremely nervous, the golden light in her eyes shot straight, and she looked like she was eating people.

"Not bad." Weisuo heart is also very strange, this time also did not quarrel with her, directly nodded.

"Liar! You must have lied to me, didn't you? " As soon as the little girl saw Wei Suo nodding, her face suddenly changed dramatically, and her eyes were full of murder. "If that person had practiced this skill, how could you have killed him? You must have directly practiced this skill, right?""I am the golden elixir of reunion." Weisuo glanced at the little girl with long horns on her head, and said without any wave. At the moment, although the little girl is ferocious, Weisuo can see that her heart is obviously afraid, which makes Weisuo feel more strange.

"It's the golden elixir And then practice again, the golden elixir of reunion? " The little girl's face looked a little better, but she still doubted in her eyes, "you dare to swear that if you say something false, you will be killed by the scourge."

"If I lie, I'll be cut to death by the scourge." Weisuo looked at the little girl without expression.

"All right. I believe you for the time being. " The little girl was relieved to see that Weisuo was so crisp.

"Now it's my turn to ask, why do you care so much about the ancient sanhuangzong? Is it that the ancient sanhuangzong and the owner of this broken arm are against you?" Asked vissault.

The little girl obviously hesitated, but after grinding her teeth, she finally replied, "the inheritance of the owner of the broken arm, that is, the person who taught the owner of the broken arm, is our great enemy. The skill of sanhuangzong should come from that man. "

"There are more powerful powers than those with broken arms? Is it just the big arm of the disciple? The skills of the sanhuangzong are also handed down from their own vein? " Weissorton gasped. The cultivation of the master of the broken arm must have been shocking and vulgar, but it is still a descendant of some great power. What kind of supernatural power should that great power be.

"It's my turn to ask you." The little girl's eyes twinkled with gold, staring at Weisuo, "what's the origin of your section of ancient incense and who's got it from?"

"I got my piece of ancient incense from a monk of longqiongzong. Longqiongzong is just a modest sect. That monk has been killed by me. I don't know where he got it from. " After Wei Suo finished answering, he directly asked, "the master of the ancient incense, the master of Tongtian sect, the super power of 60000 years, and this broken arm master are in a hostile relationship? What is the relationship between you and the master of Tongtian

"You don't know anything!" The little girl was very angry with Weisuo and bit her fangs, but she still replied: "you are right. The leader of Tongtian sect and the master of broken arm are antagonistic. Our spiritual family and the leader of Tongtian sect are It's a group. "

"How can your body be so hard, how can you have dragon spirit?" After that, the little girl asked directly.

"I have a technique that can refine the body. That skill is to blend a spirit of the dragon and simulate the position of the body's orifices, so I have the spirit of the dragon." Wei Suo asked, "listen to your meaning, your spirit clan, and the master of Tongtian sect have more than one super power of these levels. How come there is no record of any ancient books?"

"The times are too old, and we are not in the sky, apart from your ordinary friars." The little girl's tone is very proud, but her expression is low, I don't know what she thinks of.

"Why are you in the spirit stone vein? What you mean is that you are afraid that there will be a strong inheritance of the broken arm. Do you mean that when you fought with them, you were defeated in the end? " Weisuo's heart is also more and more shocked, forget the order, and can't help but ask.

"It's my turn to ask you." The little girl looked at weissou. "Where are you going next? I see where you are now. Do you want to go to the remains of Beimang? "

“… "Weissou's eyes puffed up. Is this little girl aware of Beimang ruins?

"It seems that you are going to explore Beimang ruins first. After exploring Beimang ruins, where are you going next?" Weisuo did not answer for a moment, but seeing his look, the little girl had already seen the clue, hummed and said.

"Next I'll go to Yunling land." Weisuo some speechless, looking at the origin of the very mysterious little girl, but also some hate itching teeth, "answer my question just now."

"We were attacked Maybe only I survived. As for the struggle between Tongtian sect leaders and their own, it is not clear who will win or who will lose after that. " The little girl's expression was obviously very low again, "now in the world of cultivation, who is the highest and what is the cultivation?"

"The highest level of cultivation in Tianxuan land is Shenxuan realm Other continents do not know, there should be no real immortal power What kind of magic weapon is your bracelet? Can you eliminate magic power or this bracelet power? Can you handle Shenxuan's power with this bracelet? "

"No, I don't want to reveal my strength so that you don't have to hurt me and ask other questions."

“… What is the underground remains not far away from the evil veins of the magical veins? What is it, and what is in it

"That's the tomb of a great emperor in Beimang. There is nothing good in the bones of the great emperor. If you are below the level of Zhenxian, you will die when you enter. Even if you are the leader of Tongtian sect, they will destroy the forbidden system. At most, they will burn all the jade and stone and blow up the place to ashes. "

“… ..。”

Weisuo, as he went on, inquired carefully, and felt more and more incredible in his heart. He felt that in the ancient times before the old man in green robe, there seemed to be many powerful and powerful people who were unknown to the ordinary monastic world. It seemed that there had been a shocking war which the ordinary monastics did not know about. After more than 60000 years, it was very confusing and , the fastest update of the webnovel!