Chapter 722

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Lingzu? More than 60000 years ago? Super powers above immortal level .。”

"How can it be that there is no record at all? It's so strange!"

As the night sank like water, Weisuo and Li freehand continued to march towards the Beimang ruins, and the incredible cry of the old man in green robe kept ringing in Weisuo's ears.

After the little girl with long horns pretended to leave first, Weisuo asked all the vein mining friars who were following him to leave first, and at the same time, he took the ghost jar out of nabao's bracelet.

Weisuo told the little girl with long horns one by one about the conversation with the old man in green robe. The old man in green robe was also extremely shocked. He had never heard of the leader of Tongtian sect and any records about the spiritual clan.

"She's back." Weisuo said this in a low voice.

A purple streamer, now from behind him not far from the mountain forest, toward the direction where he and Li freehand are catching up.

"Boy, if you ask carefully, maybe it's a secret." Because the little girl's perception was extremely strange. She seemed to be more sensitive than the great friar. She could hear the voice of the coagulant voice. So the old man in green robe said this sentence, but he didn't speak any more.

"You come back so soon. Are you not afraid that the monks will not go far enough, or will those friars see you with me?" The little girl with a long horn on her head ran away with astonishing speed, and soon came to Weisuo's side not far away. Weisuo glanced at her and said.

"I'm afraid you'll run away if you don't keep your word." The little girl grinds her teeth, is very impolite, has no ally posture at all.

"What's your name?" He asked, not angry.

"It's private. I have the right not to answer." The little girl is very proud.

"Well, I'll call you steely." It doesn't matter what you look like.

"You! My name is linglongtian The little girl was gnashing her teeth in anger. If she could bite Weisuo, she would have taken a few bites.

"Well, that's smart." Weisuo didn't quarrel with the little girl with a long horn. Now both sides feel that the other side has ulterior motives. No one knows how long this relationship can last. So Weisuo seizes the time and asks, "how can you be so clear about Beimang ruins? What is the relationship between you and Beimang, and how can you be in the spirit stone vein? "

"It doesn't hurt to tell you that I'm here because we have a war with other spirits here and against our hair. Beimang was completely destroyed by the war. " The little girl's eyes flashed with gold, but instead of looking at Weisuo, she looked directly at the direction of Beimang ruins.

At the moment, it is only a thousand miles away from the remains of Beimang recorded by Wei Suo's jinjiazutang jade talisman. However, in the night, there is still no clue. Only a few barren mountains are seen towering into the clouds.

"Beimang became ruins because of the war! Are there any other spirits? " Weisuo and the old man in Green took a breath of air and were shocked.

Beimang is said to have been a sect since the founding of Tianqiong. There were many amazing powers. It was this war that led to the disappearance of Beimang? What's more, the so-called spirit clan is not only a little girl, but also many kinds?

"Is the so-called spirit clan Is it the extinct ancient demon cultivation? " The old man in green suddenly thought of a possibility, forgetting that the little girl, who claimed to be Linglong Tian, might hear it and couldn't help but cry out in Weisuo's ears.

"You have a little insight, and you also know the ancient demon cultivation." The little girl was sure to hear the old man's words directly, and she seemed to have sensed the existence of the old man in green robe. She was not surprised at all. She just looked at the place where the ghost pot was placed in Weisuo's arms, and said haughtily, "but you should know that the ancient demon cultivation was not born with human form, while our spiritual family was born with human form."

"I see! Your spirit clan is the descendant of the ancient demon cultivation, who transformed the big demon into a Taoist companion The old man wakes up like green.

The little girl's eyes twinkled with gold and did not speak, which was obviously the acquiescence of the old man in green robe.

"No wonder she said that the starting point of lingzu's birth is far higher than that of friars!" Weisuo took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

From some ancient books and the conversation with the old man in green robe, Wei Suo also knew that there were many spirit animals between heaven and earth before the heaven and earth broke and the sky was transformed. Among them, some spirit animals who understood the cultivation method and opened up the wisdom were called the ancient demon cultivation. For example, his Yangzhi bird and qingluan, as well as the ancient dragon, were strictly regarded as such demon cultivation 。 The transformation of the big demon refers to the powerful demon cultivation of human form.

According to the records, the supernatural powers of the great demons with human shape are at least one level of Shenxuan power. Lingzu is actually the offspring of the Taoist couple formed between the big demons! For a monk, it is equivalent to that both the husband and wife of the Taoist couple are the children of the divine power. This kind of parents are both divine and mysterious. Naturally, their status is higher than that of Xu Qianhuan, who has only one father in Shenxuan realm."Since you are a spiritual family, how can it not be found in the records? This is definitely not something that can be explained by the ages. " Because it had been completely discovered anyway, the old man in green robe did not hide it and asked in a voice of direct shock.

"There are not many spiritual clans in our country. We only have some super powers, just like the ancient dragon and the inexplicable and powerful monsters in the endless wilderness. Even the supernatural powers can't touch them, so they can't be recorded."

"Can you go in and out of the sky?" Asked vissault.

"Some can, some can't. I can do it anyway." The little girl looked at weissou. "So you don't want to use the sky to get rid of me."

"Damn it, aren't you afraid to be treated as a high-level monster by the great friar? Even if those who can recognize that you are a spiritual family, I'm afraid you have a lot of research value on you. Maybe they will cut you into pieces to study. " At the thought of the little girl clinging to himself, Weisuo might have followed him all the way, knowing that there might be some advantages, or some big head. He could not help but scold him again.

"I'll find a way. I don't have to worry about it." The little girl white Weisuo one eye, she is also obviously not good for Weisuo, bright sharp little tiger teeth.

"You are the descendants of Huaxing demon cultivation. What's the origin of your opponent, the master of broken arm?" Vissault went on.

"This question has nothing to do with you. I don't want to answer it." The little girl bit her teeth and said straightforwardly.

Weisuo rolled his eyes and didn't fight with her. Then he asked, "is Beimang on your side or your opponent? Are you fighting against this broken arm master? You seem to have lost the battle? "

"Both lose and lose." The little girl didn't seem to want to mention more about the past, she said simply.

"Before the end of the war, I was fatally wounded and used the great method of reincarnation. I sank to the bottom of the earth, and only when I was dug out did I wake up. As for the spirit stone and spiritual pulse, I didn't know when it would come into being, which just pressed me in." It seems to know that Weisuo will not die, but also ask how she can be in the spirit stone vein, the little girl took the initiative to add a sentence.

"What about the gray bracelets and steles?" But Weisuo obviously did not give up on the history of the war and some of her eccentricities, and went on to ask this question.

"This bracelet is originally my thing, but we know that there is a mausoleum of a great emperor in Beimang not far away. Beimang has great power. With the help of my bracelet and mausoleum prohibition, as well as some nearby terrain, it has set up prohibitions to deal with our adversaries." The little girl gritted her teeth and said, "don't ask about this war. I'm the last one to answer your questions about the war."

"This guy is not easy to deal with." Weisuo was upset when he heard it. What are the great methods of reincarnation, as well as gray bracelets and stone tablets, all of which give people a feeling of horror. Maybe this little girl has just failed to recover her accomplishments, which is far more than her current strength.

"What kind of cultivation were you before?" Weisseau asked at once.

"Why, are you afraid now? It's my privacy. I won't tell you. " The little girl looked at Weisuo with disdain, grinded her teeth, and looked through Weisuo.

"I don't think it's any better. Otherwise, I'll be afraid of a broken arm. " Weisuo emboldened himself, deliberately said this sentence at the same time, quietly watching the little girl's reaction.

"You The little girl's teeth itched with hate, but she was helpless and did not refute.

"It seems that it is. Even if there were some amazing accomplishments in the past, they could not be recovered at all." The little girl's look let Weisuo see a little clue, in the heart a pine.

"What is the origin of the fine gold the size of a house? Do you know the inscription on it?" Weisuo grasped the time to make a profit, reached out a little, and directly coagulated the words on the strange pieces of gold.

"It's a fragment of a powerful magic weapon in ancient times. It's useless, but it's said that it records many skills and techniques. It's just that you are the cipher of the ancient sect. In my time, some people may know that, unless... " When the little girl said this, her eyes flashed with gold, but she stopped.

"Except for what?" Weisuo immediately asked.

"Unless you can help me find out the trace of the broken arm vein. If that vein is well inherited, maybe some of them will understand the ciphertext." Said the little girl, narrowing her eyes.

"You're not faking for personal gain, are you?" Weisseau had some doubts.

"I've told you, if anyone lies, he will be killed." The little girl didn't look at Weisuo and despised her.

"Have you ever seen such words?" Wei Suo stretched out his hand a little and turned the strange words of donghuangzong's supreme classic.

"Where did you get this kind of writing?" At the sight of these words, the little girl, who had seemed reluctant to answer Weisuo's words, suddenly changed her face and showed her sharp teeth. She was so excited that she wanted to rush up and hold Weisuo's neck. , the fastest update of the webnovel!