Chapter 730

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
After collecting the skeletons of two ancient super powers, Weisuo searched the palace carefully. However, apart from the broken jade, which is useful for eliminating the Yin and vitality, he never found anything useful.

Judging from the traces in the whole temple, there are at least 56 super powerful fighting methods here, falling here.

Because among the jade ruins all over the place, in addition to the indigo blue broken leg, there are also dust formed by the bones of other friars, and some fragments of the vestment.

On the dust and the fragments of the vestment, there was still a faint breath of power, which could be sensed.

However, there was no nabao bag found on the scene, which seemed to have been searched. However, there were two relatively intact skeletons on the scene, and the fragments of wonderful trees were still on the two skeletons. This is also very strange, how can not think of.

Because they couldn't find anything else of value, Weisuo and linglongtian are going to leave here. This gray aura is different from other aura masks. They all rely on linglongtian to block in and out. When they come in, linglongtian can hardly support it. So at this moment, she is eating the essence of the demon tower in Donghuang town and accumulating strength.

In this, Weisuo can also see that the gray aura is not the Dharma array in this temple, but the ancient super power. It directly weaves amazing power in the void. The gray aura completely exists in the void, but it is always around the temple.

It's hard to imagine the supernatural means of super power in ancient times. Such a prohibition is like creating a divine realm. Now, the supernatural and metaphysical power in the cultivation world can't be arranged at all.

"By the way, do you know where there are sacred fruits?" In the process of waiting, Weisuo suddenly thought of this important question and asked Linglong Tian.

"The holy fruit? This kind of thing can only be found in some Buddhist sects. How can you ask this thing? " Linglong day suddenly some strange looking at Weisuo, eyes glittering.

"I need this elixir to practice a skill." Wei Suo was also a little curious, "why does Buddhism have this kind of ancient holy fruit?"

"Did you also practice Buddhism?" Linglong Tian turned away his mouth, and he also felt that Wei Suo had many patterns, which were different from ordinary friars. "Some of the techniques of Buddhism are strange. This kind of ancient holy fruit is said to be useful for some Buddhist practices, as well as for some Buddhist reincarnation techniques."

"I've heard of some of the skills of cultivating the Buddhist relic. What is reincarnation

"Gathering the essence of the whole body, forming a new fetus, and turning into a baby is equivalent to having another life span, but it can preserve all the consciousness and most of the accomplishments of the previous life. And reincarnation of the body, the qualification is better. After practicing this skill, many Buddhists' super powers finally become super powers. "

"Is there such a skill?"

"The road is endless. You can't see more than you see. Let's go. "

Weisuo took a look at Linglong sky and walked towards the gray aura. After eating two pieces of pure gold from the demon tower in Donghuang Town, she had recovered to the best condition and could break out of the gray aura.

Wei Suo immediately called Li freehand to follow Linglong Tian's side. A moment later, with a "puff" sound, linglongtian and Weisuo, Li freehand walk out of the gray aura.

Linglong Tian's face turned white and shaky again. After eating two pieces of refined gold from the demon tower in Donghuang Town, he seemed to recover some strength.

"It seems that you have not been very good before. The supernatural powers can't compare with those super powers. When you go in and out of a ban like this, you are tired to look like this." Weisuo said scornfully.

"This is the pattern of emperor Tianfa. How many people can get in and out safely! Dare you laugh at me? Do you dare to give me the pure gold in your body? I will let you know when it is good. " Linglong Tian looks at Weisuo, squinting his eyes and humming coldly.

"You haven't told me where it is possible to find the fruit." Weisuo didn't see the threatening expression of Linglong sky.

"I don't think you need to fix that skill. At that time, the holy fruit was extremely rare, and the Buddhism was also declining. Even if there were remains of the Buddha Mountain Gate in those years, it is estimated that they could not be found. " Linglong Tian has a look of schadenfreude.

"It seems that this guy is really able to swallow gold Buddha, you can first inquire whether there are any Buddhism schools in Yunling land Wei Suo looked at the face of Linglong day is not depressed, he this old profiteer talk is also in constant temptation. Han Yueer previously said that a sect in Yunling land might have a sacred fruit. Now, combining with Linglong Tian's theory, Wei Suo thought that after arriving in Yunling land, he would try to find out whether there was any sect that practiced Buddhism. Maybe we could find out the specific whereabouts of the fruit.

"I asked me not to practice this skill. You were not associated with many super powers 60 thousand years ago. Do you know any powerful skills? If there is a powerful technique for me, I can consider giving you more refined gold. " As Linglong Tian leaves the broken mountain stuck in the abyss and flies upward, Weisuo continues to explore his words."I'm not interested in techniques that I can't use. And even if I know, I won't give it to you. You look so disgusting. " Linglong Tian's nose is humming, but he doesn't look at Wei Suo.

"It seems that you can't get it at all. I guess it's just for super power to carry shoes." Weisuo said deliberately.

"Whatever you say, I don't care about you." Wei Long's Kung Fu is not good enough, but he is not angry.

"Do you know that Beimang has a magic weapon called blood eating sword?" Weisseau continued.

"The low-level blood yuan magic weapon is just a poor imitation of swallowing the heaven devil blade." Linglong day is even more disdainful.

"Poor imitation? What's the magic blade? " Weisuo was stunned.

"The magic blade of swallowing heaven is the magic weapon of Beimang's ability to swallow the emperor's statue. You can draw your opponent's or even your own blood yuan power. The blood eating Sabre is refined by imitating the swallowing demon blade. It can't resist absorbing the blood of monk Shenxuan. You can only deal with the golden elixir at most. It's not as good as the blood melting sword of the blood God King. "

"What? If the blood eating Sabre is used to suck the blood of monk Shenxuan, he will not be able to bear it. Blow it up? " Weisuo and the old man in green could not help crying.

"I said how can you mention this? It seems that you have a blood eating sword on hand?" Linglong Tian frowned, "so you are not honest. You have been here before."

"Damn it, I got it from someone else. I've never been here. " Weissou was extremely depressed. Originally, I thought that the blood eating Sabre was extremely sharp. If you could absorb the Qi and blood of a Shenxuan power, you would have a great success if you used it to attack other divine powers. I didn't expect that the blood eating Sabre could only absorb the Qi and blood of the golden elixir at most.

"Why don't you use better materials to refine blood eating sabres?" The old man in green is also very depressed. It's also refining. Why can't we make it better.

"Because of the unique vitality of the array, in addition to swallowing blood essence gold of swallowing the sky magic blade is suitable for this kind of array, the only material that can be found is the blood sword." Linglong Tian should be polite to the old man in green robe, which may be the reason why he is also an antique.


"Beimang's high-level talisman is very famous, and there is no one Damn it, even if we find another bloody sword. " Weisuo's face was very ugly. Next, linglongtian and he continued to search for the remaining two fractured mountains in a carpet style. The prohibitions were directly broken by Linglong heaven, but as Linglong Tian said before, these mountains are just a few small places in Beimang Mountain Gate. Except for the place where Dayu emperor Tian, who shocked her so much, the rest are ordinary places. Weisuo followed Linglong Tian to search all the way, but he only found the magic weapon of the second grade. For a small family like Jinfu, Daojie Zhongpin magic weapon is of course a treasure, but for Weisuo now, it does not play a very important role, even for Jiya and others are not enough grade. Now there is only the last broken mountain without searching. There are only four or five broken temples on the broken mountain, and it seems that it is just ordinary peripheral buildings. There is little hope of finding good things.

Linglong day first swept up the fractured mountain, which seemed to have no hope for the fractured mountain.

But after less than a hundred feet, she was shocked and excited in front of the ruins which looked very ordinary and less than a hundred feet around.

"What's the matter? It's a plain place. There's nothing good about it. Why are you so excited? " Weisuo is very strange, this piece of ruins are all sapphire, but it has been completely weathered, a little walk around, all layers of dust fall, there is no valuable thing.

"This is the palace of the North mang army training office! It didn't belong here. It's flying on this mountain! " Linglong day ignored Weisuo and murmured to himself that he was inferring.

Then, Linglong day suddenly felt general, turned into a purple light, toward the left in front of a place full of dust, there is no building in the open space.

"And the bones of ancient friars!" Weisuo immediately felt wrong, immediately crazy to keep up, only to see that thick dust was driven by the wind of the light, there is a creeping monk's bones in it!

The monk was wearing a gray robe. After being exposed to the wind, he was immediately covered with the robe and turned into dust. For more than 60000 years, he was not under the prohibition. This ancient monk, who did not know what his cultivation was, had completely weathered away. He remained a body and disappeared completely when he was blown by the wind.

However, in the dust under the monk's body, there was a piece of pure bronze gold about the size of two fists, without any trace of corrosion.

"Ancient pit gold!" The old man in green suddenly lost his voice.

"Be careful, there's a ban, don't get close to it!" Linglong sky is another cry.

"Damn it, you think I'll be fooled again!" Wei Suo didn't stop at all. He went directly to the bronze colored gold scroll of the real Yuan Dynasty.

The bronze color gold was directly rolled up to the body by Weisuo.

However, what surprised him was that Linglong Tian didn't jump at the gold. Just as the gold was rolled in front of him, Linglong Tian hit him hard and hit the ground more than 30 Zhang away from the left side of the gold."Click" a sound, the ground was hit to pieces, by Linglong Tian one hand sweep, all open.

Below, a silver God awn, revealed, like a God King, suddenly opened an eye.

"Damn it! There's something better! Again Weisuo reacted and couldn't help but scold.

"Ah But at the same time, I saw Linglong heaven grabbing at the silver God awn. "Pa" between a bang, gray light and silver flash, Linglong sky is a scream, directly shaken out hundreds of Zhang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!