Chapter 740

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
This figure has beautiful hair, delicate jade neck, slender waist, charming face, especially the small buttocks are round and upright, very attractive, wearing a silver robe, it is Han Weiwei.

"You're not here until now Han Weiwei also directly into Weisuo's arms, and suddenly, ah, a cry of pain, the original Han Weiwei can't help but bite Weisuo fiercely, as a result, her teeth are slightly hurt.

"It's good to be alive. It's not easy." Wei Suo embraces Han Weiwei's delicate body and looks at her face, which she often thinks of. She can't help but also her mind rippling. If it is not for Linglong Tian and Li freehand, they are here, or Wei Suo may have to direct Han Weiwei on the spot.

"You're too much of a relief..." Han Weiwei covered her teeth and cried as if she had been bullied. She must not have a toothache like this. It must be that the transmission array of Beiling city was damaged and Weisuo was trapped in Beiling city. They all thought that Weisuo was extremely difficult to survive. At that time, she must have suffered a lot.

"I can't be blamed. I want to escape with you. I can only blame Lin Taixu." Wei Suo can imagine, can't help patting Han Weiwei's jade back. If Han Weiwei or Ji Ya were to fall in the northern spirit city on that day, he must also be empty in his heart, which is hard to imagine.

"Who is this? Is it also your Taoist companion Linglong day was depressed. Weisuo had such a gorgeous Taoist friend as yinlihua. She saw another gorgeous beauty rushing into Weisuo's arms. Seeing Wei Suo's look, she was eager to do something with this gorgeous beauty. She immediately widened her eyes and said this sentence in disbelief.

"Ah Weiss, is she? " At this time, Han Weiwei can see clearly Linglong day. She is a little shy in Wei Suo's arms in front of so many people. She immediately breaks free and asks such a question at the same time.

"For the ancient creatures more than 60000 years ago, don't worry about her. Be careful not to take out the pure gold magic weapon on hand, so as not to be gnawed by her." Weisuo said to Han Weiwei.

We haven't seen yinlihua and Han Weiwei and others after so many days. In addition, we have been travelling in the wilderness before. Now we see the picturesque yinlihua and Han Weiwei again. Wei Suo is more and more beautiful than before.

"How do you talk? What do you mean by me! I've told you that I will not eat the magic weapon in the door. " Linglong day depressed called such a, looking at the most charming Han Weiwei, and then look at Weisuo, the more you see it, the more you feel depressed, "is she just your sister? Or cousin? "

"She is my companion." Weisuo glanced at Linglong sky.

"See the ghost, a flower on the cow dung. No, two flowers on cow dung Linglong Tian gnaws his teeth and shakes his head, which means it is inconceivable.


With a somniloquy like light chant, a pure and pure figure appeared in the hall, shaking for a while.

The face is incomparable, each contour is extremely exquisite, the ice and snow is high and clean, very elegant. At this time, the juelian woman appeared, it was Jiya.

Ji Ya's face and temperament, so that the very depressed Linglong day are Zheng Zheng.

She had never seen such a beautiful nun in her life.

"Kaya." Jiya stood there, her body swaying, speechless and choking. She seemed to have a thousand words and didn't know how to speak for a moment. But Weisuo has been unable to resist, the figure moved, directly to her in front of her, will her in the arms.

"I'm back." Weisuo also gently patted Jiya's jade back. For a time, his heart was full of emotions. Once again, he was filled with the idea of having a wife like this, and his husband had no desire for anything.

"Is she your companion?" Linglong Tian's eyes glared round again and couldn't help shouting.

"Weisuo, she?" Jiya was also startled by the call of Linglong day, interrupted from the mood of reunion after a long parting.

"Ancient antiques more than 60000 years ago..." Weisuo explained another sentence.

"There is no reason. You have three Taoist lovers? You are such a treacherous and insidious guy that you have three Taoist companions? " Linglong day is depressed and almost speechless.

"Who said there were only three?" Weisuo took Jiya's cold and smooth hand, and was in a good mood. He was especially proud of Linglong Tian's striking appearance. He laughed and said.

"More than three?" Linglong tiangan swallowed his mouth.

"Weisuo, you're here at last." The figure at the entrance of the hall moved, and the figure of Nangong Yuqing appeared. Her lips seemed to be trembling, but her face was very calm.

"So is this Are these nuns blind? " Linglong day to see the tall Nangong Yuqing, gnashing teeth, "unexpectedly there are four?"

"This .。” But let her completely almost choked by her own saliva, this time, a flash of light, Shuiling son also appeared in the hall.

Shuiling'er's face is pure and pure, detached from the dust. That kind of fairy breath and expression is enough to make the vast majority of male practitioners crazy."How could it be!"

From Weisuo and shuilinger's eyes when looking at each other, Linglong day has seen that shuilinger is also Wei Suo's Taoist companion. In fact, Linglong Tian is very clear in his heart. At Wei Suo's age, such accomplishments and miracles, it is quite normal to have a Taoist companion with excellent beauty and qualification in the ancient world of Taoism. She wanted to attack Weisuo deliberately before, but she always said that Weisuo's Taoist couple must not look very good. But now shuiling'er and five nuns of yinlihua are unique. It is impossible for such a nun to become a Taoist partner with other nuns.

After all, the monastic world is very realistic. A female monk becomes a Taoist partner of a male monk and shares resources with the male monk. If the male monk has many Taoist partners, the natural resources are scattered.

"Dead liar, these nuns have been forced by you?" Linglong day felt that this was the only possibility, grinding his teeth and calling.

"Hum." Weisuo snorted, disdaining to answer.

"You must have done something wrong. Did you take the medicine? " Linglong day is not reconciled and continues to be depressed.

When it comes to medication, shuilinger and others suddenly think of the look in Tianlong tomb, and they are all slightly red on their faces.

"Good guy, it's medicine!" When Linglong day saw such a look, he immediately called out, "dead liar, you are too mean."

"I don't care about you." Weisuo in the wilderness, but also happy to fight Linglong days, now the United States gathered, Weisuo where is happy to take care of this little girl with long horns.

"Fengzhiyou, have they arrived?" Weisuo looked at the delicate face of Jiya and asked.


"Big brother!"

Before weissou could answer, a group of people came in.

It is not only Feng Zhiyou, Zhang zhouyu and Shi Changqing, but also Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun, as well as the friar surnamed Chen.

"Uncle Chen." Friar Chen was even the elder of Wei Suo. Wei Suo respected him very much. In addition, he gave him the ancient Scripture of earth mother. So Wei Suo immediately saluted the monk.

"Big brother, how could there be a little girl with long horns on her head?" Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun, a pair of simple brains, immediately saw Linglong sky. Zhen Chongming was very surprised to see Linglong Tian and said.

"What little girl, little girl will have long horns on her head? It must be the monster that our elder brother has taken in." Zhu Xiaotian looks at Wei Suo, as if there is such a big brother, let him face very bright.

"What subdued monster, talk nonsense again, or I will tear your mouth." Linglong day immediately grinds his teeth and looks at Zhu Xiaotian fiercely.

"Brother, what the hell is going on here?" Feng Zhiyou and Zhang zhouyu, Shi Changqing and others saw Wei Suo. They were very surprised. At the same time, they also felt that the breath of Linglong heaven was very strange. They could not help asking.

"Yes! Yes

At this time, Li Shuyi, who has been neglected for a long time, suddenly cried out. The black cloak, which covered him almost tightly, was also untied.

"It's him He's not dead? Weisuo, did you meet him again

As soon as Li freehand showed his face, Ji Ya and others discovered that it was Li freehand, and they could not help but send out a cry of surprise. Because at that time, Li freehand helped them attract Lin Taixu. Later, Lin Taixu appeared in Beiling city again, and attracted an inexplicably powerful monster. They all thought that Li freehand had fallen. I can't imagine that there is another person following Wei Suo, who is actually Li freehand.

"Brother rabbit, by the way!" Li Shuyi, who is infatuated and stupid, ignores Ji Ya and others for a moment, but is impatient. He pulls Weisuo's sleeve and reaches for his hand. Zhenyuan condenses out a set of illustrations.

"What kind of catalogue is this?" Linglong Tian, who was originally grinding his teeth against Zhu Xiaotian, suddenly saw the golden light in her eyes. She immediately saw that this pair of illustrations condensed by Li's freehand brushwork was extremely abstruse and extraordinary.

Wei Suo was also in a daze. He didn't know what it meant when Li brushyi suddenly yelled. At the moment, when he saw the picture of Li freehand, he immediately took a deep breath, and his face showed a shaking look.

Without a moment's pause, he took out a piece of Qingfu, and his eyes flashed again and again, recording this pair of illustrated records of Li's freehand brushwork.

There was a monk in the middle of the picture, and there were countless light spots and tracks in his body. For Weisuo, this catalogue was familiar to Wei Suo and had seen it many times, but there were certain changes each time, and they were not complete. This catalogue should be the last catalogue of incomplete and incomplete moon that Li freehand has been pondering over!

Now Li freehand has finally condensed this complete catalogue!

"Brother rabbit, do you remember any other scriptures and illustrations?" After recording this pair of pictures quickly, Weisuo looked at Li freehand and asked.

"It's like There should be no more. " After thinking about it, Li answered Weisuo's sentence. Then he grinned at kya and others, "rabbits, long time no see." , the fastest update of the webnovel!