Chapter 746

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What is the text of the ancient earth mother Scripture?" Ji Ya's jade face is also full of red, it is obvious that she also wanted to be crooked just now, thinking that Wei Suo said to go to another quiet room and have an ancient Scripture to discuss with them has a deeper meaning.

"Go to your quiet room." Wei Suo speechless looked at Han Weiwei and others to escape the direction, turned to look at Ji Ya said.

"Good." Ji Ya led the way in front of her, but she went to the upper layer of the temple, and came to a quiet room with Tianhuo stove room and Dan room.

This quiet room is located at the top of the topmost topmost of the topaz palace. There are two windows covered with spiritual light. The situation inside can't be seen inside. However, most of the Mountain Gate of Yin corpse sect can be seen inside, and the white bone hall where Feng Zhiyou and others closed down to attack the golden elixir can be clearly seen.

The ground is covered with thick silver silk grass blanket, and the walls are inlaid with elegant blue jade. Miao Miao white smoke floats from the incense burners of several red copper cranes. There is a delicate fragrance in the quiet room.

"This quiet room is very good, but the scenery of the Yin corpse sect is not so good. Steel teeth younger sister did not follow, it seems to be wise. My dear wife, do you usually use this quiet room alone After entering this elegant quiet room, Wei Suo takes the jade hand of Ji ya to ask a way.

"They all have their own quiet room. I use this quiet room alone these days Ah... " Ji Ya suddenly sent out a low voice exclamation, shame can not square things. Because at this time Weisuo has already taken her into his arms, a hand has been very dishonest into her vestment.

"You don't mean otherwise. There's really an ancient earth mother Scripture to explore..."

"I didn't mean anything else, but even if we didn't mean anything else, they would think we had something else. So let's discuss the xuansha Dafa, which we haven't discussed for a long time

"Woo..." What else does Jiya have to say, but her vermilion lips are blocked by Weisuo's mouth. Her body softens completely and her skin like ice and snow becomes pink.

"Hula", Jiya's robe, was taken off by Weisuo and thrown on the silver carpet. The whole quiet room was filled with beautiful spring light.

"Dead liar, as expected, animals, come back to do evil, really dirty my ears, bah!" At this time, Linglong day in the quiet room, Linglong day suddenly face red, spit a mouthful, some angry and shy appearance. It seems that her hearing was originally to hear all the conversation between Weisuo and giya, which had been eavesdropping before, but now it has stopped eavesdropping.

"My husband .。”

In the quiet room of Jiya, Jiya is unarmed and intertwined with Weisuo. Her skin is as bright as the best silk and satin, as warm as jade, shining with pearl like luster. Her head is full of green silk with rhythmic beat, her beautiful eyes are blurred, and her elegant and elegant face is full of moving charm.

Wei Suo's hands around Jiya's immortal muscle jade body, and constantly swam away, which made Ji Ya's feelings difficult to control, and from time to time sent out a soul numbing moan.

"My husband No more I feel like I'm dying It's too much to eat... " I don't know how long after that, Jiya is totally powerless. The jade body trembles like a slight twitch and makes a voice like begging for mercy.

Wei Suo encircles Ji Ya's greasy slender waist, greedy and ruthlessly kisses between the jade neck of Ji ya.

"Boom", at this time, in the gate of Yin corpse sect, there was a dull roar.

It was from the white bone hall that this dull roar made the ground and the air at the gate of yinshizong seem to beat at the same time.

"Brother Feng, some of them have already attacked jiedan and are going to succeed." Weisuo embraces the tender and powerless Jiya, and looks out of surprise.

All of a sudden, the clouds above the white bone hall suddenly whirled and appeared with scales like textures.

"Ah! My husband You... " At this time, kya suddenly exclaimed, as if out of breath. Because at this time Weisuo suddenly became more violent.

"At the same time, I'm afraid that other Taoist lovers will not have such a chance, my dear wife Hold on until they are all finished

“… .。” Jiya's warm and smooth jade body suddenly slightly stiff, "why do you have so many ghost ideas..." Jiya was a little shy and anxious, but without waiting for her to say this, her brain was immediately destroyed by Weisuo's more violent movements, making her completely unable to think.

"Ah..." Ji Ya's voice was extremely beautiful, as happy as she was, and groaning like crying. At the same time, a huge funnel-shaped cloud roll was formed in the air and appeared above the Great Hall of white bones.

"Jiedan is strange! Someone from Yin corpse sect attacked the golden elixir successfully

Just as the first heavy roar came out of the white bone hall, all the monks of the Yin corpse sect and most of the friars in the coffin city outside the gate of the Yin corpse sect were already disturbed.

All of them felt the change of the heaven and earth vitality and the clouds above the Yin corpse sect. All the monks of the Yin corpse sect left their homes one after another and looked at the direction of the white bone hall. The monks in the coffin city also focused their eyes on the Mountain Gate of the Yin corpse sect.At this moment, this knot Dan strange appearance forms, inside and outside of Yin corpse clan, all of a sudden sensation.

"Which elder martial brother or elder brother succeeded in attacking the golden elixir! Our Yin corpse sect has produced a great monk with golden elixir

"Yin corpse sect has broken down the golden elixir and even the ancestor of Xueling has fallen down. Unexpectedly, there is another great monk of Jindan! It seems that the tiger is dead, but the skin is still there

"How about another great monk of golden elixir? It's not as good as death..."

"What's going on?"

It was just at that time that the monks inside and outside the Yin corpse sect were shocked by the appearance of the golden elixir monk jiedan above the gate of the Yin corpse sect. All of a sudden, there was a dull roar from the gate of yinshizong. In the high altitude above the gate of yinshizong, the clouds turned violently, and the vitality of heaven and earth gathered again.

"How can it be?" The monks of Yin corpse sect in the gate of Yin corpse sect were all stunned. Because this dull roar came from the white bone hall again. And it was obviously caused by another friar.

"Among them, one of them successfully attacked Jindan successfully." In the quiet room of Jiya, Weisuo whispers excitedly in her ear.

"Ah .!” Jiya's body was shaking violently again. Her jade arms suddenly hugged Weisuo tightly, and her hair was stiff for a moment.

At this time, the first huge funnel-shaped cloud roll has not disappeared, but a huge funnel-shaped cloud roll is formed in the air, and its lower end is connected to the white bone hall.

"Ah! How can you produce two knots in succession

"When a monk's pill was completed, the golden elixir naturally sucked in a large amount of vitality of heaven and earth, which led to the generation of clouds in the sky. It was impossible to have one more in vain. The Yin corpse sect was two monks at the same time, which had a successful impact on the golden elixir."

"The Yin corpse sect is actually two friars who attack the golden elixir at the same time, and two golden elixir great friars are produced in succession!"

"In one day, two golden elixir monks came out from Yin corpse sect?"

The whole coffin city was a complete sensation. All the friars in the coffin city stopped their business and all walked out of the shops and residences. They all looked at the two huge clouds above the gate of yinshizong. They were all unbelievable.

After all, in the eyes of the vast majority of monks, the golden elixir is still unattainable. An ordinary monk, after all, may not be able to see a difference in his life, let alone see two friars' success in attacking the golden elixir at the same time.


But the shock to these monks did not stop.

Almost after a few breaths after the second jiedan heteromorphism, there was a dull roar in the gate of Yin corpse sect. In the sky above, the sky suddenly became clear again, and the cloud which had been violently rolling suddenly became more disordered.

Almost all the monks of the Yin corpse sect had already gone out of their homes and practice places. At the same time, all the monks of the Yin corpse sect almost shivered.

The sound came from the white bone hall.

It is true that there is another monk who attacks the golden elixir in the Yin corpse sect, not outside the gate of the Yin corpse sect.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Three knot Dan different phase! My God? In one day, three monks attacked the golden elixir successfully

After the huge roar came out, the cloud in the sky was suddenly sucked again, forming a huge funnel-shaped cloud roll again.

Three funnel-shaped clouds, falling down from the air, are almost connected in one. The momentum is unimaginable.

"In one day, there were three more golden elixir monks in the Yin corpse sect!"

"The strength of the Yin corpse sect is far more than that on the surface. It turns out that after several golden elixir friars have fallen, there are three golden elixir monks in succession!"

"For nearly a thousand years, it seems that there has not been a single sect in Yunling mainland. In one day, there are three golden elixir monks. No! In one month, or even in a year, there seems to be no one who has produced three golden elixir monks... "

"They all hit Jindan successfully!" In the quiet room of Jiya, Weisuo also made a voice of surprise.

"Ah .!” Wei Yuji jerked her head and left her body. But even if she covered her mouth, her voice was still very loud.

Hearing this sound, kya is not a part of her body, and she is extremely shy. She almost faints. , the fastest update of the webnovel!