Chapter 789

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
At the moment when Liu Zhenyu's eyebrows formed white vertical eyes, Wei Suo's body suddenly showed a blazing divine light. One step out, one step to Liu Zhenyu's back.

A group of black, silver, red, white, and gold lights exploded behind Liu Zhenyu. At the moment, Wei Suo, regardless of the immortal bottle in the air, directly used the hole empty footwork to attack Liu Zhenyu. In a flash, they competed, and most of the monks didn't see it clearly.

The huge throne of the four gods and the four golden images of the king of the four gods were all shattered, and the whole throne of the four gods flew forward.

"Boom Until then, a violent explosion came out, and pieces of red fragments burst out, bringing out a surprising stream of flame.

"Hole empty footwork! Is this not the strong law of the ancestors of the Donghuang clan in Yunling land? "

"The body of this son is comparable to the magic weapon of xuanjie! Moreover, his divine sense is powerful and his casting speed is so amazing that ordinary golden elixir, even if he has a magic weapon of xuanjie, can't stop it at all, and he will be killed by close second! "

Many of the old Dong level figures who had seen clearly were astonished. They could see clearly that Wei Suo came directly behind Liu Zhenyu and made a black firelight first. Then he kept kicking Liu Zhenyu, as if he wanted to step on Liu Zhenyu's feet. The red pagoda that appeared on Liu Zhenyu's body was directly broken by Weisuo. Then the white halo on Liu Zhenyu blocked the black fire, but it was crushed by Wei Suo. Until the throne of the four gods gave out a golden light, Wei Suo's foot was blocked.

Weisuo's body was silver and shining, which was comparable to the level nine ancient beast. I'm afraid that even these old antiques could not be stopped by such a blow. It was so powerful that most monks on the scene were horrified.

Between these old antiques, a more amazing duel began. On the throne of the four gods, which was beaten by Weisuo, the vertical eyes in Liu Zhenyu's eyebrows were completely opened.

The endless white light burst out from his vertical eye. In an instant, the whole valley was submerged by the sea formed by the white light.

The whole bronze mask is full of white light!

"My God! What kind of technique is this! It's like completely isolating the six senses! "

"In this case It's like being completely blind when you can't feel your opponent at all

Outside the whole valley, it was boiling in an instant. Many great monks, even many golden elixir antiques, were shocked!

The white light not only blocks the eyes and sounds, but also can only penetrate a little. The whole white light is like a dead sea. Even the monks watching the war outside can not see anything inside.

"This is one of the three Heaven level top step techniques of emperor Tiandao." A disciple of the emperor's way of truth said with great pride.


At the same time, a flash of light from Wang Wuyi's hand flew out and condensed into a huge picture in the void ahead of him.

In the whole picture, it is the situation in the whole valley.

At the moment, Wei Suo is ten miles away from Liu Zhenyu, but he is not facing Liu Zhenyu at all. Obviously, he doesn't know where Liu Zhenyu is now.

However, Liu Zhenyu's magic method seems to be unable to block Wang Wuyi's sight of the divine light. At the moment, all the monks outside can't see the situation of fighting inside. However, with his supreme power, he condenses the inner scene with divine light, so that all the monks can see it.

In the valley, Weisuo was like a sea of white gods.

Liu Zhenyu's Taoist technique has no special lethality, but it has a terrifying effect of cutting off six senses. As soon as this Taoist technique was issued, his divine sense could only be used to detect the range of about tens of Zhang. Moreover, he could not hear or see anything. Just like a blind and deaf man, he did not know where Liu Zhenyu was. So he started the Dongxu footwork again In order to avoid being attacked by Liu Zhenyu.

At the moment, he couldn't feel anything more than tens of feet away. He was still blind.

"With my divine sense, I can only reach tens of feet. No wonder I killed Shenxuan. He dare to fight with me alone. It turns out that there is such a top level skill in my body! In this way, even if a hundred golden elixir friars surround him in this valley, they are just like the blind and the deaf. They only have to be beaten and killed by him. "

Wei Suo is also very clear at the moment. Just as he has the earth mother's ancient scriptures and Dongxu footwork, Liu Zhenyu has several powerful methods in his body, and his magic power is far beyond the ordinary golden elixir's ability!

But Weisuo is very calm at the moment, without any stay. According to the impression just now, Weisuo is stepping out towards the position where the immortal bottle is.

At the same time, the golden light flashed in the center of his eyebrows, running the technique from the immortal sound transmission.

If there is a golden God in his eyebrows, his divine consciousness will be splashed out.

Under this secret method, his divine sense penetrating power increased several times in an instant. His divine sense pierced the surrounding white God sea and shrouded him in a radius of more than 200 Zhang.Without any pause, a little black man turned out in front of him, and the breath shook the world!

Zhentian FA Xiang!

Wei Suo also offered sacrifices to Zhentian FA Xiang.

As soon as the statue of Zhen Tian FA Xiang was sacrificed, Wei Suo's divine sense was more than doubled, and the scene within the radius of 500 Zhang was clearly perceived.

Bumiejing bottle is 400 Zhang to his left in front of him, but it is moving away from him. Liu Zhenyu is still 500 Zhang away from him. It is obvious that Liu Zhenyu is using the "ancient emperor's art of seizing soldiers" to take this magic weapon first. On his left side and right side, less than 400 Zhang, two other disciples of emperor Tiandao had already been killed.

It seems that these two disciples of emperor Tiandao are not affected by Liu Zhenyu's Daoism and can get Liu Zhenyu's guidance clearly.

"This is another treasure of this son, which is close to the immortal tool, Zhentian FA Xiang? It is with this treasure that he killed the real disciples of xuanfengmen and several old Dongs? "

"This Zhentian FA Xiang can shake the heaven and earth with its power. It is really comparable to the real Shenxuan Dharma."

"I'm afraid that this kind of power can't be resisted by a golden elixir, but it doesn't work. His immortal utensils will be taken away immediately. Liu Zhenyu has this immortal bottle in his hand. He can't break Liu Zhenyu's defense What's more, he can't even see where Liu Zhenyu is. Maybe he will fall directly in the hands of these two disciples of emperor Tiandao. "

All the changes in the valley were revealed by Wang Wushang's divine light, and Zhentian's method was offered to him. Just like the ancient god of war, a black sun bloomed behind his head. Countless circles of black light appeared under his feet. The breath vibrated the void. It was so huge that almost all the Golden elixir monks watching the war outside, including the old Dong level figures, could not match their intuition. However, almost all of these golden elixir friars and old Dong class figures were not optimistic about Wei Suo.

"No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it is like a blind man. All the fairies have to be taken away, and all struggles are in vain. Under my elder martial brother's divine skill, he must be a dead bone. " The former disciple of the emperor's way of truth had a loud sneer and was very conceited.

Before he finished his words, Zhentian FA Xiang had already moved. He drew it out with one hand and took a circle of mysterious texture. The whole sky was shaking.


There was no sound coming out, but all the friars jumped their eyebrows, as if they heard the sound of no power beating on the flesh.

Zhen Tian FA Xiang drew out the huge power with one hand, and accurately slapped on the two disciples of emperor Tiandao who had already challenged Wei Suo to activate the skills and magic weapons.

The whole void seemed to vibrate. All the brilliance in front of the two disciples of emperor Tiandao smashed in an instant. Then, the bodies of the two disciples of emperor Tiandao completely disintegrated.

The blow was earth shaking. All around the valley was the sound of air-conditioning. Just now, the emperor Tiandao disciple who made a loud sneer turned pale and opened his mouth like hell.

Two true disciples of emperor Tiandao were killed by Wei Suo!

"Can't this supreme divinity not block his divine consciousness?"

"No way. Even if the real supernatural power is really powerful, I'm afraid it can only be perceived within 200 Zhang. It's impossible to perceive these two true disciples of emperor Tiandao!"

At the moment, Wei Suo doesn't feel a lot of antiques around him!

Zhen Tian FA Xiang did not stop at all. He continued to move forward. His breath shook the heaven and earth. It seemed that he had to grasp the immortal pure bottle in front of him.

"How could it be!"

Wei Suo in front of thousands of feet away, Liu Zhenyu's eyes show incredible light.

"Even if you can crack this skill, it can't reverse the fate that you must fall down!"

"Take it for me!"

Liu Zhenyu's face almost at the same time showed a ferocious look. A brilliant ancient Chinese character instantly appeared in front of him and hit Wei Suo's Zhentian FA Xiang.

The whole Zhentian Dharma was so fierce that all the aura disappeared and became the previous black villain.

The black villain is pulled by the inexplicable force, and flies to Liu Zhenyu's direction.

"Do you have time?" Weisuo, who was stripped of his armor, was very calm, but showed a sneer.

His hand was silvery, and he pulled the black man by force. At the same time, a real Yuan Dynasty has been in front of him in the indestructible net bottle.

"You can be blind, too." Weisuo sneered.

The ice purple light flashed on the bottle, but the whole bottle suddenly turned into a black hole. All the light, not only in the whole valley, but also outside the valley, became pitch black.

Even the light of the king was completely disappeared in the night.

"Black copper! There is a large amount of black copper in his immortal utensil! His magic weapon has such magic power! In Meishan City, when he fought against the God xuanneng of the enemy, he left behind, and did not fully inspire the magic of the bottle at allAll the monks, including Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi, could not help turning pale.


Unable to see his fingers, Liu Zhenyu's scream came out of a pitch black valley. , the fastest update of the webnovel!