Chapter 798

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"The holy fruit is so important to this person? I'm willing to exchange it with the supreme secret skill

Almost all the friars on the scene stopped trading on hand, and Weisuo's heavy material shocked all the friars.

At ordinary times, it is impossible for a powerful monk or a monk to trade with him except for his own inheritors or Taoist partners. For a powerful monk, the value of a supreme powerful Dharma is as inestimable as that of an immortal. A supreme powerful Dharma can even become the foundation for a powerful monk to establish a religion. No one wants others to get the supreme powerful Dharma, compete with himself, or even threaten his existence.

No one is unmoved by the supreme secret arts. All the people ask themselves. Even some monks in Ziyang palace, Guangfa Tiangong and Emperor Tiandao feel that if they have some holy fruits on their bodies, they will certainly be unable to help trading with Weisuo.

However, the key point is that this kind of wild ancient holy fruit is not only extremely rare, but also very unpopular. It does not belong to the kind of materials that can refine powerful magic weapons, enhance cultivation and longevity. Many people will try their best to collect them. Many monks even think that this kind of thing is useless and dispensable. There are also some younger generations and some less knowledgeable monks who have not even heard of this kind of ancient sacred fruit.

Who has the holy fruit in his body?

All the monks at the scene couldn't help looking around.

"Is there a sacred fruit in him?" A monk with a dull look and no expression on his face was walking towards Wei Suo. "The Sanren of Ximing, who is also a cruel role, is said to have killed many golden elixir monks." Many people recognized the monk's identity. The whereabouts of Qingming Sanren are very mysterious. It is said that they are not ordinary golden elixir monks, but may have extraordinary strong Dharma.

"Do you have a sacred fruit?" Wei Suo, who looks old and old, looks at the Sanren of Xi Ming who comes to him, and asks with a bright eye. But in fact, there was no special surprise in his heart, because the sound of Linglong heaven had been transmitted to his ears, and there was no holy fruit in the nabao bag of Ximing Sanren.

"I don't have a ready-made fruit on me, but I know the exact news about it." Xi Ming Sanren's face has no expression, looking at Wei Suo said.

"Do you really know where there are sacred fruits?" There was a candlelike glow on weissou's fingers.

"This is a technique to detect the breath change of the other party, so as to know whether the other side is telling lies or true words. This kind of technique is very rare, and this person can still use this technique."

"This kind of technique is not omnipotent. There are many ways to deceive the exploration of this technique. It can only be used as a means of auxiliary judgment. Many friars fell for believing in this technique, so many of them were lost..." Many antiques can see what Weisuo is.

"I do know where there are sacred fruits." Seeing Wei Suo's hand burning like a candle light, Xi Ming scattered people's look still unchanged, nodded and said.

There was no change in the glow of weissel's fingers. "Can you take the fruit? If you can get it, I will directly pass on a powerful method that can continuously refine the body. My body is tempered in this way. " There was a light in weissou's eyes, and the man was likely to be telling the truth, so he continued to throw out heavy material.

"The technique of refining the body! This man's body is comparable to xuanjie treasure! This kind of secret skill is really the most powerful method! " Hearing what Weisuo said, there was a hurricane in the whole conference hall. Most of the monks on the scene saw the power of the virtual footwork of Weisuo cave in close combat with the powerful flesh body.

The Sanren of Ximing, who had always looked very dull, was also obviously shocked. The supreme strong method of refining the body is of great use to any monk. Even the supernatural power can't be indifferent.

"I just know which sect the fruit grows in, and I can't get it." The Sanren of Ximing sent a message to Wei Suo.

"Then you want me to trade with that door?" Wei Suo thought of gongdezong again. He took a look at the Sanren in Ximing and said, "in this case, it's just a piece of news. It's not worth a powerful Dharma. At most, I'll give you a piece of material that can be used to refine the nine level monster of xuanjie magic weapon."

"What's the refining material of level 9 monster? Can I have a look? " Xi Ming San Ren hesitated a little and said.

Wei Suo didn't have any nonsense. He directly took out a pair of tongs with the giant claws on his body. A strong and sinister smell peculiar to the top wild ancient giant animals immediately spread out. Compared with the giant pliers that are many times larger than the human beings, they look very heavy, like two hills.

"This pair of things is the material of a real level 9 monster, which can be used to refine a complete set of magic weapons I'm afraid it's impossible to make magic weapons with other materials. " In the whole cultivation world, the magic weapons above the Dao level have been very rare. The removal of Weisuo's pair of things also made many people extremely excited.

"I accept that." Xi Ming Sanren's eyes flashed for a moment, no longer hesitated, and nodded to Wei Suo.

"Then please Lord Su and Lord Wang as witnesses. If this Taoist friend tells me that the news about the holy fruit of Zhuo is not true, please ask Lord Su and Lord Wang to make decisions for me. You leave me a unique record that others can't imitate. " Wei Suo points a pair of tongs directly to Ximing Sanren, and turns to look at Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi."Good. Since Wei Daoyou is a member of our Dahua League, this transaction was completed at the League meeting. If what the West Ming Taoist friend said is false, I will definitely let him return it at double cost. " Su Shen nodded and said. "If there's a fake, I'll help you with this in person." Wang Wuyi's divine light Dharma still has no expression on his face, but he also says in a voice.

"The news I gave you will not be false." The Sanren of Xi Ming sneered, reached out and took out a strange white amber bead, hit a brilliant light in, and then pointed to Wei Suo's body.

"The seven treasures of gongdezong" As soon as it reached Weisuo's hand, Weisuo immediately took a deep breath and immediately put away the White Amber Bead.

In addition to the seven characters recorded in the Amber Bead that the Sanren of Ximing called themselves, they also recorded the surrounding terrain and the specific position in the whole sect of Gongde sect. According to the records of the Sanren in the West Ming Dynasty, qibaomi area was a place where a great deal of spiritual medicine was planted before gongdezong. Later, it was designated as a forbidden area, and only a few great people of Gongde sect could enter.

"For a message, you get a piece of semi-finished product equivalent to the medium level magic weapon of Xuan level..." Seeing the completion of the transaction, many friars were like cat scratch in their hearts and were extremely jealous of the gains of the Sanren in Ximing.

"I also have a weapon refining material of the same level. I don't know if there are Taoist friends who can provide me with things to improve life yuan..." Weisuo took advantage of the heat and continued.

"I have a yellow blood golden grass." An ugly middle-aged monk came forward, unable to resist the temptation of xuanjie magic weapon, and proposed a deal.

"I'm very interested in this huangxuejincao. If this Taoist friend can transfer it to me, I'd like to exchange it with this treasure." A well-dressed old man suddenly came forward, he directly pointed out a jade bird claw like magic weapon. This Jade Bird claw like magic weapon makes the monks around him in an uproar. Because the spirit of this Jade Bird claw like magic weapon is extremely turbulent, it is a real Xuan level middle-class magic weapon. This level of magic weapon is naturally more moving than a weapon refining material.

A huangxuejincao can increase Weisuo's life by 30 years at most. This well-dressed old man even exchanged a real xuanjie intermediate magic weapon. It would be crazy if he was in normal times.

Now, his practice is totally naked against Weisuo, which is totally more undisguised than the old woman in Guangfa Tiangong. He is simply the first person to formally show his intention to kill Weisuo at the exchange meeting.

"This Taoist friend, who are you? Do I have any big enmity with you?" Wei Suowei squinted at the old man. The old man was wearing a simple white brocade robe with nine deer patterns. He had a long beard. His hair and long beard were snow-white. His cultivation of gold elixir was four fold. His whole body was dignified and looked extraordinary.

"Song Beiyu is my eldest son." The old man in gorgeous clothes looks extremely cold, and does not conceal the killing intention in his eyes.

"Who is song Beiyu?" Weissou was a little strange. He didn't remember his relationship with such a person.

"He and Lin Taixu and others were killed outside the nether city by you." The old man, who was wearing a nine color deer pattern, said more coldly.

"How could it be that there was a..." Wei Suo couldn't help shaking his head. At that time, he killed more than ten Jindan friars in one breath. Apart from Lin Taixu and two or three old Dong level figures of xuanfengmen, and one of the friars from Wuji Tiangong, he had no idea about the identities of the other golden elixirs.

"Dead old man, it seems that there are quite a few gangs going to kill you this time." Linglong Tian sneers at Wei Suo. It seems that the old man in Chinese clothes is not with the group of Tianluo immortal. There were at least five or six monks who were close to the old man in Chinese clothes.

"Do you want to kill me for revenge?" Weisuo did not show any color, pretended to be a pair of Li Rong, looked at the old man in splendid clothes and cried.

"You are a member of Dahua League. I dare not kill you. I'm just trading according to the normal rules. " The old man in Chinese clothes sneered and exchanged the Jade Bird claw like magic weapon for the yellow blood golden grass, and left.

"I won't let you go." Weisuo's face changed several times. He was so murderous that he seemed to want to start, but he finally resisted and said such a sentence to the old man in Chinese clothes.

"It depends on how long you can live." The old man in Chinese dress responded with a sneer.

"I know there is a place where there is a monster of eight levels in the middle of the river." At this time, Xuanyuan old ancestor came up and said to Wei Suo, "I want to exchange this news for your material that can refine xuanjie magic weapon."

Xuanyuan Laozu didn't know Weisuo's appearance at this time, but his heart was even more suspicious, because he did it according to Weisuo's instructions. When he drank with the old man in splendid clothes, Weisuo had already whispered to him.

"Eight level medium water monster! As long as it's true, I can exchange it. " Weisuo immediately looked at Xuanyuan Laozu and said.

"I guarantee the whole haixianzong. I can also ask Su Zongzhu and Wang Zongzhu as evidence." Xuanyuan Laozu directly hit a piece of earth yellow stone skin and hit Wei Suo in front of him."Good!" Wei Suo's divine sense swept, and immediately took out the tail whip of the wild ancient giant claw, and handed it to Xuanyuan ancestor.

"Lord Su and Lord Wang, I lost too much in the first world war just now. I want to leave the hidden cultivation first. I wonder if I can?" Then, Weisuo immediately looked at Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi and put forward such a proposal.

"Good." Su Shenxue didn't have any nonsense, so he nodded. A disciple of Huatian cult came forward and took Wei Suo and others directly out of the gate of Huatian sect and sent him to the top of the jade platform in the sea of clouds.

"There are a lot of people coming out, and these guys are really undisguised." Flying away from the white jade platform soon, Linglong day sneers and transmits a voice.

In the sea of clouds in the rear, there were a lot of shining lights surging. It was obvious that many friars left directly and followed them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!