Chapter 805

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"It's crazy that there are so many masters and monks of the same level who have died, and there are so many people who want to attack you..." Yinlihua shook her head helplessly and communicated to Weisuo.

After killing a group of friars and planting the divine root, they continued to move towards the direction of stinging Qi sea. At this time, they had bypassed Haixian city and entered the sea area, which was more than 40000 li away from Haixian city.

The sea here is very remote, and there are not many monks passing by. However, they have met two groups of monks one after another in this sea area. It is not necessary to know that these two groups of monks were arranged here in advance to wait for and find the traces of Weisuo and others.

"The level of these people is not enough, not enough to make people cold, not enough to resist the temptation of immortal utensils."

"Some people can't help but do it again. There are monks lurking in front of the sea under the sea, and there are prohibitions." After a distance of nearly ten thousand li, Linglong Tian suddenly flashed his eyes and whispered to Wei Suo.

"It's safer to do it in the sea of stinging Qi, and I can't display the ancient scriptures of earth mother all the time. This time, we mainly focus on escaping. They think that we are not in a good position, and they will certainly catch up in the sea of stinging Qi. If it is not a special accident, you should not do it this time." Weisuo quietly transmission to the ears of Linglong days.

"Then don't enter into the scope of their prohibition. Just startle them. When I ask you to do it, you can do it." Linglong day also does not quarrel with Weisuo and transmits the sound to Weisuo's ears.

"Good." Weisuo remained silent and continued to move forward.

"Just stop here. You can do it." Continue to move forward for about seventy-eight miles, Linglong day let Weisuo start.

Without a moment's pause, Weisuo suddenly offered a sacrifice to the undeniable pure bottle, directly stimulating all the array of the immortal pure bottle, and turning the sea surface tens of miles around into the night when he could not see his fingers.


At the same time, according to the instructions of linglongtian, Weisuo deliberately showed weakness, only played a dark emperor sword.


A huge white light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the sea, which smashed the sea water and Weisuo's dark sword.


A black light immediately splits the ice purple divine pattern defense outside the indestructible net bottle, and hits the carcass of the bumie clean bottle. This black light is a simple hammer. It looks like some kind of stone, and there is no sign to show. However, it seems that it has mastered the ice system technique and can ignore the extremely cold air on the bottle.


Almost at the same time, a magic weapon like a staghorn stick hit the bottle heavily. This magic weapon with the shape of a deer horn stick emits colorful glow and ancient flavor. It is an ancient treasure at first sight, and its power is very amazing. It can not be extinguished. The net bottle is sunken and flies out. Even the back armor of the ancient giant claw emerges and emits a faint green air. And this magic weapon is obviously a magic weapon of blink type, which directly appears outside the body of the indestructible net bottle, which is difficult to intercept.

"It's the old man song Bu Yu. He is arrogant and doesn't hide his face at all." Seven monks soared up from the sea. One of them was wearing a simple white cloud brocade robe with nine deer patterns. He had a long beard. His hair and long beard were all snow white. At the meeting of Huatian cult, the old man with golden elixir who cut off his yellow blood and golden grass at the meeting of Huatian cult, his son, according to him, was in the war outside the city of netherworld Together with the old xuanfengmen antiques, Wei Suo killed him.

In addition to this old man, the other six monks were covered with various colors of light and mist, and their identities could not be determined only by their divine sense and vision.

"Wei boy, I'll take you on the road and avenge my son!" This old man's imperial envoy is the magic weapon in the shape of a deer horn stick emitting colorful rays. After rushing out of the sea, the old man reached out a little and offered a magic weapon like a long fruit shaped, two red red pills connected together to make a large red flame and hit the immortal bottle.

"This is the fire pill of Rongyuan God! It's a magic weapon refined by secret method with the golden elixir of fire friars and the inner elixir of fire monster above level 8! In ancient times, there were only a few masters who could refine this kind of weapon. Although it is a consumptive magic weapon, but the Dan fire excited by it is more amazing than the fire yuan of your purple sky away from the stove. You can't touch this kind of fire element for a long time, otherwise the body of magic weapon will be damaged When the old man in green robe saw this magic weapon offered by the old man, he immediately gave out a cry of surprise.

"I have joined the Huatian alliance. If you dare to appear in public and kill me, are you not afraid that Huatian alliance will deal with you?" Without any hesitation, Weisuo directly launched the hole empty footwork to drive the immortal bottle to cross the void instantly and get out of the range of the old man's divine fire.

Although there were only seven monks who killed him, they all had their own secret weapons. They were not affected by the darkness. Without the help of dexterous heaven, Weisuo was not sure how to deal with them.

"This son's true yuan has been difficult to sustain I can't stand the loss. If we continue to pursue, we can kill him. " At this time, Wei Suo was located on the sea surface, unable to display the ancient earth mother Scripture. In addition, at the moment, the body and the golden elixir were in decline. Therefore, Zhenyuan was somewhat unsustainable and stopped after performing a hole empty footwork. Seeing this scene, the old man in the pattern of nine colored deer has an ancient face. He reaches out a little and puts away the fire elixir of Rongyuan God. In a moment, his robe shows nine colors of brilliance, and he pursues Wei Suo with astonishing speed."This man is aware of the prohibition we have set up!" After the old man, the two monks, who were shrouded in the light, made a voice of unusual exasperation.

"No! Hiss Continuous sound, a line of nearly transparent light from the bottom of the sea kept shooting, was put away by the two monks.

Then, the two friars immediately followed the old man and the rest of the friars, and pursued Weisuo together.


Wei Suo collected the indestructible clean bottle and reached out a little, but he beat out the seven level medium level water demon Dan, wrapped it with water spirit and energy, and kept refining it. Then he launches the hole empty footwork again and strides across the void.

"This man can directly refine the water demon pill to supplement Zhenyuan! It's also a powerful method! "

"It's no wonder that this man has been fighting against the enemy before, and the real yuan has almost never been exhausted. In addition, this man was desperate to buy high-level water elixir at the meeting. It turns out that this person can directly refine the water system demon pill to supplement Zhenyuan! "

"No wonder he's going to the sea of stinging air High level water demon Dan, it is of great use to this person! This water demon pill is a seven level medium level water demon Dan It should be from those monks who were killed by him. "

"This person should be left with this high-level water demon pill. He can't get other high-level water demon pills We must kill this man this time. "

"Chase! The more you use this technique, the faster the decline of the body and the elixir

Weisuo used the empty footwork of the hole to widen the distance, which made the monks unable to catch up. But he did it on purpose at the moment, and his body was really older than when he left the meeting. However, these friars were deceived by him. They thought that Wei Suo only had high-level water demon pills. He thought that the reason why Wei Suo had never stopped refining water demon pills before Wei Suo was that he was rushing to zheqihai to seek more high-level water demon pills In order to improve the cultivation and seek more longevity.

"Some friars can't help but show their hiding light."

"For fear of being preempted, they are in a hurry to catch up."

"These guys are very well informed, and I don't know how to catch up with them so fast that they could have been around for a long time."

But just after opening the area nearly a hundred miles away from the monks, Weisuo, linglongtian and yinlihua found that there were extremely fast dodging lights in the two clouds behind. It was obvious that some friars had been secretly tracking or ambushing around here. At the moment, we could see that Wei Suo was chased by these friars, and they all couldn't help but do their best They were afraid that Wei Suo's good things would be snatched away by the old men in white robes with nine colors of deer and amulets.

Judging from the speed of escaping light of these two groups of monks, they must be at least the strong ones above the golden elixir, and the number of them is also quite large. However, they are too far apart. From the perception of Linglong heaven, the identity of these two groups of friars can not be determined.

"Why don't these groups of people live and die first "

" dead swindlers, don't daydream. Only when you are dead and they rob you, will they be divided into two parts. As long as you don't die, they will not fight first. They are sure to kill you

After repeatedly practicing the cave empty footwork for several times, Weisuo put away some refined seven level water demon pills. He was not willing to use them more. He used the spirit light escape method, and tried his best to escape towards the sea of stinging Qi.

After escaping for more than 100000 Li, a white world appeared in the sight of Weisuo and others.

The sea of stinging Qi has finally arrived!

"Steely girl, help me find a big, continuous island!" Weisuo immediately spoke to Linglong sky as soon as she rushed into the sea of stinging air filled with white fog.

His ancient scriptures need a large area of land to give full play to its power. A continuous large island is the best place to kill and pursue monks. And Linglong day's vision and perception, in this kind of place, is much stronger than him.

"There's an island there!" He continued to perform the cave empty footwork for many times, then plundered for a while, and tried to enter the depths of the sea of stinging Qi. According to the instructions of Linglong Tian, Weisuo reached the top of an island with a radius of hundreds of miles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!