Chapter 822

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The thousand peaks of gongdezong have their own inheritance, which shows that there have been at least one thousand golden elixir monks in the inheritance of gongdezong for thousands of years.

According to the average number, there is a golden elixir in a few years. Although in fact, in the current monastic world, the gongdezong can't produce a golden elixir in a few years. It's estimated that even some unknown ancient Dong level figures, at most, are dozens of them. However, it can be seen that there are some periods in the history of gongdezong, which must have been very amazing There are many scholars.

The more Jindan great monks and Shenxuan great powers have been sent out, the details of this sect are generally more amazing, because there are some relics left by the great energy above the triple and four levels of Shenxuan, some things containing the road, and some prohibitions, which are hard for later generations to reach. For the whole sect, they are extremely amazing wealth.

In addition, the thousand peaks of merit and virtue are just like a thousand schools. If they let their own way, it is easy to have all kinds of talented disciples, which makes the school of merit and virtue prosperous forever.

The weather and inheritance of such a large number of doors, unless experienced in it, is really hard to imagine such a casual practice as Weisuo.

In recent days, Wei Suo has also entered the place where the great Yingfeng placed the classics. After consulting some of the classics, he knew that dayingfeng had a brilliant period before, and produced many talented disciples. Among them, there was even a supernatural great power named Yuanying. The word "Ying" in dayingfeng was set up in memory of this man. The rest of the peaks were also named after one of the most accomplished monks.

At that time, the number of disciples of dayingfeng was several times that of the present. There were many disciples living in Houshan, and many of them arranged themselves and built their own spiritual fields. But now it is a time of decline. For hundreds of years, there has been no talented disciple. Some senior figures in charge of dayingfeng are not as good as the monks in other peaks, and the resources they can get are relatively small. Wei Suo walked all the way to the back mountain. Many places in the back mountain had not been repaired. The residences of many former disciples had been very dilapidated. Some of the original majestic temples that seemed to be used for teaching scriptures and testing Dharma were even turned into ruins because they were out of repair for a long time, and no one wanted to take care of them. They were all overgrown with wormwood and brambles. They were very desolate, just like a field.

Wei Suo didn't know which house the elder martial brother named Zhang Yun usually took pictures of him. However, he read the relevant records and knew that the disciples of his generation lived in xiaolinggu in the back mountain at first. Later, because a spiritual spring in xiaolinggu was cut off, xiaolinggu was gradually abandoned. Zhang Yun and others moved to another residence.

Wei Suo came to the back mountain of Daying peak because of the picture Zhang Yun gave him. Although he knew that the old man Zhang Yun would not cheat him and help him wholeheartedly, otherwise he would not give him the picture to tell him such a secret. The elder martial brother of Zhang Yun certainly did not pass on the Scripture to Zhang Yun. However, since the elder martial brother had received the Buddhist Scripture of Qibao secret place, Wei Suo could not help but come to his former residence to try his luck, because according to the year On behalf of judgment, Zhang Yun's elder martial brother died of depression. He should have fallen in the residence of xiaolinggu. Even if Mingde didn't say anything about it, Wei Suo had already known that the great energy was the most powerful monk in the history of gongdezong, and the cultivation of Shenxuan was the highest in the history of gongdezong. According to the records, it was only because there was not much longevity in the end, which was just a little short of proving the true immortal. The power of the five peaks of Shenxuan is already a very high peak for Wei Suo to understand the vitality of heaven and earth and the law of his own way. What he left behind must be very useful to Weisuo now.

"It should be here."

Weisuo deliberately avoided all the people, opened his mind, and made a detour. He stopped after spending more than half an hour on some grass paths that few people usually passed by.

The front is silent, is a deserted Valley, the entrance of the valley has more than a dozen high steps, there is also a huge blue stone gate, the Mountain Gate engraved with the three characters xiaolinggu.

Although the blue giant stone gate is old and a little weathered and dilapidated, it is still of amazing momentum. However, in the valley, there are dead branches and yellow leaves everywhere. A main path is almost completely submerged by thorns and weeds. Obviously, no one has cleaned it up for a long time. On several ancient trees not far away from it, a few crows are crowing and bleak, and there are no monks at all The living place should have the aura.


However, before entering the blue stone gate, Wei Suo's eyes flashed a little different color.

There are five monks in the deserted Xiaoling valley. At the moment, his divine sense is splashed and he feels very clear. Three monks are in a courtyard on the left side of the middle of the valley.

"Three elder martial brothers, if you demolish this courtyard, some of our martial uncles and uncles will blame..."

"We did it, not you. What are you afraid of?"

"Well, it's just some abandoned things, and there's no one to live in at all. Even if they're all demolished."

"Do you know who wants what we're looking for?"

“… .。”

Wei Suo approached him quietly. To his surprise, one of the voices he heard was a younger martial brother of Ma Teng, named Mo Wei. He was usually silent. Although he didn't have any friendship with him, he took the initiative to call him "elder martial brother". This and a lot of self-cultivation made him have lower status than Ma Teng But he did not respect him at all, and even some of his contemptuous disciples were different, which made Wei Suo think that he was still good. After all, the younger martial brother, who can treat Ma Teng as an honest man with no future, is certainly not a bad man.Now listening to the words of Mo Wei and the other monks, it seems that Mo Wei and the other friars are trying to dissuade him, while the other three monks are trying to tear down the courtyard and look for something.

What should be done to demolish such a desolate residence which is usually ignored?

After listening to a few words, Weisuo felt that the highest accomplishments of the other friars were the same, so he went to the courtyard and had a look at it.

"Brother ma?" Outside the courtyard, there was a jujube tree with some old vines wrapped around it. There were weeds in front of the door. Suddenly someone came and saw "Ma Teng". In the courtyard, Mo Wei and the other four monks were stunned.

Mo Wei is a slender young man with a somewhat rectangular face. The other four monks are a dark complexion, some strong looking disciples in blue, and three young monks in red robes, two men and one woman, all of whom are under 30 years old.

Among the two male monks, the first one on the left has correct facial features, but there is a black birthmark on the left eyebrow, which looks inexplicably fierce. The first one on the right has short hair, but his face is very handsome and romantic. However, there is some cold between the eyebrows, which makes people feel uncomfortable at the first time. The other female monk is also somewhat beautiful, some plump and looks Sweet. However, his body was obviously close to the male monk with short hair, which made Weisuo feel as if he was trying to please the male monk. The cultivation of the male monk was also the highest among the three, and he thought of one important cultivation. The female nun is Zhou Tian Si's practice, and the other Zhu Yi's is Zhou Tian Wu's.

"Are these three?" Wei Suo a pair of honest and sincere appearance, looking at Mo Wei to make a voice to ask a way. Wei Suo had never seen such a red robe disciple. According to the experience of these days, the ordinary disciples of gongdezong peak wear different colors or patterns of Dharma clothes on each peak. The disciples of this scarlet robe should not be from the surrounding mountains.

"These three are the senior brothers of dayufeng." Mo Wei was surprised to see Weisuo's sudden arrival, but he immediately replied.

"Da Yu Feng?" Wei Suo slightly pondered, it seems that it is not far from Daying peak. He knows the location and name, but he doesn't know much about it.

"Well, you don't talk nonsense. I have said so far. If you are blocking me, don't blame me for being rude." The young friar, who looked elegant and elegant, gave a sneer and waved impatiently.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to cast a spell here? " Weisuo suddenly said, "according to the rules of dayingfeng, it is not allowed to cast magic here."

"It's just taking something down, it's not casting at all." The handsome young monk gave Weisuo a cold look, and raised his hand to fight against the roof in front of him.

"Brother, stop for a while. Even if you want to dismantle it, you'd better say hello to some martial uncles." Mo Wei was in a great hurry and blocked in front of the young monk.


The young monk had no expression, but a blue air wave suddenly rolled out to the left and rolled down the roof of a dilapidated bungalow on one side.

"You..." Mo Wei was suddenly surprised and angry, but he did not dare to attack.

"It will be convenient for all of you to leave as long as you don't know anything." The young monk said calmly.

"What are you looking for?" Weisuo asked in a voice.

"I just heard them say that your surname is ma. Judging from your appearance, you should be the one who guards Lingtian and is qualified to listen to Zen Music." The young monk took a look at Weisuo and said without expression, "for the sake of listening to Zen Music with me, I can tell you that I am looking for some ancient thorn fruit trees to cooperate with alchemy. I have read the records. Originally, there was a thorn tree in Xiaoling valley. It was cut down in the process of building these houses. It may have been used in the wood for building some houses. Now it is about the right year and can be used as medicine. Well, as I told you, as the elder martial brother of these two people, you can take them away. "

"That's not right." Weisuo shook his head and said, "let alone if some martial uncle and uncle saw their old house demolished in the future, they would be furious and find out that we were passing by and implicated in us. Moreover, maybe the thorn tree was not used to build these houses at that time. To say the least, if you want to find a long-term and suitable ancient thorn tree for medicine, it's not urgent at the moment. You can slowly check every house for no wood. You don't need to break it up directly. You can take a picture of the broken wood. "

"I'm in urgent need. I don't have time to waste. Do you think I have as much time as you do?" The young monk's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a cold light, obviously full of threat, as you know what to do now.

"I'm also very busy. I have to look after a lot of spiritual fields. I'll go back to see two cold fragrant ice plum trees later There are still places to loosen the soil... " Wei suozhong's honest and honest appearance seems to have no threat at all.

"Elder martial brother, don't talk nonsense with this person, this is a total two Leng." The young friar with birthmark on his brow was impatient. After saying this, he directly threatened in a cold voice: "if you talk nonsense again and dare to stop, I will show you in the future." , the fastest update of the webnovel!