Chapter 825

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

Sitting on the smooth pebble, Weisuo breathed deeply, as if the ancient beast was breathing. The air of dozens of Zhang inside and outside the stone chamber seemed to be emptied at once.

Then he opened his eyes and rose from the boulder.

There was a little surprise on his face, and a strong confidence came out of him.

After refining a demon pill of Pangu juzhe, his body was more powerful, and the speed of refining various kinds of miraculous drugs was faster. Several miraculous elixirs containing amazing aura obtained from those old Dong level figures were all refined by him in half an hour.

At the moment, his appearance still does not have any special change, but he has already broken through to the five fold cultivation of the golden elixir as expected before.

For fear of revealing his breath, Wei Suo did not offer a golden elixir at the moment. However, from the perspective of the inside, his golden elixir is bigger and more brilliant. It is like a real star in the orifices. Compared with the golden elixir quadruple, his golden elixir seems to have an indescribable meaning, just like a bigger and more adverse thing It was born out of Sinochem.

This thing, of course, is Shenxuan FA Xiang!

The golden elixir has five peaks. After the golden elixir breaks through the wall, it will transform into the supernatural and mysterious Dharma forms!

After breaking through the cultivation of Jindan Wuzhong, Weisuo had already touched the breath of Shenxuan.

The huge golden elixir sends out the rolling Dan Qi, which feeds back the body and moistens the body for a long time, which can at least increase the longevity of the monks for decades. This feeling is too wonderful. The breakthrough of each level of realm will bring great benefits to the monks.

Wei Suo first put aside the feeling of joy, meditation experience.

Although it seems that there is only a layer of paper between the later stage of Jindan quadruple and Jindan wuchong, it represents the transformation of Jindan again, and there is a qualitative leap in strength.

Wei Suo felt that his divine sense had grown again. Previously, he had used the secret method derived from the true immortal pattern, which could cover a vast area, but now his divine consciousness can cover a distance of 12000 Zhang.

The former disciples of dakufeng and dayufeng were very arrogant in front of him, but in fact, they were disciples of the same cultivation level. Now Wei Suo can accurately lock in a skill at 12000 Zhang away. They are certainly unable to resist and will be killed.

His true power is also improved again. When he uses various skills, his power can be improved a lot.

Previously, the Pangu giant sting demon Dan greatly improved his body again. Wei Suo quietly realized that he could cooperate with the earth mother's ancient Scripture, and the continuous imperial envoy Zhentian FA Xiang had no problem.

With the incomplete moon in his hand, Weisuo had great confidence. As long as he did not meet the monk Shenxuan, any friar of golden elixir would not be able to stop him.

"Old trees with withered vines and dilapidated walls, I can't imagine that there will be natural spiritual sound in such a mountain peak." After a moment's careful experience, Weisuo sighed in his heart about what he got last night, he left xiaolinggu and headed for the direction of the front mountain daruo Valley and Xiaoyun valley.

Tomorrow is the time to lift the ban on qibaomi. On this last day, he has to be a good Ma Teng and take good care of several holy fields in daruo Valley and Xiaoyun valley.

"Elder martial brother Ma, why are you not in Xiaoyun Valley? I just went to Xiaoyun Valley to find you..." As soon as he got to the hillside of Qianshan Mountain, a disciple of Wei Suo's dayingfeng was very anxious to call out, and pulled Weisuo's sleeve when he came up. This disciple of dayingfeng is the one who is warm-hearted. Wei Suo met Fei Zhong at the mouth of darougu.

"What happened?" Feizhong's look and words surprised Weisuo.

"Have you offended the people of dayufeng? Now the people of dayufeng have come to congealing Valley and are looking for you." Fei said anxiously.

"The people of dayufeng are asking me for trouble?" Weisuo frowned. It must be the three guys who stopped dayufeng from demolishing the house a few days ago. Now I want to revenge. Is that too fast? "What's going on?" Weisuo sneered in his heart, but his face was a little dull. He asked.

"I don't know. It seems that there is something wrong with the things you are looking after. The two martial uncles want you to go immediately. You should be careful not to let you talk. You must not talk nonsense. The other party must be deliberately looking for trouble..." Fei Zhong is very anxious, pulling Weisuo to the condensing Valley, while constantly explaining.

"Here comes the man." Weisuo quietly followed Fei Zhong into the congealing valley. This is a valley full of dark ice array, full of ice and snow. There are several holy fields arranged among them, and many people have been standing around. Seeing him and Fei Zhong walking in, the three monks sneered.

The three monks were the disciples of the three dayufeng who had to demolish the house a few days ago. Beside them, there was a young man wearing a white dress with a high head and sunken eyes. He looked like a dove and a proud young man.

"Ma Teng, are you taking care of these two cold fragrant plum trees these days?" Seeing Wei Suo and Fei Zhong walking in, an old man with green robes immediately came forward and asked. This green robed old man named Zhuo Jiumei is one of the most senior figures in dayingfeng at the same time as Zhu Yun.Weisuo's eyes twinkled, and found that the two original white jade like cold fragrant ice plum appeared a lot of gray spots, is about to die. "I'm really taking care of it." But Weisuo's face did not change. He still had a loyal face and nodded.

"How can these two cold fragrant plum trees look like this? It is obvious that after adding the ash from the stork dung and forgetting to irrigate the Lingquan, the root system will be short of water and the two Lingmei trees will wither The face of the old man in green robe was very severe and ugly.

"I don't know. I didn't forget to irrigate the spring after I applied the ash from the stork's dung yesterday." Weisuo replied honestly, "it may be that some people have made mistakes and added more on these two Lingmei trees. Or some people don't like the two plants and deliberately destroy them. "

"Presumptuous! Who dares to destroy these two miracles on purpose The old man's face suddenly became more gloomy and yelled.

"I haven't forgotten anything. When I left yesterday, these two miracles were still good Weisuo nodded positively.

"Even if you forget it, it won't show up for a moment. Of course, it's good when you leave." Among the three disciples of dayingfeng, the young disciple with birthmark on his eyebrow said ominously.

"There is no proof. Do you have any evidence that you have not forgotten to irrigate the spring?" Another old man in black came up and said in a cold voice.

Weisuo shook his head. "I have a clear conscience. There is no evidence."

"Because of the fault, the elixir can not be refined. According to the rules of the sect, it seems that such a disciple can no longer be qualified to listen to Zen." The young man wearing the moon white clothes, some sunken eyes, a proud young man said calmly.

"The two martial uncles, to punish people, but also to evidence." Fei Zhong was in a great hurry and immediately said, "maybe someone is not careful and added another layer of sky stork dung ash."

"Who are you? Do you have anything to do with it? When can you talk? " The young man in the white robe of the moon coldly looks at Fei Zhong. The cold light in his eyes makes Fei Zhong unable to help but stagnate.

"You are all big Yufeng, right? Even if I make mistakes, it's our dayingfeng's business. Why do you take care of it?" Asked vissault, with an honest air.

"This elixir is just what I want. Of course I will ask." "As for my identity, my name is ZhouLing. I think you should have heard of it."

"I haven't heard of it." Weisuo shook his head.

"I mentioned elder martial brother Zhou's name in xiaolinggu the other day. Dare you say you haven't heard of it!" Exclaimed the handsome young monk.

"I don't remember. I only remember that you tried to demolish our houses in xiaolinggu and were stopped by me and uncle Qian." Weisuo took a look at the elegant young Friar and said, "you are still moving inside."

"You The handsome young monk's face suddenly turned blue.

"Isn't this miraculous medicine that uncle Liu wants? How did it become what elder martial brother Zhou wanted? " Weisuo was still very honest, pretending to be a little strange, looking at the old man in black.

This black robed old man is uncle Liu in the mouth of younger martial brother Jiang, who asked him to take care of the two miraculous herbs.

"I'm just helping Zhou Ling collect..." Said the old man in black. The look was obviously unnatural for a moment.

"What a coincidence." Weisuo shook his head.

“… .。” At this time, many disciples of dayingfeng have gathered in this holy field. Fei Zhong and others are secretly a little strange at the moment. They only think that Wei Suo is as honest as he used to be, but he seems to point out the key points in every sentence, so that others can hear and have points in their hearts.

"It's a bit of a coincidence. He didn't make any mistakes in 30 years, and the other holy fields he looked after had no problems. It was at this time that the two plants that he saw in this sparsely populated frozen Valley went wrong? " An old voice came, and the oldest old man named Qian in Daying peak arrived, "but we will check this matter naturally, and then report it."

"These two things themselves are not his responsibilities. They are also under the care of others and have nothing to do with his duties." Zhang Yun, a kind-hearted old man with a kind face, also came, and his voice dropped to the ground.

"Why, do you want to cover up on purpose?" Zhou Ling slightly narrowed his eyes, "when you check, it is estimated that it will be more than tomorrow. He has already listened to Zen."

"You don't have to worry about it." Qian surname old man's eyes were dim, but he shot out a sharp light, "we dayingfeng's affairs, it seems that there is no need for other Feng's disciples to manage."

"Don't forget that I am a zhenzhuan disciple. If I find any violation of the rules, any ordinary disciple can suppress it. Even you can suppress it first, waiting for the elder to verify it!" Zhou Ling coldly looks at the monk named Qian, who is very fierce.

"Are you sure you can catch me? I am an old bone, but I am not afraid to move again. " Monk Qian coughed and his breath rolled.

"If you want to do it, I'll go and see the elder right away." Zhang Yun is also a thousand steps, and Qian surname monk side by side."If so, it's not good. Maybe we'll all be detained first. That's what some people want Just as the sword was drawn and the crossbow was stretched out, Weisuo stepped up and blocked the two old men.

"Aren't you afraid that some fierce friars will appear in dayingfeng in the future and try to revenge and oppress you?" Wei Suo looked at Zhou Ling, still honest, said.

"I handle affairs impartially, where there is revenge and oppression." Zhou Ling sneered, "as long as you can give evidence to prove that it is not your fault, I will not embarrass you."

"I have no evidence..."

"That's not..." Zhou Ling was about to say that was not nonsense, but Weisuo suddenly continued, "but I have witnesses."

"Witness, who has seen you irrigate the spring?" Zhang Yun and Qian's eyes lit up.

"Yes, and more than one." Wei Suo said respectfully, "younger martial brother Meng and younger martial brother Zhou were just looking after xiaobinglian in the valley at that time. We also had a few conversations. And when I was out of the valley, I met elder martial brother Chen... "

"Call on them to come here." The old man in green robe was stunned and cheered to some disciples of dayingfeng who were watching.

"Why didn't you tell me when you had a witness?" Feizhong was stunned and could not help but secretly spread the voice to Weisuo's ears.

"This son is crooked and upright, or suddenly a little clever In this way, Zhou Ling's words are dead, but there is no room for maneuver. " Zhang Yun and the old man named Qian looked at each other and saw the idea in each other's eyes.

"Elder martial brother Zhou, I'd like to ask you not to speak up. Otherwise, if you threaten me, my elder martial brothers will not dare to tell the truth." Weisuo continued to say honestly.

"You Do you mean to play with me? " Zhou Ling's face became iron green, squinting his eyes and facing Wei cableway very cold.

"Different people have different opinions. You can know whether you want to play with others or not." Wei Suo looked at Zhou Ling and said, "elder martial brother Zhou is so magical. Maybe in a few days, some elder martial brothers in our Daying summit can't help but want to compete with elder martial brother Zhou at the contest meeting."

"You are so arrogant Zhou Ling's eyebrows jumped, and in his tone, he felt a little murderous.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Feizhong and several good-natured dayingfeng disciples, are repeatedly transmitted to Wei Suo.

"It's a joke. On Daying peak, who is the opponent of elder martial brother Zhou. You're such a jerk. You don't deserve to lift my shoes. You dare to say such things to senior brother Zhou. " The handsome young friar immediately cried out.

"Then see, maybe I will challenge you first." Weisuo said honestly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!