Chapter 859

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"We have made an appointment with zhenwuzong and Tianjian sect. The leader of zhenwuzong is close to .。”

"Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi severely damaged the leader of Dengxian sect last time, but they were finally escaped by the leader of Dengxian sect. My master was eager to meet with the leader of Dengxian sect last time to help him heal his wounds."

“… "

" so, the xuanfengmen has not arrived, only the Zhenwu sect leader, xuanneng? "

"Yes, xuanfengmen thought that the power of the four gods was enough, so it just provided a powerful magic weapon."

"What kind of magic weapon is it?"

"I don't know what kind of magic weapon it is..."

"In addition to zhenwuzong, how many old Dong level figures are there? Where are they arranged now?"

"They laid ambush in the area of Huanglong waterfall, and more than 20 people came."

"Dead profiteer, do you still want to deal with those villagers in Tianxuan land?" Linglong could not help but grind his teeth and transmit the sound to Weisuo's ears. According to her understanding of Weisuo, now Weisuo asked zhenwuzong so carefully that he must have moved the idea of dealing with them.

"My fellow countrymen have come all the way. Of course, we should treat them well." Weisuo also does not deny, the sound to the ears of Linglong days.

"Do you have the means to contact them? Will they know what's going on here now? " Weisseau then pressed Mingde.

"It was originally sent to them through one of my master's magic weapons, but now I'm afraid..." Mingde can't say for sure.

"Your master's body has been destroyed. Is there any secret skill that can be recovered quickly?" Vissault's eyes flashed, and he went on.

"I haven't got all his inheritance yet, so I don't know."

"Do you want to live?" Wei Suo Leng hum a, suddenly asked such a sentence.

"Yes Mingde immediately nods, who doesn't want to live is a fool.

"I'll give you a chance to record all the skills and techniques you know." Wei Suo points a piece of Qingfu to Mingde's body.

Mingde hesitated for a moment, knowing that there was no room for bargaining. Finally, he gritted his teeth and began to record all the skills and techniques he knew in this documentary.


Mingde just nods and points the Qingfu back to Weisuo's body, indicating that the record has been finished. Weisuo's huge real yuan will hold him down, so that his real yuan can't be transferred. Then, Weisuo waves his hands, and more than a dozen blue green flames penetrate Mingde's body.

"This..." Mingde's face turned white. He felt that there was an extremely cold breath in his many orifices, but he could not accurately perceive it. It was obvious that he was forbidden by Weisuo.

"Don't worry. It's the ten ghosts' Hypnosis ban, which is just the superficial prohibition of the Yin corpse sect. It's only ten hours, and it'll dissipate automatically. " Wei Suo's expressionless face directly condensed the scriptures of this method, so that Mingde could see clearly. "As long as you listen to my orders during these ten hours, I will spare you one life."

"You..." Minder's face was even whiter. This is not a simple prohibition. According to this Scripture, at least the monks with more than five levels of the golden elixir can be used. Although it is true that it will dissipate after ten hours, within these ten hours, as long as the mind of the person who imposes the prohibition can stimulate the prohibition, and then the person who is subject to the prohibition will be turned into a pool of blue corpse water, with no residue left. This kind of prohibition is clearly the top prohibition of Yin corpse sect. It is certain that the general monks of Yin corpse sect can not learn it at all.

"It's a pity that the Yin corpse sect is not as rich as your merit and virtue sect, and there is no such prohibition that can last for a long time. Otherwise, when you were arrested last time, you would not end up like this today." And Weisuo seemed to sympathize with him at this time, and said such a sentence.

"I've been listening to you for ten hours. Can you really let me go then?" Asked minder, trembling.

"I've always had a lot of credibility." At the same time, he looked at the expression of Wufa Mingfu.

"What do you want me to do?" Asked minder.

"Go back to the Yin and Yang tomb first, look at the situation of the ancient emperor's corpse, and help me collect the breath above the tomb." Weisuo said as if nothing had happened.

"What!" Minder screamed in horror.

"What are you afraid of? The corpse of the ancient emperor is sealed by a magic weapon of mine, and it may not be able to be beaten out. Even if it has been done now, you may not have died in the past. It is better than turning into a pool of corpses." Wei Suo despised like white Mingde one eye, "are fast Gong Dezong true disciple, even this point of courage are not."

"How dare you! Shenxuan Daneng was wiped out. Shenxuan Daneng was scared and ran for his life. Just now, you were scared to death, and you screamed Mingde couldn't help but want to cry like this, but now facing Weisuo, he didn't dare to call out. After holding for a while, he could only ask with a pale face, "will you let me go after I do this?""Do me one more thing and I'll let you go." Weisuo said, glancing at minder.

"What else can I do?" Minder immediately asked. He always thought it would not be a good thing.

"Then you'll know, so much nonsense." Weisuo snorted, "make sure you can come out of the grave alive first."

“… "Minderton was a little speechless.

"Dead profiteer, do you want to see the situation of the corpse of the ancient emperor, and see the situation of the leader of dengxianzong and others with the LAN mirror of Tianhai God?" Linglong day at the moment some guess out Weisuo's intention, the voice asked.

"Not bad." Wei Suo sent a message to Linglong Tian's ear, "I have fought with Xu Qianhuan's father, the leader of Zhenwu sect. His accomplishments can't exceed two levels of Shenxuan realm at most. We two should be able to deal with it. However, if the leader of Dengxian sect has nothing to do, if they can get there, we may not be able to deal with them. By the way, we can see the merits and virtues of Zong Zong

"Whatever you want." Linglongtian passed on a word, and didn't say much.

"Let's go!"

Wei Suo didn't say much about it. He first used the empty footwork of the cave and then went back to the direction of the tomb of yin and Yang.

"Heal quickly, heal well, even if you meet the corpse of the ancient emperor, you will have a greater chance to escape." At the same time, Weisuo also took out some high-level healing pills and the elixir to replenish Zhenyuan and threw them to Mingde for healing.

For this, Mingde really wants to cry without tears. If people who don't know see Wei Suo treat him like this, they really think Wei Suo is very intimate to him, and they are good friends.

About 167 thousand miles away from Yin Yang tomb, Weisuo stopped cautiously.

"Well, be careful." Weisuo nodded to Mingde, indicating that the next thing was Mingde. At the same time, he also said such a sentence.

Mingde was about to cry, but he couldn't help it. He cursed the 18th generation of Weisuo ancestors in his heart, and at the same time, he swept towards the Yinyang tomb with a black face.

"The escape speed is quite fast."

When he began to fly towards the Yin and Yang tomb, the voice of Weisuo came from the rear, which almost made him spit out blood.

"Next, you want him to take us to the place where the villagers of Tianxuan land ambush us? You don't really want to let him go, do you? " Looking at Mingde's escape light is almost disappearing in the sight, Linglong day looks at Wei Suo and asks.

"To tell you the truth, if the ancient emperor's corpse is sealed in that coffin and he can carry it out to me and open it in front of zhenwuzong's group of guys, I will probably let him go." Wei Suo said with a smile.

"You want him to get the coffin out?" All of a sudden, Linglong's eyes are bulging.

"I have such an idea, but I don't know if it can work." Wei Suo laughed and stopped looking at the notes in his hand. He was very regretful. "It's a pity that this guy has not really inherited the gongdezong. His skills and techniques are not very useful."

“… "Linglong Tian is really speechless to Wei Suo.

"Come back! It seems that the corpse of the ancient emperor has not escaped! " After a while, wishord's eyes lit up and said this.

The location of the tomb of yin and Yang, a little escape light emerges, which is the escape light of Mingde.

"Well, what about the Yinyang tomb? Don't you come back to the Yin Yang tomb, and just give me a breath and come back to work? " When mingdefei swept in front of him, Weisuo said this.

Mingde almost vomited blood. After taking two breaths, Mingde put the breath wrapped in Zhenyuan to Weisuo's body, and said, "I did go to the top of the Yin Yang tomb. From time to time, there were huge collapses in the tomb. It seemed that the corpse of the ancient emperor was still fighting against something."

"Still fighting with the gray coffin?" Wei Suo has some hair. He reaches out a little and takes out the sky and sea god LAN mirror from Huangpu Juelun and Yuhuang immortal.

A stream of true elements penetrates into the sky and sea god's LAN mirror, and at the same time, the breath taken by Mingde group is also involved in the sky and sea god's LAN mirror.

The sky and sea god's LAN mirror is full of time, and soon a continuous stream of light forms countless overlapping pictures.

"They are still running away. The older these old guys are, the more afraid they are of death..." Wei Suo and Linglong Tian were speechless for the first time. They saw that almost all the old Dong level figures of dengxianzong and gongdezong in the picture were still struggling to escape and roam through the wilderness for fear of the appearance of the ancient emperor's corpse catching up.

"This is the Lord of Dengxian sect!"

Then, a picture immediately made Wei Suo and Linglong Tian's eyes flash violently. In a temple built entirely of some white jade, a monk covered with white rays was constantly absorbing the medicine gas from several medicine tripods to cure his wounds, and coughing up a mouthful or two of blood from time to time.

This monk is obviously the leader of the Dengxian sect. Judging from his environment, he should have returned to the Dengxian sect. Although he was not directly hit by the death of the ancient emperor's corpse, his wound looked extremely heavy."This is the master of merit and virtue!" In the other picture, there is no human figure, only a circle of Golden Buddha light, and there are lines of meridians floating inside. It seems that a monk is restructuring his body.

“… This is the corpse of the ancient emperor. Damn it, it's too fierce Weisuo and linglongtian soon couldn't help but look at each other. There is a picture, black light and red gold light surging, can not see anything at all, but looks powerful, shaking. It seems that the corpse of the ancient emperor is still in the sarcophagus, constantly fighting against the power of the sarcophagus. , the fastest update of the webnovel!