Chapter 875

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
At the moment, Weisuo and others are in front of the deserted ancient city in a desert wasteland.

The whole ancient city has been completely weathered, only a piece of huge broken walls, but no pattern can be seen, just like a huge piece of remnant stone.

The back of the ancient city, which is about tens of miles round, still looks like an endless desert. But when Weisuo and others arrived in front of the ancient city, there was a flash of light, and two escape lights seemed to appear out of thin air. They came out of the air behind the ancient city and flew towards Weisuo's people.

However, there were two young monks, one male and one female, who were all dressed in a moon white robe, and their hair was wrapped in a cyan jade ring behind their heads. They were both dressed in a very similar dress. The man's body is straight and straight, and his face is square and upright. However, the nun is a melon seed face with white skin, which is quite moving.

They stepped on a white jade Ruyi and a bright red silk respectively. They were elegant and elegant, and naturally had the demeanor of a large school of disciples.

"Taoist friends, from your appearance, you know that our mountain gate is here, so you come here and don't know what's the matter with us?" The two young friars went to Weisuo and others more than a hundred feet in front of them and stopped in the air. Then the young male monk arched his hands and looked directly at Weisuo and others.

"You can help me to send a message to Yuhuang immortal, saying that it is an old friend's visit. You can tell him that people who know Liu Zhong have come all the way to find him, and he will know who is coming. " Wei Suo also has no nonsense, looking at the two disciples of Wuji temple said.

Wuji Tiangong is different from other large gates. The mountain gate is very hidden. It is in a desert of Tianxuan land. It is covered by Dharma array. Ordinary monks don't know the specific gate of Wuji Tiangong.

"The elder is a friend of the supreme elder?" Hearing what Wei Suo said, the two disciples of Wuji Tiangong immediately showed a dignified look on their faces. Even though they could not see Wei Suo's real cultivation, they all could see Wei Suo's extraordinary bearing. Those who can talk with Yuhuang are not ordinary friars.

"Please wait a moment, and we will inform you immediately." After seeing Wei Suo nodding, the two disciples of Wuji Tiangong immediately flew back with faster speed.

"Did the royal family have the power of supernatural power?"

"Yes, many maps outside the sky that aristocratic family owns are handed down from the Huangpu aristocratic family of that era..."

"The strength of many monastic families is no worse than that of the major ones, which is quite unique."


After two disciples of Wuji Tiangong leave temporarily, Wei Suo and ye Guwei talk in a low voice.

After killing the monks of Dugu aristocratic family, Wei Suo, ye Guwei, ye Xiaozheng and Dugu Yuyun all the way to reminisce about the past and arrive at the gate of Wuji Tiangong along the Jingpan King City.

Before Panwang City, it was only the place of origin of yuexiancao and yinxingshi, and Weisuo happened to have got these two things. After passing through Panwang City, they had lost their original meaning. They just went to Xianjia city and rushed to the gate of Wuji Tiangong. Passing through Panwang city was also the latest choice. So Weisuo and others didn't stay in Panwang city at all. They just benefited directly Use it to transfer the array.

As for Dugu Yufan and the old woman who Wei Suo said they wanted to make a living, Wei Suo directly took a black fragrant pill to each of them, and then left them in a room. For the two people who had been abandoned in practice, they would have to sleep for at least dozens of days to wake up. Even if they still dare to talk after waking up, Wei Suo and others would have already left Open the sky Xuan continent. For Weisuo's way of doing this, the old man in green robe was naturally very contemptuous. He felt that he would knock him to death at will, so as to save trouble. However, Wei Suo said that he had good reputation and wanted to establish a reputation image, which made Linglong Tian roll his eyes and even scold the profiteer.

After chatting all the way down, ye Guwei and others have made a thorough understanding of Weisuo's present situation, and Weisuo also has a more detailed understanding of Ye Guwei's and other people's whereabouts in these years, and has some understanding of the lonely and cold continent that he has never been to.

The whole cold land is nearly twice as vast as Tianxuan land and Yunling land. However, most of the places are cold and bitter, covered with ice and snow. The number of monk cities is only half of that of Yunling and Tianxuan, which is a standard land with few cities. Many snow covered areas are wasteland, and it is common that there is no city within hundreds of thousands of miles.

There is no direct transfer between many cities. As a result, a large number of monks gather in some cities, and they all work around a city. The scale of the city is so large that some monastic families feel inconvenient to travel between cities. They build their own residences in some convenient or productive places outside the city. So in the long run, Xu has formed Many monastic families have been handed down for a long time, but some of them are more powerful than the major ones.

According to ye Guwei and others, there are five super powers in the cold land, namely, xiaojijie, dahangong, Zhenlei Zong, Yuhua aristocratic family and changsun aristocratic family.

This is equivalent to the forces of the five super major sects, but two of them are monastic families that only accept their own children.In addition to these two monastic families, such as the Huangpu aristocratic family which swallowed the ancient map of Dugu Yu, are also very powerful. It is said that there are many golden elixir monks.

To Wei Suo's surprise, the duxingzong, where qinglingying Shenxuan Daneng was killed by the corpse of the ancient emperor, surrounded him with the leader of Dengxian sect and gongdezong, and was killed by the corpse of the ancient emperor.

Du Xingzong was a remote star city in the cold land. He was not famous in the cold land. He heard that he was a great God. Ye Guwei and others were very surprised. Because there are not many cities that have been to the cold land, ye Guwei and others have no way to know how many supernatural powers there are in the whole cold land. However, according to what they have heard in the cold land, it is said that only a small number of great forces have the existence of shenxuanjing monks, and the total number should be similar to that of other continents.

However, Wei Suo himself had some unique views on the number of monks in the Shenxuan realm.

Since he became more and more close to Shenxuan, he became more and more aware of how much resources a monk would spend to cultivate Shenxuan.

Take himself for example, even if he did not cultivate the Five Secrets of the immortal root, if it was a single gold pill, from the early stage of the five fold golden elixir to Shenxuan, it would take hundreds of thousands of water demon pills to lay the foundation, and there must be a large number of high-level water demon pills.

A continent is just like a huge spiritual field. There must be a certain amount of all kinds of miraculous drugs and demon pills produced. With certain resource constraints, how many top monks can be supported is almost fixed. Even if there are a lot of highly talented and amazing monks in a certain period of time, if the resources are not enough, the last few who stand out are sure to be those.

Of course, there are also friars who can get some amazing fortune and make a great progress, but such friars are just like Weisuo, which are very few.

In ancient times, many miraculous medicines had not disappeared, and many things that gathered the aura of heaven and earth were much more than they are now. So at that time, there were more powers above the Shenxuan realm than they are now. However, the resources of the spiritual world can not support such a large number of powers.

Although the number of friars in the frigid continent is no more than that in Tianxuan and Yunling continents, according to ye Guwei and others, there are not a lot of them, and they are nearly twice as vast as Tianxuan and Yunling continents, which is equivalent to twice more resources. Therefore, Wei Suo's judgment shows that the number of Shenxuan great powers in the frigid continent may be several more than that in Yunling continent.

However, this is only Weisuo's conjecture. We have to make a careful inquiry after arriving at the frigid continent.

For Weisuo, the cold land is definitely a trip. The reincarnation tower of the five great powers of Shenxuan is very important. The reincarnation tower is almost equivalent to a complete inheritance. However, in Weisuo's plan, he would go after at least breaking through the Shenxuan.

After talking for a while, a majestic breath suddenly came out of the air, and a bluish red escape light shot at Wei Suo and others.

"Immortal Yuhuang, how are you Weisuo smile, indifferent voice.

The monk who sent out the light was wearing a Taoist robe with blue background and red stripes like meteors. The wrinkles on his face were like knife carving. He was the supreme elder of Wuji heavenly palace, immortal Yuhuang.

"Wei Daoyou, are you really here?" Yuhuang immortal is a little unbelievable. When it is heard by Wei Suo and others, Wei Suo suddenly appears in front of the gate of Wuji Tiangong.

"I had a fight with Xu Shenjun. He was injured by one of my things and could not recover in a short time. But I was brought back to the sky Xuan continent by what Zhenwu star gate he used. " Wei Suo felt that there was no hostility from Yuhuang, so he said with a smile, "so I just came to Wuji Tiangong and wanted to see the strange bluestone you mentioned to see if you could see some mystery. I don't know what's going on in Wuji temple now. Can I go in and have a look? "

"Did you hurt Xu Shenjun?"

Yu Huang was shocked, but he didn't say anything more. He immediately showed a dignified look on his face, "let's go. I'll take you in to see that piece of stuff. Now, most of you and I are not hindered by the natural enemies But I happen to know a secret, which is related to you. Tianjianzong is preparing something, and will soon deal with you. "

"Tianjianzong is preparing something to deal with me?" With the feather Phoenix immortal toward the Wuji Tiangong Mountain Gate plunder weisuoden slightly stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!