Chapter 882

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"My sword king wants to kill In the past, no one can stop Now, there's no way anyone can stop... "

The sword King ancestor's body rippled with unimaginable spiritual power fluctuation. It seemed that all the divine powers revived in this moment, and all entered Weisuo's body.

Wei Suo's face changed sharply, and he tried his best to stir up Zhenyuan, ready to play Qianlong Tuzhu Jue.

In this case, I'm afraid that only by playing the trick of throwing pearls by the Qianlong dragon and closing the body's position of orifices, can it be possible to directly break through Shenxuan without being forced to do so.

In this situation without any preparation, if forced to break through the Shenxuan, I'm afraid that nine out of ten will fall.

However, what made him feel cold was that the aura of the sword King's ancestor who had penetrated into his body stirred Zhenyuan. It was so turbulent that he completely suppressed him, making him unable to control his own Zhenyuan.

Like thousands of rivers converging into the sea, a turbulent stream of Zhenyuan and essence rushed into the orifices of Wei Suo's heart pulse and penetrated into Wei Suo's two golden elixirs.

"Boom "Boom "Boom!"

Weisuo himself can feel that his golden elixir is constantly expanding, and the golden elixir is growing at an amazing speed, but the wall of the whole golden elixir is getting thinner and thinner.

"What happened?"

"What kind of magic is this?"

At this moment, the time seemed to be still. All the friars around Xianjia city didn't know what was going on. It was hard to imagine. They just felt that the breath of Weisuo was constantly expanding and expanding, and a more and more amazing pressure made the heart of the monks in Xianjia city almost burst.


Many monks couldn't bear it at all. They cried out and ran away from Wei Suo's duel with the "ancestor of the sword king".

In the sky, it seems that there is a more amazing God, in the birth.

"I am deified It's a secret Not only can kill you And you can also refiner your essence and soul after the carding of your flesh. So I can live for thousands of years I can do it again. " The voice of the old ancestor of the sword king came out again.

"Come to your head!"

Wei Suo yelled, but his true yuan was driven by the sword King's ancestor, unable to motivate him to obtain Mahayana's Dharma sound.

"This man is at the end of his rope!"

"The divine power of the old ancestor of the sword king is unimaginable!"

"Sword King Sutra, I actually got this sword Sutra of the sword King's ancestor..."

Cao Yi and other four people behind the sword King's ancestor were extremely excited. In their view, Wei Suo's body was set in the void, and he had no resistance, and he was completely doomed.

"How... Maybe "But at this time, the sword king Laozu suddenly gave out an unbelievable exclamation.

"Whoa ha ha ha ha!" And at this time, Weisuo suddenly Leng Leng, then incomparably excited laugh up.

At the moment, the essence of the sword King's ancestor entering his body has begun to appear a sense of exhaustion, that is to say, the sword King's power is about to run out, but Weisuo's golden elixir has not broken through!

"How could it be You The sword King's ancestor once again made a whistling sound, as if someone had strangled his throat.

Above Weisuo's head, there were two huge rolling flame lights, as if there were two gods and Demons more than tens of feet in size from Weisuo's body, but they did not fully agglomerate into shape, unable to see the specific appearance.

"Two Double gold pill How can you fix two golden elixirs The old ancestor of the sword king made a lot of noise and was shocked.

"What, two golden elixirs!" Has this man made two golden elixirs? "

"What is that? Is it the shadow of the two gods? Has he really cultivated two golden elixirs, and they are all about to become two divine metaphysical Dharma forms? "

"If this person breaks through the Shenxuan realm, can he cultivate two divine metaphysical Dharma forms?"

Almost all the monks in Xianjia City heard the voice of the sword King ancestor, and almost everyone felt that it was beyond their cognitive scope.

"Ha ha, thank you for coming all the way to help me improve my accomplishments. You Tianjian sect is really the last stepping stone for me to break through the Shenxuan." Weisuo laughed again.

The strength of the sword King's ancestor directly brought his cultivation to the peak of the later period of the golden elixir. Only one step away, he could break through the Shenxuan!

But the strength of the sword King's ancestor was exhausted at this time, and he could not bring his cultivation directly to the time when the golden elixir broke through the wall!

Xiangen wumi, double gold elixir!

It was precisely because Wei Suo had cultivated Five Secrets of immortal root and double golden elixir, and the aura needed to break through the cultivation was extremely amazing. Therefore, the ancestor of the sword king could not beat Weisuo to the level of breaking the wall of the golden elixir.

The sword King's secret skill is not only a must for the friars of Jindan wuchong. It seems to listen to his words just now, but also refine Wei Suo's true yuan and spirit after his body is lignified, and turn it into his own use. However, the sword King's ancestor never thought that there were two gold elixirs besides Wei Suo's huge gold elixir!

"The people you want to kill are destined to live well today. Unfortunately, it's your tianjianzong who has done so much injustice. Heaven wants to destroy you." Weisuo looked at the trembling green figure, shook his head and said.The figure of the old ancestor of the sword king has been darkened. At the moment, the power that enters Weisuo's body is about to be counterpressed by Weisuo's true yuan power. After more than ten breaths, the old ancestor of the sword king was destined to have only two ends. One was that all his power was controlled by Weisuo, refined, or pulled out. However, his divine power was almost exhausted, and he would surely be killed by Weisuo.

"The old ancestor of the sword king was defeated?"

not far behind, Cao Yi and other people's faces had turned completely white. If the sword King ancestor fell, they could not escape.

"Is this destiny?" In the eyes of the sword King's ancestors, there was also an endless hesitation, a trace of the end of the breath, from his body, like a magic weapon, began to rot at last.

"It's not as good as heaven's. It's a waste of money to kill the profiteer." Facing Wei Suo and the sword king, Laozu was still in the approaching Linglong Tianxin, and exhaled a breath.


But at this time, let all people did not think of is, sudden changes!

Hanging in Weisuo's chest that strange and inexplicable milky white jujube crystal nucleus, suddenly issued the sound of breaking.

"What's going on?"

Weisuo's body suddenly fierce a meal, can't help but bow to his chest to see.

The cream white jujube crystal nucleus left in the cyan stone ball, which saved his life twice, suddenly all cracked!

An endless milky white light, with innumerable light symbols and an amazing huge breath, burst out from Weisuo's chest.

“… .! "

the eyes of the sword king Laozu and Linglong Tian are completely frozen. The two people who are closest to Weisuo immediately felt a strong spirit of mystery!

A white lotus flower with soft milky light is blooming in front of Wei Suo's body.

There are seven petals in this lotus flower. Each petal exudes amazing aura. But in the middle of the lotus flower, there is a white baby sitting in the middle of the lotus flower. The powerful spirit and mysterious breath is from the baby's body.

"This..." Weisuo's thinking was completely stopped, and he was unable to reflect such changes. The lotus flower and the breath on the baby's body burst from the milky white crystal nucleus of his chest made him feel very palpitating and dangerous.

Almost at the first time, he subconsciously tried to urge Zhenyuan to use his empty footwork to escape.

"Good I live in my family It may not be possible for someone to accomplish Shenxuan so quickly Good... " But at this time, the baby's mouth, but suddenly issued a voice that was obviously from the high-ranking people with endless dignity.


As soon as all the brilliance was collected, the milk white divine light, milk white lotus flower, and snow white baby filled the sky instantly condensed into a divine light, which, in a flash, penetrated into Weisuo's heart.

"Take away the house?... heaven help me too!" In the dark and pale eyes of the old ancestor of the sword king, the light burst out in an instant.

The breath of Weisuo's body expanded again, and all the clouds above the void were completely shaken open by the earthshaking breath, and two huge columns of light fell on him.

"What the hell is this?"

Wei Suo only felt that there was a huge spirit once again, which merged into his own Zhenyuan, and even led Zhenyuan to pour into his heart vessel and orifice and penetrate into his two golden elixirs.

At the same time, in his consciousness, there was also a monk directly. The monk was wearing a white robe, and his body exuded endless dignity. It seemed that he was going to break all his divine consciousness!

"Take the house! This thing, is it a thing that gathers a God and a great power to complete the spirit of God? " This moment, Weisuo also reacted to come over, the hair is completely erect.



With the influx of this amazing and powerful essence, Wei Suo's two golden elixirs were transformed at the same time. The two golden elixirs were shocked in the position of the orifices, and hundreds of cracks appeared on the surface at the same time!

"Dong!" "Dong!"

The earth and the earth vibrated, and in the endless void there seemed to be an amazing drum beating. The two billowing flames above Weisuo's head swelled again and rose to a height of tens of feet, and then began to condense. A strange strange phase, with the awe of the sky, floating in the air.

The golden elixir breaks the wall, the Dan Qi soars into the sky, transforms the Divine mystery!

"This man is at this moment It's time to break through Shenxuan!

"two Shenxuan Dharma bodies!"

All the monks who saw the scene opened their mouths wide like dead fish, and could not make any sound at all.

The two regiments in the air exuded endless majesty. The upper part of the body was clearly visible. They were two pale blue daozuns. They were dressed in watery robes. Their faces were seven or eight points similar to Weisuo. However, the lower part of the body was still in the process of flaming and did not materialize. At the same time, the concrete images were not real.

"Don't resist. You can't stop me If you have any last words, you can say... " At this time, Wei Suo did not know how the outside world had changed. He started to fight against the huge divine consciousness that had invaded his body from xiaolinggu. However, all his divine senses were killed one by one by the Shenxuan friar in the moon white robe in his consciousness. At the same time, some of the consciousness of the God xuanneng also penetrated into him In my , the fastest update of the webnovel!