Chapter 887

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Wei Suo could not know the real cultivation before the fall of the northern Ming patriarch.

However, according to shuiling'er and Yuhuang Zhenren, the supernatural powers of the northern Ming patriarch in his emergence may be superior to those of xuanfengmen.

Judging from this, it can be concluded that an ancient Scripture with the deepest imprint of any monk who is at least more than three levels of divinity and metaphysics, originally thought that it was not his major skill, but a powerful attack method similar to that of Lieqi incomplete moon and Da Ti Xumi.

However, this "Ming Wang induction classic" is bigger than Wei Suo's expectation.

This is actually a secret method that can sense the skill, Qi and power trace!

In short, this secret method can sense a monk's breath change, so as to perceive the track of the opponent's technique in advance.

This is an amazing secret skill to take advantage of the enemy!

It can sense the track of the opponent's power in advance, and it is very likely to dodge directly. Moreover, this secret method can also sense the breath of space magic weapon.

Weisuo's divine sense itself is far superior to that of the friars of the same rank. If there is this secret skill, the power of many magic methods and magic weapons can be flashed over directly!

"It is said that beimingzong is the most ancient sect in the whole Tianxuan land, and this kind of secret technique is completely comparable to Dongxu footwork." After thoroughly comprehending this mysterious Scripture, Weisuo was surprised and tried to use this method.


Similarly, in Weisuo's eyebrows, if there is a round of purple sun rising, shining everywhere, it seems to shine through Weisuo's brain.

"It's really a powerful Dharma. No wonder it's hard to remember this scripture when you die."

Wei Suo took a deep breath. After this round of purple sun, it was like the golden God from the secret method of the true immortal pattern. It existed in the magic platform of the eyebrow and would not disappear for a moment. In other words, this kind of skill does not need to be performed all the time in the fighting, and it will not affect other casting methods when it is against the enemy.

Because of the breakthrough of Shenxuan, the Zhenyuan in Weisuo's body was like a piece of heaven and earth with amazing thickness. In addition, with the cooperation of the earth mother's ancient scriptures, he didn't worry about the loss of Zhenyuan at all. He directly applied this method all the way to the Mountain Gate of tianjianzong.

"Yes?" All of a sudden, there are five cities away from Tianjian city. The purple sun rising in Wei Suo Mei's heart suddenly shines. In Wei Suo's mind, a clear track suddenly appears.

This kind of feeling cannot be explained clearly. A powerful power is coming from the void behind him.


At the thought of it, the light of the bloody knife suddenly came out of the void without any sign. It passed through a layer of earthy yellow aura emerging from Weisuo's body, and killed him in his left rib with a stream of blood light.

"Don't panic. The other party should know that this level of power can't kill us. It's just a trial." Weisuo's left rib was cut out a huge wound, his internal organs suffered a lot of damage, but at the same time, he quickly transmitted to the startled Linglong ear.

The induction Sutra of Ming Dynasty is extremely amazing. Relying on this method, he not only sensed the track of the attack in advance, but also sensed that the power of the blow was not enough to cause a fatal threat to him. It should be just a trial. Therefore, he didn't want to expose himself much, so he pretended not to know and accepted the attack. Otherwise, depending on the Ming King's induction Sutra and cave empty footwork, I'm afraid he can avoid this attack directly.

"A Yanghe elixir did not stop his body from becoming wooden. The wood of his body is irreversible, but his body and vitality are amazing, so the final time to fall will be a few days later." Just as Weisuo was cut off by a bloody knife, a middle-aged, square faced, bronze faced monk in a quiet room in another city was sacrificing a jade plate. On the white jade plate, there were dozens of black stones like eyeballs The jewel is shining like a magic eye in the blink of an eye. In front of the jade plate, Weisuo is cut by the bloody knife. In front of the bronze faced golden elixir, four or five old men were escorted by him. All of them had a strong smell of danmercury. It seemed that all of them were monks who had a deep understanding of Dan Dao and pharmacology. One of them, a white old man in a gray robe, looked at Weisuo's wound and gave a very positive answer.

"Thank you very much. If we can solve this person successfully, we will thank you very much. " Hearing this, the bronze faced golden elixir immediately showed a smile. He stretched out his hand a little, took back the white jade plate and waved it. Several monks, who were obviously disciples of Tianjian sect, sent the old men out.

Then, the bronze faced golden elixir snorted coldly, and ordered several disciples of Tianjian sect to go down, "destroy the transmission array of the surrounding cities!"

"Younger martial brother Cao got the inheritance of the sword King's ancestor. With his qualifications and accomplishments, I'm afraid that he will catch up with others, and it may not be true that he will become the first elder martial brother of zhenzhuan. I'm trying my best to please him now, and I'm sure I'll get a lot of good in the future. " After several disciples of Tianjian sect all went out, the bronze faced golden elixir grinned with pride. At first, he inspired an ancient jade crane, which was used as a messenger, and then he also took it out.……

"Tianjianzong thought that I must fall, and wanted to delay time." When they arrived at Moli City, which was only four cities away from Tianjian City, Wei Suo and linglongtian found that the transmission array leading to the next city was damaged and could not be repaired.

But when Weisuo saw this situation, he was not depressed, but rather pleased.

It seems that tianjianzong is not strong enough. It is impossible for all the cities along the way to obey their orders and destroy the transmission array, especially zhenwuzong and xuanfengmen. They even hope that tianjianzong will be swept down by Weisuo. Because in their opinion, Weisuo was doomed to fall. After the tianjianzong was beaten to pieces, they could clean up the mess and take over the power of tianjianzong.

If tianjianzong could destroy all the transmitting arrays along the way and make him unable to reach tianjianzong in a few days, it would have forced him to give up his plan to attack tianjianzong Mountain Gate. But now there are only four cities separated, only tens of thousands of miles away. He can get to tianjianzong in one day by using the hole empty footwork.

What's more, it also reveals that the tianjianzong has no absolute confidence in the defense of its own mountain gate. Otherwise, there is no need to do this kind of arrangement at all. As long as all of them huddle in the gate and wait for Wei Suo to attack.

What's more, relying on Wei Suo's magic weapon of flying away to ye Guwei and others, ye Guwei and others can arrive at Tianlin City, which is adjacent to Tianjian City, within two days. There is no obstacle to the arrangement of Caihua jade pool there. Moreover, there is no communication between the cities. If we rely on the escape method and the feidun magic weapon, even if we finally find out that he has set up the Caihua jade pool there, others will rush to it None of them are as fast as Weisuo, and it will take time on the way.

In addition, Dugu Yuyun was also a very smart monk. As soon as he arrived in Tianlin City, he would try to communicate with Wei Suo in advance to inform him of the layout of the jade pond.

"Tianjianzong, I will sweep your mountain gate! Cao Yi, I will let you know that life is not like death After the thunder of the black carp city, Wei Suo started the empty footwork of the cave and crossed the void in the direction of Tianjian city.

"Wei Suo has a big feud with tianjianzong. It can be said that it is his last wish to wipe out tianjianzong. He will definitely come to Tianjian sect!"

"This man does not kill innocent people, but deals with tianjianzong. We can witness this amazing battle. We don't know who will win in the end. "

When the transmission array of several cities around Tianjian city was destroyed, countless friars had already gathered around Tianjian city. These friars did not dare to stay in the urban area of Tianjian City, but stayed in the wild outside the city, gathering at least hundreds of thousands of people.

In the past ten thousand years, there has never been a loose repair who dare to openly kill the gate of a super large gate and directly sweep it down.

Dun Guang kept appearing, and a surprising number of friars kept coming to witness the amazing war.

The monks were all talking and waiting.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light at the far end of the sky, and there was a kind of frightening breath coming out. From afar, it seemed that the ground was shaking slightly. Like the tide, it rolled from the horizon in the distance.


All the friars' breath was stopped, but their hearts were beating violently. The light was constantly crossing in the void, just like the stars jumping. Only Wei Suo had such amazing speed, could he be so murderous.

"Cao Yi, come out and die first. I can give you a better way to die. " A voice full of cold, rolling.

Wei Suo and Linglong Tian are constantly crossing the void in the air. With Wei Suo's cultivation at the moment, each crossing the void has a distance of more than 20 Li.

At the moment, he and Linglong Tian have seen the whole picture of tianjianzong.

A long mountain, like a long sword across.

In the first half of the sword, a city is built, which is Tianjian city. In the latter half, however, it extends into the gate of tianjianzong.

A great dark iron glow envelops the vast area, including the second half of the mountain range. Judging from the surrounding mountains, there are at least hundreds of peaks.

"What a shame! It's just around the corner. I dare to say that. " A very solemn and cold voice came from the gate of tianjianzong when Wei Suo made his voice.

"Am I ashamed of myself?" Wei Suo ascended to the top of Tianjian city and felt like stepping on the whole Tianjian city. "Are all the people of Tianjian sect shrinking their heads? Don't even have a person who dares to come out to fight? Super block gate, this is the so-called super bulk gate? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!