Chapter 895

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

A big golden bell suspended above the mountain was cracked, and countless golden brilliance cracked. The two mountain tops of Tianjian clan were broken by Linglong sky and thousands of monks.


Outside, countless friars yelled, and a large number of Dharma shields, armor and crustaceans on monsters were found. This mountain is the place where Tianjian sect used to refine and store some defensive magic weapons and magic weapons. It's a common Dharma shield. It's hundreds of spirit stones. For low-level monks, it's the most commonly used consumable. It's often used to fight against people and hunt monsters.

The talismans taken from the first mountain and so many Dharma shields taken from the second mountain have made the monks outside extremely hot. Many monks regret that they did not follow Weisuo to kill them. However, under such circumstances, none of the monks outside dare to enter.

At the same time, Weisuo stepped over one of the hills, reached for a little, and directly made a deep hole on the top of the mountain, and threw Cao Yi into it.

now the whole battle is completely white hot, and Tian Jian Zong is totally using his life to fill up. He wants to kill him. He is also covered with blood. The essence of life accumulated in the sacred wood of his body is only half a little. But he didn't want to let Cao Yi die so easily, so he left Cao Yi behind temporarily.

Tens of thousands of friars of tianjianzong ascended in the sky to block out the sun.

Weisuo step out, but also in the air with a startling blood wave, dense air, there are two blood hole like channels.


Endless white light bloomed from Weisuo's eyebrows, forming a sea of white lights.


Many tianjianzong friars yelled, lost their senses completely and became headless flies. On the contrary, many tianjianzong friars hit their own people, and the tianjianzong friars in the air fell like dumplings.

"Ah A scream that was obviously overpowering the rest of the voices because of Zhenyuan's strength was issued. Just now, the elder of tianjianzong, who launched some secret method and formed a red demon outside his body, was directly raised by Wei Suo who appeared behind him and took off his head.

It is unimaginable that a great monk with five golden elixirs was directly taken off his head.


Wei Suo once again crossed the void, and just because of the pressure on his body, he shocked a group of friars of Tianjian sect.


Many friars of tianjianzong shuddered all over, their faces turned pale, and they cried out.

Almost everyone can see that Weisuo is aiming at the emperor of Tianjian sect at the moment.

The leader of Tianjian sect is just in front of Weisuo's current direction.

"Protect the Lord!"

Dozens of zhenzhuan disciples and elder monks bravely killed Wei Suo, and each of them showed his strongest fighting power and formed a devastating light column.


However, this huge light column was directly broken up by a series of incomplete moons and a great Ti Xumi of Weisuo, and the overturned power instantly turned all these friars into flying ash.

"Elixir! The mountain where the elixir is stored! " At this time, many monks outside gave out a breath of admiration. The third mountain was attacked by linglongtian and others, and all the elixirs were Huiqi pills.

Many friars of Tianjian sect were plundering in front of the leader of Tianjian sect, trying to stop Wei Suo's progress.

The patriarch of a clan is the front of the sect. If the patriarch is killed in the Mountain Gate in full view of the public, then the sect will be completely disgraced. Moreover, many old people of Tianjian sect are very clear about it. The patriarch is like a dragon head. Once killed, the morale will be destroyed. I'm afraid the gate of Tianjian sect will really want to It's completely wiped out.

However, it was more advantageous for Weisuo. Many friars gathered in front of the Tianjian sect leader, and the number of friars killed from the fierce and fearless people around him was less.

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

Weisuo played two Mahayana magic sounds at the same time. His unstoppable power made almost all the friars in front of him fall like rain. Countless magic weapons wailed and two bloody roads appeared in the air again.

"Worship the gods and envy the bronze sword!"

The leader of Tianjian sect held a sword light which turned into a golden dragon, and retreated wildly in the sky, playing a master's order.

"Ah Many old people of tianjianzong are white and shivering. They know that this is the last thing in tianjianzong. If Wei Suo can't be killed, Jianzong will be completely defeated that day.

Just when the Heavenly Sword sect leader offered his order, a strong wave of Qi and blood suddenly appeared in the natural stone tower where they had invited the ancestor of the sword king. Then, a copper green light came out of the natural stone tower.

"What is it?"

Linglong day and Weisuo were startled at the same time, and they felt an irresistible breath of terror.A track, overwhelming as a meteor, appeared in weissou's mind.


Weisuo did not have any hesitation at all, and immediately launched the hole empty footwork.


Almost at the moment when his figure just disappeared from the original place, a copper green divine light swept from his position.

For a moment, time seemed to solidify, and all the sounds seemed to disappear.

All the friars of tianjianzong, whose magic weapons, flying swords and magic powers were flying in the sky, were all turned into flying ashes.

Even more shocking to all the friars, it seems that the power of the copper green light did not seem to have lost much after the blow was defeated. It directly drew a half arc track and chopped at Weisuo, who had just appeared in the void on one side.

This copper green divine light is not dazzling, but exudes a towering divine power, no one can see exactly what it is.

And even if there is life, I will never give up if I don't kill my opponent.

On the way of the copper green light, at least hundreds of tianjianzong friars were forced to stay in the air by the powerful power. They floated like pictures, and then their bodies broke into pieces and turned into fly ash.

Wei Suo's scalp was a little fried. Even when he was surrounded by tianjianzong friars, he was very calm, and his mind fluctuated. After he broke through to Shenxuan, Wei Suo was in danger of falling down.


Without any pause, he stepped forward and stepped out. At the same time, hundreds of hair shining with silver light sent out the sound of God iron breaking and falling down.


Many monks screamed in disbelief.

In the void appeared hundreds of Weisuo, who were all silver, and fled in all directions.

"What a secret is this!" Even Feng wucang completely withdrew from the battle group. He was shocked beyond all people's imagination.

Even the copper green light in the air stopped, and the breath of the hundreds of Weisuo was exactly the same, which seemed to make the copper green light as if it were alive into confusion.

At this moment, we can see clearly that this copper green divine light is a bone sword, but the surface is covered with mottled copper green.

"The founder of Tianjian fell down Make your own spine into a sword The gas of gold and iron is outside This is a magic weapon handed down by the ancestor of Tianjian and made from his own spine Some of the hundreds of thousands of monks watching the war outside also recognized this object.

"All these things have been used. It seems that tianjianzong has been in real poverty." A monk heard this and sighed.


After a slight disorder, the bronze green bone sword again wielded divine light and killed more than ten Weisuo, but they were not real bodies.

After killing more than ten "Weisuo" in succession, the power of this bronze green bone sword is obviously weakened.

"Do you want to resist?"

Weisuo's cold laughter suddenly rang out again. At the same time, the leader of tianjianzong, surrounded by at least 100 friars of tianjianzong, suddenly cried out and his body was torn apart!


All the friars of Tianjian sect screamed with no face.

"The leader of Tianjian sect was killed..." It seems that there is lightning flowing through the bodies of many war watching friars, and the whole mind feels numb.


After killing five or six "Weisuo" in succession, the bronze green bone sword lost its dependence. It whirled from the sky and cut into a mountain with scarlet light below.


The top of the mountain burst open suddenly, and dozens of black and red pillars of fire like giant dragons burst out in an earth shaking explosion, straight out hundreds of Zhang high.

The sky is full of flames, as if the whole day has been pierced.

It turned out that there were a lot of ground fire stove arrangements in this mountain top, which were driven into by this copper green bone sword, but all the ground fires broke out.


At the same time, another mountain was broken by linglongtian and others.

A bronze tower like building was torn apart with the ban, and countless spiritual lights flew out.

"Spirit stone! All of them are spirit stones The eyes of many monks were straight.

Countless spirit stones are flying in the air. This mountain is the gate of Tianjian sect to store spirit stones!

The Lord of tianjianzong was killed, and there were flames and spirit stones everywhere in the sky. The whole gate of Tianjian sect was a scene of complete doomsday.

It's over!

Tianjian sect is over!

At the moment, it is not just the monks outside, but almost all the monks of Tianjian sect have such thoughts in mind.

"Do you want to resist?"Weisuo's voice, again in the air.

"You will be wooden in the end An elder of tianjianzong screamed hysterically, "friars of tianjianzong, all leave the gate! Look for opportunities in the future and kill his relatives and friends for revenge

"Yes The elder of tianjianzong just called out, and Wei Suo's figure stepped out behind him. The elder of tianjianzong was beaten to fly ash. , the fastest update of the webnovel!