Chapter 908

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"I said Wei Da Shen Jun, since we have all come, what do you want to do?" See all people have been together, Han Weiwei first hummed, looking at Weisuo said.

Han Weiwei hasn't finished her pill yet. Her magic weapon has nothing to do with her for the time being. However, she can't miss such a lively look. Originally, according to her habit, she wanted to call old rascal Wei Suo. But now there are so many people, she also changed her mouth and called out Wei Da Shen Jun like Yin Lihua.

"With our present wealth, at least we need magic weapons above xuanjie level. I think we will take out the magic weapons above the xuanjie level. " It's rare that so many people get together. Weisuo is naturally in a good mood. After a smile, he said such a coquettish sentence.

"How big are you?" Linglong day can't help but roll his eyes. In her opinion, Weisuo's current level of people is not very good, but to think of Weisuo's words also has some truth. The higher the starting point of this life's magic weapon, the more amazing the future power will be. So although she rolled her eyes, she didn't say anything.

"Above Xuan level?" But when Ji Ya heard Wei Suo say so, she took a look at Weisuo and said, "I'm afraid there are not many pieces above xuanjie."

"Hehe, take it out and have a look." Weisuo, however, said with a smile.

"Well, you must have hidden a lot of magic weapons above the xuanjie level, haven't you?" Han Weiwei knows Weisuo very well. When she sees Weisuo's look, she immediately reacts. She points Weisuo with Bai Shengsheng's finger and calls out.

"Not yet! And laugh See Wei Suo or some complacent smile, Han Weiwei is mercilessly stare at him one eye, call a way.

However, Qi Longshan and Qingping just looked at Wei Suo with a smile. Naturally, they knew that Wei Suo had swept two major gates and a Dafang city on his way to tianjianzong. In addition, he defeated tianjianzong, and his gains were certainly astonishing.

"All right."

Weisuo no longer put on airs. After laughing, he reached out and took out a prepared nabao bag.


The whole hall suddenly lit up, and magic weapons with different states flashed in front of everyone.

People's eyes were immediately attracted by these magic weapons released by Weisuo.

I saw a stone knife about a foot long. It was very rough, and its surface was dull. There were only some totem like patterns, but there was a strong wave of vitality in it.

On one side, there is a golden drum inlaid with hundreds of golden beads. There is always a layer of leaping thunder on the surface. The light of thunder Gang breath makes people be sure that this is a magic weapon that can reach the highest level of power.

A black wooden bow with natural wavy texture is flowing with mysterious breath.

A bronze square statue with four sheep heads is as heavy as a mountain.

A colorful picture scroll, with colorful lotus and Caragana patterns on it, shines all over the hall.

A bronze man with a length of three feet looks like an ordinary Taoist. He holds a copper plate in his hand, which seems to be praying for rain. There are blue lights beating like pearls on the plate.

An ancient chariot pulled by eight God horses is black iron in color and covered with animal faces and sword reliefs. It is obviously very old, but it exudes an imperial flavor. It must have been used by some powerful patriarchal figure.

A big black clock with a height of more than three people is engraved with Sanskrit all over the body, and there are four relief statues of sitting Buddha on its four sides.

There are three flying swords, one of which is bright blue. The whole body is made of crystal stone. From time to time, a bright blue flame is rolled up. One handle is reddish gold, and the surface is full of dragon scales. It is ten feet long and very powerful. It has a peculiar shape, even the sword handle. On one side, there are seven small silver crystal stones embedded in the shape of the Big Dipper.

"Four sheep sacrifice heaven! This is the magic weapon of the xuanjie sect

"Hibiscus and Caragana is a magic weapon for Zhao to destroy the country in ancient times. It's a magic weapon of xuanjie."

"Is this the golden thunder drum?"

Qi Longshan and others at the scene had more insight than ordinary friars. As soon as Wei Suo took out so many magic weapons, he immediately recognized several of them.

"Qi Daoyou, you have a good eye. These are indeed four sheep sacrifice to heaven, hibiscus golden pheasant and golden thunder drum. This is the stone sword of Tiantu, which I got from Tianjian sect. It's the stone tool of ancient friars. It also has the power of xuanjie intermediate grade. It's a strange ancient wooden bow. It was found by a supreme elder in Wanyue palace. He himself found it in a valley outside the wilderness I know the origin, but I can play black dark light, and there are also xuanjie inferior powers. According to some monks who besieged Tianjian sect, they are the copper men praying for rain. They are the magic weapons taught by Yushi in ancient times. The inferior magic weapons of xuanjie stage can make countless raindrops of blue light. I have tried, and it can cover more than 400 square meters. This is the chariot used by a leader of Tianjian sect. It's a defense magic weapon. It's the middle level of Xuan level Da Zhong was found in a corpse of Tianjian sect. It was a strange magic weapon specially used to restrain the other's magic weapons. I don't know the origin of the three flying swords. I have got four flying swords above the xuanjie level of Tianjian sect. Among them, Dugu Daoyou has selected a xintianbai golden sword which is most suitable for cultivating his own life sword yuan. The remaining three are here... " Wei Suo took a look at Qi Longshan and others, and explained with a smile one by one."Just a few?" Looking at Wei Suo roughly finished, Han Weiwei curled her lips and snorted.

"Not much?" Wei Suo, who was proud of himself, almost fell to the ground. If an ordinary monk gets a magic weapon of xuanjie level, it will be enough for him to go across the whole area. At the beginning, Huang Yazi was much more powerful than the ordinary golden elixir by virtue of half a long river. In front of the ordinary golden elixir, he was already superior to the ordinary golden elixir. Ye Ling felt that the surrounding cities were invincible and must have made great achievements when he got the top-grade magic weapon. But Weisuo took it out now There are so many magic weapons of xuanjie level. Han Weiwei still says little.

"Please, Wei Da Shen Jun, you can scrape a whole super block door. If you don't have seventeen or eighteen pieces, you can come out and say hello? " Han Weiwei continued.

“… "After hearing Han Weiwei say that, Wei Suo is a little speechless. To be honest, there are more than so many powerful magic weapons of Tianjian sect. However, tens of thousands of friars fought in disorder, and many mountain peaks were severely banned and destroyed. Otherwise, if we can force Tianjian sect to surrender completely like the two previous sects, we will certainly get more.

"Well said." Linglong days voice to Han Weiwei's ears, "this dead profiteer does not strike, tail on the sky."

Han Weiwei is very proud and chuckles.

"Well, let's also take out the magic weapons above xuanjie." Ji Ya knows that Han Weiwei is also deliberately looking for fault, hit Weisuo, with a smile, said.

With a smile, Qi Longshan and others took out the magic weapons above xuanjie one after another.

"Purple heart lamp, fire sparrow demon mirror, broken magic gun I've tried these things before, and I can just put them away

Wei Suo directly let Ji Ya and others put away a batch of them. Even so, the remaining magic weapons were Guanghan Moon Palace, evil king's box, Gouli God whip, ancient mirror of yin and Yang, chaotic sky axe and sky Kui wood bowl.

If other friars saw so many magic weapons on display at the moment, I'm afraid they would be so cold-blooded that they would swallow their tongues into their stomachs.

To tell you the truth, I don't get together at ordinary times. I don't have any special feelings. Now they are all displayed. Ji ya, Qi Longshan, Feng Zhiyou and others are all shocked.

If they really face the kind of regardless of the damage of the fierce war, so many of them gathered together, so many xuanjie magic weapons are sacrificed, the combat power will be amazing.

"Let's get started."

After putting the eleven xuanjie magic weapons, including three flying swords, collected from Tianxuan continent and six magic weapons such as Guanghan Moon Palace, Weisuo nodded to Jiya and qilongshan and said.

Weisuo has passed on the Sutra of Jindan Xinyin to everyone.

This magic method obtained from the qianluo immortal in Qingcheng ruins can be used to test whether the magic weapon can be matched with his own golden elixir vitality, and whether it can be used to cultivate his own life magic weapon. However, everyone's golden elixir vitality is different. It is necessary to cast the Dharma himself to know what can be used to cultivate his own life magic weapon.

"I'll come first!" Han Weiwei hasn't finished the golden elixir yet, but she is the most excited about this kind of excitement. First of all, she displays the golden elixir's heart seal Sutra and makes white rainbow lights towards the magic weapons displayed in front of her.

"None?" But what makes Han Weiwei can't help crying out is that she has hit all the magic weapons, but they all make a light sound of "Bo", and the white rainbow light is all dissipated. There is no condensed white FA Yin Guanghua that represents the magic weapon of life.

"I said there would be no problem with your technique?" This makes Han Weiwei very depressed, can't help looking at Wei Suo to cry.

"My long river torrential scrolls are all tried out with this technique." Wei Suo is very kind and comforts Han Weiwei, "it doesn't matter. I'll look for some more. Anyway, you haven't got the golden elixir. It's not urgent."

"Sister Yuqing, try it." But Han Weiwei still felt that she should not be so bad. She was very reluctant to let Nangong Yuqing try. She doubted whether this method was invalid for monks below the golden elixir.

Nangong Yuqing didn't refuse either. After laughing, he gave a generous casting test.

"This?" After seven or eight times of white rainbow without reaction, all the people were shocked. The sound of "Bo" when the white rainbow hit the magic weapon didn't come out, but it melted along the magic weapon, and then formed a white seal on the top of the magic weapon.

“… Han Weiwei was depressed and speechless.

"Hook off the whip?" Weisseau was surprised.

Nangong Yuqing tried out a magic weapon suitable for her life. It was a green bamboo root like magic whip. It was also a strange treasure. The xuanjie top-grade power was obtained from an old antique when the group of patriarchal and ancient Dong level people killed him last time. This item is specially used to eliminate the Zhenyuan power that the opponent focuses on. If the power is not up to the xuanjie level, the top-grade power is also a unique treasure Attack magic weapon, it is likely to be directly hit dust, can not be taken back, but if the defense magic weapon, sacrifice defense magic weapon when resisting the attack, almost constantly consume a lot of real yuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!