Chapter 937

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What?" Weisuo immediately sent a voice to ask Linglong Tian, and his spirit was completely nervous.

Can let Linglong day some color change, is absolutely not the ordinary product. Moreover, the air of the array on the ground of this ordinary stone palace is more powerful than that in the blue stone outside the reincarnation tower. Among the two piles of black jade fragments, in addition to the powerful and vast Shenxuan Qi, there are still two inexplicably powerful Qi mechanisms.

In the section of each piece of black jade fragments, there are also black lines flowing, interweaving unique vitality, making each piece of jade seem to be something that does not belong to this world.

In the open stone hall, only these two piles of black jade lotus fragments. Originally, these two black jade lotus should be the size of two people. They are obviously made by Shenxuan and refined into the divine pattern. I don't know what they are. If they have amazing value, they may break out at any time.

"This is the arrangement of the Magic Lotus in Haotian town. This kind of magic weapon is used to seal the fierce monster. This kind of magic weapon is something of our time, and this monk should be a figure of our time. " Linglong day looked around, "it is possible that there are fierce monsters hiding in this reincarnation tower."

"It's the thing that seals the powerful monster. It's broken. The monster in the seal escaped?" Weisuoden took a deep breath. The Shenxuan great power sealed the two monsters here, probably to help him guard the reincarnation tower. Moreover, judging from the trace of Qi left in these black jade fragments, the strength of the two monsters may be extremely amazing.

"Have you found anything?" Weisuo quietly and quickly spread the voice to Linglong Tian's ears. His divine sense splashed out with all his strength, covering hundreds of miles around, but he did not feel the smell of monsters.

"No Linglong Tian's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She had already fully felt it, but she did not find any other living creatures except them.

"Can you see the origin of this thing?" At this time, thunder Chih, who was full of Imperial Majesty, made a voice and asked everyone.

"It should be some kind of powerful magic weapon, but it has been completely damaged and there is no threat." Yuhua Yingtian shook his head and took a piece of black jade.

No one objected to Yuhua Yingtian's action. He just picked up a small piece of it. Moreover, it was very dangerous to be the first to pick up the unknown. On the contrary, everyone was happy to be the first bird.

"Steel tooth younger sister, it seems that none of these people know the origin of this thing." Weisuo quietly transmission to the ears of Linglong days.

"It's better if we don't know. If there are monsters lurking, only we can find them, and if they don't know, it's better for us." Linglong Tian grinds his teeth and preaches.

"Steel teeth sister, can't you see that you are also very insidious."

"In this kind of place, you are still in the mood to chirp, dead profiteer, whether you have water in your head." Linglong day was so depressed that he wanted to print a shoe print on Weisuo's face.

"What's the matter? Anyway, they'd better not annoy me, or I'll find a place to leave the body of the ancient emperor and run away, which will turn them upside down." Weisuo preached.

“… "Linglong Tian was speechless. Ever since there was a corpse of an ancient emperor in his hand, Weisuo seemed to have a huge supporter. He was extremely proud. As for Yuhua Yingtian, Linglong Tian is more and more aware of the need to be careful. He is obviously not a careless person. He often rushes in front of him. This only shows that he is absolutely sure and his state is very unusual, surpassing all the other monks here.

"These two things are already broken. Are you OK with our original points?" Seeing that Yuhua Yingtian had taken a piece of black jade without any problem, the master of Huangpu's family said coldly.

"Well, let's take these two pieces about the same." The founder of extreme Yin was very crafty. The first one reached out and took two pieces of fragments in his hand.

Although the two pieces he grabbed were only two tenths of the size, they were the most complete and largest of all. All the monks present were stupid. Everyone could see that this kind of behavior was very cheap. However, this kind of thing had been completely broken down. It was estimated that there was no big difference between the big and the small. Therefore, the Huangpu family leader and others just sneered and didn't say much. They just separated the remaining fragments.

"Boy, we are the biggest two pieces. How about it? I'm good to you, grandfather." Extremely Yin God Jun some proud, will one of them to Weisuo in front of the same time, but also to Weisuo voice said such a sentence.

"This old guy, if there's something that really makes him excited, I'm afraid that even if it's handed over to us, he'll try to deal with us and plan to go back." Wei Suo and Linglong Tian murmured, but the surface was silent and put the black fragment into the bag. Although it's certainly useless now, it has a complete divine pattern inside. If Wei Suo's cultivation reaches a certain level, I'm afraid that some unique truth can be learned from it.

"Let's go!"

After collecting all the pieces of black jade with divine patterns, they searched the stone hall carefully and found that there was nothing else. They left together and headed for the square ancient palace at the top.


All of a sudden, Linglong day felt Wei Suo's look changed, as if she had found something, but she felt it with all her strength, but she did not find any abnormality."My earth mother Scripture is of no use here." Weisuo has some faint voice to the ears of Linglong sky.

After going out of the stone hall, he communicated the earth's veins with the ancient earth mother scriptures, trying to see if he could perceive any special Qi mechanism. However, to his surprise, the barren mountain in the reincarnation tower seemed to have no veins inside. The barren mountain seemed to have been created by this God Xuan, and there was also a faint spirit inside, just with the outer wheels Back to the tower, it is also because of the damaged relationship, so it has lost its divine power. But his ancient earth mother Sutra could not be used near this barren mountain. For him, this place was not a good place for fighting, and it was not good for him.

"Is it useless? If you want to do it, try to go outside. " Linglong Tian also immediately transmitted this sentence.

The square ancient hall at the top of the barren mountain is shrouded in gray and white fog. It seems that a corner has collapsed. There is no amazing splendor or or special horror. It just can't be seen clearly and seems mysterious.

Everyone was very careful. Even Yuhua Yingtian didn't rush forward this time. He went in parallel with all the people, and they almost lined up in a straight line.


But after leaving the stone hall, all the people just walked hundreds of feet away from the top of the mountain. All of a sudden, there was a dull sound like a huge heart beating in the square ancient hall on the top of the mountain.


just when everyone was breathing and his nerves were completely tense, the square ancient hall on the top of the mountain suddenly shook and showed a piece of crystal light.

At the beginning, this piece of crystal light hit the tower of samsara, which made Yuhua Yingtian and Yuhua Ruo star dare not connect with each other. Many distinct divine patterns ripple in it, just like many powerful little worlds superimposed together.

After the crystal light came out, the ground under the square ancient hall on the top of the mountain also began to shine, as if the whole ancient hall was about to fly away.

"Although the internal prohibition has been damaged, the divine power has not completely disappeared. Let's join hands to suppress it. Otherwise, although it is impossible for this ancient temple to be transmitted to the original place, it will certainly be passed away. We are afraid that nothing will be obtained!" At the sight of such a scene, Yuhua Yingtian, who was the most indifferent, first changed his face and let out a big drink.

At the same time, a brush made of black divine patterns appeared in front of him, directly drew a black gap in the void, and suppressed it on the top of the square ancient hall.

"I do it! The boy

Extremely Yin God King instantly changed face, very not a side God Xuan overlord demeanor scolded out a vulgar word. The black gap drawn by Yuhua Yingtian suppressed the brilliant light from the top of the square ancient hall. However, a large amount of crystal light came out of the ancient hall, covering hundreds of miles in an instant and hitting everyone without any difference. The extremely Yin God King's body was almost unable to move under the pressure of the towering power. Now, no matter who wants to suppress the ancient temple, the attack hits everyone, and all of them are directly dragged into the water. If you don't do your best, I'm afraid one person can't escape and all will be killed by the crystal light.


The old antique of the Huangpu family who was wounded by Weisuo was not healed. He could not bear the pressure of the crystal light and vomited blood without the power to fight back.

"Let's do our best, or all of us will die here!"

Yuhua ruoxing also turned white and drank loudly. Two pieces of divine light rushed out of his head, and in an instant, he made a black-and-white Tai Chi diagram towards the suppressed crystal light.


A golden divine pattern is made from Lei Chi's fingertip. Although it is only a thin trace, the void in front is obviously dark. It seems that all the air and light are suppressed by incomparable powers. The divine power is far more than the black-and-white Tai Chi diagram made by Yuhua Ruo star, which can devour all kinds of things.


A pair of extremely Yin Shen Jun, who was also gloomy and sad, made a yellow bead, which was extremely bright and shining. The whole body was surrounded by hundreds of light symbols formed by Yuan Qi. Although it was only the size of a fist, it was completely like a star in the sky.


Huang Pu's killing God is still like a cold white jade statue, and he has no emotional color in the face of the power of pouring into the sky. However, the rocks and other things within a few meters around him directly turn into fly ash. A piece of bright ancient characters are reflected from his forehead, forming a waterfall, and the Qi machine is like a dead star field.

"The power of the book of life and death is really amazing!" Weisuo's eyes flashed, but he still did not use his real strength. He just presented the ancient map and made a piece of gorgeous divine light.

If all this blow can't be resisted, at least the grey bracelet can stop the Linglong sky beside him, and then he can have all the fighting power in time. From the look of Yu Hua Ying Tian and Lei Chi Shen Jun, although they are shocked but not confused, with the power of these people, they should be able to stop, and he and Linglong Tian can continue to hide their strength.


A huge earth shaking sound broke out inside the reincarnation tower. All kinds of powerful powers pounded together, forming unimaginable flame and shocking shock wave in an instant."You're very adventurous, dead profiteer!" Linglong day a discontented grindstone sound, pour down the terror crystal light is hard to block, and then scattered.


At the same time, the light on the ground under the square hall above the top of the mountain disappeared, and several cracks broke out in the square hall. At least hundreds of dragon like dazzling lights rushed out from the inside!

"The magic weapon has escaped!"

Almost all of them had a sharp jump in their eyes. They all cast their own magic skills one after another, aiming at the dazzling light nearest to them! , the fastest update of the webnovel!