Chapter 984

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Linglongtian and Weisuo continued to travel westward for more than 10000 Li, and then they arrived at the area controlled by Shengxian sect, which the friar with red short hair and golden elixir said.

This is the edge of the central and western part of the Tianxuan continent. A mountain range originally called wugongling lies across a wasteland. Near the east side of the Tianxuan continent, there is a large area of rubble wasteland with few plants. Moreover, the rocks in the wasteland are all round pebbles, and the remains of some ancient coral reefs and shellfish. This gives people a feeling of vicissitudes. Before ancient times, it should be a sea area.

On the side of wugongling to Tianxuan continent, there are many kinds of miraculous herbs. The landform of this wetland is some unique. Many of them only have a thin layer of shallow water. If it is a moonlight night, a lot of water will reflect light. Looking down from a high place, it looks like a huge silver basin. Therefore, this wetland is called silver basin depression.

Originally, wugongling was the area where friars of Tianzhi city often worked. Many friars in Tianzhi city would go over wucongling mountain to collect miraculous herbs in yinpenwa.

However, Wei Suo and Linglong Tian passed through Tianzhi city. At the moment, Tianzhi City, less than 3000 li away from centipede, is completely in ruins. The hills where the city is located are all hollowed out by some monstrous beast of amazing scale. The whole city has completely fallen into the ground without any trace of monks.

At the moment, a mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles is covered with a thick layer of white fog.

This thick white fog usually does not exist. It seems that it can not disperse. It is obviously a large-scale prohibition arranged by friars.

"The aura of heaven and earth here is really close to the original Haixian city."

"There are also some restrictions on locking aura in that area of Shengxian sect. Many auras are locked in that area. The amount of aura in that area should be far more than that in other places in this area."

"The amount of aura produced after the collapse of the sky is too amazing. It seems that the aura of many stars is broken in this continent. According to this situation, I am afraid it will last for a long time, and it is very likely that the spirit pulse will be generated."

"The heaven and Earth Spirit pulse was cut off because the heaven and earth broke and the sky was transformed into life, but now the sky is broken, it is just like a reincarnation."

"Even if metagenesis can't produce the aura and spiritual pulse that can keep a clan's inheritance for hundreds of years or even thousands of years, as long as there are sect doors that can be locked, or there are a lot of means to collect aura, for this sect, it is the golden age. I don't know how many great people can be created."

Weisuo communicated with linglongtian and the old man in green robe. As they had expected, the aura gathered in the West. Before the sky was completely broken, the aura gathered here had reached a very amazing level, which was comparable to that of Haixian City, where all monks had to pay for spiritual stones.

"How can the aura of heaven and earth be so amazing here?" The surviving friars who followed Wei Suo and Linglong Tian all felt shocked.

"The golden God destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth, and the sky suppressed and protected seven continents, which gave the monks vitality. Now the sky is broken, and the trade of various kinds of elixir and spirit stone is interrupted. It is very scarce. However, the sky turns into amazing aura and gives all surviving friars a new way to live The power to create the sky is awe inspiring

"Go." After Weisuo said a word, he went straight to the white fog covered area on the centipede ridge.

At present, he has no big scruples at all. He has only used the life and death books once, covering them with the big Ti Xumi. Even the small pot of immortal tears is hidden on his body for standby, and he does not sacrifice it. Therefore, even if all the monastic circles knew that he was still alive, it was estimated that no one would associate him with that young man in Chinese clothes and the king of extreme Yin. Among several continents, the God King of fire domain that he really feared would not come.

"Who is the monk?"

There are still thousands of miles away from the area covered by the white fog. Suddenly, a big drink comes out from the area covered by the white fog.

"The city of Lingyue is a place where Wei Suo is repaired." Weisuo was silent and spoke directly.


In the white fog, an incredible voice sounded.


Weisuo didn't have any nonsense. He directly burst out two mysterious breath. All the clouds above were shaken by the huge breath, and two huge bright pillars of light fell from the air.

The supreme majesty shakes heaven and earth and spreads like tides.

A blue escape light almost immediately shot out of the white fog. He was a middle-aged monk driving a blue jade Ruyi. The spirit of the middle-aged monk turned into a long white mirror behind him. His eyebrows were like a sword. His skin was crystal white. His body was slender. His white robe was floating. He had a fairyland flavor.

"Is it really senior Wei?" When the middle-aged monk flew out, his face was full of suspicion. When he saw Weisuo's face clearly, the middle-aged monk's face suddenly changed greatly and he immediately made a salute.

"Are you a monk of Shengxian sect? What's the name? " Wei Suo looked at the middle-aged monk at the beginning of the golden elixir and asked."I'm Xu Lingfeng. I'm a monk of Shengxian sect." The middle-aged friar of a school of immortals didn't dare to stop.

"Look at your reaction just now. Why, don't you welcome the surviving monks to come?" Wei Suo's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Xu Lingfeng and saying.

Xu Ling Feng was all over the body and immediately explained: "the elder has misunderstood me. We just need to check the identity of the monk who came here first, because I'm afraid we are the ancestral gate of Yuheng continent and pretending to be the surviving friars of Tianxuan continent to attack us."

"The clan of Yuheng mainland came to attack secretly?" Weisuo and Linglong day immediately looked at each other, and dozens of monks who followed them were also very puzzled, and their faces were all puzzled.

"Why, don't you know?" Looking at the look of Wei Suo and others, Xu Lingfeng said cautiously: "there are many ancestral gates in Yuheng mainland that have invaded our Tianxuan continent, and have already occupied many places in our Tianxuan continent."

"So fast? Do you want to seize the land with rich aura, or seize the place where there may be spiritual pulse? I can't imagine that the monastic world and the heavenly land in the cold land have not started fighting, but the Yuheng land and our Tianxuan land have already started fighting. " When the old man in green robe heard it, he immediately called out.

"How much do you know about the situation of Tianxuan and the invasion of Yuheng? And why are you shengxianzong here? " Weisuo continued quietly.

Xu Lingfeng hesitated for a moment, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense. He held out his hand and pointed a blue jade symbol to Wei Suo's face. "Look, master, this is the gathering point of four monks we can contact at present. The distribution of monsters in the surrounding areas that we have discovered in the last two days is recorded in it, as for the place where we were promoted to immortals So the meeting was here. When the sky collapsed, the Lords of Shengxian sect and Miyun sect just got together. As a result, when the sky collapsed completely, some caravans of our two clans happened to be near different sky domes, and the news came at the same time. Therefore, the two clans knew that the sky was completely cracked, and that there would be an amazing tide of beasts As a warning from the northern part of the land, our shengxianzong and Miyun Zong abandoned the city and fled here. "

"Mi Yun Zong?"

There was a slight flash in Weisuo's eyes. He had been to the Miyun city where the Miyun sect was located. It was the first time that he saw the huge ship of xuanfengmen to select disciples. At the beginning, the monk of xuanfengmen, however, let him feel the demeanor of super clan for the first time, which shocked him a lot.

"Do you choose this place because of the relationship between heaven and earth? Do you have any understanding of which areas of the heaven and earth are the most abundant?" After a flash of light in his eyes, Wei Suo was not anxious to see the content of the Qingfu, but directly looked at Xu Lingfeng and asked.

"Master Wei, to tell you the truth, we chose this place only because of the animal tide. There were xuanfengmen and other super sects in the middle of this place. In that aspect, the animal tide should not be affected. To the south, there are large gates such as Lingxiao city. Further west, there are xixianyuan town. To the north, it is a vast wilderness. In the middle of these gates, it should be the safest. " Xu Lingfeng said with a bitter smile, "but I didn't expect that there would be a strong aura of heaven and earth here. I didn't think that the tide of beasts would be so amazing. Even a large number of gates like Lingxiao sect were completely destroyed. It's just lucky that we can survive. There is just no amazing number of monsters passing through here. As for the aura of heaven and earth, we only detect it, and it seems that it is more intense to go west. However, with our current ability, we can only explore thousands of miles to the West. In this area, in addition to some powerful monsters that have already stayed, there are also a large number of monsters passing through. Therefore, we dare not act rashly and have not been able to continue to go west. There are also some detailed records on this aspect in the jade fu I gave to my predecessors. "

"They are almost in the longitudinal area to the south of wugongling mountain?"

Wei Suo nodded and read all the contents of the Qingfu in his hand. According to the records in Qingfu, shengxianzong and Miyun Zong do not know much about the outside world. Moreover, the gathering points of the four monks are located in a longitudinal area to the south of wugongling mountain, all on the western edge of Tianxuan continent.

These four monk gathering places are not perfect cities, they are all set up by the clans who fled here. Among them, Lei Xiao Zong and Gou Li Zong are the ancestral gates in the southern part of Tianxuan continent known by Wei Suo.

Wucongling continues to the West. The green rune is densely marked, marking the area where many monsters gather. There are many monsters above level 6 in many areas. It is estimated that it is difficult to pass through with the strength of shengxianzong.

"So all you can know is that even you are in the narrow area around these five places. Did you know that the invasion of Yuheng's ancestral gate was that of Yuheng, which attacked one of these places? " Wei Suo will record the Qing Fu to Linglong Tian Guo at the same time, looking at Xu Lingfeng to continue to , the fastest update of the webnovel!