Chapter 990

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Those who act rashly will die!"

Weisuo's voice came out again. On the other side of Yuheng mainland, the black and thin old man in green robe immediately vomited blood and flew out upside down. At the same time, a monk who did not know what kind of magic weapon he had just escaped for dozens of miles was caught up by a blue light, his head flew up and his blood was stained with blood.

A terrible breath oppressed all the people in Yuheng mainland. For a time, two or three hundred monks in Yuheng mainland were all shining around, but they were all in the air, and no one dared to move.

"This man's dark and gray moon is shocking, which makes the void tremble And he hit two at the same time, isn't he? "

"Did he wipe out the Tianjian sect . how can it be? He's been wooden for a long time

At this time, many friars on the Tianxuan side also saw some clues, which were very shocking.

"You three, first hand over your purse and all your magic weapons."

Wei Suo Ning stood still in the air and reached out to the old woman with white hair, the young man in yellow clothes and the lady in palace dress.

Among the six Golden elixir friars in Yuheng mainland, the rest three have been severely damaged by him. Only these three golden elixir monks still have combat power.

"I said I don't like bullshit."

The old woman with white hair opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something more. But Wei Suo glanced at her, and the old woman immediately stepped back in the air. She coughed up a mouthful of blood at each step, and all her aura was shattered.

The yellow shirt young man and the Palace Dress Lady's face changed dramatically. They didn't dare to have any extra actions. They all stretched out their hands and pointed their nabao bags to Wei Suo.

"You give everything you have."

Wei Suo's face did not change much. He directly put away the two people's nabao bags, and his eyes fell on the group of friars in Yuheng mainland. He was an ordinary looking friar in a gray robe, who was not very impressive at all.

The ordinary looking monk Fen Nian state suddenly changed his face. After shivering all over, he pointed out all the nabao bags on his body and a thing he held in his hand.

A blue ordinary nabao bag and a black magic bead the size of a pigeon egg flew to Weisuo and linglongtian.

"Taiyin mieshen pearl, a magic weapon close to the immortal level, is only one, which is useless." Linglong day took a look at the black and lusterless black magic beads and said.

“… ... "

all the monks in Yuheng mainland were shocked again. The magic weapons close to the immortal level seem to be very common to the other party, and there is nothing remarkable about them. Moreover, this monk in Yuheng mainland was very ordinary. The monks around him didn't know that he had such a magic weapon in his hand, but the other person could clearly perceive that he was in complete control of the whole situation.

"All of you, hand over your magic weapons and knapsack." Wei Suo's expression is very insipid. After receiving the black pearl, he looks at all the remaining friars of Yuheng.

There was a huge invisible pressure on every monk in Yuheng mainland. No one dared to disobey him any more. All his magic weapons and sachets were handed over. Even friar Fang and the old woman with white hair were searched and handed over to Wei Suo.

"Wahahaha, there are more Lingshi veins and various kinds of spar veins in Yuheng continent. This time, I'm sure I can make a great deal of money! Boy, Yuheng mainland comes to grab the territory of Tianxuan mainland, or we simply run to their Yuheng mainland to grab it! " When the old man in green robe saw a pile of nabao bags, he immediately cried out with great excitement.

"Who are you from Yuheng mainland?" Weisuo ignored the old man in the green robe. He lit a yellow candle like light on his hand. He looked at the young man in the yellow dress who was the leader and asked.

"We are the friars of the imperial seal sect and the Ming Tu sect in Yuheng The yellow shirt young man's face was extremely ugly, but he did not dare to have any nonsense. He gritted his teeth and replied.

"Apart from the two of you, are there any other clans that invaded Tianxuan with you?" Weisuo looked at the young man with yellow shirt, and continued to ask without expression, "or in other words, which major sect led the invasion of Tianxuan continent this time?"

"It was our three clans, namely, the imperial seal sect, the Ming Tu sect and the Zhongtian zilei sect, who joined hands and gathered together a total of 17 sects to enter the Tianxuan continent." The yellow shirt young man spoke with confidence, unconsciously enough.

"Now that you have entered the hinterland of Tianxuan and come from the west, how much do you know about the monastic sect in Tianxuan and the gathering of aura after the collapse of the sky?" Wei Suo made a gesture to the ancient sword patriarch and others, indicating that the ancient sword clan patriarch and others also came.

"It seems that you know nothing about the general situation of the outside world." Hearing Wei Suo's question, the yellow shirt young man's look suddenly more unconsciously arrogant, "the truth may as well tell you, your Tianxuan land's super zongmen xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong have joined hands with us! At present, most of the regions with the strongest aura in the western part of Tianxuan are under our control. In addition to yutianzong and xixianyuan, all the super large gates in Tianxuan land have been severely damaged. Even the Mountain Gate in Zixuan cave has been completely broken by us! At present, the great power of the three sects, namely, the Bixi sect, the mingtu sect, the Zhongtian zilei sect, the xuanfengmen sect and the Zhenwu sect, have been forced to the areas under the control of the yutianzong and the xixianyuan sect. It may be just now and tomorrow that the yutianzong and the xixianyuan will either submit to us or be completely destroyed by us! ""What! Xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong even joined hands with the zongmen of Yuheng mainland! The gate of Zixuan cave has been completely broken? "

"Has the outside world developed to this extent?"

As soon as the yellow shirt young man's words were spoken, both Wei Suo and other ancient Jianzong masters on the Tianxuan mainland could not help but change their color.

"Although your magical powers are amazing, can one person's power compete with so many of us When the young man in yellow shirt saw Wei Suo's face changed greatly, he immediately became more proud. "In ancient times, the way of cultivating Taoism was to conform to the law of heaven and to the general trend. You might as well join hands with us."

"I told you I don't like bullshit." Weisuo's face became cold and took a cold look at the young man in yellow.

"Poof!" Without any resistance, the young man with yellow shirt flew back several feet and spat out a mouthful of blood. After standing still in the air, the proud look on his face disappeared, pale and frightened.

"Your answer has some value, so I'm just giving you a lesson that you don't take my words for granted. And you don't deserve to say that in front of me. " Wei Suo looked at the young man in yellow clothes and said this coldly. Then he asked, "how many Shenxuan great powers have come to you from the three ancestral gates of Yuheng mainland? How many accomplishments have they made? Where are they now? "

"There are three Shenxuan Daneng in our three sects. I only know that my master has already arrived at Shenxuan triple. As for the other two, I don't know what kind of cultivation they are." The young man in yellow shirt scolded Wei Suo incessantly in his heart, but he didn't dare to have any pause on his face. His whole body trembled and said, "they are all going to the jade ancient region."

"Broken jade ancient domain?" Weisuo and linglongtian looked at each other. It was a place on the southwest side of Tianxuan continent. It was famous. It was probably the battlefield of the ancient friars' War. There were many kinds of jade fragments and various kinds of uncanny mountain stones.

"So, the ancient area of broken jade is now controlled by yutianzong and xixianyuan?" Weisuo slightly pondered for a moment, "now, the whole Tianxuan continent, where is the area with the strongest aura?"

"The area with the strongest aura is around the broken jade area." Said the young man in yellow, biting his teeth.

"These big doors are quick." Linglong Tian sneered and talked to Wei Suo, "it seems that the place is likely to be transformed into a spiritual vein, so yutianzong and xixianyuan join hands to occupy that place, and the sect of Yuheng mainland is bound to get there."

"At present, the forces of other continents should also be watching. If there is really a spiritual pulse, the forces of other continents will certainly start to rob."

"When will xuanfengmen, the three of you and zhenwuzong, arrive at the jade broken ancient region?" Wei Suo nodded, and after a conversation with Linglong Tian, he then asked the young man in yellow shirt. The collapse of the sky has become the fuse of the wars between the various monastic continents. At present, it is completely unavoidable. Since 150000 years, the most turbulent era has come.

"I'm sure I'll be near the broken jade area today." The young man in yellow replied with a gloomy look.

"The three supernatural powers, together with Ye Xuancheng and Xu Shenjun, have indeed the capital to destroy one side." Wei Suo to the Linglong days of such a voice.

"If you want to go, don't talk nonsense." Linglong day is very simple white Weisuo one eye, cold hum a.

Weisuo smiles and says nothing more, "Shua!" Several green lights shot from his hands and penetrated into the young man in yellow.

"Don't you say let us go, what are you going to do?"

Yellow shirt young people and palace ladies and other people saw the situation, suddenly shocked to shout up.

"I will take you to the ancient jade area. As for the rest of you, fellow Taoists, first stop them, take care of them, and let them go after five or six days. As long as you cooperate, I promise you can leave safely. If you want to disobey it, you friends of the Tao, kill it Wei Suo's divine sense was pressed, and then the technique was played out, and the imperial concubine was also directly restrained. At the same time, he looked at the patriarch of the ancient sword clan and others said.

Without stopping, Wei Suo restrained all the other four great friars, such as the dwarf friar, and went directly to the direction of the jade crushing ancient region.

All the monks in the ancient Jianzong monk gathering point watched Wei Suo and linglongtian leave. As everyone knows, there is a shocking storm in the ancient area of broken jade, which is being bred. , the fastest update of the webnovel!