Chapter 1012

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Lord! Zhantai Linglan did not appear again. There was no news about him. "

Dengxianzong is a hall carved from a whole piece of white jade. There is no trace of splicing. Han Xi, the leader of dengxianzong, sits on a white jade throne. All the important figures of dengxianzong are sitting on a white jade throne.

"It seems that this man is going to get rid of the switch system with our dengxianzong. I can't believe it!" A dengxianzong elder in a purple robe roared angrily.

"No way! Kai Mi Di, take out the fairy fetus There was a look of Madness on the face of the leader of dengxianzong.

"What, Lord, you want to use the immortal fetus!"

As soon as dengxianzong said this, all the monks in the hall were shocked and changed color.

"Lord, never! If you use the immortal fetus, you will be swallowed up by the immortal fetus if you use the immortal fetus now One of them was so skinny that he only had a bone. The old dengxianzong antique, like a skeleton, was too frightened to stand up.

"Up to now, there is no other way. As long as he returns to Yunling land, he will kill us immediately. The man I invited didn't have time to come. "

"It's only the fairy child! Even if I was engulfed by the immortal fetus, I could at least retain part of my will. The immortal fetus itself has the imprint of our immortal ancestor's mind and spirit. If I am swallowed up, it is just equivalent to that we have changed the Lord of the immortal sect! "

"This time, it's all because of my miscalculation. I didn't expect that his cave would have such an amazing accumulation of strength that he introduced dengxianzong into such a situation. I must bear this responsibility!"

The master of dengxianzong stood up, took a deep breath, and his face became ferocious. "I have made up my mind. Don't try to dissuade you."

"Lord..." Some of the last remaining figures of dengxianzong were extremely pale, but before they could say anything more, an exciting bell had already sounded through the whole clan.


As soon as the master's face changed, his figure flashed, and he had already swept out of the hall.

The main hall is located in the middle of the gate of dengxianzong mountain, surrounded by white clouds. You can't see the end of the hall at a glance. It's a pure land of immortals.

At the moment, the whole dengxianzong has been completely shocked, and many DaoDun lights have risen.

"Lord! The monk Wei is already at Feixian mountain 3000 miles away, roaring at the mountain gate. "

As soon as the master of dengxianzong and the senior figures of dengxianzong plundered the white jade hall, several true disciples of dengxianzong immediately raided it and reported that they were pale.

"What! He has come All the old people of dengxianzong suddenly changed their faces and shivered fiercely.

"Sure enough! I didn't expect it to come so soon. " "Continue to keep an eye on this man's whereabouts, all the elders, follow me to open the secret place of Dengxian sect and take out the immortal fetus!"

"What! The rumor turned out to be true. Weisuo didn't fall! "

The surrounding area of Dengxian City, where dengxianzong is located, has also been thoroughly shaken. Almost all the monks put down what they have in hand and plundered out of the city. They looked to the east of the city in horror and looked at Feixian mountain, the main gate of dengxianzong Mountain Gate.

"Han Xi, get out of here! If you have the courage, come here and fight me! "

"Don't you want to deal with me? I've arrived here. Dare you come out and fight me!"

"How dare you attack my cave in my absence! A group of shameless rats, get out of here

The top of the beautiful barren mountain, which is thousands of feet high and looks like a beautiful fairy, keeps sending out a huge thunder like sound.




The two horrible spirits are constantly stirring in the air.

A blue figure stood on the top of the mountain. The terrible breath and pressure on his body opened all the clouds above, making two huge columns of light fall from the sky. Within the range of hundreds of Zhang, the dark clouds were dense, and the water spirit was rich to the extreme, and the violent storm came.

Everyone was shocked. No one dared to get close to Feixian mountain.

Because between the incessant roars, from time to time, there are still a round of gray moon with a destructive smell and a huge white Xumi mountain, hitting the four sides, gliding in the sky, hitting at least five or six hundred miles.

This is the real God King angry, heaven and earth color change.

"Wei Suo, who swept away the Tianjian sect, didn't fall down, and his body was not dead."

"it's not empty words that the dengxianzong besieged his cave. Wei Suo roared at the Mountain Gate outside the dengxianzong, and no one dares to come out to fight."

One by one news spread out at an amazing speed and spread all over the land of Yunling. Everyone completely reflected that Weisuo didn't fall down, and no one could fake the double God xuanneng.

"I'll wait for you for four hours. If you don't come out to fight in the four hours, I will directly attack you dengxianzong Mountain Gate."After a long time, there was no monk in dengxianzong. Within thousands of miles, all the monks heard the blue figure on the top of Feixian mountain say this sentence.

The blue figure was nailed to the top of the mountain like a nail. After stopping all his movements, he sat down and waited for the monk of dengxianzong. However, the two huge spirits still shook the heaven and earth, making the clouds above Feixian mountain change violently, as if there were countless gods and Demons surging.

"Four hours ago, I was too much of a college student. As a result, Wei Suo, you are too much of a university student today. Give me so much time. If you really dare to attack our Mountain Gate, you will surely die without a burial place!"

Among the dengxianzong, the leader of dengxianzong and dozens of important figures of dengxianzong have all gathered in a white stone mountain.

This white stone mountain is located in the west of dengxianzong Mountain Gate. It is hundreds of feet high. It is round around and flat at the top. It looks like a huge white pillar.

Like a huge white column of the whole stone mountain, only the top of the growth of a yellow God tree.

Most of the branches and branches of the vigorous tree are full of fire, but they have to be surrounded by fire!

This divine tree seems to have survived the natural calamity!

The leader of dengxianzong and others all gathered in front of this sacred tree, while there was a blue colored Dharma mirror beside it. However, it turned out all the scenes around Weisuo on Feixian mountain thousands of miles away.

Weisuo, dressed in green, is sitting on the top of Feixian mountain, coldly looking at the direction of dengxianzong.

"The founder, the disciple is not good, lead to this change, the only way to take Dengxian Xiantai, through this disaster, to revive the power of dengxianzong!"

The whole body full of murderous look at the picture of Weisuo said such a sentence, the Lord of dengxianzong worshipped down in front of this divine tree.

Facing him, there was a talisman made of some kind of peculiar Golden Jade, which was full of strong antiquity and extremely majestic atmosphere.

"Master, please move the immortal fetus and kill this son!"

All the monks of dengxianzong gathered here bowed down, and four simple white square table like Taoist platforms were sacrificed. With the arrival of a brilliant light, the four white square table like Taoist platforms radiated in all directions. The light emitted formed a white light column and hit the golden talisman on the sacred wood.


The golden talisman fell off the sacred tree and was suspended in the sky.

At the same time, the trunk of Shenmu suddenly split open, a group of bright yellow crystal light, with a terrible smell of true immortal, from which.

"Dengxian Xiantai, this is the Dengxian immortal fetus inherited by our dengxianzong!" Almost all the monks of dengxianzong were extremely excited and shocked.

"What kind of treasure is this? There are still such things in Dengxian sect!"

At the same time, in the gate of dengxianzong, a quiet room, Weisuo was also thoroughly shocked.

No one thought that he had no intention to attack dengxianzong directly from the very beginning. Long before he roared on Feixian mountain, he had secretly captured a disciple of dengxianzong outside Dengxian city and interrogated him about his identity and how to get out of dengxianzong. After roaring on Feixian mountain for a while, he left behind the magic talisman that the young man who had been inherited from the barbarian clan used to deceive all of them when he was in the cold land.

The talisman talisman can not only form the body, but also produce the same huge breath. Even if Shenxuan can look at it personally, it can't see the real or the virtual.

Now everyone thought he stayed on Feixian mountain, but no one thought that he had already sneaked into gongdezong, and had already replaced the identity of the dengxianzong disciple and sneaked into dengxianzong!

Just when the trunk of the sacred tree burst open, almost all the dengxianzong mountain Gates could feel the shining light and the amazing breath.

It was a huge breath of true immortal, just like the birth of a real immortal, which made Weisuo extremely frightened.

At the moment, hiding in this quiet room, offering a thousand miles of shadow searching mirror, the scene from which, let him thoroughly shocked.

In the crack of the trunk of Shenmu, what flies out of it is a seven inch bright yellow villain, rippling with the breath of horror and true immortality.

The little man curled up, crystal clear, like an embryo, a real immortal embryo!


As soon as the bright yellow fairy fetus rushed out, a strong pressure actually directly suppressed all the monks of Dengxian sect, even the master of Dengxian sect.

Seeing that the bright yellow immortal fetus was about to fly directly through the air, the golden talisman suspended in the air suddenly glowed and disappeared in the forehead of the bright yellow immortal fetus. The whole bright yellow immortal embryo suddenly trembled and could not move. It was caught and photographed by the master of Dengxian sect.

"What the hell is this?! How can there be a real immortal breath! It's like a real immortal who hasn't grown up. How could there be such a strange thing? " The old man in the green robe was also extremely unbelievable and kept shouting."This thing can't be used by him! Go! I'll catch the monk of dengxianzong with a higher status, and I'll bring Linglong Tian in immediately

Weisuo did not stop at all. He took back the Dharma mirror used for peeping and swept it out. At the moment, neither he nor the old man in green robe knew what the immortal embryo of Dengxian sect was and what kind of function it had. But he was sure that this thing must be very important. , the fastest update of the webnovel!