Chapter 1028

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Where is this?"

As soon as a group of breath was taken and the sky and sea god LAN mirror was sacrificed, many images appeared immediately. Just at a glance, Wei Suo and others saw Yuhua Yingtian from it.

Yuhua Yingtian is sitting in a quiet room covered with thick silver silk grass blanket. The surrounding walls are blue, like pieces of sapphire.

"According to the layout of the quiet room, it should be our residence in Yunling continent." Yinlihua looked at Weisuo and said quickly, "he is probably in a nearby city. You can call Wu Qingquan and them to have a look. They may be able to tell by the arrangement of the quiet room which city is nearby. "

"Good." Weisuo's eyes flashed, then nodded, and yinlihua had already sent out a message. Several escape lights flew out of the dengxianzong immediately, and Wu Qingquan and several senior figures of dengxianzong flew out.

"This should be in Qingyu city. Judging from the layout of this quiet room, the level is not the highest. It should be a prefecture level residence on the east side of Qingyu city." Wu Qingquan and several old people of dengxianzong almost just looked at it and immediately gave a positive reply.

"Green feather city?" Jiya and yinlihua are all eyes. Qingyu city is one of the closest cities to Dengxian city. In the east side of Dengxian City, there are transmission arrays connected directly.

"The prefecture level residence on the east side of Qingyu city is so close! If he escaped this time, it's hard to say. If there are too many people, he may find out that he has something at the bottom of the box. All of you will stay in dengxianzong, just us. " Wei Suo immediately gave a sneer, looked at Jiya and others, and then nodded to Yuanyin Laozu, Jiyin Shenjun, Yuhuang Zhenren and Linglong Tian.

Four Shenxuan, together with Linglong Tian, are enough to kill Yuhua Yingtian. Moreover, Qingyu city is so close to dengxianzong. Once you kill Yuhua Yingtian, you can go back to dengxianzong immediately. Even if someone receives the news and wants to take advantage of their absence to attack dengxianzong, they will have no time to worry about.

"Don't let anyone know that we are leaving dengxianzong."

After explaining this sentence to Wu Qingquan and others, Wei Suo, linglongtian, Yuanyin Laozu and others directly plundered toward a temple group of dengxianzong.

In one of the temples, there is a short distance transmission array which is closely connected with a place of dengxianzong in Dengxian city. No one will find out from that place. But Wei Suo and others are tied to a boat with dengxianzong at the moment, and Wu Qingquan and others are also very clear about the fierce relationship, so they can not reveal the news that Wei Suo, linglongtian, Yuanyin Laozu and others have left temporarily.

"The elder's" lawlessness "is indeed a powerful law

At the moment, immortal Yuhuang had already understood the "lawlessness" of Yuanyin's ancestors. Wei suoxian changed his appearance with his wishful thinking. He and Yuanyin's ancestors left dengxianzong without anyone's attention. Soon after entering the transmission array leading to Qingyu City, he had already understood this skill.

Yuanyin ancestor's "lawlessness" is not just a skill to hide breath, but a powerful attack method at the top of heaven level that can hide breath!

In other words, this "lawlessness" is a powerful attack method without any fluctuation of vitality before and during casting!

Even if there is no hidden breath temple, the attack power of this skill is the same as that of tatisumi. No wonder the king of extreme Yin has been salivating.

"It's a broken moon!" Wei Suo didn't hide his privacy. Once again, Wei Suo took out the jade talisman which recorded the incomplete menstrual script of Lieque and handed it to him and Yuhuang immortal.

The strong method of Lieqi incomplete and Wanyue is very important to the extremely Yin God King and others. However, everyone in Weisuo's side has practiced this skill anyway, and the rest of them are just not good at it. It's better to stimulate the powerful power of the magic weapons above the level of half immortals. Therefore, the basic use of magic weapons against the enemy is not so much.

For the monks like Wei Suo and Yuan Yin, who have mastered the Dharma domain, the power of the Dharma domain has been able to surpass the power of the incomplete moon. The real significance lies in whether we can understand the origin of the incomplete moon and evolve the Dao Dharma domain with incomplete and incomplete moon.

The law domain of Tao, which is the most powerful way to attack and attack the enemy, is definitely more powerful than the general one.

The monks who have mastered the Dharma Realm of the Tao are really beyond the concept of ordinary friars, and Weisuo is now starting to really step into this ranks.


"Shua!" "Shua!"

In a quiet room with silvery grass blanket and jade walls, Yuhua Yingtian sits motionless, and the light of black and white is constantly changing.

The whole quiet room and his people turned white and black. A huge breath was born in his body. It seemed that it was about to expand completely at once.

This is a kind of sign that is about to break through, from the triple of Shenxuan to the quadruple of Shenxuan.

Yuhua Yingtian seems to be constantly refining some kind of spiritual elixir. According to this situation, it may take more than ten days at most to break through the four levels of Shenxuan!no In this situation, he may have made a plan to break through Shenxuan quadruple after 89 days, before the arrival of the fire god king!


However, all of a sudden, Yu Hua Yingtian's face suddenly changed, showing a look of extreme shock. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole quiet room turned into black and white, which was directly torn into pieces by a huge force generated by his body.


The chamber and all the buildings within hundreds of feet around the chamber were suddenly cracked, and all the fragments, including some monks in the chamber, were ejected in all directions as if blown by a hurricane.

He was in the middle of a city full of many green buildings, on the hillside.

"Yuhua Yingtian, do you want to kill me? Then I'll kill you first and let all the people see it! "

Just when Yuhua Yingtian opened his eyes and revealed a world outside, all the buildings around him were shattered. Before he could stand up, Weisuo's voice had been introduced into his ears.

Wei Suo's figure is in the void less than 200 li away from Yuhua Yingtian. Two huge breath startles the heaven and earth, making the clouds above the whole Qingyu city form two huge whirlpools.

"Ah! It's Weisuo

"Yuhua Yingtian, he even came out of dengxianzong to kill Yuhua Yingtian!"

The whole city of Qingyu has been completely shocked, and all the friars have taken them out. However, at the sight of Wei Suo standing in the sky above the whole city like an ancient demon, all the friars completely changed their faces and shot out of the city in horror.

"I can't believe you've got the Dengxian sect, but do you think you can kill me?"

Suddenly, Wei Suo approached him two hundred Li before he realized that Yuhua Yingtian did not have any look of panic With a sudden crack in the void, a piece of white light and a piece of black light were directly sprinkled out, just like a black magic pen constantly sketching the unique law in the white void, to wipe out Weisuo's pen in the heaven and earth.

At the same time, the figure of Yuhua Yingtian is directly away from Weisuo. His reaction is extremely keen. He feels danger at the first time, and he doesn't want to fight with Weisuo. He just wants to escape from here.

"Kagaka, Kaka..."

Between Yuhua Yingtian and Weisuo, all the buildings in Qingyu city were broken and turned into fly ash in an instant.


At the moment, most of the monks in Qingyu city have not yet had time to escape from Qingyu city. They all screamed in horror and felt the danger of destruction.

"If you dare to come to me and yell, you are not my opponent at all if you are alone."

At this time, Weisuo gave a cold drink. At the same time, in the void around him, bursts of divine light twinkled, and in an instant produced a piece of white Xiaguang, and a huge white Daolian appeared in the void.


Like the collapse of heaven and earth, the black and white divine light of Yuhua should be shattered!

"the Dharma Realm of the great way! What

Yuhua Yingtian was shocked several times by Wei Suo's Qi machine!

He never thought that Weisuo had been able to turn into a realm of Dharma!

He couldn't help but be shocked. What is the Dharma domain of Tao? It is the source of the vitality of heaven and earth. The most powerful law between heaven and earth can only be perceived by the triple cultivation of Shenxuan. However, Wei Suo has just arrived at the three levels of Shenxuan. How could Wei Suo reach this realm so quickly!

What's more, what shocked him was that the power of Wei Suo's domain of Tao had totally exceeded the power of his Dharma domain!

"Yuhua Yingtian, you are not as powerful as me. I have the real Jidao immortal soldiers in my hand. Why should you be the enemy of me! If you surrender, I can spare you a death

With a clear sound of Zheng, Wei Suo deliberately attacked his heart. He even put on the holy iron lotus battle suit which was obtained from Yuhua ruoxing's hand. His body was covered with silver armor, and countless silver divine patterns were flying around, which was indescribable majesty.

"Weisuo, no matter how powerful you are, you can't be stronger than the five powers of Shenxuan. You can't escape this robbery!"

Yuhua Yingtian's body shook violently again and roared, but he didn't stop at all and continued to flee to the rear.

"So many of us are here for you. You'd better not go. Stay. "

But at this time, with a bang, the void behind him seemed to collapse completely. With the voice of an old man, two rounds of grey and black crescent moon completely changed the color of the whole world. Suddenly, he collided with the black and white world outside him Yuhua Yingtian almost completely disintegrated and coughed up blood.


Between Yuhua Yingtian's big mouth coughing up blood, a brass helmet shaped magic weapon was sacrificed by him, but at the same time, it was an old voice, and a shining ancient Chinese character appeared directly in the void. The magic weapon he sacrificed directly lost control and flew out of his , the fastest update of the webnovel!