Chapter 1031

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
For two days in a row, all the people seemed to be killed by Weisuo, and Yuhua was completely shocked. No new supernatural power could come, nor did any big force speak out to deal with Weisuo.

"Boom "Boom

But just as the whole city seems to have just completely restored its tranquility, the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong suddenly makes a loud noise again.

With two huge roars like a huge mountain falling from the endless void, "boom!" "Boom "Boom "Boom!" A sound of the extremely dull roar, constantly in the dengxianzong explosion, forming a stormy situation.

"What happened?"

All the monks in Dengxian city just came up with this idea in their hearts. A huge breath of air had already come out of the gate of Dengxian sect.

Two of them are very huge, like two huge mountains rising from the ground and rushing to the sky. Even at the first time, they stir up a series of hurricanes blowing in all directions.

The rest of the breath, like a giant pillar, surrounds the two largest breath, giving people a feeling of holding up the sky.

The whole Dengxian city ground is shaking, like an earthquake, and at the same time, the clouds in the sky, violently roll over, forming countless long dragons, Shentian, whirlpools All kinds of strange shapes, countless starlight and the aurora formed by the collision of vitality make the sky spread like a huge bright road map, spreading thousands of miles.

This is an unimaginable scene, all people who saw this scene were stunned, but this amazing change did not stop.


The void vibrates like a rag, and the vitality of the whole world thousands of miles, even tens of thousands of miles, has been aroused. Even in the endless sky, countless dazzling stars are falling.

All kinds of brilliance and vitality, instantly in the dengxianzong over the mountain gate, forming two huge and incomparable light man.

These two light people, as if stepping on the endless starry road to come down.


Many people yelled in horror. Each of these two light men is almost as big as the whole Dengxian City, covering the sky. Among the two lightmen, not only are there countless thunder lights flashing, like the world of lightning, but also countless water droplets floating, with huge waves rolling, and many green vitality, condensed into ancient trees In the sky, as if there are real sea metaplasia, there are real land and trees growing. What kind of scene is this!


At the moment when these two light and human beings came down, two huge halos appeared in the gate of dengxianzong with suffocating pressure. In a flash, they turned into the divine light that was hard to be looked at.

two almost as like as two peas in the divine light, the clouds are in the two mysterious phases, forming a circle of whirlpool. The sky is full of magnificent voices, like two gods who have made a violent growl.

These two deities are similar to the most hard blue gem carved from, the whole body is extremely crystal clear, behind a dazzling purple disc metaplasia, emitting purple clouds. There are innumerable stars shining in the body, as well as a crescent moon like gray and black light floating in it. The huge white dragon, 72 lotus terrace, countless Xiaguang and Daolian, accompanied by various immortal sounds, appear one by one in these two deities.

The two huge people of light went into the bodies of the two supernatural and metaphysical Dharma forms, "bang!" "Boom The divine light of these two supernatural and metaphysical Dharma forms an ocean, which sweeps thousands of miles in an instant.

At the same time, a strong curling force also formed a huge whirlpool around the body of the two deities.

The two deities with endless majesty stand between heaven and earth, surrounded by rough waves. This scene is unforgettable to all who see it.

"Shenxuan breakthrough! Among the dengxianzong, there was a supernatural power, which broke through the cultivation at this time! "

"Shuangshenxuan! Weisuo has broken through the cultivation

"How is it possible that he has not just reached the triple cultivation of Shenxuan. How could he have broken through the cultivation of Shenxuan quadruple in just a few days?"

"There are so many amazing vitality, in addition to him, there are many people who break through the golden elixir cultivation at the same time in the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! How could that be possible! "

It was not until the two gods and metaphysics became silent like two rounds of rising sun, and the void above the Dengxian sect gradually returned to peace. All the monks around Dengxian city slowly recovered their thinking ability. After all the monks recovered their thinking ability, they were more shocked and numb by a thrill.

This is the scene of the breakthrough of shuangshenxuan's cultivation. In addition to the breakthrough of shuangshenxuan's cultivation, there are many golden elixir monks who have broken through at the same time.

All the people quickly understood Wei Suo's intention. He was deliberately and thoroughly let shuangshenxuan and so many golden elixirs break through at the same time, frightening the world.However, all of us can't believe that a shenxuansan great power can make himself and the monks around him break through a re cultivation in just a few days.

"He has evolved into the Dharma Realm of Taoism, and has broken through a re cultivation so quickly. It must be that he has refined the inheritance treasure of dengxianzong, Dengxian Xiantai." Soon, some powerful characters made accurate inferences. But all the people were still shocked to speechless. Previously, everyone knew that Wei Suo had snatched the immortal fetuses from the leader of the Dengxian sect, and all of them learned the exact news from the monk of dengxianzong who left. It was impossible to refine the immortal fetuses with Wei Suo's accomplishments. But now the immortal fetus has been refined by Weisuo, and Weisuo has changed from the triple of Shenxuan to the quadruple of Shenxuan, and it is double Shenxuan!

What kind of strength is the double Shenxuan quadruple, plus the extremely Dao immortal soldiers, and so many Shenxuan's great ability to come to assist in the battle!

For a moment, all the people seemed to have been completely shocked by Weisuo. Even the witch goddess and the God King ah nose disappeared completely, and no news came out.

"Will the fire king come?"

Many people even began to doubt whether the fire god king would come in a few days, as stated in the war book.

"Even if it does come, it is estimated that it is useless at all, and it is likely to suffer a great loss."

Many big forces who were secretly concerned about the war made inferences. Wei Suo's cultivation and magic power of double gods and metaphysics, together with Jidao immortal soldiers, were enough to resist the fire Kingdom God King. Yuanyin ancestor, together with fengwucang and Yuhuang Zhenren, as well as a large number of relatives and friends around Wei Suo, should not be inferior to the witch goddess and a nose God King.

After all, only a group of Wei Suo's Taoist companions and relatives and friends once beat the two gods xuanneng of dengxianzong and Zhantai Linglan to flee.

"Wei Daoyou, in just a few days, from Shenxuan triple breakthrough to Shenxuan quadruple, I can't believe you really did it."

Among the Dengxian sect, Yuanyin Laozu looked at Wei Suo and said, "as long as we can frighten other sects and great powers, and no other great powers can join us, even if the fire Kingdom God comes, we should be able to resist. You have eliminated more than half of the crisis that was destined to fall."

At this moment, in front of Yuanyin ancestor, Wei Suo, who has already broken through the four levels of Shenxuan, has an inexplicable treasure in circulation, and the whole person gives a new feeling.

Beside Weisuo, there is no trace of water spirit in the bones of the real immortal. The light is dim, but the whole body is still like white jade and iron. The naturally formed Narcissus like texture has not disappeared, still rippling with unspeakable charm.

This true immortal skeleton is the same as the two real immortal bones before Wei Suo. There are also many marks of the Dharma Realm in it. If Wei Suo's cultivation and his understanding of the vitality of heaven and earth are further improved, it is likely that he will be able to understand the amazing way from these true immortal bones.

What's more amazing is that there is still a huge water emperor standing on the top of Weisuo's head at the moment, which is like a roar of violent scouring sound. Among them, nearly one third of the immortal fetuses have not been refined!

Originally, the body of Wei Suo's double gods was like a bottomless cave. At least, the immortal fetus had to be completely refined. In addition, many water demon pills and miraculous medicines were added to make it possible to break through the four levels of Shenxuan. However, no one thought that fengwucang would bring him a real immortal skeleton for practicing water system skills!

Relying on this real immortal skeleton, after breaking through Shenxuan quadruple so quickly, his true yuan and vitality are more condensed. The water emperor above his head is like glass, and the water spirit is strong enough to wash up. He can wrap all the spirit elements of dengxiantai without the help of Shuiling.

At present, one third of this immortal embryo has not been refined, and he still has a lot of water demon pills on hand, which is equivalent to Wei Suo's hand, and there are still things at the bottom of the box that have not been played out. In these days, his cultivation will be improved a lot!

"What's the matter with steely girl?"

After hearing the words of Yuanyin's ancestor, his eyes kept flashing. It seemed that Wei Suo, who was constantly experiencing the changes before and after the four changes of Shenxuan, nodded and asked.

"She has woken up, but she is still adjusting her breath, saying it will take three or four days to recover to 7788." Looking at Weisuo, Qilong mountain replied, "all those flying swords have been taken out and piled up in the trial valley of dengxianzong."

"Flying sword?"

"With so many flying swords, what strong method do you want to practice? There's something at the bottom of the box? " When they heard the conversation between Wei Suo and qilongshan, they were all puzzled. But as soon as they entered the trial valley of dengxianzong, the eyes of Yuanyin Laozu and fengwucang and others couldn't help but stare and gasp.

In the valley of dengxianzong's trial method, there are at least a thousand flying swords on the ground. The flying swords are like a forest, and the spirit of the sword is soaring to the sky, which makes their skin tingle and numb. , the fastest update of the webnovel!