Chapter 1033

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Thousand real flying swords, what is this? Is it another law field? "

"It's not the Dharma domain, it's also a strong law comparable to the Dharma domain! My God, this talent has just broken through the four levels of Shenxuan, and has even displayed such a strong method! "

All the monks around Dengxian city were shocked again.

Weisuo's cultivation and the promotion of supernatural powers are like volcanic eruption, and give people a sense of terror that the eruption has no end at all.

"Ah! His immortal fetus has not been refined yet! His accomplishments can be greatly improved! "

Many of the friars who watched Weisuo through their magic tools found that there was a bright yellow glow surging among the water emperors standing on his head. According to the news and description from the former Dengxian sect, these people quickly realized that nearly one-third of Dengxian fetuses had not been refined.

"He is double Shenxuan. Now he can play two different Dharma realms at the same time, and he also has real Jidao immortal soldiers in his hand. Except for the fire god king of Shenxuan's five levels, the other Abbi God King and witch goddess are not his opponents at all!"

Around Dengxian city at the moment, in addition to many monks sent by major forces to investigate the situation, there are also many disciples of dengxianzong who left dengxianzong, and even Tianjian sect. Many disciples of these two sects hate Weisuo to death and wish Wei Suo would be torn to pieces. However, in recent days, they saw the eruption of Mount Weisuo In addition to the current situation, these people are cold hands and feet, and completely cold.

"It must be Feng wucang who has brought him a lot of good things. The sky of Tianxuan land collapsed. Many sects have already taken out the final details. Most of them have not paid enough attention to the accumulation. He took the lead to resist our Yuheng land's snatching of broken jade ancient region. He was like the leader of Tianxuan land and gained many benefits, which was equivalent to that most of Tianxuan land stood behind him completely, but this time, The details of the Tianxuan continent have already been exhausted, and it is impossible to protect himself. He will also have no support in the future. " At this time, in a barren mountain less than ten thousand miles away from Dengxian City, the witch goddess is sacrificing a magic instrument, constantly looking at the scene around Weisuo and Dengxian City, muttering to herself.

Her mumbling is also full of the majesty of the queen, and although she did not see it with her own eyes, she guessed the reason why Weisuo was promoted so fast.

"Next, let's look at the means of the fire domain God King. A god Xuan's five fold power is beaten continuously in the face. Should we also work out some measures? But if the fire god king is really scared by you and dare not come, you will not be so careful as you are now. I should have a chance to get close to you? "

Seeing Wei Suo's cultivation and magic power, the witch girl is not nervous at all, she is still calm and ready.

"What, there is also a thousand flying swords of Imperial Envoys, just like a powerful Dharma of Dharma Realm power!"

At the same time, in the sky of another wasteland, ah Bi Shenjun, sitting on the empty golden gourd with Zhantai Linglan, cracked a jade Rune for communication with a click, but his face was full of shock.

"God King, what to do?" Zhantai Linglan's look is also very frightened.

"What are you afraid of? If you have this empty golden gourd, he will be able to escape with my cultivation. Wait to see whether the fire domain God King will come or not! If you can't get rid of him this time, it's a real disaster! " A fierce look flashed in his eyes. Although his tone was still domineering, his heart was already hesitating. Even if the fire god came, he would not show up again.

Weisuo's successive eruptions, like volcanic eruptions, were so adverse that he was completely beyond his expectation.

"What's more?"

Above the gate of dengxianzong, Wei Suo shocked everyone again.

Wei Suo also had a later move. He directly began to refine the divine patterns of the Dengxian sect, which was left by the master of Dengxian sect. This let the Yuanyin ancestor know that he also got the secret of the Immortal Emperor's sect in Liuhuo mainland. The ancient holy King scriptures could be engraved into his body, just like building the body of a magic weapon.

"The secret of the holy King's sect is such a powerful law! Others can't get a lot of Dharma patterns, but you get so much support from the supernatural powers, and then you have such strong Dharma This is the real details. No wonder you have such confidence. If you want to survive this disaster, none of them will be your opponent soon. How many avenues do you have What, including this one, you have four ready-made Dharma patterns? "

After reading the scriptures of the ancient holy King's Sutra given by Wei Suo, Yuanyin Laozu was shocked.

This is a powerful method against the heaven, which is enough to juxtapose with Wei Suo's water emperor's decision to swallow the sun.

Even if it is the holy King's sect with this inheritance, I'm afraid there are not a few Dharma patterns on the main road. Because other sects and great powers will never provide their own understanding of the Dharma patterns to the holy King sect.

But Wei Suo was different. He had three ready-made divine patterns from witch goddess and Huang Daojun. Moreover, the Yuanyin ancestor himself understood that there were three kinds of Dharma domains. Although the other two kinds of Dharma were not so powerful, they were also suitable for this method.As a matter of fact, the current sects are only handed down for thousands of years at most, and even some super sects with great powers come forth in succession for thousands of years. In addition, many of them are likely to fall out of the world, and even their own inheritance may not be inherited. What's more, the basis of the Dharma pattern of the great way has been delimited Foundation is the rule of vitality used to delimit the rules of vitality. For ordinary friars, this principle is very abstruse and difficult to understand. Before Weisuo, he simply thought that the main road FA Wen was just a miniature Da Dao FA domain. The superposition of numerous Da Dao FA Wen would form the Da Dao FA domain, just like countless bricks and tiles piled into a house.

However, for the monks who had real contact with the Dharma Realm at the level of Yuanyin, the perception was quite different.

If we simply say that the Dharma domain of the great way is a diagram of Tao, then the pattern of the Dharma of the road is the pen for drawing this diagram, because the road map is composed of the rules of vitality. To change and draw out the rules of vitality, we should naturally rely on the unique rules of vitality.

For all the supernatural and metaphysical powers that come into contact with this level, first of all, they should be aware of the origin of the technique, the vitality of heaven and earth, and the operation rules of this technique. Then, they should realize the means of changing these rules of vitality and formulating new rules of vitality. This is the pen for drawing the road map, which is the pattern of the Dharma.

If there is no pen and no paint, no paper, no pattern can be drawn.

As a part of the Dharma Realm of the Tao, the divine patterns mentioned in many ancient books are of no use to friars who are not in touch with the original level of the Dharma. Unless Linglong Tian told Wei Suo that the unique law of vitality itself can be used to refine weapons and other unique and magical patterns of Tao Dharma.

Although these pens have some powers similar to the Dharma domain, they are not exactly the same as the complete Dharma domain.

For example, Wei Suo's inner body has been engraved with the Dao divine pattern, which must have come from a powerful ice technique. However, after the unique superposition and weaving of the ancient holy King's Sutra, the power of this divine pattern blooming must be different from that of the Dao Dharma domain of this ice system technique.

Therefore, there are few divine patterns handed down by any clan with a long history. In order to fully and clearly evolve the Tao Dharma domain like the leader of Dengxian sect, in addition to his amazing accomplishments, he must also have a strong technique cooperation that can make the monks fall and survive their will.

Wei Suo had completely mastered the realm of Dengxian sect left by the master of Dengxian sect. In the process, he had evolved the "pen". Now it is no difficulty to refine the "pen" alone. It is much faster than to speculate and Ponder on the other three Dharma patterns or those of the Yuanyin ancestors.

All he had to do was to be absolutely proficient and make the divine pattern 100% successful, because the application of the ancient holy King's Scripture was to make the divine pattern turn out directly in the sea of knowledge. Unlike the power of evolving the Dharma domain in vitro, there would be no great damage if he failed.

But after several decades of continuous refining, Weisuo succeeded in condensing the Dharma pattern of the immortal Dharma Realm one after another, so as to make this divine pattern infallible.

This is a white divine line, like a trace of white glow silk.


Weisuo tried to coagulate the divine pattern in the sea of knowledge, and used the ancient holy King's Sutra to engrave the divine pattern into his body. His body again made the sound of divine iron knocking. The divine pattern was carved into his body without any accident.


a strange voice came from Weisuo's mouth.

His body is and before carved into the first God line general, fierce a stiff.

But his eyes were filled with a look of shock. Then, his hands were stiff and trembling Lift it up.

"This..." At this time, Yuanyin Laozu, fengwucang and others were OK, but Qi Longshan and others who were also watching around were shocked because they all knew very well that when Wei Suo used this method last time and engraved the divine pattern, his body would not move for a long time.

"It's a continuous breakthrough in cultivation, from the double Shenxuan to the triple Shenxuan, and then to the quadruple Shenxuan. Although I didn't practice Tianlong stars quenching technique during this period of time, my physical body was also greatly enhanced because of the promotion of cultivation and the feedback of a lot of Shenxuan yuan Qi. When this ancient holy King's Sutra is engraved into the divine pattern, the power of the original divine pattern will not interfere with it, but the stronger the body is, the stronger it will be to resist the shock and impact of this carving! " Weisuo's eyes were fixed on his own hands. Although his movements were still stiff, his hands were completely lifted up and raised to his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!