Chapter 1043

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
As soon as Weisuo heard the witch's begging voice, he knew that the arrogance of the extremely arrogant empress had been completely suppressed by him, and his mood had been completely broken. "Since you ask me, I will let them not come in." Weisuo nodded and made a voice outside. "I'm asking her something. You can do your own business for a while."

"I would have begged him I would beg him to... " When the witch begged, she felt that she could not believe it.

"How can you be so rich in Yuan Yin? Are you also a unique body of Miao Lu Ding Weisuo did not stop, deliberately said such a sentence, continued to attack the witch witch's mood. He knew that this kind of thing was just like those nuns who were forced to do a business of 700 spirit stones for various reasons. The first two times they fought against each other with death. However, they were useless. On the contrary, they would suffer greater humiliation. After that, they would basically break the pot and accept the situation. Even if they were given to the spirit stone, they would not care how many people you came to at one time You can stop treating me as a person. Now he wants to break the witch's state of mind again and again, so that she does not have any arrogance and rebellious heart in front of him. At the same time, his hands are still swimming on the witch. He even uses many methods to stab passion and lust, such as "electric light poison dragon" and "you long point water", which are often used by people like Ji Ya and Han Weiwei The undeveloped witch goddess, who had never experienced this kind of physical entertainment, even tensed her body and stopped breathing. However, she was so ashamed that she didn't dare to cry out. She even made a whine for a moment.

But Wei Suo's words are not nonsense. He is using xuansha method at the moment. Obviously, he feels that even without the medicine of maiden Peiyuan Dan, the witch goddess's Yuanyin is not much thicker than other nuns. I'm afraid even Han Weiwei can't compare with her at ordinary times.

"I..." The witch goddess wanted to say but refused to say it. She breathed like she was going to suffocate.

"Why, if you don't answer what I asked you, you still want them to come in and see you at this time?" Weisuo felt that he was a bully who bullied men and women. However, if he had pity on women, he would have failed immediately. For the key to tomorrow's World War I, I'm afraid, lies in whether the witch can be completely subdued and whether he can carve a divine pattern on it. The witch goddess's cultivation and state of mind, that is, under such circumstances, will be conquered by him for a while. If the time goes on, I'm afraid she will be completely free and useless. So now Weisuo is simply going to do the bully to the end, both hands to grasp, where to be hard.

"I beg you No The witch goddess had been pounding fiercely in her mind and spirit. She had no idea and judgment. She lost her mind completely and made a voice like sobbing.

"Don't say that soon!" Weisuo's powerful movement made the witch's body tremble violently, her head tilted back, her mouth opened, but she couldn't make a sound.

"I have practiced for more than 120 years My Yuan Yin has not been released... " The witch witch's body is fierce after a stiff, finally whispered out this sentence, is two lines of tears can not help but burst into tears.

"It turned out to be more than a hundred years old, but the skill she practiced was not old." Wei Suo was a little surprised, but the monks had no idea about age. After more than 100 years of cultivation, he had reached the four levels of Shenxuan and comprehended the Sanmen road Dharma domain. His qualifications were amazing. After more than one hundred years of practice, and she is already a four fold body of God and mystery, the accumulated Yuan Yin in her body is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary female practitioners.

"I didn't understand what you said." Weisuo understood it at once, but it was deliberately attacking the witch's mood and deliberately shouting.


"Say it Weisuo's fingers crossed another sensitive part of her, threatening not to give her any breathing opportunities.

"I I've never been trained by other men Other male practitioners have done so much, and I have accumulated so much Yuan Yin. Naturally, I have more than ordinary female practitioners. " The witch's brain was almost blank, and she almost cried out this sentence with shame and indignation.

"I see!" Weisuo's eyes flashed and deliberately said such a sentence. Even this sentence was forced to speak by him, which showed that the mind had completely collapsed.

"Witch, as long as you listen to me and surrender to my words, I can spare you from death." Looking at this has been a complete collapse of the beautiful girl of heaven, Weisuo continued.

"You You treat me so much that you want me to surrender to you But all of a sudden, on hearing Weisuo's words, the witch's eyes, which were tightly closed and rolling out tears, suddenly opened, and she came back to her senses and cried out.

"You want to use me! I will never let you succeed. Tomorrow, when the fire king comes, you will be destroyed. " Then, as if completely awake, she made an accurate judgment, and her eyes were firm.

"No! I can't believe I underestimated her Weisuo's eyebrows jumped violently. The witch's state of mind was greatly beyond his expectation. Unexpectedly, it was his words that the witch goddess had regained her mood and suddenly went out of her way.

"I'm giving you a choice. You know, if I ask you to do it, it's no use if you don't want to." However, Weisuo's expression did not change much. With the exit of some peculiar scales, a golden Buddha statue appeared above his head, emitting a circle of Buddha light, which shrouded the witch goddess.The witch's eyes just flashed a fierce look, but this moment, was replaced by incomparable panic.

"You know what I mean! This is the light of gongdezong! Even if it is the will left by the ancestor of Dengxian, it is all refined by us. That's why I was able to refine immortal fetuses and get his Dharma Realm completely. With your accomplishments, you can't resist the light of Pudu God. If I and Yuanyin ancestors join hands, you will be my person before the fire Kingdom God comes tomorrow. You can do whatever I want you to do, even if you kneel down to call my master and do anything shameful! " In fact, according to the witch's cultivation, it is impossible to wipe out the witch's consciousness in one day, even if Weisuo and others put all their efforts into it. After all, the witch is a complete consciousness, unlike the immortal ancestor who only left the residual will, but Weisuo is looking directly into the witch's eyes, saying it rightfully, extremely domineering, and saying without doubt The fact is not so good.

"I What do you want me to do! " This time, the witch suddenly lost all the resistance of the mind, just born at all costs and Weisuo jade burning ideas, gone.

"Since you have discussed with the fire domain God King this time, is there anyone else to come besides the fire domain God King and a bi God King, Prince wanhuang and Zhantai Linglan?" Weisuo knew that the witch witch's only resistance had been defeated again, and without saying much, he asked directly.

"In addition to a few of them, the fire Kingdom God has a friend coming, and his accomplishments are similar to mine. My magic weapon used to escape is from him." Witch witch has been completely like a weak woman, some sobbing like said, dare not have anything to hide.

"There is also a great power of Shenxuan quadruple?" Weisuo's face suddenly slightly changed, "what is that person's identity?"

"I don't know. That person's identity is also very mysterious. The fire domain God acts very carefully, and it seems that he doesn't want to reveal that person's identity at all." The witch girl closed her eyes and breathed a little.

"Ah Just after finishing this sentence, she was crying out again like begging for mercy. However, when Weisuo was questioning her, the rest of her actions did not stop at all. She was still exerting xuansha grand method and teasing her wantonly.

"Have the others arrived yet?" Weisseau continued.

"They are all in one place." The witch said with some difficulty in breathing.

"What is the divine pattern you gave me? Do you understand the Three Dharma realms that you used when fighting against the enemy? Which of the Three Dharma realms is the simplest one? " Weisuo repeatedly forced questions. The other side unexpectedly also has a mysterious God Xuan four times to come, this for them, the situation suddenly became very tense.

"The divine pattern I gave you is the Dharma domain of" one yuan heaven and earth ". Indeed, I have only understood three kinds of Dharma domains, and the other two are the Dharma domains of" Heaven falling in the sky and universal heart "and" wonderful sky generating flowers. " The witch's voice was a little strange even to her, but her mind had been completely destroyed and she had to answer every question. She was afraid to miss any question of Weisuo. "Among the three kinds of divine patterns, the one yuan heaven and earth" is the simplest one. "

"It seems that what you have given me is the divine pattern of the most powerful of the Three Dharma realms." Weisuo looked at the Witch and said this.

"Ah I... " The witch goddess seemed to be afraid and wanted to explain something more, but at the moment, all the Yin elements in her body were transformed by Weisuo. When there was a void, under Weisuo's attack, there was a kind of amazing pleasure. Her body was convulsed violently by the impact, "please Please, let me go... " She even sobbed out of her control. At this moment, she felt that she was about to die and was about to be tossed to death by Weisuo. Originally, Weisuo practiced with her and teased her wantonly, and she had to answer questions at the same time, which had left her brain blank with shame. Now she has a feeling that the spirit and the body have been separated, and the body and mind are no longer their own Feeling.

"Master Yuanyin, Jiya Come in, all of you. " At this point, weisseau made such a sound.

"No, I beg you..." The witch maiden sobbed in horror, because although Weisuo was separated from her and put her down, her body was completely soft, even her fingers seemed to be unable to move, and her body was covered with sweat. The surface of her body seemed to be covered with a layer of crystal.

"Put on your vestment." At this time, Weisuo reached out a little, untied one of her prohibitions, so that a small amount of her real yuan could be transferred, and at the same time, she put a piece of vestment in front of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!