Chapter 1047

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Well, if you say so, I won't refuse another supreme law."

The other side really wants to get Wei Suo's supreme powerful method. Hearing this, Wei Suo still quietly returns this sentence, but at the same time, he winks at fengwucang, trying to let the heart eating insect give a full blow to fengwucang.


A white aura outside fengwucang's body made a broken sound, but it was not completely broken.

Weisuo's eyes flashed, and the result was not too unexpected. The heart eating insect itself was a demon beast with latent and divine consciousness impact. Since it was advanced several times, its ability was mostly improved in these two aspects. At present, the attack power of the bone spur is still unable to completely break through the defense of the Shenxuan monk. His heart biting insect can only be used for unexpected containment and sneak attack, but it can not be used as a strong attack under the situation of the other party's pure and mysterious power.


But at this time, the sudden changes! All of them could not help looking into the void on the south side.

In the void on the south side, suddenly there was a huge breath coming out. Then, the whole southern sky completely turned into a piece of gold, as if the whole heaven and earth had become pure gold.

There is no amount of light from the void, and the two gods, who are imbued with the breath of supremacy and majesty, come together.

"Su Shenxue! Wang Wuyi

All the brows of weissou's side jumped at once. The two

appeared as like as two peas in the void. One of them is not strange to Wei Suo and others. It is the suzerain of the God of heaven. The other one is the same as the divine light before the king. But the whole body is also very strong, but it is Wang Wuyi's true body.

The first monk of Yunling land was very tall and dignified. He was wearing a golden robe, which was also an ancient emperor's clothing. There were many kinds of Taoist symbols on it. At the moment, he came to the world, but he was still surrounded by countless golden divine patterns, which condensed into nine huge golden swords around his body, giving people a thrilling visual impact.

"Wang Wuyi, do you want to stop the war when you show up now?" The fire domain God King slightly turned his body. He didn't even put Su's blood in his eyes. He just mentioned Wang Wuyi's name.

"Even if we join, we do not have the strength to stop this war. Moreover, Lord Su and I don't think there is anything wrong with your proposal just now. This kind of confrontation can reduce a lot of unnecessary injuries and do not need many unnecessary friars to be buried with. " After Wang Wuyi and Su Shenxue appeared, they did not continue to approach, but stayed in the void about two thousand miles away from Dengxian city in the south. "It's just that this son has two supreme mysteries of the emperor's way. Naturally, I don't want our supreme secrets of the emperor's way to be spread out. If you want to come out and fight like this, you can only do it at the cost of my two supreme secrets."

"This guy is still hostile to us! And they don't think much of us. There's a good chance that you'll be killed! " At the sound of Wang Wuyi's voice, the old man in green robe immediately yelled and scolded.

Wei Suo's face was also cold. He had already felt that the two super sects would not be on his side if he had not made a statement before. Not to mention Su Shenxue, it is not difficult to infer that they stole the divine root of the original divine tree, and the great disciples of emperor Tiandao died in his hands. Now, the power of gongdezong and dengxianzong has been greatly weakened. If he does not exist, huatianjiao and huangtiandao can become the overlord of Yunling land. Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi have already been on his side Enough reason.

Judging from the current situation, if Wang Wuyi and Su Shenxue were not worried about inviting gods, it would be difficult for them to send gods. They were afraid that even the cloud spirit land would fall into the hands of this group of people after the fire domain God King killed Wei Suo. They also thought that these people would be damaged in the hands of Wei Suo and others. Otherwise, they would directly choose to join the fire Kingdom God King.

What's more, Wang Wuyi's words at this time are also magnificent. He also accuses Wei Suo of shrinking in the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong, and the monks of dengxianzong are also facing the robbery together.

Weisuo's idea was very simple. If huatianjiao and huangtiandao chose to stand with him this time, he would naturally regard huatianjiao and huangtiandao as friends and try to help each other. But now, huatianjiao and huangtianjiao are on the other side. Only because of worry and restraint, can they maintain a neutral attitude on the surface. From now on, Su Shen, the God of the Soviet Union, has been on the other side Blood and king are both his real enemies.

"Since even Lord Wang means this, I'm afraid you have no way to refuse, boy Wei?" The mysterious God xuandaneng, who was covered in black clouds, was very strong, and once again made a strong sound, shaking the world and forcing Weisuo.

Weisuo still kept refining the divine pattern, but also made a sneer, "in this case, I use the" incomplete moon "as the price, do not know what you can give the corresponding price?"

Incomplete moon!As soon as Weisuo's words were uttered, a tsunami like cry of surprise broke out around the whole city. The incomplete moon is not a secret at all. As everyone knows, it is one of the most powerful attacking methods in the world. There is no technique that can surpass the value of this strong method.

"Very well, since you give the incomplete moon, I will give the" Hongmeng purple Sutra. " Mysterious God Xuanda Neng's tone is still very calm, said the voice.

"Hongmeng purple Sutra! Now, how can it be handed down from ancient times? "

There were at least millions of monks gathered around Dengxian City, and a small number of them had seen the records of this ancient Scripture in some ancient books, and they were all shocked.

This is indeed a supreme powerful method that can be juxtaposed with the incomplete and incomplete moon. The power played by this strong method can change the direction of the opponent's magic power, even when facing the power played by monks who are more than themselves. That is to say, as long as they have this method, some monks who are weaker than the other can also resist the opponent's powerful power.

"This is an extremely powerful Dharma of emperor Hongmeng in ancient times. I can't imagine that this kind of technique can be found in this person's hands." The voice of Linglong sky came to Weisuo's ears. A monk who can give such a skill must not be simple. If he has this skill in his body, he will be able to dodge many powerful powers played by Weisuo.

"As long as it is the real Hongmeng purple Sutra, it can naturally be juxtaposed with the incomplete and incomplete moon." Weisuo deliberately procrastinated and said slowly, "but who will verify the authenticity of the Scriptures given by both sides?"

"There are so many monks here. It's OK to find one person to check whether the scriptures of both sides are true or not. Then ask the man to wait on the mountain. If I lose, I don't care how you deal with it. You go to the top of the mountain and pick it up by yourself. If you lose, I have a way to make this person forget what he has read

"You, be responsible for checking the Scriptures for both of us."

The mysterious God Xuan Da Neng pointed to a golden elixir in the crowd in the distance.

At the same time, with a little skill, a brilliant light also shot to a small hill 3000 miles away.

Many monks gathered around the hill, and all of them fled the mountain. However, the coverage of the God Xuan power was not as far as that. The bright light just pointed out the direction, and the light flashed into the mountain, but there was no sound. It was just like a sword nailed in.

At the same time, the golden elixir, who was casually ordered by him, was pale and his body was shaking unconsciously.

This great monk of golden elixir should also be a monk of Yunling land, but he is also very clear that this kind of practice for both sides can be said to be of no benefit. Even if he is not killed at that time, I'm afraid that some skills will be used to erase the memory of this period. However, in this mysterious power point, the golden elixir dares not open his mouth to refuse. For a while, he is a little frozen.

"I'll help both sides examine the Scriptures!"

But at this time, a voice came out, and there was a golden elixir who took the initiative to plunder it out.

The Jindan friar was scarred, but he was the one who had a big feud with tianjianzong at that time, and stood up to attack tianjianzong together with Weisuo.

"I have confidence in Wei Shenjun, and I volunteer to help both sides examine the Scriptures!" As soon as the scarred golden elixir swept out, he made such a sound.

"Well, in that case, I'll show you how I killed this man!" Mysterious God Xuan Daneng sneered and said nothing more. He reached out a little, but a purple ancient stone Fu flew out and flew to the scarred face monk Jindan.

"Good! When I record the Scriptures. "

Weissou deliberately procrastinated, "poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" There were five or six divine patterns in front of him without any accident.

"Zheng!" Immediately, a god iron Qing Ming sound, spread out in his body.

"You can start to carve this divine pattern?" Jiya and others all had a look of ecstasy on their faces. They knew what such a sound meant.

"You can only go out first and carve this divine pattern at the same time. Otherwise, these people will be able to perceive that I am deliberately procrastinating, which may lead to changes that are not conducive to us. " Weisuo nodded, but he nodded to Han Weiwei and others, and went towards the direction near the mountain gate. The sound of "whoosh" hit the jade talisman which recorded the incomplete and incomplete moon to the great monk with scarlet face and golden elixir.

"Han Weiwei, wait a moment, you seize the opportunity to give wanhuang childe and others some hints." At the same time, Weisuo whispered to Han Weiwei's ears.


Before going forward, Wei Suo simply released the two Shenxuan Dharma bodies. The huge spirit and mysterious breath shook the heaven and earth, and covered up the slight sound and the vibration of his breath which was constantly engraved into the divine pattern. , the fastest update of the webnovel!