Chapter 1050

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"This kind of supreme physical confrontation is just like the collision between the supernatural and the soldiers. There is no need to say that Weisuo is going to be killed completely!"

"This holy iron battle suit doesn't have much blocking effect. Even if the body can recover quickly, it will consume a lot of essence every time. If it goes on like this, it will definitely be killed!"

"It's impossible to perform any other skill even if you keep drawing close like this! What kind of magic weapon is the silver black light ball on the head of the holy King's patriarch? "

In the eyes of all the friars around Dengxian City, Weisuo was like a piece of divine iron, which was repeatedly beaten by the holy King patriarch. When he was constantly knocked, he had no power to fight back.


There was another earth shaking explosion, like the collision of two stars. Emperor Shengwang hit Weisuo's chest. The fire was splashed and countless light lines were broken. Weisuo's chest was depressed and flew backward.


However, it was only less than two feet away, and the distance between them was narrowed in an instant. The emperor of the holy King struck again, which made Weisuo's left shoulder seem to be smashed, and countless bright stars came out of the iron lotus clothing.


A light yellow crystal Daolian sealed the emperor of the holy King's sect, but it was just a meal, and the light yellow crystal Daolian was shattered by the emperor.


The leader of the holy King clan stepped out of the middle, and his hair was as if he had completely turned into countless rules of vitality, emitting colorful rays, which were flying behind his head. Like the real Holy Spirit, he once again hit Weisuo's left shoulder, which collapsed again.

"It's no use, today you are doomed to fall in my hands!" The voice of the Lord of the holy King sect shakes the heaven and earth. It is absolutely a human like magic weapon. It is so powerful that words can not describe it.

"The whole situation is settled. I don't need to do it at all." The fire king made a cold voice.

many of the simultaneous interpreting of Wei sous Hui's monks are very pale. Can they survive in the irreversible crisis of the beast's tide and the carding of their flesh, as if they were the legends, and today they would like to curtain down in this way?


The holy King's attack hit Weisuo's heart. Weisuo opened his mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood, blooming countless silver rays, just like a god flower in bloom, and then flew out again.

"Do you still want to resist?"

The silver black light ball suspended on the head of the emperor of the holy King clan vibrated the strange force, and again instantly closed the distance between them. The emperor stepped down on Weisuo with one foot, as if stepping on Weisuo and stepping Weisuo from high altitude to the ground.


Wei Suo both hands out, to block the emperor's foot trample, the whole body instantly fell in the air a hundred feet. The sound of this collision was extremely sharp, and the piercing sound of his iron lotus battle clothes was about to break. The air around them was like a vast ocean surging.

"I will kill you within half a stick of incense."

However, Weisuo made such a sound instead.

"What?" As soon as Weisuo's words were uttered, all around Dengxian city were in an uproar.

In everyone's eyes, Weisuo could not compete with the emperor of the holy King's clan. This kind of matchmaking of supreme flesh was like two pieces of pure gold. The poor material would eventually be destroyed. But Weisuo said such a thing. And anyone can see that the power of the silver black light ball on the head of the emperor of the holy King sect has no sign of dissipating. Obviously, it can still exist for a long time. Wei Suo can't escape and dodge at all.

"Ha ha, do you think I'm a three-year-old, and you want to scare me with such a means?" The emperor of the holy King clan made a wild laugh, and felt that Weisuo was ridiculous. He stepped on Weisuo one by one, trying to step down on Weisuo to the dust.

"I'm dying. I'm still dreaming." Both the leader of Zhongtian zilei sect and the old Dong Huagu God King of mingtu sect were unable to express their pleasure and gave a sneer.

"How dare you laugh at me even though you are just like ants?" Wei Suo was beaten and coughed up a mouthful of blood again, but at the same time, he made a cold voice to Zhongtian zilei Zong and Huagu Shenjun.

"You..." Zhongtian zilei clan leader and Huagu Shenjun's eyes narrowed and looked at Ji Ya and others. Their looks were self-evident. They didn't talk nonsense to the people who were going to die. After you die, see how we deal with your Taoist partners and these relatives and friends.

"Be careful!"

But at this time, the fire domain God King's eyes suddenly and violently flashed, issued a sharp whistling sound.

"I will destroy you first, and then the Lord of the holy king! I will let the world know today that even if you join hands with the holy King patriarch, you are not my opponent. "

"Boom Just before the fire king's voice was launched, Wei Suo, who was still coughing up blood, suddenly gave out the light like the rising sun and stepped out towards the leader of zilei clan in Zhongtian.


At the same time, a sea of thunder and a forest of white bones appeared in front of them.They did not expect that in such a case, Weisuo would force them both.


Wang Zong's brow also fiercely a wrinkle, in the eye flash out the sharp awn, one hand toward Wei Suo to hit.

Under the action of the extremely strange silver black light ball on the top of his head, Weisuo almost just moved out, and he had already arrived behind him. Wei Suo couldn't get rid of him at all, but at this time, he had a strange feeling in his heart, because he found that the distance between Wei Suo and Zhongtian zilei patriarch and Huagu Shenjun was less than 100 Li when Wei Suo started.

Just now, he didn't realize this at all, but at the moment, he had a feeling that Weisuo was invisible and deliberately guided, leading to such a situation.

Zhongtian zilei clan leader, Huagu Shenjun and others were originally in the void on the south side, and gathered the fire domain God King and others very far away. Even if the fire domain God King wanted to make a move, it was too late at all.


Let a lot of people involuntarily send out exclamation is, Weisuo actually didn't manage the holy King patriarch's attack at all.

The blow of the Lord of the holy King's clan fell heavily on his back heart, smashing his spine and collapsing his back. The blood gushed from Weisuo's mouth, just like a silver flower blooming in the air.

However, Wei Suo didn't stop at all. His whole body continued to stride out towards Zhongtian zilei patriarch and Huagu Shenjun in a powerful and extremely powerful manner.

"What is he going to do? It's not enough. We have to deal with two powerful people who are God Xuan triple power?"

Almost all of them stopped breathing.

It was an unimaginable and thrilling sight.


The emperor of the holy King struck Wei Suo's back heart again, and his chest bulged, and cracks that were hard to close appeared on the lotus fighting clothes of shentie.

However, Weisuo did not stop at all. It was like a chain dragging the holy King patriarch forward. He actually avoided the head-on attack of Zhongtian zilei patriarch and Huagu Shenjun. When he stepped out the third step, he had already collided with the Dharma domain formed by endless thunder light blooming on Zhongtian zilei patriarch.


The sea of thunder light outside the leader of zilei sect in Zhongtian, a vast area of Dao Dharma formed by endless thunder light, was broken by Wei Suo.


At the same time, the emperor of the holy king, like the shadow of Weisuo, followed him behind him and hit him hard on his neck. His neck seemed to be completely broken and his head fell forward.

"Ah Zhongtian purple thunder patriarch's feet shot two thunder light, want to take this opportunity to open the distance with Weisuo.

In the distance, the fire domain God King and others have also approached here.

"Dong!" But at this time, Zhongtian purple thunder Zong Lord's eyes are suddenly bulging up, one hand involuntarily toward his own heart to cover. It was like a huge drum pounding violently in his heart!

His whole body Qi and blood and true yuan are obviously shocked, all casting, all appeared pause.

At this time, Weisuo's hand was stretched out and hit the head of Zhongtian zilei Zong.


The Golden Dragon capital on the head of zilei clan in Zhongtian was photographed flying, and his head was broken in half. Blood and vitality filled the sky, making all people's hearts shrink fiercely.


At the same time, a blue and black Yin Qi gushed out of Wei Suo's body, and hit the Zhongtian zilei clan's leader with a heavy blow. At the same time, the Golden Dragon Emperor's armor which had been torn apart on the Zhongtian zilei Zong's body was captured in front of him.

"Ah Ah Ah... "

This is a shocking picture. The defensive power of the Golden Dragon Emperor armor and the physical vitality of the three great powers of Shenxuan are also very amazing. Although he suffered two heavy blows from Weisuo, the leader of zilei sect in Zhongtian didn't fall down directly. He lost half of his head and kept screaming in the air. He was still taking out pills to cure himself 。


Seeing the red and black-and-white flow of Zhongtian zilei patriarch's head, Huagu Shenjun also gave out a chilling scream. He only felt that his head was completely cold.

"What the hell is he going to do?"

The breath of all the blades has stopped completely. Although Wei Suo hit Zhongtian zilei clan leader to a heavy blow, but in this instant, he also suffered three times. If it goes on like this, weissou will not be able to support it.


At this time, Wei Suo again crossed the void, rolled up the Golden Dragon Armor, far away from the zilei patriarch and Huagu Shenjun. At the same time, there was a "clank" sound that no one could hear. The sound of "Zheng" in his body issued at the same time, his body was a violent shock, his body instantly a bright, there is no amount of light into life, an indescribable aura, instant in his body metaplasia."What's going on?"

At this time, the Lord of the holy King clan had struck again, and he hit the back of Weisuo's heart fiercely. But at the same time, his brow also jumped fiercely, sensing the strange breath change on Weisuo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!