Chapter 1052

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

At the same time, a bi Shen Jun gave out a cold drink. All the blue and red cloud flames outside him turned into a god holding ancient swords and soldiers. Locusts generally pressed on Weisuo and dengxianzong mountain gates.

No one would have thought that Weisuo had such amazing details. His body was so powerful that he even killed the emperor of the holy king and beat him to escape.

No one wanted to fight with Weisuo alone, and the war broke out completely in an instant.


At the same time, the sixteen dragons, tigers and golden flame beasts roared, spurting out 16 golden flames, and pulling the golden altar, they approached Weisuo and dengxianzong Mountain Gate.

"Dong!" "Dong" "Dong"

On the golden altar, Prince wanhuang, regardless of the fact, has evolved into a Dharma Realm, forming a golden lute in front of him.

The head of this golden lute is completely the head of a golden God Phoenix, and the pipa body is also full of patterns like the tail feathers of God Huang. As soon as this strange Dharma domain was revealed, it even played like a real pipa. Every time it uttered a Dharma sound, it was like the sound of a sword, resounding through the sky, shooting out a series of amazing divine lights, twining with a stream of self-defined vitality rules, and killing Wei Suo and others.


The patriarch of Zhongtian zilei clan who had been knocked off half of his head didn't know what kind of elixir he had taken. However, the head that had been knocked off grew out, but there was no hair. His skin was bright red. He looked half like a man and half like a ghost. He was very shocking. At the moment, in the crazy cry, he also tried his best to turn out a long gun formed by thunder and lightning Like a dragon formed by lightning, it strikes at Weisuo directly. The thunder rolls along the way, like hundreds of spring thunder rolling in the air.


Huagu Shenjun also drank heavily. With his rules of vitality, he showed up in front of him. It turned out to be a big white bone tree. When he could not breathe, a huge white bone flower with the height of more than one person appeared on the white bone tree. Immediately, it withered and formed a white bone fruit, which separated from the tree like a meteorite In general, it was suppressed in the direction of Weisuo and others.

The breath of xuandaneng, a famous God, instantly made the whole world boiling. Countless brilliance was seen and extinguished in the void. Various clouds and rules of vitality collided in the air, forming an unimaginable gorgeous glow.

Although it was night at this time, all kinds of divine lights were shining on the heaven and earth. Within the range of thousands of miles around Dengxian City, it was even brighter and brighter than the day.

Xuandaneng, a famous God, is like a demon who came from ancient times. His figure is surrounded by countless lights and looks incomparably tall.

"My God! He handed down the incomplete moon to so many people

All the monks around Dengxian city were at least two thousand miles away from Weisuo and the God King of the fire region. However, the huge breath of these supernatural powers still made nearly half of the monks tremble to the ground, but most of them still couldn't help but utter fright.


Weisuo's side also immediately launched a counterattack. A piece of astonishing and extreme light is manifested in the void. Especially at the same time, not only Wei Suo and Li freehand, but also Feng wucang, Yuhuang Zhenren and others all made incomplete and incomplete moon at the same time.

It gives people the feeling that a group of people throw out a round of grey and black crescent moon at the same time.


The sky and earth are bright and dark.

All kinds of Shenwei played by both sides collided together, and a huge gap suddenly formed in the sky. In the middle of the collision, the forest and the top of the mountain below were all shocked into fly ash, and a deep gap appeared on the ground.

All the monks who watched the battle could not see the victory or defeat of this moment, because all kinds of scattered vitality and brilliance of heaven and earth rushed out, which swept all the heaven and earth in an instant and covered their sight.


An obvious silver line burst out of a brilliant tide.

Weisuo's silver light and red glow flashed on his body, breaking through all the turbulent powers in front of him just by his physical body.

After him, there are six people, Linglong Tian, Han Weiwei, Jiya, shuilinger, Nangong Yuqing and yinlihua.

"Boom "Boom

At the moment when he appeared, two huge waves of vitality bloomed from him, and the immortal Dharma domain was revealed in front of him. At the same time, thousands of flying swords made a violent sound of breaking through the sky, and the sword spirit soared to the sky, forming a huge sword array outside him.

"Su Shenxue, Wang Wuyi, what do you say! My Yin corpse sect and Haixian sect are also the clans of your Dahua League. Moreover, these people are not monks of Yunling land. You do not control them. At the moment, they have a fair bet with me. They have lost, but they become angry and fight directly. Do you want to join in with them as monks of Yunling land? "

A strong show of the figure, Weisuo immediately agitated Zhenyuan, directly to the distant sky Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi issued a huge voice.Now he and Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi have already torn their faces, so Wei Suo is not polite to Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi and directly forces them to express their opinions.

"This is a personal enmity between you and me. What's the matter with the monastic circles of guandahua League and Yunling land? I'll leave immediately after I kill you." Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi's face changed slightly, but before they could reply, the voice of the fire domain God King had been revealed again. At the same time, "boom!" "Boom "Boom The strong breath of the three regiments, in a situation of tripartite confrontation, penetrated into the ocean formed by various broken powers, divided into three directions, and surrounded Weisuo in the middle.

These three huge breath groups are the fire domain God King, wanhuang childe and a nose God King.

"Old man, you keep saying that this is my personal grudge with you. Do you dare to fight with me alone?" Weisuo reached out a little and offered the book of life and death.

"Shua!" "Shua!" "Shua!"

At the moment, there are many powerful gas engines in the direction of dengxianzong Mountain Gate and the side and rear of Weisuo group. And then there were the waves of light, which broke up from below.

"It's all right, but ah Bi Shen Jun and wanhuang have no need to deal with the rest of you. I can tell you that there are still a lot of people from Yuhua family and Dahan palace

"You are really strong, but the strength of these people around you is still not enough. The secret skills of the Ming earth sect are enough to temporarily trap the Yuanyin ancestor. If you can hold on for a while, you can collect the corpses for the rest of the people later. "

In front of the God King of the fire domain, a divine realm evolved. The blue, red, and white fire twisted countless mysterious rules of vitality before him, but formed a long gun of blue, white and red fire in front of him.

"Kagaka..." The power of the law of the fire spear was not even touched by the God King of the fire region, but was suspended in front of him. The empty space around the gun kept breaking sound.

It seems that the law power of this long gun of divine fire can melt everything and penetrate the void.

"This is the personal enmity between the fire domain God King and Weisuo, the rest of the Taoist friends, don't do it!" Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi finally intervened, and the surrounding of dengxianzong was more disordered at the moment, and the mountain protection array all sent out earth shaking explosions. It seemed that the great prohibition of dengxianzong had been launched, and countless monks were involved in the war.

"Hum!" Wei Suo's face was colder. Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi were openly involved in the war to prevent the war. They wanted to let the fire Kingdom God fight with him alone. However, they did not care about Abbi Shenjun and wanhuang childe, but blocked other people. In fact, the situation that the fire domain God king, a nose God King and wanhuang Prince besieged him.

"Old man, believe it or not, I'll beat you to vomit blood in depression?" At the same time, Weisuo launches the cave empty footwork again, and the power of double gods and Xuan drives all the people to the fire domain God King.

At this time, Han Weiwei behind Wei Suo looks at wanhuang childe.

Prince wanhuang had some devices to cast a mouse, so he didn't dare to launch all his powers. Seeing Han Weiwei's eyes at the moment, he immediately understood. Instead of attacking Weisuo, he just waited for the next move of the witch.

"Is it?"

A nose God King and fire domain God King also sensed the abnormality of Prince wanhuang. At the same time, they both thought Han Weiwei was a witch goddess, so they both burst into a roar of laughter at the same time.


Weisuo tried his best to inspire the book of life and death, and the word "bright light" was written to the God King of the fire domain.


But at this time, a huge gas engine suddenly blooms in front of Han Weiwei.

Han Weiwei is right behind Weisuo at the moment, with an expression that seems to finally wait for an opportunity.

"This Did this guy put some powerful magic weapon on ah Wu's body? Or is she equipped with a powerful weapon to deal with this guy Prince wanhuang couldn't help but feel a little stunned, because he could feel that in the huge atmosphere of Han Weiwei's sudden transformation, there was a terrible Xianwei concussion.

"I want to see who spits blood." In the eyes of the fire domain God King, two little dragons formed by the fire element law flew out, but they didn't play. They just looked at Weisuo with scorn and laughter.


But his smile froze in an instant, and his laughter turned into a frightful exclamation.


Han Weiwei in front of the huge gas engine burst out in an instant, the endless immortal light gushed out, and the unimaginable huge power made the whole world seem to send out the voice of weeping.

But this piece of immortal light, actually did not hit Weisuo's body, but like a comet's tail sweeping across the sky, instantly towards the fire domain God King!

"How could it be!" Prince wanhuang and ah Bi Shen Jun, who was also laughing wildly, even jumped up in the void. The spirits were so frightened that they almost burst out of the spirit.


The two little dragons and the handle in front of the fire king seemed to be enough to penetrate the amazing road of Weisuo's flesh. The divine fire spear condensed in the Dharma domain collapsed in an instant. His body fell back in the void, and countless light lines cracked behind him, just like crashing into the void. But a piece of glittering immortal light still swept over his , the fastest update of the webnovel!