Chapter 1059

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Zhongtian zilei, mingtu, wanhuanggong, Bixi, Huatian, huangtiandao, Yuhua aristocratic family, Shengwang Zong These are all the overlords in the current monastic world. They cover Yuheng land, Yunling land and Liuhuo continent. Among them, the Tianxuan land, which has the hostile forces of xuanfengmen and zhenwuzong, can not be avoided.

In the past thousands of years, many major sects have disappeared and disappeared in the passing years. It is not without that one person confronts and subverts a super sect. However, in the past thousands of years, there has never been a single person who has declared war on so many super sects at the same time.

What's more, Wei Suo directly forced all the clansmen of these continents to declare their position. What a strong and courageous man Wei Suo was!

"This is a war destined to sweep the whole monastic world."

"Many of these super clans will join hands to deal with him. I don't know what kind of forces will be affected. Many secret treasures and inherited magic weapons will be born! "

"People like him have no choice at all. He is not the only owl who only cares about his own cultivation. He has to kill everyone and go on the road to heaven. Those people dare not deal with him and the people around him."

Many people left immediately after hearing Weisuo's statement, because this is destined to be a bloody super chaotic world, and many forces have begun to prepare.

"All clansmen must make clear their position within one day."

"The sacrifice agreed with me will be delivered outside Dengxian city within one day."

But Wei Suo did not have any nonsense, after saying these two words, he plundered into the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong.

"Don't use the Purdue light against me."

Wei Suo a plunder into the witch where the temple, witch immediately afraid of shrinking, said such a sentence.

Her arrogance and dignity had already been fragmented in front of Weisuo, and the result of the war and the strong voice of Weisuo made her heart tremble to numbness, so that she almost had no own opinion and lost her own thinking in the face of Weisuo.

"I promised you that I would not use the light of Purdue against you, but I must know your position." Weisuo looked at the witch girl like a frightened Fawn and said.

"As long as you let me go, I promise we can not be enemies of Donglai." Immediately said the witch. Compared with before, Weisuo has an indescribable cold breath. It seems that there is a sword hidden in the scabbard between Weisuo. But now the scabbard has been completely broken, and the sharpness and light of this sword have been completely revealed.

"Don't believe her! If it hadn't happened, all of us might have died in her hands. If you let her go, she might turn around and deal with us. " Han Weiwei said with a little hate.

"I will not I will definitely do what I say. " The witch immediately pleaded eagerly and looked at Weisuo, but she was unconscious. Some did not dare to look at Weisuo's eyes directly, and subconsciously lowered her head.

"Even if you let go, it's impossible for you to be alone in Donglai At this time, Yuanyin Laozu suddenly said, "if you don't declare war with Weisuo, all the people will think that you and Weisuo are on one side. Even this war is because you played tricks secretly, which led to the disastrous defeat of the fire Kingdom God King and the holy King patriarch. You Donglai secret place, will also become the enemy of all the sects. You must be a sect in Donglai's secret place, but you may not be able to cope with those in Yuheng mainland alone. "

"I..." The witch's whole body was shocked, and she couldn't help looking up at the Yuanyin ancestor, but she couldn't speak. Indeed, Yuanyin Laozu said the truth. If she didn't declare war with Weisuo, she would certainly become the common enemy of so many super forces. Donglai's secret land is likely to be destroyed immediately. Moreover, even if she really didn't want to fight Weisuo, but only declared war with Weisuo on the surface, those forces would certainly force her to do some substantive things. It was impossible to just pretend and not act 。

"In your current situation, I think there is only one choice." Yuanyin Laozu looked at the white faced witch girl and said, "you have to stand up publicly and be a Taoist companion of Weisuo."

"What!" The witch almost fainted back.

"As you know, it's probably your only option right now. As long as he is still alive, those people will not dare to deal with you in Donglai Yuan Yin's ancestor did not care about the witch's look, but directly said this sentence. At the same time, the uninhibited old genius also directly transmitted a sentence in the witch's ear: "what dizziness do you feel? Anyway, you have done everything you should do Moreover, he is likely to achieve great success, and you will not suffer losses if you follow him. "

"I..." Hearing the words of Yuanyin, the witch goddess almost fainted.

"I'm not as trustworthy as he is. Now we are all tied to a boat by him. If he fails, we may not have a complete tile left. Even if he let you go, I will surely get news that the war itself is a calculation between you and him, and that you and he are the lovers of mutual cultivation. I think you can feel it from the cultivation of master wanhuang. You and he have practiced together, and you have changed so many Yin. Maybe they will think that you and he have not known how many times they have practiced together. " Yuanyin Laozu didn't stop, but he passed a sentence to her."Ah..." The witch gave out a scream, and it was dark in front of her eyes.

"No, even if she agrees, how can we trust her and know that she is not a snake in vain." Han Weiwei flatly objected at this time, "it's too dangerous to keep her around. With her cultivation, even if the prohibition is planted, as long as her true yuan and Qi and blood can be completely circulated, they may be broken. If she wants to deal with us, we may be killed by her at any time."

"Once you come out in public and take a stand, it's hard to get back. And it's easy to prove that there is no difference. " Yuanyin Laozu looked at the witch goddess and Han Weiwei and other people, but his lips moved slightly, and he passed a few words alone to Han Weiwei, Jiya and the witch goddess.

"Hum!" Hearing the voice of Yuanyin's ancestor, Han Weiwei snorted coldly, and didn't say much. Ji Ya and others nodded.

"I..." But the witch goddess, but the body fierce one shudder, the head is lower.

"Do you have any hesitation?" Yuan Yin's ancestor again heard the witch goddess's ear, "for you, this is indeed forced by the situation, but you can also see his attitude towards the Taoist couple and relatives and friends. Do you think the figures like wanhuang prince can match him?"

"I..." The witch wanted to refute, but she didn't know whether she dared or because of some other reason, but she couldn't say it for a while.

"Well, if you don't object, it's acquiescence." Yuanyin Laozu was an old rascal, and directly decided, "I know that a lot of times, a nun's face is tender, so I'll make the decision. Then we can go to Xuantian at once

When the witch goddess heard Yuanyin's words, she almost fainted. But when she heard the last word of Yuanyin, she was stunned, "to Tianxuan land?"

"Now that he has made a complete statement, so many super forces will certainly not give him much time and will certainly kill him at all costs. If we don't leave here soon, or this place will become more dangerous than when the Lord of fire comes. " Yuanyin's face was completely dignified, "but since we have completely started the war, naturally we can't leave. Naturally, we should kill them one by one to frighten the whole world. Several of your clans in Yuheng are still in Tianxuan. Comparatively speaking, it is much easier to deal with them than to directly attack the Shanmen of other major forces. Besides, since you have promised, it will be much safer for you to remove them. "

"When did I agree?" The witch opened her mouth, but the words could not be said.

"As for the statement, it proves that you don't have a different mind. When you have figured it out and want to completely restore your cultivation, you can do it again." At this time, Yuanyin Laozu openly said such a sentence.

"When I figure it out..." The witch's whole body was suddenly hot, and then, after she felt her strange change, she didn't know what kind of mood it was. She really fainted at once.

"Do you want to wait until a day later, when she really can't support, and then give her to take not old Ming Dan?" Yuanyin Laozu turned to look at Wei Suo, "but no matter what, we must leave immediately."

"Well, you should be careful on this trip." Wei Suo nodded, but he looked at Yuanyin Laozu, Yuhuang Zhenren and fengwucang with great solemnity.

The witch was awakened by a violent fluctuation of vitality.

When she woke up, she saw that Wei Suo and Yuanyin Laozu were all exerting their escape methods. They were no longer in Dengxian City, but out of the sky and marching in the wilderness.

It is the body of yinlihua that emits violent vitality fluctuation. Yinlihua is like a deep sleep, but her whole body is covered by an amazing dark and dark air, emitting a surprising fluctuation of vitality, as if in the endless natural evolution of the Dharma Realm.

But after a while, everyone tried to hide their breath. Later, Yuanyin Laozu, Yuhuang Zhenzhen, fengwucang and Weisuo were different.

"Where are they going?" Asked the witch. "I'm not going to Tianxuan land?"

"They will go to Tianxuan." Jiya replied to the witch, "it's enough for them to go there. They brought a piece of ancient talisman that can simulate Weisuo's breath. We'll stay here first to see if there is any change, and if there is anyone who dares to take Weisuo to Tianxuan land to deal with Yin corpse sect and haixianzong." , the fastest update of the webnovel!