Chapter 1064

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What are you going to do?"

The mysterious young man, who had been passed down by the barbarians, did not make a sound, but his action made the eyes of the five old people around the medicine pool flash, and a huge breath burst out from the five old people in an instant, giving people the feeling that there are five ancient beasts waking up in this underground palace.

This mysterious young man in Chinese clothes, who claimed to be Zhuo Qingning, took out a blood red, twisted and strange herb with the top like a snake head. He wanted to throw it into the medicine pool where the holy King patriarch lived.

"Don't worry. With my current accomplishments, I can't be the opponent of the five of you. Even if I were a member of weisseau's side, with his personality, I would never have lost a friend in order to kill an opponent Seeing the five old man's instant appearance of facing a great enemy, the mysterious young man in Chinese clothes is still very cold.


Hearing Zhuo Qingning mention the name of Weisuo, it is obvious that Zhuo Qingning has already used the method of seizing and occupying a fleshy emperor of the holy King's clan. In the boiling pool of medicine, a wild animal's roar roared suddenly, and the water of the whole medicine pool was violently shaken.

"In that case, why do you have the courage to trade with me?" It was obvious that the emperor of Zhuo was not afraid of the roar of the emperor? It's a well-known principle in the world of cultivation that ants don't trade with dragons.

"With the current situation, and the secrets of my body." The mysterious young man in Chinese clothes still has no change. He takes a look at the holy king in the medicine pool, "In the present situation, I'm afraid that the patriarch will not refuse to have a strong Taoist friend to deal with Weisuo. Moreover, with my secret skills, although I want to fight, I'm sure I can't retreat from the holy King's sect, and I'm sure I'll fall here. But I'm afraid there's no problem in killing several opponents."

"Ah As he spoke, an old man with a terrible breath suddenly yelled and stepped back. His face showed a look of pain.

"Powerful divine sense attack method! With your current cultivation The power of divine consciousness is not inferior to that before my physical body collapsed! Good, I can have a try! " The roar of the Lord of the holy King's sect was low, but his voice became calm.


This mysterious young man, like gathering all the colors of the world, did not say anything. He just stretched out his hand a little. The wild and ancient herb that few people in front of him did not know was crushed by him, and all of them were put into the medicine pool where the holy king and patriarch were located.

"Gudu... Gudu..."

The strange appearance of this wild herbal medicine into the medicine pool, the original orange red liquid instantly turned purple red, and burst out a bowl size bubbles.


The skin, eyes, and even nails of the Lord of the holy King's clan were immediately turned purple. The blue veins swimming under the skin were even more swollen and made a sound of backward air conditioning, which looked extremely painful.


Five huge breath of the old man immediately Qi Qi issued a exclamation.


However, after the emperor's voice of pumping air, he made a roaring voice, "it seems that you really know a lot about these ancient miracles. You can make sure that my body and my vitality, spirit and soul will match soon, and my accomplishments will be restored What do you want? "

"The eternal holy King's Scripture helps me break through the mystery of God." Zhuo Ning looked at the young master and said.

"You have a big appetite." The Lord of the holy King's sect burst into a cold laugh.

"Zheng..." The mysterious young man didn't say anything, just flicked his finger. Between the fingers, his body is also a huge mass of Qi and blood, at the same time, between the fingers, also issued a god iron knock like sound.

"This kind of physical strength is nothing to us as far as the holy King clan is concerned." Among the five old people, an old man sneered and stretched out his five fingers, which were almost crystal clear. It seemed that there were countless stars in the circulation.

"I haven't had time to practice any body building techniques. I just rely on some ancient elixirs to raise my body to this strength." Zhuo Qingning's look did not change, said this sentence calmly.


This time, not only the five old people, but also the eyes of the sage king clan leader in the medicine pool all had a violent beat.

"It will be of great benefit to you, the holy king, to live in me." Zhuo Qingning took a look at the emperor and said, "the two conditions I have mentioned are certainly not bad for you

"If you are the elder of our holy king zongkeqing, I will not only pass on your eternal holy King's Scripture, but also your Divine pattern. How about it?" The Lord of the holy king made a low roar again.

"Well, please help me to break through the mystery first. This is the arrangement I need to break through the mystery. " Zhuo Qingning nodded, not nonsense, reached out a little, and pointed a piece of jade charm in front of the five old people.

"The emperor is an idiot! Even if the opponent is not clear about the real body and fake body, it destroyed such a heritage magic weapon! Don't you wait for the other party to hit the clan door and then stimulate it! " Just when Zhuo Qingning and the emperor of the holy king are talking, in the palace of wanhuang, the prince wanhuang is full of abuse.The wanhuanggong Mountain Gate, one of the most mysterious sects in Yuheng mainland, is quite different from the Shengwang sect. The whole wanhuanggong is built on a flat top mountain. Like the small heaven, it is completely covered with barrier eyes. The outside looks like nothingness at all, while the inside is indescribably magnificent. It is just like a divine Dynasty with a huge square golden city on the periphery The wall, as high as hundreds of Zhang, is covered with various patterns of Fu, full of all kinds of God Huang relief, golden.

The innumerable temples inside are also made of pure gold. Even on the ground, they emit golden light. In some jade pools, golden lotus flowers are planted.

There are more than 30 monks gathered in the spacious hall. They are all above the golden elixir. Among them, there is an old man in the golden emperor's clothes, who is also a triple cultivation of God and mystery.

"At most, the emperor's way of inheriting magic weapons is one or two. The mountain gates of Huatian sect have been broken, but relying on something unknown, Wei Suo is scared away. At most, it only has the power of self-protection, and it is useless to unite with these two sects." The old man in the golden emperor's clothes took a look at the angry Prince wanhuang and said, "the only feasible way now is to marry Hei Bodhi. She was very fond of you before. We proposed marriage, and she should not refuse it. "

"What!" Prince wanhuang jumped up from his throne and said, "do you want me to marry that fat black woman?"

"What does that matter? The external appearance can be changed at any time by using the technique. This is a great disaster for our life and death. It is only related to the cultivation of supernatural powers. What does it have to do with the skin appearance? " The old man in the golden emperor's clothes and several other old people all spoke the right advice.

"It's also It's OK to turn her into a witch Prince wanhuang was stunned, but immediately he wanted to cry and roar like no tears, "no! Her image has gone deep into my heart. I feel sick when I think of her like that! Besides, I'm afraid it's impossible for her to become anyone with her temperament. If I ask her to change her description, I'm afraid she'll become angry and angry! "

"Consider it yourself. If you don't want revenge and ignore life and death, you don't have to think about it, but vesuo is likely to come at any time." The old man in the golden emperor's clothes and several other old people said this, but they didn't say anything more.

"How could such a strong man come out of the world with such accomplishments at such an age, and his skills and techniques are so rebellious that he can't be left in the world." It was when Prince wanhuang uttered his crazy cry again. In a place where darkness was always shrouded, a palace made of pure blue gold made such a sound.

Later, a monk wrapped in blue light stepped out.

At the moment when the monk, wrapped in blue light, stepped out, all the starlight in the whole night seemed to drop down fiercely, as if those stars were moved. An indescribable and huge Qi was sent out from the monk.

The temple where he lived was on a very high mountain. All the mountains around him were lower than this mountain, and could overlook the whole land covered by night.


As soon as the monk appeared and burst into a strong atmosphere, the land covered by night seemed to be completely disturbed.

"Oh He, Wu The monks in countless places worshipped the place where the monk appeared, and they all sent out strange shouts. It seems that in the eyes of these monks, the monk wrapped in blue light is their God.

"They can't give you a lot of time." At the same time, Weisuo, linglongtian, Jiya, including the witch goddess, all gathered in a barren mountain outside the sky dome of Yunling continent. Linglongtian and the old man in green robe said to Weisuo while counting many things learned from conghuatian.

Three caves of cunning rabbit!

Now, when Weisuo, linglongtian and Jiya stay at one place, they dig a deep cave temporarily according to the custom of Weisuo before, and never stay in the same place for a long time.

"Let's see who's faster." Weisuo nodded his head severely.

Although this time he broke the gate of Huatian sect, he was shocked by the magic weapon of emperor Tiandao. The Qi machine in the gate of Huatian sect was very terrifying and had the ability to kill him.

Although these super forces are in the light and suffer from ambush in the dark, these super forces must have some amazing details. If there is no details that can make them fight, these super powers can only completely admit defeat like the imperial family and the Da Han Palace.

Those who still don't admit defeat up to now must have some capital. And now everyone knows that his skill is very rebellious. To deal with him, we must deal with it as soon as possible.

It is impossible for anyone to fight him for a long time. It must be a thunderbolt against him as soon as possible!And what he has to do now is to compete with the whole world for time! Look at the strength of each other's cage, or his cultivation and magic power, improve faster!

"Lihua, I will make you recover!" Mercilessly nodded, to Linglong day showed his absolute understanding, but Weisuo turned his head and said this to the other side.

There, a graceful body was wrapped in a dark and black robe, and the body was full of yin and cold.

But after hearing Wei Suo's words, that graceful body some stiff, but actually obediently nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!