Chapter 1073

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

Not long after Wei Suo, the witch goddess, Jiya and others left by virtue of avoiding the Immortal Jade Mountain, a blue light suddenly fell from the sky, only a slight meal, and it directly fell into the cave where Wei Suo and others temporarily stayed.

The monk wrapped in the dazzling blue light wore a dark black robe without any fluctuation of vitality. However, this black robe, like the holy robe of Linglong heaven, gave people a very extraordinary feeling.

The Friar's hair was sporadic, his skin was a little dark, and there were blue tattoo like runes on the surface of his skin. Even on his face, each Rune was like a unique totem. If anyone saw this person at a glance, he would feel strange and mysterious for the first time.

The skin of the monk's body flashed with oily luster, which made his skin look indescribably flexible and lustrous. Judging from his face, he was only in his thirties, and his real age could not be judged.

And the monk's movements were filled with an amazing and powerful Qi, which seemed to be able to arouse the vitality of countless stars.

This monk was the one who appeared on a very high mountain, which made countless monks pay homage to the place where he appeared, when he was the one worshipped by gods.

At this moment, the man went straight into the cave where Wei Suo and others were still staying before half a incense stick. Obviously, by what means, he traced here!

The blue light in this man's eyes flickered slightly for a while, but it suddenly swept out again. After flying at an amazing speed for a while, the monk suddenly stopped, frowned, and lost the look of tracking the target.

And if Weisuo and others can see this person at the moment, they must be surprised.

Because the monk, whose skin was covered with blue runes, stayed a thousand or hundreds of miles away from the cave. Weisuo launched the concentric heaven, which is the place where Linglong heaven called Yin and Yang void magic realm, to which he had temporarily stopped.

That is to say, the monk seems to have sensed the breath of Wei Suo's art. Even this kind of technique can track the track. It is only because of the function of avoiding the Immortal Jade Mountain that the monk lost his perception of Weisuo.

"Wei Suo, do you dare to come to our Yuhua family? If you dare to come, you will be destroyed both physically and mentally!"

Just as the monk lost his sense of Weisuo's breath, he began to search around again. At the same time, the monastic circles in several continents were not calm. The Yuhua family suddenly made such a public voice.

"What is the foundation of the Yuhua aristocratic family? How dare they take the initiative to challenge when the two gods fall down one after another?"

"In any case, I'm sure that I can't be the first one in this situation. It's not good to be the first one, and weissou is not a man who is afraid of things

The voice made by the Yuhua aristocratic family made many people have a lot of discussion. They thought that Weisuo's situation was very bad. In the past, the Yuhua aristocratic family not only killed Yuhua Yingtian, but also the Huangpu aristocratic family and Dahan palace, which they cooperated with, bowed to Weisuo. It can be said that the situation was extremely bad. In the outside world, the Yuhua family was the worst among all the super powers, but I didn't expect that Yuhua aristocratic family was the first to make such a sound.

Coincidentally, not long after the Yuhua aristocratic family made such a sound, Su Shenxue of Huatian religion also appeared in public and issued the same voice, "Wei Suo, dare to fight alone, I will kill you!"

When Su Shenxue appeared, all the great forces found that Su Shenxue had reached the middle stage of Shenxuan triple cultivation.

"The eye of the evil king, he must have made the eye of the evil king into the same magic weapon as the crown of the evil king in ancient times. Maybe he has prepared more than this one!" However, such cultivation alone is not enough to counter the present Weisuo, let alone kill him. Soon, someone made an inference and speculated that Su Shenxue is one of the most important treasures in the bottom of the box.

It is no secret that Wei Suo, yinlihua and Linglong Tian were also present at the meeting of Huatian grand League.

The eye of the evil king is the eye of the one eyed evil king of the ancient beast in the ancient abyss. It is a kind of material that can be used to refine the powerful magic weapon to hurt the spiritual consciousness of the friars. According to the records, more than 5000 years ago, a talented friar in Yunling land got an eye of evil king, and later refined it into a "crown of evil king". In a long period of time, many accomplishments surpassed him The monks did not dare to fight against him.

This evil king's eye is of course priceless, but it is very difficult to refine it into an instrument. Judging from the current situation, Su Shenxue may have refined this thing into a powerful magic weapon like the crown of evil king.

Not only do you have to worry about the divine consciousness's counterattack, but the opponent can't stop it. It can take the enemy's opportunity, and instantly damage the opponent's divine consciousness, making the opponent unable to cast the magic. If he launches a powerful inheritance magic weapon, it is very likely to kill Weisuo.

"Wei Suo's situation is getting worse and worse. I'm afraid he can't cope with so many people's encirclement and killing at the same time even when he reaches Shenxuan Wuzhong."And let a lot of people sigh is, next, there are a lot of extremely unfavorable news to Weisuo.

One of the magic powers of Daxi sect in the mainland of Tianxia should be the nun Hei Bodhi, who was far above the prince wanhuang, officially accepted the marriage of wanhuang palace and officially declared to be a Taoist partner with Prince wanhuang. This shows that another super power has joined in the strangulation of Weisuo.

At the same time, in a few days, there was also a breakthrough of the golden elixir and a breakthrough of Shenxuan in Yuheng.

These two differences show that there are friars in the underworld sect who have broken through from the golden elixir to Shenxuan and then from Shenxuan to Shenxuan.

Although the double cultivation of Shenxuan is nothing to Weisuo's current opponents, the strange appearance of Zhongtian zilei sect last time is enough to show that the Zhongtian zilei patriarch who was smashed half of his head by Wei Suo has broken through to Shenxuan quadruple. However, such an amazing speed of breakthrough also shows that these super powers have launched fierce attacks, and all the details have been used, It's amazing. And now it's these super powers that are doing this, using thousands of years of accumulation to create gods.


When these news came out one after another, Wei Suo and others had successfully met with Yuanyin ancestor, fengwucang and Yuhuang immortal according to the previous agreement. When Feng wucang and others came back from the Tianxuan continent, they not only brought many water demon pills and miraculous drugs to Weisuo, but also brought dozens of things that could be used to resist the natural calamities. During this period, Weisuo went out alone several times, and got the news.

During this period of time, Weisuo has successfully condensed a magical pattern of "tianyingfanxin" of the witch goddess, and put it into his body with the immortal holy King's Sutra.

After this divine pattern was completed in Weisuo's body, most of the Dharma power was concentrated in Weisuo's heart, but it made Weisuo's heart and other important parts stronger and stronger. This made Weisuo's heart pulse really like the dragon's heart. When it was violently moved, it could stimulate several percent more Qi and blood than usual, making the reaction and strength of the body more amazing.

Ever since Weisuo captured dengxianzong and sent out the battle book of the God King of the fire domain, Weisuo's magic power during this period of time is completely like volcanic eruption.

If we were to face the emperor at that time, we might be able to kill him.

But the opponent is also obviously seizing time, in the face of this one after another news, Weisuo still has a feeling that he can't keep up with his opponent's pace.

As time goes on, opponents who could easily be killed have grown into opponents who are very threatening to him, and even some of them can compete with him alone. At present, this situation is indeed more and more unfavorable to him. Moreover, Wei Suo can be sure that, before long, even the magic weapon of avoiding xianyushan will not be able to completely hide their traces.

If they go on like this, they will inevitably be defeated. Now the only thing that can rely on, and who is likely to pull back such an unfavorable situation, is the ciphertext on the piece of mixed gold and see if they can get some amazing fortune in the place Linglong Tian said.

But now, I can't be anxious. The interpretation of the ciphertext on the mixed gold fragments in Donglai secret land is extremely complicated. It takes more than ten days for others to figure out how to interpret the ciphertext. However, the witch maiden can only interpret the ciphertext directly. According to the estimation, it is only more than ten days. Therefore, other people can't help at all. It's better for the witch to interpret the ciphertext alone hurry up. The place mentioned by Linglong Tian is likely to be extremely dangerous. Therefore, according to the arrangement of Linglong Tian, Wei Suo keeps on refining the divine pattern of Yuanyin ancestor, and another complex divine pattern left by Huang Daojun.

For three days in a row, with the cooperation of Yuanyin ancestors, Weisuo finally successfully condensed the "lawless and unconstrained" divine pattern. After the complete carving of this divine pattern, it was strange to see that some Qi and blood in Wei Suo's body did not follow the original path, some seemed to take a shortcut, some penetrated into the original places, some had original Qi and blood harmony In the places where there was little infiltration of Shenxuan Yuanqi, a large amount of infiltration was also obtained, which greatly increased Wei Suo's energy, and even Yang Yuan and Shen consciousness got a lot of growth.

In the next three days, Weisuo successfully condensed another divine pattern of Huang Daojun. After this divine pattern was successfully engraved, it made the water spirit in Wei Suo's body wash faster.

The ancient holy King's Scripture is indeed the supreme powerful Dharma. The Dharma domain power formed by each divine pattern makes the body stronger and stronger, just like forging stronger divine iron, but it also brings many subtle changes. It is really like adding a magic array to the body of a magic weapon.

"My husband Don't waste time. It's good to do it But it's too shameful... " Next, in order to save time, she guided her to double practice and improve the power of the Yin and Yang void devil Kingdom, while reading the ciphertext at the same time. On the one hand, we have to read the ciphertext carefully, but at the same time we have to double practice This kind of thing is fragrant and gorgeous, and it makes the witch girl shy. She can't help saying such a thing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!