Chapter 1076

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
There was a sudden change in vissault's view.

He was actually placed in a precipitous mountain, mountain peaks, hundreds of miles square.

Overhead, it seems that it is not the water, but the night outside.

The prohibition of the great killing heaven cave is extremely unique. Even the array eyes are touched by the mechanism. There was no fluctuation of vitality, which made it difficult for friars to find out. In addition, the prohibition is to project all the scenery on the surface of the water one by one. In the hundreds of miles, you can clearly see every move outside.

There was no time to lament this strange and extreme prohibition. Weisuo immediately opened his mind and quickly looked around.

It was just a breath, and his face immediately filled with a look of disbelief.

According to the detailed description on the gold scroll given to him by Linglong Tian, there are not only a lot of Dharma arrays for Da Shitian to gather unique vitality for cultivation, but also a number of medium and long-distance transmission arrays, including at least 100 temples and all kinds of spiritual flowers and wood.

After entering the cave of killing heaven through the outside array eyes, you should be in a receiving platform, which has a spiritual prohibition.

Linglong Tian just describes that the aura ban is a golden aura. Only Da Shitian knows how to untie it. Even if she comes in, she has to crack it forcefully. However, Wei Suo's current cultivation should be able to break into the aura ban.

But at present, Weisuo is really in a square ancient platform of refined gold. But now this strange light blue ancient platform of refined gold has been seriously damaged and split into more than ten pieces. There is no any spiritual restraint around the ancient platform.

At the moment, there are also huge pits and cracks in this cave, which can be hundreds of miles round. Even a few of the mountains are not large, but the mountains that should have been very steep have collapsed.

Half of the mountain, even like a broken flying sword, was inserted upside down in front of Wei Suo's body less than a hundred feet.

Apart from the fact that the two temples on one of the hills looked in good condition, all the others were completely damaged.

In the thick layer of floating dust on the ground, there are many bright things, all of which are fragments of some crystal stones and jade.

All this seemed shocking, which made Weisuo even think of Beimang ruins for the first time.

Obviously, there must have been a great war here. As for the number of people fighting, it is not clear for the time being. However, from the edge of some pits and deep marks on the ground, some ordinary soil even crystallized by impact, and even with the pattern of hundred forged steel, the power of both sides of the fight must be earth shaking.

Wei Suo's eyes flickered in disbelief, and the divine sense swept quickly.

Within the whole hundred miles, there was a dead silence, without any vitality. But when the divine consciousness swept to the two temples on one of the mountains, his eyebrows immediately jumped again, and his eyes immediately fixed on the two temples.

When his divinity touched the two temples, he was bounced out and could not be penetrated. It was obvious that there were at least prohibitions around the two temples to prevent the exploration of divine consciousness, which were still intact.

The two temples are silver white and square. One of them is obviously the main hall with two floors, while the other is on the left with only one floor. It should be a side hall. From the appearance, there is no entrance gate. If you want to enter, you should also enter through the main hall. But these two still intact temples are flashing a layer of pure gold, the whole body is made of some kind of silver white refined gold.

Pause in place, eyes flash for a while, see Weisuo as if made up his mind, hands slightly move, "hiss!" "Hiss!" Two air crack sound, two only my heart sword toward the two silver white temples in the past.



Two bright flames burst out on the surface of the two silver white temples, but the fire disappeared. It seems that there is not even a scratch left on the two places hit by the only sword of my heart.

As soon as he sent out two swords, Weisuo was ready to run away.

However, in the silver white palace, there was still a dead silence, and there was no abnormality in the hundreds of miles of square circle full of huge pits and cracks.

After a slight hesitation, Weisuo's figure moved and swept slowly towards the two silver white temples.

After a few decades of flying forward, Wei Suo found that above the gate of the main hall, there were three reliefs of the same color, silver and white, which seemed to be the characters of the spirit clan. I don't know what they mean.

These three characters are not big, they are all several feet square in size, but the whole body is emitting a fierce light, as if sealed with some powerful divine power. Weisuo only looked for a long time, and there was a tingling feeling in his eyes.

Weisuo continued to move forward cautiously. All of a sudden, what made him stand up suddenly was that not far in front of him, behind a broken mountain lying on the ground, there was a figure sitting on the ground!"Shua!"

Wei Suo was even more startled. He almost directly used the hole empty footwork. The first step out was that the figure sitting on the ground suddenly flashed a layer of bronze. Among the bronze colored lights, if there are ancient characters flashing. A palpitating breath spread rapidly.

"It's not a living thing."

There was a chill in weissou's heart, but he calmed down at once.

Although the figure was like rotten wood and stone before, he did not find any abnormality when he scanned it. Now there is a palpitating breath spreading, but there is no strong fluctuation of vitality, no breath of Qi and blood, and no feeling of divine sense sweeping.

"It is my breath that arouses the reaction of the robe on my body. It seems that this robe can sense the fluctuation of vitality and protect the Lord automatically."

Weisuo soon felt that the bronze light was completely from the body of the figure, but his expression became more dignified. He reached for a flame and lit it in front of the figure.

Although it was just the reaction of the robe, the breath that rippled on the robe made him feel very frightened. No matter whether the figure was alive or dead, the cultivation of this figure must be above him.

In the light of the fire, Weisuo immediately saw the figure.

This is a dead corpse that has been completely sat down. The flesh and blood of the whole body has disappeared, leaving only a pale yellow skeleton, but Weisuo's look is still not relaxed.

This pale yellow skeleton will never give him more than ten thousand years. That is to say, this man fell here in the past ten thousand years, and although his flesh and blood have been turned into light, a pale yellow skeleton still flickers with faint light under the light of fire, which is like a divine jade. His accomplishments and supernatural powers must be extraordinary.

How could such a monk sit here?

"With writing?"

Weisuo looked at the dead bone carefully, hoping to find some clues from some things left by him. The style of the robe on this dead bone is very simple, with a high standing collar and a very long hem. The material is not gold or jade. It seems that there is no damage at all. On the bronze robe, there are all the talismans in the shape of a nine legged god bird. Weisuo had never heard of it, nor had he seen it recorded in any ancient books. Almost at the moment when he glanced at the robe on the dead bone, his eyes immediately flashed violently. He saw that the floating soil on the ground in front of the dead bone seemed to sink slightly in some places, as if some handwriting was engraved on it.


Without the slightest pause, Weisuo immediately took care of a surge of water spirit, and washed away the floating dust in front of the dead body.

"Wu Nai Dong"

three crooked characters appeared in front of Wei Suo immediately.

Weisuo's brow wrinkled at once, and could not help but glance around.

These three characters are obviously like that the monk who is sitting here wants to explain his identity, or he may want to explain what happened here, or he wants to leave some last words. However, only these three words are left, but it is the end of his time to sit here. With these three words alone, no one can infer the identity of this person and what happened.

After seeing that there were no other traces around, Weisuo sent out a stream of real yuan, and carefully removed the ancient bronze robes on the dead bones.

This robe is very heavy. I don't know what kind of material it is made of. It weighs at least hundreds of Jin. However, there is no treasure bag in the robe. Except for this robe, there is not even a magic weapon or other objects around the dead bone.

This made weissou's brows more locked.

If all the nabao sachets and other things were killed and taken away by his opponent after the monk's fall, why did he leave this robe?

Although Weisuo has not yet determined the level of this robe, he can be sure that it will not be lower than that of the Banxian stage just because of the faint copper color and luster still flashing on the robe.


After taking a deep breath, Weisuo didn't rush forward towards the two nearly perfect silver white temples. Instead, he encouraged the spirit of water to wash away all the floating dust within the radius of more than a few hundred miles around the dead bone.


Weisuo lit hundreds of flames, illuminating the whole area as if it were daylight, and he soon found that, in addition to the amazing fighting marks, there was a deep hole the size of a soybean. The pit seemed to have been melted by some fiery, raindrop sized spray. , the fastest update of the webnovel!