Chapter 1087

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The corpse of the ancient emperor and the four armed famine clan are the real immortal level existence. Although the body of one is declining and the Qi and blood of Zhenyuan are exhausted, and the other is that the life of the immortal is approaching and the devil is reincarnated, they are not as powerful as they were in their heyday. However, the powerful skills, the control of the rules of vitality, and the speed of casting are beyond the reach of the Shenxuan friars. This is when the Yuhua family is surprised Two powerful beings have already met each other several times.

These four indigo blue ancient soldiers, which represent the different powers of the legal domain, emerged from the hands of the four armed barbarians in succession. The shooting stars chased the moon and hit the corpse of the ancient emperor.

Almost at the same time, a towering magic power is constantly rising in the sky. It turns out that another blue mountain with seven mountains has evolved in the sky, rippling with many star energy, which seems to be connected with all kinds of star power, and is suppressed from the air.

Now Wei Suo is completely afraid to make any movement and reveal any breath. Otherwise, with this skill of the four arm barren people, he can use the skill of Tian Long group star quenching to absorb a lot of star energy to refine his body.

Even though the ancient emperor's corpse had been rowed with one arm, it turned out that Wei Suo and Linglong Tian had never seen before. It seems that the ferocity of the four armed barbarians also brought about a crisis of extinction of both the body and the spirit, and awakened some memories and miracles.

Pieces of gray ancient characters pour out in the void, drawing out countless rules of vitality. Giant imperial chariots are constantly rushing out of the void. At the same time, the top of the imperial chariots is also constantly evolving into a simple and simple dagger with a handle, which is like a forest. In an instant, it gives people the feeling that there is an ancient army that directly breaks through time and space.

A vast expanse of emptiness is annihilated, but there is no huge sound, but even the sound waves are completely shattered and annihilated in the two surging majestic powers. The overwhelming real immortal breath is completely suffocating.


The faces of the owner of the Yuhua aristocratic family and the six old antiques, as well as Zhantai Linglan and Tianhuo Shenjun, were all white, and their souls seemed to rush out from the top of their heads.

Under the constant collision between the two sides of Shenwei, the body of the ancient emperor was rushed back and forth. It seems that Weisuo has broken through the real immortal, and has been able to suppress the body of the ancient emperor?

"This is a dead immortal! What kind of people do you dare to control such a dead immortal against me At this time, the big energy of the four armed famine clan was roaring.

"No, this poor man is not a brainless one. He feels strange all of a sudden!" This four armed barbarian's great energy didn't know what kind of technique he used. He directly spilled his own consciousness. The voice covered thousands of miles, almost directly in people's minds. The level of consciousness sounded. All the people on Weisuo's side were upset. They were afraid that when both sides talked, they would find out that they wanted to find Weisuo's trouble and join hands On the contrary, he is completely dead.

"No! This man doesn't seem to be weisseau

"What's going on?" On the side of Yuhua aristocratic family, they were all extremely alert people. At the moment, when they heard the powerful voice of the four armed barbarians, they were all shocked and realized something was wrong.


At this time, however, a more terrifying Qi machine came out. The corpse of the ancient emperor opened his mouth and spurted out a gray light, just like two stars rotating. It turned out that two yin-yang fish formed and a pure gray Taiji diagram evolved.

As soon as this Tai Chi diagram evolved, the real world lost its color, and the sun and moon were completely turned grey within a radius of ten thousand miles.

"Roar!" With a fierce roar, all the fangs of the four armed barbarian were exposed. All the Dharma powers he produced were smashed in this instant. Even his body was fixed in the air by a powerful power which reached the extreme, just like a painting hanging in the void.

With the powerful roar of the four armed barbarian, the indigo blue light with the thickness of seven thumbs appeared in his seven orifices, which seemed to evolve into a more powerful divine realm.

But the corpse of the ancient emperor cast his magic faster than he did. When the seven lights of the four armed barbarian power just burst out of the seven orifices, the two black divine lights from the eyes of the ancient emperor's corpse had penetrated through the void, and directly penetrated into the void in front of the power of the four armed barbarians, hitting the chest of the great power of the four armed barbarians!

"Hiss!" "Hiss!"

Just like two regiments of frozen oil melting, the two black lights of the ancient emperor's corpse directly pierced the chest of the four armed barbarian nationality's great energy, and came out from behind, bringing out two holes about the size of cup cups. And all of us can see that there is a circle of black power spreading rapidly along this wound. It seems that the power of the four armed barbarians will be completely dyed black.


Seeing such a scene, Wei Suo's side and Yuhua family's side were surprised and pleased.

Wei Suo's surprise was that he was afraid that the big Neng of the four armed barbarians would be killed at once, and the corpses of the ancient emperor would find their traces. However, the happiness of the Yuhua family was that no matter what the oddities of the four armed barbarian Daneng were, in any case, they would be killed directly.

"Chi!"At this time, the seven indigo lights from the powerful seven orifices of the four armed barbarians finally formed. In the void, a huge demon God with 32 arms and three heads turned out to worship the corpse of the ancient emperor.


This dharma seems to have evolved a part of the power of the strongest ancestor of the barbarian people, as Linglong Tian said. When the huge demon God formed by the indigo light worshipped, all the powers in front of the ancient emperor's corpse, including the Taiji map that changed the color of heaven and earth, and the sun and moon were all shattered, as if there was an irresistible historical torrent, The whole body of the corpse of the ancient emperor was shot back thousands of feet in an instant. The bronze armor on the body was also rattling, and the lines of gods cracked and split.

"Poof!" In the shrill roar of the four armed barbarians, four arms pressed on their chest, and pieces of flesh and blood flew out. It was actually hard to suppress the power of the two black lights spreading from the corpse of the ancient emperor. However, the wound was even bigger, and two holes as big as bowl mouth were opened. For ordinary monks, such a heavy blow would have died long ago.


At this moment, the powerful eyes of the four armed barbarians were nailed to the fallen body of the ancient emperor. Among the broken bronze armor, a thread of blue light flashed out. It was the divine medicine that shocked Wei Suo and Linglong Tian.


In the eyes of the four armed barbarians, an extremely greedy look flashed in an instant, like the rising sun, chasing the corpse of the ancient emperor.

"It seems that the great power of the wild people knows the origin of this divine medicine! What is the amazing origin of this miracle medicine This move, let Wei Suo and Linglong day can not help but look at each other, from each other's eyes to see this meaning.

"Ah! Who the hell are you? We are here to hang Weisuo. If you are not on his side, we have no intention of fighting against you

At the same time, the owner of the Yuhua aristocratic family, who thought it was a sure bet, and didn't even care about the power of the four armed barbarians, and the six old Yuhua aristocratic family's Antiques, all turned pale and yelled with trembling.

"You are also the enemy of weissou?" I don't know whether it was the mysterious great energy who was not familiar with the cold land and didn't know the mountain gate and these people of the Yuhua family, or whether the wild race power just got most of the memory of that great power. At the moment, it made such a sound, which reverberated in everyone's mind.

"If you don't want to fight against me, it's easy to hand over this immortal corpse." Among the seven orifices of the four armed barbarians, seven indigo lights were sent out again, and the conditions were also stated.

"Master, your condition is too harsh. If the elder is our same front, if we offend the elder, we are willing to replace it with other conditions!" The owner of Yuhua aristocratic family and six old antiques all yelled. How dare they dare? Although they don't know the origin of the wild people's power, they have blue body and four arms. They are like demons. They are extremely terrible and magical. If they hand over the corpses of the ancient emperor, they can say what they want. One idea can kill them all.

"A group of ants dare to talk so much nonsense!" The four armed barbarians sneer at each other, and once again evolves a huge shadow of the ancestors of the barbarians, worshipping the corpse of the ancient emperor.

In front of the corpse of the ancient emperor, a Tai Chi diagram appeared in front of the body, and a divine light was played in the eyes. However, all of them were still crushed into flying ash, and they were beaten upside down again. The ancient armor on the body, which was almost immortal, was completely broken, and one piece fell down. Wei Suo and linglongtian looked carefully. The body of the ancient emperor's corpse, the lower part of the body and the other half of the body were indeed not, but It's an arm. It's sure that it's already growing. The blue magic medicine on the chest keeps flashing and shining. It seems that a crystal like medicine will rush to all parts of the body of the ancient emperor and urge the body to be reborn.

The powerful eyes of the four armed barbarians are also naked nailed on the blue magic medicine. Their indigo faces are greedy and twisted, and their sharp tongues are constantly licking the corners of their mouths.

"That's it Green robe old man and Han Weiwei and others, can't help but call such a sound, Wei Suo and Linglong day and other people's hearts are also completely a loose.

As Linglong Tian and their words mentioned earlier, it may be due to many direct swallowing skills. Therefore, by the time of the first World War sixty or seventy thousand years ago, the characters of the barbarians were extremely greedy. When they saw the good things, they would plunder them regardless of who they were. It was just by using this kind of mind that the spirit clan often set traps to fight against Beimang In the past several thousand years, it also destroyed a lot of wild people.

But at the moment, just from the look on the surface, this kind of greedy nature of the wild race's power is undoubtedly revealed.

At the moment, the great power of the barbarian clan obviously did not care whether the other side was Wei Suo's enemy or friend. He was already completely for the magic medicine in the body of the ancient emperor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!