Chapter 1101

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
On Weisuo's body, the silver divine light and the red glow interweave together, rippling with the extremely cold killing intention, just like a human shaped magic weapon.

But looking at Weisuo's deception to his side, the banter on the black Bodhi mother's big face was stronger.

Then, she is also very simple, a backhand, toward Weisuo.

At the same time, the whole surface of her body suddenly turned black and red, and even her eyes became the luster of God iron. Just like this moment, she turned into a piece of Black Red God iron from inside to outside.

At the same time, a terrible Qi also came out of her eyebrows. In her eyebrows, a little scarlet light was coming out, just like a vermilion mole suddenly growing out. With this scarlet light coming out, her whole body's Qi and blood immediately seemed to boil, and then expanded at an amazing speed. This kind of feeling was as if the Qi and blood power of an ancient beast was constantly integrated into her body.

At the moment, the meaning of the banter on her face was very clear. If there was a second great power present, I'm afraid it would be obvious at a glance.

"Your accomplishments and supernatural powers are extraordinary, but it's totally wrong to rely on your physical cultivation to fight against me. What's more, your Divine sense is damaged and your casting speed is too slow." At the moment, the black Bodhi mother of heaven's big face, naked, that's what it means.

But in the moment when the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother split her hand, she changed her face in an instant.

Her playful look suddenly turned into a surprise and anger of being deceived.

Because at the moment of the electric light and flint, she found that the real target of Weisuo's attack was not her own, but the Lishan dragon turtle that she commanded!


Her hand, solid and solid split in Weisuo's chest, Weisuo's whole body, immediately flew back and forth, the whole chest collapsed completely, even his back, even showed blood light!

At this time, it was also a confrontation of physical strength. The physical strength of Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven overthrew Weisuo completely. Her arm was like a black red God iron, but she kept shaking, and there was no crack at all.

But at the moment when Weisuo was beaten upside down by her, Weisuo's blow also hit the Lishan dragon turtle under her.

The surface of this golden tortoise shaped treasure is covered with countless cracks, and one by one.


Black Bodhi mother of heaven once again bloomed with countless black lights, and countless divine patterns burst out like lightning. The image of mother of heaven, with thousands of spear shaped ancient soldiers on its back and wearing black iron clothes, instantly evolves in the void between her and Weisuo, who flies backward. The huge body has already hit Weisuo severely at the time of transformation.


A mouthful of blood mist gushed from Weisuo's mouth. Three or four blood holes the size of a bowl appeared on his body, and at the same time, he was thrown out by the huge power again.

But when another circle of surging black light turned into a fruit like light ball and hit him at the same time, his body was a powerful turn, but a fierce meal in the void. "Boom His body wrapped in the sun like light, step out, directly avoid the blow.


In the void, countless white lotus flowers are in full bloom, and Wei Suo, with blood gushing in his mouth, has just escaped the attack of the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, and immediately becomes the immortal Dharma Realm.


Another image of mother of heaven with thousands of spear like ancient soldiers on its back was revealed in the void, which instantly smashed the power of the immortal kingdom. However, this powerful power failed to sweep Weisuo this time. Weisuo stepped back again, and thousands of flying swords whirled back, forming a torrent at his feet.


Another strong power came from the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, but a purple light swept out of Weisuo's body. The powerful power of black Bodhi's mother just swept the edge of the sword flow, and let thousands of flying swords send out a plaintive cry and fly out.

That is to say, the distance between Weisuo and Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven has opened 500 Li.

"Do you think you can get away from me like this?" The black Bodhi heavenly mother suddenly stopped casting and made such a sound.

The distance of 500 Li and the speed of the empty footwork can make up for the difference of casting speed caused by the divine consciousness of both sides. The mother of heaven of Hei Bodhi knows that even if she casts again, she will never hit Weisuo.

A man who had already captured himself suddenly knocked off his magic weapon and escaped again. This made the black face of the black Bodhi heavenly mother even darker. His face was as black as clouds, and his heart was filled with anger.

But what made her even more angry was that Weisuo didn't even answer, and didn't make any sound. He regarded her as a dead thing. He just kept moving away from here.

"Boom "Boom "Boom!"Weisuo continued to launch the hole empty footwork, and swept out more than 4000 Li in one breath. In his sight, he could not see any escaping light from the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother. After that, his body suddenly shook and fell to the ground.

As soon as he fell to the ground, Weisuo almost lost his legs and fell to the ground.

now the damage of the flesh is still in the second place. The essence of life in the root of the sacred tree of God is constantly repairing the wounds of his body, and under the strong vitality of his body, this injury which is enough to make other monks fall directly is not enough to cause his body to decay.

But his psychic trauma, at the moment, is extremely serious.

At the moment, he had a splitting headache, even to a point where he could not make him think clearly. It was like the divine consciousness in his body was constantly exploding, with a piercing pain, constantly exploding.

If he does not keep his mind warm, his divine consciousness will probably suffer irreparable damage, or even a substantial decline. Divine consciousness, can be said to be the inner "true eye" of a monk, is to spy on himself and the mysteries of heaven and earth, and to dispatch all the things of a monk. If he suffers irreparable damage, it will have a great impact on his future cultivation.

"Huchi ~ ~"

but after a sharp gasp, Weisuo, who recovered a little bit of normal ability, did not stop at all, and immediately jumped up again.

"I can't believe her Vajra is so powerful that my body can't resist her

Just now, he had a good plan. If he wanted to escape from the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother and win some time for himself, he had to defeat the magic weapon. Otherwise, with the escape speed of the magic weapon, even if he could open a distance of thousands of miles, the other party could catch up quickly. He had no chance to breathe and recover his divine consciousness.

And now such a distance, he also knows that it is not safe.

At the beginning, when he took out the Dharma clothes of Donghuang patriarch, he was reminded by Linglong heaven that there was a strong Dharma of Vajra outside the Dharma, and that Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven had been practicing Dharma outside Dharma. Moreover, the time of practicing Hei Bodhi's Heavenly Mother was far longer than that of him, and his physical body might be more horizontal than him. Therefore, he took out the most powerful Dharma suit on his body. After that, he immediately put it away because he was lucky and thought that he would not bring any magic weapon outside his body, close his orifices, and jump with his physical strength without any residual vitality. Could he escape from the tracking of the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother. However, later, Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven was soon tracked down. This only shows that Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven must have a magic weapon similar to the Wanli shadow seeking mirror. It should not be of any use to use Dacheng deception Sutra to transform into a separate body.

At present, the physical strength of Hei Bodhi's Heavenly Mother is still beyond his imagination. She obviously has a powerful secret method to instantly stimulate Qi and blood in her body and increase her Qi and blood strength several times in an instant. This kind of secret method can make her already strong beyond Weisuo's body, and in an instant burst out more terrifying destructive power than her jurisdiction.

He has no ability to compete with Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven. If he is found, he will be killed or even captured alive!

Fortunately, he still has some medicine for recuperating the mind and consciousness. From those families, he has also obtained some techniques that can be used to warm and nourish the mind.

After dozens of jumps in succession, Wei Suo, whose mind was almost restored, immediately swallowed several miracles. While continuing to jump and refine for a while, he immediately used the hole empty footwork to escape. After performing six or seven times of cave empty footwork, when he felt that he could no longer support him, he fell to the ground again and kept jumping and refining the elixir Hard way to go.

After half a day, he finally got out of the sky and entered the wilderness between the cold land and the flowing fire land.

As for escaping by using the teleportation array, although Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven has long been on guard, he never thought that he could not support him at any time and fall down completely. He did not think that he would find a correct direction first, so that the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother could not catch up with him.

After driving out forty or fifty thousand miles, there was no ice and snow in sight. All the mountains were extremely green and covered with ancient trees. Wei Suo fell down in a valley covered with miasma. With his physical strength, he dug out a corridor more than 1000 feet deep along a crack in the mountain. After that, he could no longer support it and sat down.

At the moment, his body has recovered to seventy-eight, but his divine consciousness has reached the limit. If he does not stop to rest, his divine consciousness will surely suffer irreparable heavy damage in the future, and I am afraid that he will be unable to perform any skills, even his consciousness will be difficult to clear.


As soon as he sat down, Weisuo swallowed the last three remaining miracles of warming and nourishing the mind and consciousness. At the same time, he also immediately closed his eyes. According to a known technique, he guided Qi and blood and true elements by breathing, shook the body, and warmed the spirit by subtle means.

After thousands of breaths, he managed to overcome the unspeakable pain and enter the meditation required by the technique. Except for a slight breath, the whole person was completely dead and motionless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!