Chapter 1109

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Heaven and earth This thing is... " Weisuo's eyes had been fixed on the gray bracelet on his hand, but his whole person was still completely frozen, and the complete cold in his body had not subsided.

The gray bracelet is dark and dull, and the material looks not gold or jade, which is not surprising.

At that moment, the power of the sky was just like the sea drowning everything. Weisuo could feel it. With the power of the gray bracelet, it was impossible to resist. What's more, the gray Bracelet lost the imperial envoy of Linglong heaven, and did not burst out any strong power at all.

The moment the bracelet faced destruction, the Qi it sent out was obviously not confrontation. It seemed to be a kind of awe and worship.

But the power of the sky seems to have sensed this breath. It didn't destroy everything, and far away from his side, he avoided thousands of feet!

What does this gray Bracelet have to do with the sky?

There are many secrets in Linglong sky, but Wei Suo can at least be sure that Linglong sky is not pretended and the times are so far apart. If there is any direct connection between Linglong heaven and the sky, Weisuo can't believe it.

How could that happen?

"No way! It's impossible. How can this happen? How can you have a magic weapon that can resist the power of the sky On the ground in front of him, the goddess of black Bodhi kept screaming wildly.

This scream, however, made Weisuo's eyebrows jump and revive.

No matter what the grey Bracelet had to do with the sky, he was alive at the moment, and in the message sent to him by Linglong Tian, he had clearly told him that the gray bracelet was only her spiritual family could use, and there was no meaning in exploring it.

A cold glance just swept to the black Bodhi heavenly mother who was lying on the ground and could not move. As if he had been completely crazy, he was still screaming. At the next moment, with a bang, he had already crossed the void. Not far from the front of the black Bodhi mother, he caught the black Bodhi mother in front of him.

At the moment, the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother has completely lost its original image. She is very miserable. Her whole body seems to have been cut once with a sharp blade. There are all cracks. Moreover, most of her hair has been cut off and her hair is dishevelled, just like an old ghost woman.

And even the energy fluctuation is completely gone. Weisuo just grabs it at will and is forced by Weinan. She can't even call out. She just clucks in her throat and bleeds in her mouth.

"If you want to die more happily, you'd better answer me truthfully if I ask you. I've collected and scraped many kinds of skills that I don't know. For Yin corpse sect alone, there are at least dozens of techniques that you can't survive or die. "

Weisuo took a picture of Hei Bodhi's mother without stopping. After looking at the position, he fell on the ground again. He grabbed an old vine nearby and dragged it like a stone. He grasped the treasure bag of Hei Bodhi's mother in his hand. At the same time, he used his physical strength to plunder toward the sky.

Now, among all the great powers that surrounded him, he was the most threatening one. He had to escape before. He captured Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven, who had no power to fight in the first World War, was captured by him. He was ready to go straight into the sky, walk through the wasteland within the sky, and move towards the direction of the eternal glacier, so as to save time.

At the moment, the cultivation of Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven has been abandoned, and she has played out most of her Qi and blood. However, Wei Suo feels that her physical vitality is still very strong. Even if she is dragged by him, she will never die.

"Dead? I'm afraid of death even though my accomplishments have been exhausted? " As soon as the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother was dragged behind by Weisuo with an old vine, she also knew that Weisuo was deliberately humiliated, but instead she gave out a shrill laugh.

Weisuo's eyes flashed with cold light. He didn't even look back at the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother. He moved his hands directly. Dozens of green flames shot out of his hands and penetrated into the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother's body.

He was chased by the black Bodhisattva mother before, and now time is extremely important to him. Being chased by the black Bodhi mother consumes so much time. He has already hated the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother and won't have any hands at all.

"Ah Ah Ah Oh Oh... "

However, Wei Suo couldn't help but turn to see the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother. After being infiltrated by his Yin corpse sect's method of boiling corpse oil, the black Bodhi heavenly mother didn't give out the shocking scream he expected, instead, he made a very enjoyable voice.

I saw black Bodhi mother's flesh was shaking, but the expression on her face was really not even a trace of pain, but it was very happy.

"How hard is that?" Weisuo's brow suddenly and fiercely frowned. His Taoist technique has been used to deal with several people, and has been tried repeatedly. However, the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother was not moved at all.

Between frowning, Weisuo reached out and even flicked. Several yellow light balls disappeared into the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother's body.

"Ah! Ah! Oh OhBut what made him even more unbelievable was that his ban, which was also extremely powerful, penetrated into the body of the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother. On the contrary, the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother was more comfortable and excited, and even the voice was a little harsh, and it did not look like it was pretended to be.

Wei Suo, who could not think of it, played several brilliant lights and eliminated the two prohibitions. The cry of the black Bodhi heavenly mother disappeared. In a violent gasp, however, the black Bodhi heavenly mother laughed grimly. "Wei Suo, I might as well tell you that every one of our Hei Zong's own disciples will be carried out by the patriarch himself as soon as he is selected to be a true disciple Mo Ding Li is a unique prohibition. The more painful it is, the more comfortable it is in divine consciousness. You can continue to concoct me. On the contrary, I want to thank you and die comfortably! "

"What?" Weisuo couldn't help being stunned. If he wasn't in a heavy mood at the moment, his heart was just full of Mori cold killing intention. Otherwise, he would be unable to help laughing. Isn't this a masochist? The more abused, the happier.

For a moment, Wei Suo felt helpless. He ignored the black Bodhi heavenly mother first, reached out a little, and opened the treasure bag of the black Bodhi heavenly mother first, and took out all the things inside.

Although he has already won at the moment, after the whole night's fierce fighting, his divine consciousness is even worse. If he can't get any miraculous medicine that can greatly warm up the divine consciousness in a short time, his divine consciousness will certainly form some permanent damage.

As soon as the nabao bag of heibodhi Tianmu was opened, Weisuo's pupil shrank violently.

Compared with the things in his nabao bracelet, the contents in the Hei Bodhi Heavenly Mother's nabao bag are very few. There are almost no spirit stones and pills. In total, there are only more than 20 magic weapons and some refining materials. However, most of them have extraordinary breath. They are obviously ancient treasures and ancient magic weapons left over from ancient times Besides the Sutra and weft plate introduced by the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, most of the other patterns are very strange, and they can not be used at all.

At the moment, the old man in green robe and Linglong heaven are not around. Even if Weisuo can use the things on hand to try to find out the imperial emissary method of these things, it is not easy to try them, because most of them are magic weapons. Once stimulated, the power may be completely exhausted. Moreover, no one knows what the purpose is and what kind of reaction will be produced after stimulation.

These things are obviously not ordinary products. There may be amazing inheritance tools among them. But as long as the black Bodhi heavenly mother doesn't speak, Weisuo can't use these things. Moreover, there is no miraculous medicine to warm up the mind and consciousness in the nabao bag of Hei Bodhi Heavenly Mother.

"Well, don't you recognize these things?" The subtle change of Weisuo's face also fell into the eyes of Hei Bodhi's mother. She immediately gave out a grim laugh. "You never want to know the use of these things, and it's useless to get them. I'm afraid it will be cheaper for those people who will kill you next."

"I might as well tell you that Su Shenxue, Wang Wuyi, Tianjiu and even the Lord of the holy King clan have something to deal with you. You are doomed to be a lost dog! Now all your Taoist partners and Yuanyin ancestors have been collected. The news that you are like a lost dog has been spread all over the world. Do you think you won? Do not know when you die, what will be the scene, how miserable Ha ha ha ha ha After a pause, the black Bodhi mother of heaven is more arrogant, laughing all over the cracks are trembling.

"Are you finished? Now that you've finished, it's up to me Weisuo has been just cold looking at the black Bodhi mother of heaven, from her laughter, Weisuo is also able to get a lot of information he wants to know. When the laughter of Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven stopped laughing, Wei Suo reached out a little. First, he pointed out several crystal stones that were completely transparent and had a little purple luster on the surface under the refraction of sunlight. "Black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, I do not know most of your things, but with your knowledge, you should know this kind of crystal?"

"Shadow crystal?" On the face of Hei Bodhi's mother of heaven, there was a look of ridicule. "This kind of crystal can record some pictures continuously. Do you want to use this crystal to record the process of tormenting me and flow into the cultivation world to humiliate me? Do you think I'm afraid of your tactics? And in your present situation, you may be killed soon. Even if you have this crystal stone, you will not be able to spread it out. Wang Wuyi and his group of people will never allow anything that can promote your reputation to spread out. "

"There is still a little left in the bottle, but it should be enough. I don't know if you recognize this kind of thing? " Weisuo did not answer. He took a cold look at the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, and pointed a bottle of Dan bottle in front of the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother.

"Tian Yun Jing? What do you want to do? " The black Bodhi Heavenly Mother saw the bottle that Weisuo had pointed out, but she changed her face completely. Her whole body trembled, and the look of ridicule on her face turned into fright.

"If I put this on you, there should be countless monsters interested in you?" Weisuo took a look at the sky not far ahead. He said plainly and coldly, "you can enter the sky at once, and it should not be too far away from the inner friar city. At that time, as long as I paint this thing on you inside, I should also be able to start a small scale animal tide. And the center of the small-scale animal tide will be you. "After a pause, Weisuo looked at the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, who had completely changed color. "I don't know what kind of expression those monks of the lonely cold continent who came to exterminate the demons and snatch the benefits would look like when they saw you inside? And someone should be able to pick up the Shadow crystal that I put there, recording the process, right? With your body, you must bear how many monsters, should have no problem, will not fall? I really want to know if you will be so comfortable under the prohibition of Da Xi Zong. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!