Chapter 1121

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"The more life and death of the mind..."

Jingnian mind sword, this ancient Scripture and the fire of the cave, also let Wei Suo feel deeply shocked.

It can be said that even if the East Tathagata did not leave the sacred fire in the cave, from this ancient Sutra, Wei Suo can get the same feeling as seeing the fire in the cave.

What's more, the records of spirit and ideas in this ancient Scripture are deeper and broader than those of the fire in the cave.

When Wei Suo saw the text of the ancient Sutra at the first sight, he had a thorough feeling that the state of the man who created this tranquil mind sword was much higher than that of the East Buddha.

The East Tathagata has reached the point of self creation and self-improvement. In such an understanding, if he did not fall into the great killing heaven cave, his future achievements would be more than the first-class figures of ordinary real immortals.

At the beginning of this article, we can directly say that powerful ideas can even transcend life and death. Will is the foundation of everything. There are some things that people can't do because one's will can't do them, so they can't really do them.

That is to say, at the beginning of this ancient Scripture, people feel that there is nothing impossible in this world.

The impact on Weisuo is too great.

This is just like a person born to know that stones are heavier than water, and that they will sink when they are placed on the water. Their innate consciousness is that ordinary stones cannot float on water.

However, this ancient Sutra says that any practice is against the heaven and breaks the law of heaven, just as a person can only live for a hundred years at most, but a monk can only live for hundreds or even thousands of years. It is because you think that the stone will sink and the stone will sink.

It's like you feel like you're going to die if you're beaten to a certain point, and that's why you die. This ancient Scripture is a complete subversion. From the beginning, it means that life and death are not determined by the principle accepted in human consciousness. The key lies in whether your spirit and will are strong enough to break the established rules.

Even if the body collapses, you don't have to look for a new body to take over. You can even reshape the body with a strong mind, or you can directly break the rules of vitality. Just by the mind, you can not be consumed, and you can also live forever.

And the following text also describes that powerful ideas can penetrate the void and change the rules of vitality.

This kind of description is far beyond the realm of Dongtian Shenhuo and today's monastic world, which can divide the mind, leaving behind a section of God like the sword King ancestor, completely against the heaven.

However, the first chapter of this article is extremely adverse to the heaven, which makes Weisuo feel very peaceful. It is like a person quietly explaining the original truth, telling the world that everything is equal, heaven, earth and all laws are equal with others, and no one is superior to others.

All things are equal and equal with heaven and earth. If there is no such natural truth in his heart, how can a monk be detached from the world and get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth? No matter how high the cultivation is, it is under the heaven and earth.

For a while, Weisuo's Vest fell in a cold sweat. He had not had time to read the words of the ancient Scripture, which killed and strengthened the divine consciousness. However, the anti heaven principle contained in this scripture made him realize, which instantly raised him by a large part, as if he were in a very high void and looking at the heaven and earth.

"Well, from your perspective, you should know that there is no problem with the Scriptures I have given? And you also have the skill to find out the truth of my words, and you should know that what I said is not a lie At this time, the young man in Chinese clothes suddenly said this sentence.

This sentence let Weisuo's mind slightly calm down, and just a glance, Weisuo on this person appeared a bit more thick killing.

The look of the young man in Huayi made him feel the intention of saying this sentence suddenly at this time.

This young man in Chinese clothes clearly judged from his look that he had got some feelings, so he suddenly made a voice to interrupt his perception.

If you can't understand some truth for a while, you may have to think about it again for a long time, or you may never understand it.

A monk's environment, state of mind, and even emotions will have a great impact on his perception. The young man in Chinese wanted to interrupt his understanding. His mind was very insidious. Unfortunately, Wei Suo got a lot of insights before he got the magic fire in the cave. However, the artistic conception of this scripture was clear in a moment. This Chinese young man's practice was of no use at all.

"The faster you repair your mind damage, the better. Otherwise, even if there are other great powers coming, and you kill them, the more serious the damage will be. At that time, my two ancient miracles may not be able to completely restore your divine consciousness. So I advise you to start right away and send me to the teleportation array according to the agreement and let me leave. " The young man in Hua Yi thought Wei Suo didn't notice his intention. He took a look at Weisuo and then sneered, "I'm afraid you're going to kill them with your current cultivation and magic power. Isn't it in a hurry?"

Hearing this, Weisuo gave him a cold look, but he didn't speak. He just continued to look carefully at the specific method of killing and strengthening the divine consciousness of this quiet mind sword.There is no special mystery in the killing method of jingnian heart sword. It just turns the powerful divine consciousness into a sharp sword and kills the other's divine consciousness. However, the method of strengthening the knowledge of God is obviously the essence of this ancient Scripture.

In fact, the method of strengthening the divine consciousness of the tranquil mind sword is equivalent to casting a Dharma, turning one's own divine consciousness into two strands, which is like fighting with oneself. This is just like the method of killing three crazy people by ancient Buddhists.

In ancient Buddhism, the method of killing three infatuations was to separate the good thoughts and evil thoughts in the heart, and then kill the evil thoughts with the good thoughts, so as to improve their divine consciousness and other accomplishments.

The one with low cultivation is to cut off the three infatuations. In the divine consciousness, the good and evil thoughts are visualized as two gods and Demons fighting each other. The one with high cultivation can even directly transform the divine consciousness into form and form a real image.

This jingnian mind sword is also a means to strengthen one's divine consciousness by fighting with each other. However, the Scripture of jingnian mind sword is very peaceful, and Weisuo feels a strong human feeling. It is said in the Scripture that good and evil exist in one's mind. If one thinks about ten thousand lives, where can we distinguish them clearly? How can evil thoughts be killed? What's more, any emotion, desire, even the source of strong will, just don't lose your original heart.

"Don't lose heart..." Weisuo reflected on the sentence. What is the original intention? There is no detailed description in this passage.

"Maybe it's a clear conscience. Don't worry about what you've done? I'm afraid this skill was also obtained by the ancient powerful power of the barbarians, and it was not created by the great power of the barbarians at all. " In Weisuo's mind, this idea suddenly came to mind.

"You may also see that when I practiced this method, it was to divide two divine senses and fight with each other, so as to strengthen the divine consciousness. In your present situation, you can't practice this method at all. If you want to practice, you should learn from me the refining method of those two ancient plants and restore the divine consciousness completely." At this time, the young man in Huayi saw that Weisuo didn't speak, and his eyes flashed violently. He thought that Weisuo was feeling something, and he said this again.

"Good." Hua Yi young man this time a voice, Wei Suo is also no nonsense, reached out a little, will not extinguish the net bottle and the hand in the memory of the green Fu all put away.

"If I remember correctly, the nearest long-distance teleportation array from here should be a teleportation array between Hanxiang city and the wilderness outside the city, about 40000 li away." After putting away all the things in his hand, Weisuo looked at the young man in Chinese clothes and said.

"This is the teleportation array." There was an imperceptible flash of light in the young man's eyes. "I can tell you that in order to prevent you from escaping with the teleportation array, several long-distance teleportation arrays at the edge of the sky, including the teleportation array of bingtianchi, have long been destroyed."

Weisuo laughed coldly and said no more. He stretched out his hand a little, but he offered a flying magic weapon in the shape of a topaz sword of Yulu Shenjun. He directly collected all the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother and others, and released an archaic fierce fire, which broke through the mountain, and plundered toward the place of Hanxiang city.

This jade sword like flying and escaping magic weapon of Yulu Shenjun is called Danqi divine sword. Its speed is also extremely amazing, and the distance is more than ten miles in an instant. Except for nalishan dragon turtle, Weisuo has never seen a faster flying escape magic weapon than this one.

Hanxiang city is less than 70000 li away from Mingyong glacier. In half a day, Weisuo and others went directly to the top of Hanxiang city.

"Weisuo, now that we are in Hanxiang City, you should untie all my prohibitions." As soon as we arrived at the sky of Hanxiang City, the young man in Huayi immediately sneered at Wei Suo.


But his voice did not disappear, but immediately issued a violent scream, and the whole body twitched again.

"You How dare you break your promise In the scream, the young man in Huayi yelled hysterically again.

"Who said I would break my promise? I just can't stand the attitude of you falling into my hands." With a cold smile, Weisuo said, "I activate the Buddha's awn, just to make sure that you can't cast against me any more."

"You Ah The young man in Hua Yi wanted to scold again, but he was convulsed violently.

Without stopping at all, Weisuo sent out three successive Buddhist awns, which severely damaged the spiritual consciousness of the young man in Chinese clothes to the point that he was definitely unable to use the sword of meditation. Then he reached out a few times and played a number of brilliant lights to untie all the prohibitions on the young man in Chinese clothes.

"You..." The young man in Huayi gasped violently for a while, and then recovered his breath. He wanted to scold him, but he finally held it back. His face was so ugly that he closed his eyes and began to breathe.

A moment later, the bones of the young man in Chinese clothes rattled. At the moment, his accomplishments were not lost, and the real yuan began to flow. However, he quickly connected the whole skeleton to seven or eight.

"The teleportation array is just below, about 1400 miles away from here. You stop here and don't move. " At the moment, the young man in Huayi's mind was also severely damaged. There were still many fire nails in his head, and his face was twisted with pain. After a bitter look at Weisuo, the young man in Huayi stood up."There's no guarantee for you to hit me to such an extent. These two ancient plants must be put on me first, and don't forget to give me a bag of spirit stones to pay for the transmission cost. When I'm in the teleportation array, I'll throw it out and tell you how to refine these two ancient plants. " As soon as he stood up, the young man in Chinese said again.

"Good." Wei Suo did not look at the young man in Huayi, who was staggering when he stood up. He pointed a bag of spirit stones, the two wild ancient plants and a record of green runes in front of the young man in Huayi. Looking down, he saw that the transmission array was in the center of a valley in the city. Dozens of huge crystal columns were standing, not shining brilliantly, but monks were coming in and out.

The young man in Huayi bit his teeth and saw that the stone and the two ancient plants were all right. Without saying anything, he immediately moved his figure and ran down.

At the moment, although he was not as powerful as a golden elixir, his real strength was powerful, his vitality was amazing, and he was full of mysterious breath. In a short time, the friars around the transmission array knew that there was a divine power coming down, and everyone was frightened. All of them avoided him. Only this young man in Chinese clothes entered Into the teleportation array.

"You start this teleportation array for me now!" As soon as he entered the teleportation array, the young man in Chinese immediately gave orders to the two monks who were responsible for launching the teleportation array. One of the Shenxuan great powers said that. The two monks who were responsible for launching the teleportation array did not dare to neglect it. They immediately started to stimulate the teleportation array, and a flash of spiritual light rose from the teleportation array.

"Ha ha! Weisuo, you've been fooled Seeing that the teleportation array has already started, a flash of spiritual light rises from the teleportation array, and the young man in Huayi burst into a roar of laughter. "Chacha", he directly crushed the Qingfu in his hand, "Weisuo, you are too big! Do you think you are in control of everything? I tell you, these two plants don't need any other medicine at all. They can be refined directly! Moreover, one of them not only has the effect of recuperating the divine consciousness, but also has the effect of strengthening the divine consciousness. It's just that I collected it on the way to pursue you, but I haven't had time to refine it. I thought that as long as I could escape myself, I didn't expect that you would be so stupid and believe what I said. Even these two miraculous herbs were brought to me. Do you think I will give it to you?! Now that the array has started, what else can you do to stop me? Just wait for your divinity to deteriorate. "

"This person is actually Yin Wei Suo together." At this moment, hearing the laughter of the young man in Chinese clothes, the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother, the holy King patriarch, and the jade shoes God King all had such thoughts in their hearts. At the same time, they all felt that Wei Suo was really too complacent, and even so negligent.

"Are you the only one who is smart

"Even as a profiteer, your tactics are too poor. Do you think that I have wounded your Divine sense to such an extent, just to prevent you from attacking me with the method of divine knowledge killing? Since these two plants can be directly refined, I don't need to keep my hands at all. "

However, a trace of sarcasm appeared on Weisuo's face. His words immediately changed the young man's face. Suddenly, he felt something, and looked up.

"Bo" a light ring, Hua Yi young man's head has not been raised, the top of the head on a group of blood light.


Outside the teleportation array connected with the cold fragrant city, there were many monks waiting for transmission. However, in a flash of inspiration, the monks all screamed in horror.

I saw a monk with a mysterious breath flowing on his body. At the moment of transmitting the array, his eyes were unbelievably bulging out, and his vitality was cut off. There was a transparent monster in the blood light.

When the group of friars were terrified, their whole body was creepy. They all stepped back together and took dozens of breaths. When more friars came to inquire, there was a flash of light in the transmission array.

Wei Suo, who photographed the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother and others, revealed from it. The volume of Zhenyuan collected two ancient plants and the body of the young man in Huayi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!